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9 tháng 10 2018

Trong quyển tự truyện vừa phát hành “Between the Lines”, Michael Carrick lần đầu tiết lộ về cơn trầm cảm của mình sau thất bại trước Barcelona ở chung kết Champions League 2009.
Mourinho thoát hiểm, nhưng vẫn có 10 cầu thủ Man United sắp ra đi
Vừa giúp Chelsea chiến thắng, Hazard công khai ý định chuyển sang Real Madrid
Mourinho bị điều tra sau chiến thắng nghẹt thở trước Newcastle
Trước trận chung kết Champions League 2009 tại Rome, Sir Alex đã cảnh báo về "ma trận chuyền bóng" của Barcelona. Sếp bảo cách các cầu thủ Barca ban bật có thể khiến chúng tôi cảm thấy chóng mặt.
Quả thực như vậy. Xavi, Busquets, Iniesta và Messi quá giỏi. Họ giữ bóng, chuyền bóng, tạo ra những cơ hội và trừng phạt sai lầm. Tôi chỉ vừa đón một quả bóng bổng không thật tốt, Iniesta đã lao đến như một tia chớp và chuyền cho Messi.
Barcelona quả thực rất mạnh trong việc chuyển đổi trạng thái. Tôi đứng rất gần Messi, nhưng không cách chi ngăn được cậu ấy nhả lại cho Iniesta. Iniesta thoát qua tôi và Anderson rồi tỉa quả bóng xuống cho Eto’o. Vượt qua Vidic, Eto’o tung ngay một cú sút. Tôi cố nhoài hết người để ngăn cản, nhưng chỉ kịp nhìn thấy Eto’o ghi bàn mà thôi.
Michael Carrick: Suýt tan tành sự nghiệp bởi 2 năm trầm cảm do Messi gây ra - Ảnh 1.
Nhiều tuần lễ câm lặng sau thất bại 0-2 ấy, pha bóng ấy liên tục quay lại ám ảnh tôi. Tôi không cách chi gạt bỏ những hình ảnh ấy ấy ra khỏi đầu. Nghe có vẻ trầm trọng hóa vấn đề, nhưng tôi không bao giờ vượt qua được nỗi đau ấy. Việc để lọt lưới từ một tình huống không đáng, với một cú đánh đầu không thật tốt dày vò tâm trí thôi. Để mất bóng đã nguy hiểm rồi, mất bóng về chân Barcelona chính là tự sát.
Đấy là ký ức đau khổ nhất trong sự nghiệp của tôi. Tôi buồn bã, tuyệt vọng, giận dữ, vì mình và vì chính United. Chúng tôi đã chơi không tốt tại Rome. Khoảng thời gian đứng chờ huy chương dành cho kẻ chiến bại thật đau khổ. Tôi chỉ muốn biến khỏi Olympico cho rồi. Chúng tôi xếp hàng, Sir Alex đứng đầu, theo sau là Giggsy, Scholesy và Wazza trong khi tôi đứng cạnh Rio. Anh ấy nói với tôi gì đó, nhưng chả từ nào lọt vào đầu tôi cả.
Michael Carrick: Suýt tan tành sự nghiệp bởi 2 năm trầm cảm do Messi gây ra - Ảnh 2.
