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22 tháng 6 2023

Tham Khảo

Learning English is a challenging task, but with the right approach and mindset, students can make significant progress. Here are some tips on how to improve your English skills. Firstly, practice regularly. Consistent practice is key to improving your English. Set aside time each day to read, write, listen, and speak in English. You can watch English movies or TV shows, read English books or articles, or even join an English conversation group. Secondly, focus on building your vocabulary. Learning new words and phrases will help you express yourself more clearly and effectively. Use flashcards or apps to memorize new words, and try to use them in context whenever possible. Thirdly, work on your grammar. Grammar is the foundation of any language, and mastering it will help you communicate more accurately. Practice grammar exercises and seek feedback from teachers or native speakers. Fourthly, immerse yourself in the language. Surround yourself with English as much as possible. Listen to English music, podcasts, and radio shows. Try to think in English and avoid translating everything in your head. Finally, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Making mistakes is a natural part of learning, and it's important to learn from them. Embrace your mistakes and use them as opportunities to improve. In conclusion, learning English requires dedication and effort, but with consistent practice, a focus on vocabulary and grammar, immersion in the language, and a willingness to make mistakes, students can make significant progress.

22 tháng 1 2018

Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.

Which words to learn

Every day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. Here are some suggestions:

  • learn the words that are important to the subjects you are studying
  • learn the words that you read or hear again and again
  • learn the words that you know you will often want to use yourself
  • do not learn words that are rare or not useful (your teacher can help you with this)

How to learn words

Once you have chosen which words to learn, you next have to decide how you are going to learn them. Here are a few ideas:

  • write the words in a notebook (with their translations or definitions)
  • write the words and definitions on small cards
    (advice on how to do this)
  • say the words many times (if you have an electronic dictionary you can hear how the word is pronounced)
  • put the words into different groups (you could use a graphic organiser)
  • write them in a file for use with a computer program (such as Quizlet or the one on this site)
  • make associations (in pictures or with other words)
  • ask someone to test you
  • use the words in your own speaking or writing

Some students put a tick or cross in their dictionary next to every word they look up. The next time they turn to a page with a marked word, they quickly check to see if they remember the meaning of that word.

In all of the above ways, you are doing something with the words. It’s usually not enough to just read through a list of words with their definitions or translations and try to remember them. Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words. Learning that to apologizemeans to say sorry is a good start, but it's much better to learn a whole expression containing the word, e.g. He apologized for being late. Not only is this often easier to remember, but you are also learning some very important information on how the word is used.

Learning for vocabulary tests

The previous section on this page gives general advice on how to learn the words that you have chosen as important for you. Often, however, you will be given a set of words by your teacher and told to learn them for a vocabulary test. In this case you need to be sure exactly how you will be tested, because this will influence how you learn the words. There are several ways that the teacher might test your vocabulary learning, but the ways are broadly divided into two categories:

  • You will be given the word and have to:
    • write a definition
    • use it in an example sentence
    • translate it into your language
  • You will be given:
    • a definition
    • a gapped example sentence
    • the translation in your language
    and you have to write the English word.

If you do a vocabulary test from the second group above, then in most cases you will need to learn the exact spelling of the word and will lose marks if you misspell it. As with all tests, be sure to ask the teacher exactly how you will be tested and exactly how you will be graded. You will then avoid wasting time studying something that you will be not be tested on.

Learning vocabulary by reading

The way you learned very many of the words in your own language was by meeting them in the books and magazines you read. The context of a new word in a sentence or story was often enough for you to guess the meaning. Meeting the word again and again in your reading helped you learn it for use in your own speaking and writing. Doing lots of extra reading for pleasure - both fiction and non-fiction - is an excellent way to learn new English words, too. But choose books that you find quite easy to read. Difficult stories or texts that you struggle to understand will not help you to develop your vocabulary the natural way. But remember: to learn new words from reading you have to read A LOT!

More on the importance of reading.

More information about learning words

The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use (or cannot remember) in your own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary.

The more you work on learning a word, as suggested above, the more likely it is that it will become part of your active vocabulary.

