
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

5 tháng 11 2023

1 moved - was growing 

2 had learned - bought

3 left - went - studied

4 got

5 had fallen - were working

Give the correct of verbs in brackets:

1. My parents are considering (buy)....to buy.....a new house in the centre of this city.

2. Mary decided (not/ put).not to put...the meeting.

3.The boys had no difficulty in (persuade) ...persuading...the man to let them (play) ..play.... in his garden

4. The boss often makes his employees (work)...work..overtime at the weekend. the pollution.

5. She suggested (not/hold)..not holding....the discussion about the pollution

6.The teacher ordered us (stop)....to stop..(write)...to write.......when the bell rang

7.It's silly of him (spend)...to spend...a lot of money (buy)..buying....a second hand bike

8. My mother will help me some housework if she (have)....has..much free time

9. After they have completed this project, they (move)..will move...to another city

10. We should avoid (travel)...travelling...in the rush - hour traffic.

6 tháng 12 2023

1. My parents are considering (buy)....buying.....a new house in the centre of this city.

2. Mary decided (not/ put)...not to put...the meeting.

3.The boys had no difficulty in (persuade) ...persuading...the man to let them (play) ..play.... in his garden

4. The boss often makes his employees (work)...work..overtime at the weekend. the pollution.

5. She suggested (not/hold)....not holding..the discussion about the pollution

6.The teacher ordered us (stop)....to stop..(write)......writing....when the bell rang

7.It's silly of him (spend)...to spend...a lot of money (buy)...buying...a second hand bike

8. My mother will help me some housework if she (have)...has...much free time

9. After they have completed this project, they (move).will move....to another city

10. We should avoid (travel)...travelling...in the rush - hour traffic.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
5 tháng 11 2023

1. isn’t going to stop

2. are going to spend – will have

3. am going to drop – will take

4. am going to – won’t be

17 tháng 11 2023

a) In đậm

Freya: I can't find my camera, Archie.

Archie: There it is. It's under your bag. Why do you have to bring it to class?

Freya: I must take it to my photography class today. By the way, I didn't understand that email you sent

me yesterday.

Archie: I didn't send any emails yesterday.

Freya: Well, you might have sent it earlier. But I got it yesterday.

Archie: I can't have sent you an email. My phone hasn't been working for a week.

Freya: Somebody must have used your account. The email had a link to a competition, but when I clicked on it, nothing happened.

Archie: Oh no! You shouldn't have clicked on the link. You've possibly downloaded some malware onto your phone.

Freya: That's terrible! You should have warned me earlier.

Archie: I didn't know! Anyway, you might not have downloaded anything. It's possible that you were lucky. You just need to wait and see.

Freya: Anyway, you need to warn your other friends. That email could have gone to everybody in your address book!



1 A hotel receptionist must be good at communication.

(Lễ tân khách sạn phải giỏi giao tiếp.)

2 You have to pay for the tickets in advance.

(Bạn phải trả tiền vé trước.)

3 Examinees must switch off all modern gadgets during the exams.

(Thí sinh phải tắt tất cả các thiết bị hiện đại trong khi làm bài thi.)

4 You must not leave litter lying around.

(Bạn không được để rác bừa bãi.)

6 tháng 11 2023

1. She used to be a student, but she finished her university course in June.

(Cô ấy từng là sinh viên, nhưng cô ấy đã hoàn thành khóa học đại học vào tháng Sáu.)

2. She didn’t use to eat meat, but now she has chicken sometimes.

(Cô ấy đã từng không thịt, nhưng bây giờ thỉnh thoảng cô ấy ăn thịt gà.)

3. I used to like cats, but I prefer dogs now.

(Tôi đã từng thích mèo, nhưng bây giờ tôi thích chó hơn.)

4. I used to enjoy TV, but now I find most of the programs boring or annoying.

(Tôi đã từng thích TV, nhưng bây giờ tôi thấy hầu hết các chương trình đều nhàm chán hoặc khó chịu.)

5. He didn’t use to speak a foreign language, but he started going to Spanish lessons last year.

(Anh ấy đã từng không nói được ngoại ngữ, nhưng anh ấy đã bắt đầu học tiếng Tây Ban Nha vào năm ngoái.)

Read the Recycle! box. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Then listen again and check.  Dialogue 11 The ______________ (sympathetic) you are, the (good) you'll be at the job.2 I don't think idealism is ______________ (useful) as patience.3 These days they have to work ______________ and______________ (long) hours.Dialogue 24 I think that ______________ (important) quality is punctuality.5 You'll certainly be______________  (popular) if you can laugh at...
Đọc tiếp

Read the Recycle! box. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Then listen again and check.