Chúng tôi đã chơi tuyệt vời trong suốt hai năm, rất mạnh và ổn định. Nhưng kỷ lục 25 trận bất bại liên tiếp tại Champions League rốt cục đã kết thúc vì màn trình diễn thảm hại tại Rome.
Trận đấu ấy tôi phải đá với vết đau từ ngón chân bị gãy, nhưng nỗi đau ấy thấm tháp gì với nỗi đau thất bại. Tôi như ngây dại, đứng đó, nhìn vào khoảng không vô định, lòng tràn ngập những câu hỏi tại sao. Diễn biến của trận đấu cứ hiện lại trong đầu như phim chiếu chậm. Tôi tự dày vò mình, tình hình càng lúc càng tệ và cuối cùng, tôi sa vào trầm cảm.
Sau khi nhận tấm huy chương mà mình chẳng hề muốn, tôi đi thẳng vào phòng thay quần áo. Tôi chẳng muốn nói chuyện với ai nữa. Đặt mông xuống ghế, tôi gục đầu vào tay mình.
Sếp tất nhiên là tức giận, và ông ấy xả lên mọi cầu thủ: "Các anh hãy nhìn lại mình, xem đá thế có chấp nhận được hay không". Chức vô địch tại Moscow một năm trước chả thể xem là tình tiết giảm nhẹ. Chúng tôi là Manchester United, kỳ vọng ở đây cao ghê gớm.
"Các anh để một cơ hội vàng trôi qua tay mình", Sếp nói. Lời ông trách cũng chính là những gì tôi đang trách mình. Và rồi tôi tự hỏi: phải chăng mình không đủ giỏi?
Michael Carrick: Suýt tan tành sự nghiệp bởi 2 năm trầm cảm do Messi gây ra - Ảnh 3.
Khi thức dậy vào sáng hôm sau, nỗi đau vẫn còn nguyên vẹn. Cứ như vừa bị xe bus tông phải vậy. Tôi chưa bao giờ suy sụp đến thế.
Tôi đã rời khỏi Rome, nhưng Rome vẫn chưa chịu rời khỏi tôi. Khi trở về nhà, tôi ngồi thừ trong vườn, không nói với ai một lời. Tôi không mở miệng nổi, cơ thể hoàn toàn tê liệt. Một vài đồng đội gọi điện, nhưng tôi chả bốc máy ai cả. Tôi chả muốn trò chuyện cùng ai, về bất kỳ điều gì.
Trong vườn, Louise vẫn đang chơi quanh quẩn. Nhưng tôi chả buồn nhúc nhích. Tôi chỉ muốn ngồi thừ ra nhìn Louis chơi đùa, vì nó là người duy nhất không xem trận đấu. Con cũng còn quá nhỏ để hiểu nỗi đau của người lớn. Tôi nhìn Louis cuộn tròn ngay dưới chân mình, nhưng đầu óc thì như cách xa ngàn dặm, với đúng một câu hỏi: tại sao?
Tôi nghĩ về những đường chuyền của mình tại Rome. Tôi cố thử ba hoặc bốn đường chuyền dài. Một đường chuyền tốt cho Rooney trong hiệp 1. Một đường khác cho Ronaldo cũng ổn, nhưng sai một chút. Trong một trận đấu như thế này, sai một ly thì đi một dặm.