Things to know about the words you learn

Usually the first things you learn about a new English word are what it means and its translation in your own language. But there are other things you need to find out before you can say that you know a word like a native speaker does. For example, you have to learn:

  • how it is spelled
  • how it is pronounced
  • how it is inflected (i.e. how it changes if it is a verb, noun or adjective)
  • other grammar information about it
  • how it collocates (i.e. what other words are often used with it)
    More on collocation
  • if it has a particular style or register
  • the context in which it is most likely to be used [ Types of Vocabulary ]

Native speakers learn these things about words by hearing them and reading them again and again. This is the best way for you to learn them, too.

Go to this site's vocabulary files

Read a Japanese translation of this page.

20 tháng 3 2019

very day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. Here are some suggestions:

  • learn the words that are important to the subjects you are studying
  • learn the words that you read or hear again and again
  • learn the words that you know you will often want to use yourself
  • do not learn words that are rare or not useful (your teacher can help you with this)

How to learn words

Once you have chosen which words to learn, you next have to decide how you are going to learn them. Here are a few ideas:

  • write the words in a notebook (with their translations or definitions)
  • write the words and definitions on small cards 
    (advice on how to do this)
  • say the words many times (if you have an electronic dictionary you can hear how the word is pronounced)
  • put the words into different groups (you could use a graphic organiser)
  • write them in a file for use with a computer program (such as Quizlet or the one on this site)
  • make associations (in pictures or with other words)
  • ask someone to test you
  • use the words in your own speaking or writing

Some students put a k or cross in their dictionary next to every word they look up. The next time they turn to a page with a marked word, they quickly check to see if they remember the meaning of that word.

In all of the above ways, you are doing something with the words. It’s usually not enough to just read through a list of words with their definitions or translations and try to remember them. Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words. Learning that to apologize means to say sorry is a good start, but it's much better to learn a whole expression containing the word, e.g. He apologized for being late. Not only is this often easier to remember, but you are also learning some very important information on how the word is used.

Learning for vocabulary tests

The previous section on this page gives general advice on how to learn the words that you have chosen as important for you. Often, however, you will be given a set of words by your teacher and told to learn them for a vocabulary test. In this case you need to be sure exactly how you will be tested, because this will influence how you learn the words. There are several ways that the teacher might test your vocabulary learning, but the ways are broadly divided into two categories:

  • You will be given the word and have to:
    • write a definition
    • use it in an example sentence
    • translate it into your language
  • You will be given:
    • a definition
    • a gapped example sentence
    • the translation in your language
    and you have to write the English word.

If you do a vocabulary test from the second group above, then in most cases you will need to learn the exact spelling of the word and will lose marks if you misspell it. As with all tests, be sure to ask the teacher exactly how you will be tested and exactly how you will be graded. You will then avoid wasting time studying something that you will be not be tested on.

Learning vocabulary by reading

The way you learned very many of the words in your own language was by meeting them in the books and magazines you read. The context of a new word in a sentence or story was often enough for you to guess the meaning. Meeting the word again and again in your reading helped you learn it for use in your own speaking and writing. Doing lots of extra reading for pleasure - both fiction and non-fiction - is an excellent way to learn new English words, too. But choose books that you find quite easy to read. Difficult stories or texts that you struggle to understand will not help you to develop your vocabulary the natural way. But remember: to learn new words from reading you have to read A LOT!

More on the importance of reading.

More information about learning words

The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use (or cannot remember) in your own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary.

The more you work on learning a word, as suggested above, the more ly it is that it will become part of your active vocabulary.

Things to know about the words you learn

Usually the first things you learn about a new English word are what it means and its translation in your own language. But there are other things you need to find out before you can say that you know a word a native speaker does. For example, you have to learn:

  • how it is spelled
  • how it is pronounced
  • how it is inflected (i.e. how it changes if it is a verb, noun or adjective)
  • other grammar information about it
  • how it collocates (i.e. what other words are often used with it)
    More on collocation
  • if it has a parular style or register
  • the context in which it is most ly to be used [ Types of Vocabulary ]

Native speakers learn these things about words by hearing them and reading them again and again. This is the best way for you to learn them, too.

Go to this site's vocabulary files

Read a Japanese translation of this page.


"Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words."

15 tháng 7 2017

It is certainly true that people in rural areas move to cities in order to achieve high standards of living, but indeed life in cities is more challenging and difficult when compared to villages. There are several reasons for this kind of problem and various measures could be taken by government to improve the situation.