Dialogue 1

1 The ______________ (sympathetic) you are, the (good) you'll be at the job.

2 I don't think idealism is ______________ (useful) as patience.

3 These days they have to work ______________ and______________ (long) hours.

Dialogue 2

4 I think that ______________ (important) quality is punctuality.

5 You'll certainly be______________  (popular) if you can laugh at things.

Dialogue 3

6 I think patience is less ______________ (important) physical courage.

7 Which do you think is______________(useful) quality of the three?

RECYCLE! Comparison

a Key forms:

kinder- the kindest

more practical- the most practical

less sociable-the least sociable

(not) as intelligent as

b We use double comparatives to say that something is changing.

You're getting more and more impatient!

c We use the... the and comparatives to say that one thing changes with another.

The more arrogant you are, the less popular you'll be.

18 tháng 11 2023

Dialogue 1

1 The more sympathetic (sympathetic) you are, the better (good) you'll be at the job.

(Bạn càng thông cảm, bạn càng làm tốt công việc.)

2 I don't think idealism is as useful (useful) as patience.

(Tôi không nghĩ sự lý tưởng hữu ích bằng sự kiên nhẫn.)

3 These days they have to work longer and longer (long) hours.

(hững ngày này họ phải làm việc ngày càng nhiều giờ)

Dialogue 2

4 I think that the most important (important) quality is punctuality.

(Tôi nghĩ rằng phẩm chất quan trọng nhất là đúng giờ.)

5 You'll certainly be more popular (popular) if you can laugh at things.

(Chắc chắn bạn sẽ nổi tiếng hơn nếu bạn có thể cười vào mọi thứ.)

Dialogue 3

6 I think patience is less important than (important) physical courage.

(Tôi nghĩ tính kiên nhẫn ít quan trọng hơn sự mạnh về thể chất.)

7 Which do you think is the most useful (useful) quality of the three?

(Bạn nghĩ phẩm chất nào hữu ích nhất trong ba phẩm chất?) 

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
5 tháng 11 2023

1. am meeting – do you want

2. walk – are going

3. don’t want – is raining

4. Are you enjoying – do you prefer

5. don’t believe – is always inventing

25 tháng 11 2023

Having (have) a good sense of humour, the entertainer makes the children laugh a lot.

(Có khiếu hài hước, nghệ sĩ làm cho bọn trẻ cười rất nhiều.)

Having been (be) all well received by readers, The Hunger Games was made into a film in 2012.

(Được độc giả đón nhận nồng nhiệt, Đấu trường sinh tử đã được dựng thành phim vào năm 2012.)

Having watched (watch) a really good video clip on the internet the other day, beth wrote a review about it.

(Hôm trước xem một video clip rất hay trên mạng, Beth đã viết một bài nhận xét về nó.)

4 The woman accused the taxi driver of having driven (drive) carelessly.

(Người phụ nữ cáo buộc tài xế taxi đã lái xe bất cẩn.)

Having finished (finish) her novel for over two months, in wants it to be published soon.

(Sau hơn hai tháng hoàn thành cuốn tiểu thuyết của mình, Rin muốn nó được xuất bản sớm.)

6 khoa always dreams of traveling (travel) around the world on his motorbike.

(Khoa luôn mơ ước được đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới trên chiếc xe máy của mình.)

25 tháng 11 2023

1 My uncle and aunt had already got engaged (already/get engaged) before they emigrated (emigrate) to Australia.

(Chú và dì của tôi đã đính hôn trước khi họ di cư sang Úc.)

2 I couldn't (not/can) buy anything because I had forgotten (forget) my wallet.

(Tôi không thể mua bất cứ thứ gì vì tôi đã quên ví của mình.)

3 Robert was (be) upset because he had split up (split up) with his girlfriend.

(Robert rất buồn vì anh ấy đã chia tay bạn gái.)

4 Kelly had started (start) her first business before she left (leave) university.

(Kelly bắt đầu công việc kinh doanh đầu tiên trước khi rời trường đại học.)

5 As soon as Sara inherited (inherit) the money from her grandmother, she bought (buy) a car.

(Ngay sau khi Sara được thừa hưởng số tiền từ bà ngoại, cô ấy đã mua một chiếc ô tô.)

6 By the time Joe retired (retire), he had become (become) a grandfather.

(Vào thời điểm Joe nghỉ hưu, anh ấy đã trở thành ông ngoại.)

7 After Fred had settled down (settle down) in London, he decided (decide) to have a change of career.

(Sau khi Fred ổn định cuộc sống ở London, anh ấy quyết định thay đổi nghề nghiệp.)

8 We spent (spend) the weekend moving house, so we went (go) to bed very early on Sunday.

(Chúng tôi dành cả ngày cuối tuần để chuyển nhà, vì vậy chúng tôi đi ngủ rất sớm vào Chủ nhật.)