Chung kết Champions League 2019: Barcelona 2-0 Man United

Chung kết Champions League 2019: Barcelona 2-0 Man United
Tôi tự hỏi: "Phải chăng là vì ngón chân bị gãy? Không, đấy là một lời bào chữa vớ vẩn. Hãy là một người đàn ông nào!". Tâm trí tôi có bao nhiêu là câu hỏi, nhưng chả có nổi một câu trả lời. Tôi cảm thấy cô đơn cùng cực, gia đình vẫn yêu thương và ủng hộ tôi. Không ai giúp tôi được, tôi đã phải chiến đấu với những cơn trầm cảm suốt một thời gian dài, rất dài.
Trầm cảm vì một trận đấu, nghe thật khó tin phải không? Tôi thực sự đã trải qua quãng đời đen tối. So sánh thất bại với cái chết nghe có vẻ cường điệu quá đáng, nhưng tôi thấy mình như chết đi từng ngày. Sáu tháng trước thôi chúng tôi còn là đội bóng mạnh nhất thế giới. Vậy mà bây giờ chúng tôi phải nuốt trọn chén đắng này. Chúng tôi đã chơi rất tốt để có mặt tại Rome, nhưng điều ấy với tôi là vô nghĩa.
Tôi đang lơ lửng với những đỉnh cao trong sự nghiệp: ba Premier League và một Champions League, nhưng từ đỉnh cao tôi rơi thẳng xuống vực sâu. Tôi yếu đuối, ngây thơ và đầy bất an. "Những cầu thủ hàng đầu không thể thua chung kết Champions League. Vậy mình chẳng phải là cầu thủ hàng đầu rồi".
Michael Carrick: Suýt tan tành sự nghiệp bởi 2 năm trầm cảm do Messi gây ra - Ảnh 5.
Năm 2009 ấy, chúng tôi vẫn giành Premier League và League Cup, nhưng thất bại ở Rome đã đánh gục tôi hoàn toàn.
Tôi chưa bao giờ nhắc lại chuyện ở Rome với Sếp. Ngay lúc này đây, sau gần một thập kỷ, Rome vẫn còn phủ một áng mây đen trong lòng tôi. Khi trở lại tập luyện cho mùa giải mới, tôi không còn là chính mình nữa.
Mùa giải 2009/10 là mùa tồi tệ nhất của tôi ở United. Tôi mất phong độ, tôi luôn vào sân với cái đầu lẫn trái tim trĩu nặng, cơ thể của tôi còn nặng nề hơn. Tự tin có ý nghĩa sống còn với một vận động viên thể thao. Và khi đã mất tự tin rồi, thật khó để tìm lại.
Trong các trận đấu, từ một kẻ điềm tĩnh, sắc sảo và rành mạch, tôi trở thành một tay chậm chạp, tù mù và bất an. Từ một tiền vệ luôn đưa ra phương án tốt nhất, tôi chuyển sang chuyền sảng. Tôi biết tất cả vấn đề là ở trong đầu mình, nhưng tôi quá cứng đầu và kiêu ngạo để đi tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ.
Michael Carrick: Suýt tan tành sự nghiệp bởi 2 năm trầm cảm do Messi gây ra - Ảnh 6.
Thật khó để mở lòng ra để nói về vấn đề của mình với mọi người, ngoài trừ vợ tôi Lisa, anh tôi Graeme và bố mẹ. Tôi rơi vào một vòng tròn lẩn quẩn: tôi chơi bóng tệ nên nên tâm trạng tồi tệ, tâm trạng càng tồi tệ thì tôi chơi bóng càng tệ.
Lisa hiểu tôi đang vật vã như thế nào, đặc biệt là trong thời gian diễn ra World Cup 2010. Ở Nam Phi, bên cạnh cơn trầm cảm lại thêm nỗi nhớ nhà. Về mặt thể chất, tôi đang ở vào đỉnh cao phong độ. Nhưng tâm lý thì đã xuống đáy mất rồi.
"Anh về nhà đây, anh chịu hết nổi", tôi nói với Lisa. Vợ biết tôi đang rối, nhưng chính cô ấy cũng đang trải qua một quãng thời gian tồi tệ trong khi mang thai Jacey. Lisa vẫn bị đau lưng nặng sau khi sinh Louise. Mỗi lần than thở với nàng là tôi cảm thấy tội lỗi. Chúng tôi chuẩn bị chào đón một bé trai, nhưng tôi thì đang ủ dột thế này.
Rồi đến một thời điểm tôi đã tự hỏi mình: mình có còn muốn chơi bóng nữa không. Tôi đã suy sụp đến mức muốn từ bỏ!

14 tháng 10 2018

II. Viết lại câu

1. I like pop music but my brother likes rock music.

(diffrent) My taste in music __is different from__ my brother's

2. Neither Mary nor her sister studied arts at school.

(either) Mary never studied arts at school and _her sister doesn't either___

3. I think Vinh acted better than Quang in that play.

(as) I think Quang didn't __act as well as__Vinh in that play.

4. Both Anna and her brother are fond of watching water puppet.

(too) Anna is fond of watching water puppet and __her brother is too__

5. My hobby is drawing and John's hobby is also drawing.

(same) My hobby __is the same as__John's hobby.

14 tháng 10 2018

II. Viết lại câu

1. I like pop music but my brother likes rock music.

(diffrent) My taste in music __is diffrent from__ my brother's

2. Neither Mary nor her sister studied arts at school.

(either) Mary never studied arts at school and ___her sister didn't, either_

3. I think Vinh acted better than Quang in that play.

(as) I think Quang didn't ___acted as well as_Vinh in that play.

4. Both Anna and her brother are fond of watching water puppet.

(too) Anna is fond of watching water puppet and __her brother is, too__

5. My hobby is drawing and John's hobby is also drawing.

(same) My hobby __is the same as__John's hobby.

3 tháng 10 2018

I) Fill each black with a word from the box to complete the sentences.