Life in the cities has its drawbacks, for instance, the cost of living in cities is higher than in rural areas, especially housing is much more expensive. As a result, homelessness is becoming more common in cities. There are also more serious problem like traffic congestion and some people do not manage work that can lead to people to commit crime. Moreover, there is a lack of sense of community in big cities, people do not even know their neighbors. Life in cities can be stressful and individuals do not have much time for themselves and their families, as a result the gap between family members is on the increase.

To overcome the increasing troublesome life in cities, the government should start some active measures. Firstly, one key to cities work better is good planning. Planners need to transform cities to make them beneficial for all citizens. Cities need green transport and green spaces; they need to be energy efficient and pedestrian friendly, with housing and jobs to attract people to come to live there. Secondly, the authority should make stricter laws to reduce traffic such as allowing ownership of only car per family and increasing the price of the car and petrol. And people would be encouraged to use public transport rather than driving. Finally, the initiatives could solve the housing problem by building high-rise apartment or by expanding cities.

In conclusion, it seems to me that there are various reasons for the problem in cities life that we are facing now and steps need to taken to tackle this problem.

17 tháng 8 2017

Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful.

However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport, which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion. In London, for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped to curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and rural areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the pressure on major cities.

In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to enhance the quality of life for all city residents.

14 tháng 5 2019

Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.Every day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. Here are some suggestions:

-learn the words that are important to the subjects you are studying

-learn the words that you read or hear again and again

-learn the words that you know you will often want to use yourself

-do not learn words that are rare or not useful Once you have chosen which words to learn, you next have to decide how you are going to learn them. Some students put a tick or cross in their dictionary next to every word they look up. The next time they turn to a page with a marked word, they quickly check to see if they remember the meaning of that word.In all of the above ways, you are doing something with the words. It’s usually not enough to just read through a list of words with their definitions or translations and try to remember them. Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words. Learning that to apologize means to say sorry is a good start, but it's much better to learn a whole expression containing the word. Not only is this often easier to remember, but you are also learning some very important information on how the word is used.The previous section on this page gives general advice on how to learn the words that you have chosen as important for you. Often, however, you will be given a set of words by your teacher and told to learn them for a vocabulary test. In this case you need to be sure exactly how you will be tested, because this will influence how you learn the words.If you do a vocabulary test from the second group above, then in most cases you will need to learn the exact spelling of the word and will lose marks if you misspell it. As with all tests, be sure to ask the teacher exactly how you will be tested and exactly how you will be graded. You will then avoid wasting time studying something that you will be not be tested on.The way you learned very many of the words in your own language was by meeting them in the books and magazines you read. The context of a new word in a sentence or story was often enough for you to guess the meaning. Meeting the word again and again in your reading helped you learn it for use in your own speaking and writing. Doing lots of extra reading for pleasure - both fiction and non-fiction - is an excellent way to learn new English words, too. But choose books that you find quite easy to read. Difficult stories or texts that you struggle to understand will not help you to develop your vocabulary the natural way. But remember: to learn new words from reading you have to read a lot !The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use in your own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary.The more you work on learning a word, as suggested above, the more likely it is that it will become part of your active vocabulary.Usually the first things you learn about a new English word are what it means and its translation in your own language. But there are other things you need to find out before you can say that you know a word like a native speaker does. Native speakers learn these things about words by hearing them and reading them again and again. This is the best way for you to learn them, too."Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words."