1) Her hobbies are__taking,___ photograghs and collecting coins.

2) A funny man or woman in a film is a __ comedian__ .

3) -What should we do to help the poor in the neighbourhood ?

-I suggest __organising__ a show to raise money.

4) A person who wirtes poem is called a_poet___.

5) A___musician__ is a person who plays a musical instrument or writes music especially as a job

6) The temples at Angkor were __Decorated__ by artists with stone carvings

7) Graphic _design__ is a very interesting form of arts.

8) Viet Nam has some kinds of traditional _opera___ such as

3 tháng 10 2018

I) Fill each black with a word from the box to complete the sentences.

Decorated, design, musician, taking, comedian, poet, organising, opera.

1) Her hobbies are__taking__ photograghs and collecting coins.

2) A funny man or woman in a film is a __comedian__ .

3) -What should we do to help the poor in the neighbourhood ?

-I suggest __organising__ a show to raise money.

4) A person who wirtes poem is called a__poet__.

5) A_musician____ is a person who plays a musical instrument or writes music especially as a job

6) The temples at Angkor were __decorated__ by artists with stone carvings

7) Graphic _opera__ is a very interesting form of arts.

8) Viet Nam has some kinds of traditional __design__ such as

I. Phonetics: Circle the word having different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. usually B. sister C. season D. sometimes 2. A. chemistry B. school C. machine D. character 3. A.was B. walk C. water D. wall 4. A. hot B. pot C. bottle D. sport II. Circle the best answer: (1,25 points) 1. I like beef noodle soup and my friends do,........... A. too B. so C. either D. neither 2. He is a famous ................His paintings are well-known all over the world A....
Đọc tiếp
I. Phonetics: Circle the word having different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. usually B. sister C. season D. sometimes 2. A. chemistry B. school C. machine D. character 3. A.was B. walk C. water D. wall 4. A. hot B. pot C. bottle D. sport II. Circle the best answer: (1,25 points) 1. I like beef noodle soup and my friends do,........... A. too B. so C. either D. neither 2. He is a famous ................His paintings are well-known all over the world A. poet B. singer C. painter D. musician 3. Her hobbies are ............photos and collecting toys A. collecting B. taking C. playing D. writing 4. There isn't ..........water in the bottle. A. a B. an C. some D. any 5. Orange juice is my favourite ............... A. food B. drink C. dish D. recipe III. Circle and correct the mistake in the following sentences: (0,75 point) 1. How many rice do you need? – Two kilos of rice A B C D 2. My sister's appearance is very different with mine A B C D 3. Mr Lan doesn't like drinking green tea and I don't like, too A B C D C. READING: (2,5 points) I. Read the passage about Charlie Chaplin and choose the best answer. Charlie chaplin was an English actor, director, producer, and composer. He is known as the most creative person of the silent –film era. Charlie Chaplin's portrayl of the tramp won the hearts of people all over the world. Chaplin was born in Londonon the 16th of April,1889.He spent his childhood in poverty and hardship. In 1910he began to perform pantomime in the United States. He first appeared on screen in 1914. He created his world -famous character, the Tramp, and he played this classic role in more than 70 films during his career. He also composed background music for most of his films. In 1972 Chaplin received an Honorary Academy Award for the " the incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century. Chaplin died on the 25th of December, 1977, at his home in Switzerland 1. What did Charlie Chaplin work as? A. an actor B. a director C. a composer D. all are correct 2. When was he born ? A. the sixteenth of April,1889 B. April 16th, 1910 C. the 16th of April,1914 D. December 25th,1977 3. In about how many films did he play the Tramp? A. seventeen B. seventy C. twenty five D. sixteen 4. Which of the following is not True A. He started appeaaring in films in 1914 B. He was famous for his character " the tramp" C. He was a famous artist D. He died in Switzerland II. Read the following passage then decide if the statements are true or false:(1,5 points) Vietnamese people of have three meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. People in the countryside usually have rice with meat or fish and vegetables for breakfast but people in the cities often have light breakfast with a bowl of Pho or instant noodles or sticky rice berofe going to work. for lunch, they often have rice, meat, fish and vegetables. People in the countryside often have lunch at home but people in the cities often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls. Most people prepare their dinner at home. They eat many kinds of meat, seafood,fish, fresh vegetables and rice. Many people say dinner is the main and the best meal of the day. Statements True False 1. Vietmnamese people often have three meals a day 2. People in the countryside usually have rice with meat or fish and vegetables for breakfast 3. People in the cities often have big breakfast before going to work 4. People in the countryside often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls 5. Most people cook their dinner at home 6. According some people, dinner is the best meal of the day D. WRITING: (2,5 points) I. Complete the sentences, using the words from the cued pictures (1,25 points) Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 1. First, ...................... the eggs together with salt and pepper 2. Then, .................... the frying pan over a high heat and add cooking oil 3. Next, ...................... the egg mixture into the pan 4. After that, ............... the omelette in half 5. Finally, .................. with some vegetables. II. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences: (0,5 point) 1. two/ of/ I/ everyday./ water/ bottles/ drink/ ............................................................................................................. 2. Can/ to cook/ please?/ the/ rice,/ tell/ how/ me/ you/ ............................................................................................................. III. Rewite the sentence without changing its meaning using the given words in brackets 1. This painting is more expensive than that one (not as .......... as) That painting ...................................................................................... 2. I enjoy listening to pop music best. (favourite) Pop music is my ................................................................................ 3. Her taste in art is not the same as my taste (different) Her taste ........................................................................................... The end
15 tháng 11 2018

I. Phonetics: Circle the word having different sound in the underlined part.

1. A. usually B. sister C. season D. sometimes

2. A. chemistry B. school C. machine D. character

3. A.was B. walk C. water D. wall

4. A. hot B. pot C. bottle D. sport

II. Circle the best answer: (1,25 points)

1. I like beef noodle soup and my friends do,...........

A. too B. so C. either D. neither

2. He is a famous ................His paintings are well-known all over the world

A. poet B. singer C. painter D. musician

3. Her hobbies are ............photos and collecting toys

A. collecting B. taking C. playing D. writing

4. There isn't ..........water in the bottle.

A. a B. an C. some D. any

5. Orange juice is my favourite ...............

A. food B. drink C. dish D. recipe

III. Circle and correct the mistake in the following sentences: (0,75 point)

1. How many -> much rice do you need? – Two kilos of rice


2. My sister's appearance is very different with -> from mine


3. Mr Lan doesn't like drinking green tea and I don't like, too -> either


C. READING: (2,5 points)

I. Read the passage about Charlie Chaplin and choose the best answer.

Charlie chaplin was an English actor, director, producer, and composer. He is known as the most creative person of the silent –film era. Charlie Chaplin's portrayl of the tramp won the hearts of people all over the world. Chaplin was born in Londonon the 16th of April,1889.He spent his childhood in poverty and hardship. In 1910he began to perform pantomime in the United States. He first appeared on screen in 1914. He created his world -famous character, the Tramp, and he played this classic role in more than 70 films during his career. He also composed background music for most of his films. In 1972 Chaplin received an Honorary Academy Award for the " the incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century. Chaplin died on the 25th of December, 1977, at his home in Switzerland

1. What did Charlie Chaplin work as?

A. an actor B. a director C. a composer D. all are correct

2. When was he born ?

A. the sixteenth of April,1889 B. April 16th, 1910 C. the 16th of April,1914 D. December 25th,1977

3. In about how many films did he play the Tramp?

A. seventeen B. seventy C. twenty five D. sixteen

4. Which of the following is not True

A. He started appeaaring in films in 1914

B. He was famous for his character " the tramp"

C. He was a famous artist

D. He died in Switzerland

II. Read the following passage then decide if the statements are true or false:(1,5 points)

Vietnamese people of have three meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. People in the countryside usually have rice with meat or fish and vegetables for breakfast but people in the cities often have light breakfast with a bowl of Pho or instant noodles or sticky rice berofe going to work. for lunch, they often have rice, meat, fish and vegetables. People in the countryside often have lunch at home but people in the cities often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls. Most people prepare their dinner at home. They eat many kinds of meat, seafood,fish, fresh vegetables and rice. Many people say dinner is the main and the best meal of the day.