24 tháng 6 2023

Online learning has emerged as a convenient and effective alternative to traditional classroom instruction. In this essay, I firmly agree with the statement that online learning not only offers convenience but also proves to be more effective than traditional classroom teaching. Firstly, online learning provides unmatched convenience for both students and teachers. With the click of a button, students can access course materials, lectures, and assignments at any time and from any location. This flexibility allows individuals to tailor their learning experience around their personal schedules, enabling them to balance work, family commitments, and education effectively. Moreover, online platforms eliminate the need for lengthy commutes and provide an inclusive learning environment, as students from various geographic locations can access the same resources and expertise. Secondly, online learning has demonstrated its effectiveness through improved outcomes and engagement. The personalized nature of online courses allows students to progress at their own pace, ensuring a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Adaptive learning tools and assessments help identify areas of weakness and provide targeted interventions, enabling students to strengthen their knowledge gaps. Additionally, online platforms often incorporate interactive multimedia, simulations, and gamification techniques, which enhance student engagement and promote active learning. Furthermore, online learning encourages the development of valuable digital skills that are increasingly vital in today's technology-driven world. Students become proficient in navigating online platforms, utilizing digital resources, and collaborating in virtual environments. These skills are transferable to various professional settings and enhance students' employability prospects. While face-to-face interactions are seen as a strength of traditional classrooms, online learning has adapted by incorporating discussion forums, video conferencing, and group projects. These tools foster meaningful interactions, promote peer learning, and create a sense of community among students. In conclusion, online learning offers unparalleled convenience, personalized learning experiences, and the development of digital skills. Its flexibility and effectiveness make it a superior alternative to traditional classroom instruction. By embracing online learning, we can create a more accessible and efficient education system that meets the diverse needs of students and teachers in the modern world.

Điền T or FRead the passage, then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences.Learning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or play the piano. There some differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such things needs lots of practice. It is never enough simply to “know” something. You must be able to “do” things with what to know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on how to fly an aeroplane. A...
Đọc tiếp

Điền T or F

Read the passage, then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences.

Learning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or play the piano. There some differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such things needs lots of practice. It is never enough simply to “know” something. You must be able to “do” things with what to know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on how to fly an aeroplane. A book can give you lots of information about how to fly, but if you only read a book and then try to fly without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill yourself. The same is true of learning the piano or learning a foreign language. Can you speak English well without having lots of practice? “Practice makes perfect” is what every learner of a foreign language should know.


1. Learning a foreign language and learning to fly are the same in an important way.


2. Information about flying from books is enough for someone to fly.

3. It is dangerous to try to fly without any real practice.

4. Talking to a native speaker can be a good way to speak English well.

5. Language learners can make their English perfect without practice.

31 tháng 7 2016

Learning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or play the piano. There some differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such things needs lots of practice. It is never enough simply to “know” something. You must be able to “do” things with what to know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on how to fly an aeroplane. A book can give you lots of information about how to fly, but if you only read a book and then try to fly without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill yourself. The same is true of learning the piano or learning a foreign language. Can you speak English well without having lots of practice? “Practice makes perfect” is what every learner of a foreign language should know.


1. Learning a foreign language and learning to fly are the same in an important way.


2. Information about flying from books is enough for someone to fly. T

3. It is dangerous to try to fly without any real practice.F

4. Talking to a native speaker can be a good way to speak English well.T

5. Language learners can make their English perfect without practice.F

31 tháng 7 2016

Điền T or F

Read the passage, then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences.

Learning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or play the piano. There some differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such things needs lots of practice. It is never enough simply to “know” something. You must be able to “do” things with what to know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on how to fly an aeroplane. A book can give you lots of information about how to fly, but if you only read a book and then try to fly without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill yourself. The same is true of learning the piano or learning a foreign language. Can you speak English well without having lots of practice? “Practice makes perfect” is what every learner of a foreign language should know.


1. Learning a foreign language and learning to fly are the same in an important way.   T

2. Information about flying from books is enough for someone to fly.T

3. It is dangerous to try to fly without any real practice.F

4. Talking to a native speaker can be a good way to speak English well.T

5. Language learners can make their English perfect without practice.F

*Give the correct form of the words in parentheses. - These medicines can work well with your........................... (Ill) - Every week, there are two.........................from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh city. (Fly) - He is a well-known............................ (Photograph) - The........................she gave last night was marvelous. (Perform) *Read the passages and fill in each blank with a suitable word. How Nam has improved his English In the first year of lower...
Đọc tiếp

*Give the correct form of the words in parentheses.
- These medicines can work well with your........................... (Ill)
- Every week, there are two.........................from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh city. (Fly)
- He is a well-known............................ (Photograph)
- The........................she gave last night was marvelous. (Perform)
*Read the passages and fill in each blank with a suitable word.
How Nam has improved his English
In the first year of lower secondary..............(1), I had some difficulties in learning English. My English pronunciation...............(2)readly bad and my English grammar was worse. I did not................(3)how to improve them. I didn't want my father..............(4)mother to know about this. One afternoon after thes lesson, my teacher.............(5)English told to me to wait................(6)her outside thes classroom. She took....................(7)to the school library and showed me tapes of pronunciation drills kept in a glass bookcase. She also told me how to use an English-English dictionary to...............(8)my English gammar . 'Now I think you know what you should do' she said. I made much progress and only one year, I won the first..................(9)in the English speaking contest...................(10)for secondary school students in my hometwon.