Statements True False

1. Vietnamese people often have three meals a day T

2. People in the countryside usually have rice with meat or fish and vegetables for breakfast T

3. People in the cities often have big breakfast before going to work F

4. People in the countryside often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls F

5. Most people cook their dinner at home T

6. According some people, dinner is the best meal of the day F

D. WRITING: (2,5 points)

I. Complete the sentences, using the words from the cued pictures (1,25 points)

Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7

1. First, ...................... the eggs together with salt and pepper

2. Then, .................... the frying pan over a high heat and add cooking oil

3. Next, ...................... the egg mixture into the pan

4. After that, ............... the omelette in half 5. Finally, .................. with some vegetables.

II. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences: (0,5 point)

1. two/ of/ I/ everyday./ water/ bottles/ drink/

I drink two bottles of water everyday

2. Can/ to cook/ please?/ the/ rice,/ tell/ how/ me/ you/

Can you tell me how to cook the rice, please ?

III. Rewite the sentence without changing its meaning using the given words in brackets

1. This painting is more expensive than that one (not as .......... as)

That painting is not as expensive as this one

2. I enjoy listening to pop music best. (favourite)

Pop music is my favourite music

3. Her taste in art is not the same as my taste (different)

Her taste in art is different from my taste

The end

2 tháng 11 2021

I. Phonetics: Circle the word having different sound in the underlined part.

1. A. usually B. sister C. season D. sometimes

2. A. chemistry B. school C. machine D. character

3. A.was B. walk C. water D. wall

4. A. hot B. pot C. bottle D. sport

II. Circle the best answer: (1,25 points)

1. I like beef noodle soup and my friends do,...........

A. too B. so C. either D. neither

2. He is a famous ................His paintings are well-known all over the world

A. poet B. singer C. painter D. musician

3. Her hobbies are ............photos and collecting toys

A. collecting B. taking C. playing D. writing

4. There isn't ..........water in the bottle.

A. a B. an C. some D. any

5. Orange juice is my favourite ...............

A. food B. drink C. dish D. recipe

III. Circle and correct the mistake in the following sentences: (0,75 point)

1. How many -> much rice do you need? – Two kilos of rice


2. My sister's appearance is very different with -> from mine


3. Mr Lan doesn't like drinking green tea and I don't like, too -> either


C. READING: (2,5 points)

I. Read the passage about Charlie Chaplin and choose the best answer.

Charlie chaplin was an English actor, director, producer, and composer. He is known as the most creative person of the silent –film era. Charlie Chaplin's portrayl of the tramp won the hearts of people all over the world. Chaplin was born in Londonon the 16th of April,1889.He spent his childhood in poverty and hardship. In 1910he began to perform pantomime in the United States. He first appeared on screen in 1914. He created his world -famous character, the Tramp, and he played this classic role in more than 70 films during his career. He also composed background music for most of his films. In 1972 Chaplin received an Honorary Academy Award for the " the incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century. Chaplin died on the 25th of December, 1977, at his home in Switzerland

1. What did Charlie Chaplin work as?

A. an actor B. a director C. a composer D. all are correct

2. When was he born ?

A. the sixteenth of April,1889 B. April 16th, 1910 C. the 16th of April,1914 D. December 25th,1977

3. In about how many films did he play the Tramp?

A. seventeen B. seventy C. twenty five D. sixteen

4. Which of the following is not True

A. He started appeaaring in films in 1914

B. He was famous for his character " the tramp"

C. He was a famous artist

D. He died in Switzerland

II. Read the following passage then decide if the statements are true or false:(1,5 points)

Vietnamese people of have three meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. People in the countryside usually have rice with meat or fish and vegetables for breakfast but people in the cities often have light breakfast with a bowl of Pho or instant noodles or sticky rice berofe going to work. for lunch, they often have rice, meat, fish and vegetables. People in the countryside often have lunch at home but people in the cities often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls. Most people prepare their dinner at home. They eat many kinds of meat, seafood,fish, fresh vegetables and rice. Many people say dinner is the main and the best meal of the day.