10 tháng 3 2019

*Give the correct form of the words in parentheses.
- These medicines can work well with your....illness....................... (Ill)
- Every week, there are two......flights...................from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh city. (Fly)
- He is a well-known...........photographer................. (Photograph)
- The........performance................she gave last night was marvelous. (Perform)

10 tháng 3 2019

How Nam has improved his English
In the first year of lower secondary....scholl..........(1), I had some difficulties in learning English. My English pronunciation...was............(2)readly bad and my English grammar was worse. I did not...........know.....(3)how to improve them. I didn't want my father....and..........(4)mother to know about this. One afternoon after thes lesson, my teacher...of..........(5)English told to me to wait.....for...........(6)her outside thes classroom. She took.....me...............(7)to the school library and showed me tapes of pronunciation drills kept in a glass bookcase. She also told me how to use an English-English dictionary to...improve............(8)my English gammar . 'Now I think you know what you should do' she said. I made much progress and only one year, I won the first.......prize...........(9)in the English speaking contest....held...............(10)for secondary school students in my hometwon.

3 tháng 1 2018

Nowadays, English is used in many country and recognized the main language. Each person has different way to study English. To study English well, I often do grammar exercises in grammar books anytime, listen to the program on the radio anhd E tapes to improve my listening and sometimes I also listen E songs and sing them. In addition, I always write E as much as possible and learn by heart all newwords anhd texts to be able to remember mỏe words. To ỉmprove my speaking, I speak E with my friends anywhere and anytime. Beside, I sometime watch E ( enghlish) program on TV, read short stories or newpapers in E, use a distionary for reading to study E effectively.

16 tháng 3 2017

now,most people are studing english which will help them to get more successful in their life.besides,some people study it due to their hobby. with exception, i am also studing it.
firstly, English is the international language. all of people in over the world are absolutely paying attention to improving four skill.because when we want to make friend with each other, we can communicate and write for each other.for me, i can widen relations with people in many countries.
studing english helps me communicate more with foreigner. when i travel or visit some of my close relative in foreign country, i will be more confident to chat with them or some people do business with foreign countries, they can understand enough to exchange information with each other.Especially,it is important for people who are about to study abroad.
Studing english will help me to work more effectively. because when i apply for a job, i will hand in ielts or toefl certificate for director.i think, this will help me get more easily successful.
In my opinion, english is a easy language to study.Mean of words is easy to remember. but now, i study english not well and try my best to learn it.
in the morning,i get up at 7am to learn by heart several new word and listen to bbc, cnn. Sometimes i also listen to english music. in the everning, i practise to write several essay and do some task in fast reading, meaning into word book.
but i feel that my listening and writing skill is not good. sometimes i still have some trouble in listening, i listen to english not clearly . for writing, i am often incorrect about my expression.
Hence,i promise that i will try to improve my all skill

18 tháng 10 2018

I was born and grown up on the poor land in Duc Tho district, Ha Tinh province. That’s where deeply attaches to me 24 years of life. If anyone who asks me that “What’s the thing your most proud of?” .I will answer that’s my hometown. Duc Tho is the land poor where the people live by rice cultivation, breeding, and fishing. Although the life is very difficult, but the people is very friendly, and studious. In Duc Tho, there is a Tung Anh village where called “Doctor village”. Duc Tho is also the home of Tran Phu Secretary General, and marked many memories of the great leader Ho Chi Minh.

If you come to Duc Tho, you will feel many interesting things, visiting Tran Phu tombstone, La Giang dyke, rowing on La driver, and enjoying the traditional songs. In the evening, they can enjoy a special food which is “mussel rice” – just only eat one time, you will never forget.

Beautiful and unobtrusive! Duc Tho always tries to grow, and to improve the life of people, but keeping the traditional culture.

18 tháng 10 2018

fuck you