Statements True False

1. Vietnamese people often have three meals a day T

2. People in the countryside usually have rice with meat or fish and vegetables for breakfast T

3. People in the cities often have big breakfast before going to work F

4. People in the countryside often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls F

5. Most people cook their dinner at home T

6. According some people, dinner is the best meal of the day F

D. WRITING: (2,5 points)

I. Complete the sentences, using the words from the cued pictures (1,25 points)

Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7

1. First, ...................... the eggs together with salt and pepper

2. Then, .................... the frying pan over a high heat and add cooking oil

3. Next, ...................... the egg mixture into the pan

4. After that, ............... the omelette in half 5. Finally, .................. with some vegetables.

II. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences: (0,5 point)

1. two/ of/ I/ everyday./ water/ bottles/ drink/

I drink two bottles of water everyday

2. Can/ to cook/ please?/ the/ rice,/ tell/ how/ me/ you/

Can you tell me how to cook the rice, please ?

III. Rewite the sentence without changing its meaning using the given words in brackets

1. This painting is more expensive than that one (not as .......... as)

That painting is not as expensive as this one

2. I enjoy listening to pop music best. (favourite)

Pop music is my favourite music.

3. Her taste in art is not the same as my taste (different)

Her taste in art is different from my taste.

I. Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences.41. work/ father/ though/ used/ to/ bicycle/ my/ even/ he/ go/ had/ to/ a/ car/ by...........................................................................................................................................42. TV/ watching/ affect/ despite/ of/ the/ day/ fact/ per/ a/ hours/ lot/ people’s/ that/ he/ may/ spent/ 4/ watching/ health/...
Đọc tiếp

I. Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences.

41. work/ father/ though/ used/ to/ bicycle/ my/ even/ he/ go/ had/ to/ a/ car/ by.


42. TV/ watching/ affect/ despite/ of/ the/ day/ fact/ per/ a/ hours/ lot/ people’s/ that/ he/ may/ spent/ 4/ watching/ health/ TV.


43. it/ travel/ is/ rush/ because/ in/ so/ on/ to/ traffic/ road/ tiring/ hours/ jams/ of.


44. it/ hour/ to/ took/ office/ yesterday/ more/ my/ than/ mother/ an/ to/ go/ her.


45. watching/ used/ cartoon/ make/ cousin/ films/ me/ what/ excited/ to/ was/ with/ my


II. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.

1. I was impressed by the way she performed the dancing at the party.

→ What impressed me ..........................................................................................................

2. How did they get through the traffic jam this morning?

→ In what .............................................................................................................................

3. Although he was not selected as the winner, he was still happy.

→ Despite .............................................................................................................................

4. Surprisingly, the main character in the film was still alive and come back home.

→ It is surprising ...................................................................................................................

5. In spite of being in a big hurry, Jimmy didn’t take the shortcut to his workplace.

→ Although ..........................................................................................................................

V/ put the words in correct order to make meaningful sentences 1in/ sun/ the/ rises/ east/ the ........................................................................................................................... 2. time /I/ most/ my/ with / spend/ of/ Hoa...................................................................................................... 3. is/ she/ as/ Mai/ outgoing / not /...
Đọc tiếp

V/ put the words in correct order to make meaningful sentences

1in/ sun/ the/ rises/ east/ the ...........................................................................................................................

2. time /I/ most/ my/ with / spend/ of/ Hoa......................................................................................................

3. is/ she/ as/ Mai/ outgoing / not / as..............................................................................................................

4. a/ received /Lan/ letter/ yesterday / her/ friend / from ........................................................................................

5. look / does/ she/ what/ like ?.................................................................................................................................

6. here/ be/ she/ at/ will ‘ Christmas.....................................................................................................................

7. they/ to/ classroom /be/ the/ outside/ prefer......................................................................................................

8. is/ lucky/ to /she/enough/ have/a/friends/ lot/ of .......................................................................................

13 tháng 4 2018

V/ put the words in correct order to make meaningful sentences

1in/ sun/ the/ rises/ east/ the .....THE.SUN RISES IN THE EAST.....................................................................................................................

2. time /I/ most/ my/ with / spend/ of/ Hoa.........I SPENT MOST OF MY TIME WITH HOA.......................................................

3. is/ she/ as/ Mai/ outgoing / not / as....SHE IS NOT AS OUTGOING AS MAI...........................................................................................................

4. a/ received /Lan/ letter/ yesterday / her/ friend / from ........LAN RECEIVED A LETTER FROM HER FRIEND YESTERDAY................................................................................

5. look / does/ she/ what/ like ?...WHAT DOES SHE LOOK LIKE?..............................................................................................................................

6. here/ be/ she/ at/ will ‘ Christmas.......................................................................................SHE WILL BE HERE AT CHRISTMAS..............................

7. they/ to/ classroom /be/ the/ outside/ prefer..........THEY PREFER THE OUTSIDE TO THE CLASSROOM............................................................................................

8. is/ lucky/ to /she/enough/ have/a/friends/ lot/ of .......SHE IS LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE A LOT OF FRIENDS................................................................................

7 tháng 12 2017

Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning using the given words in brackets

1.This painting is more expensive than that one (not as .... as)

==> That painting is not as expensive as tis one.

2. I enjoy listening to pop music best. (favourite)

==> Pop music is my favourite kind of music.

3. Her taste in art is not the same as my taste. (different)

==> Her taste in art is different from mine.

4. The film was more boring than we thought at first

==> The film was not as interesting as we thought at first.

5. ' Cheo ' is quite different from ' Cai Luong ' .

==> 'Cheo' is not the same as 'Cai Luong'.

6. The picture is the same as the picture in our room. ( not different from )

==> The picture in our room is not different from the picture.

7. The sickets to the show are too expensive for us

==> The sickets to the show cost too much for us to buy.

7 tháng 12 2017

1. That painting is not as expensive as this painting.

2. Pop music is my favourite hobby.

3. Her taste in art is different from mine.

4. The film was not as exciting as we thought at first.

5. 'Cheo' is not the same as 'Cai Luong'.

6. The picture is not different from ours.

7. The stickets to the show cost to much money to buy.

IV. Use the set of words given, write complete sentences.1. children/ rehearse/ play/ school celebration/ moment.…………………………………………………………………………………….2. Her painting/ be/ most beautifyl/ those displayed here.…………………………………………………………………………………….3. Their work/ be/ different/ what they/ planned.…………………………………………………………………………………….4. How/ fibre/ we need/ live healthily?……………………………………………………………………………………?5. For me, working in an office/ boring/ working in a...
Đọc tiếp

IV. Use the set of words given, write complete sentences.

1. children/ rehearse/ play/ school celebration/ moment.


2. Her painting/ be/ most beautifyl/ those displayed here.


3. Their work/ be/ different/ what they/ planned.


4. How/ fibre/ we need/ live healthily?


5. For me, working in an office/ boring/ working in a shop.


6 tháng 12 2021

1. The children are rehearsing the play for school celebration at the moment.

2. Her painting is the most beautiful in those displayed here.

3. Their work is different from what they planned.

4. How much fibre do we need to live healthily?

5. For me, working in an office is as boring as working in a shop.

6 tháng 12 2021

1. children/ rehearse/ play/ school celebration/ moment.

…The children are rehearsing the playing for the school celebration at the moment………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Her painting/ be/ most beautifyl/ those displayed here.

………Her painting is the most beautiful of those  those displayed here. …………………………………………………………………………….

3. Their work/ be/ different/ what they/ planned.

…………Their work was more different than what they planned………………………………………………………………………….

4. How/ fibre/ we need/ live healthily?

……How much fibre do we need to live healthily………………………………………………………………………………?

5. For me, working in an office/ boring/ working in a shop.

………For me, working in an office is more boring than working in a shop…………………………………………………………………………….

20 tháng 12 2021

3. The painting is not big as the photograph.

4. My painting is not as expensive as this painting.

5. This picture is not different from the picture in our room.

20 tháng 12 2021

Rewrite these sentences, using the words in brackets

3. The painting is bigger than the photograph. (not … as)

=> The painting is not as big as the photograph 

4. This painting is more expensive than my painting. (not as … as)

=> My painting is not as expensive as this painting

5. This picture is the same as the picture in our room. (not different from)

=> This pictuer is not different from the picture in our room