
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

III. You are going to read a magazine article about children performing in musical shows in theatres. For questions  1-15, choose from the people (A – D). The people may be chosen more than once. Write your answers in Your answers’ part.

Which person mentions...

children getting upset if they are not chosen for a show?

the number of children performing in a show?

children providing assistance during a show?

the need for a child performer to be noticeable during a show?

a desire to continue being involved in shows?

a common opinion of child performers?

the maximum amount of time children spend performing in a show?
an example of how a child being in a show can cause inconvenience?
different feelings experienced during a performance?

the range of abilities children acquire from performing in a show?
finding out what happens after a child is chosen for a show?

a reason for not continuing to be involved in shows?

a belief that it is not a good idea for children to be performers?
the fact that a child may suddenly be required for a performance?
an unfortunate result of being a performer concerning school?

Your answers:

1. ________

2. ________

3. ________

4. ________

5. ________

6. ________

7. ________

8. ________

9. ________

10. ________

11. ________

12. ________

13. ________

14. ________

15. ________


Kids on stage

Children are performing in popular musicals in many London theatres. We talked to
various people about the phenomenon of children on stage.



Andrew Tyler chooses children to appear in stage musicals

I’m not only looking for children who can sing, dance and act, they also have to have lively
personalities and a lot of confidence - it’s essential that they grab the audience’s attention and if they can’t do that, I don’t choose them. When I’m working on a show, I start by contacting agents and telling them what I need, and then I hold auditions for as many children as I can. When the children have been chosen, I draw up the contracts for them and the schedule for performances - there are usually three teams of children for each show and they perform according to a rota system. No child is in a show for more than six months. Being in a show is tiring for the children because they have to combine it with going to school, but they have a great time and they learn an enormous amount about discipline, teamwork and concentration, as well as special skills such as choreography and singing.



Emily Gould is currently appearing in a popular London show

I love musicals and I’m thrilled to be in this one. I’ve got quite a big part and have to sing a song all by myself in one scene. I’m always pretty nervous during each performance because I’m worried that I might make a mistake. But at the same time I’m excited about doing it and I feel quite proud of myself when I’m on the stage. I’m one of the youngest children in the show - the age range is five to thirteen. The older children are good to me - they remind me about what I have to do next and encourage me a lot. I don’t have time to be in any of the sports teams at school, which is a shame because I’d like to do that too, but acting and singing are great. I want to keep on performing in musicals for the next few years at least, though I’m not sure I want it to be my career.



Anita Benfield’s son Tom is currently appearing in a popular musical in London

Tom started going to a local drama school when he was five. Last year, the head of the school suggested that he was good enough to audition for this musical. I took him to a series of four auditions and he got the part. We’d had no experience of the audition process and although he got the part, I thought it was horrible. The vast majority of the children get rejected. At the end of each audition, dozens of children burst into tears when they were told that they hadn’t been successful - they were absolutely devastated. When Tom got chosen, we were given the schedule for the ten weeks of rehearsals - I hadn’t realized how much time would be taken up. It’s all rather exhausting - for the parents as much as the children. When the performances start, you get a timetable of the performances the child will be appearing in. But he also has to be available at short notice to replace a child who is ill, and this makes it hard to plan anything. Because of that, we can't book a holiday and recently we weren’t able to attend a family wedding.



Ian Miller was a child star in the 1980s

My parents were very keen for me to be on the stage and I showed a lot of talent for it when I was a child. By the time I was ten, I’d been in a number of stage musicals and also appeared in various TV series. When I went to secondary school, I stopped performing because I developed other interests and lost my enthusiasm for it - I didn’t want to give up so much time to do it, I wanted to do what my friends were doing. I enjoyed my time as a child performer but I didn’t miss it when I stopped. Lots of child performers don’t go on to become successful adult performers even if they want to. People in the business tend to think that they aren’t capable of developing into good adult performers and they aren’t taken seriously when they’re older. I don’t want my own children to do it - I think performing can be very stressful for children and I think it’s much better for children to concentrate on getting a good education and then train to be a performer when they’re older, if they want to.


















Fairy tales are very good for children beacuse of some reasons. Firstly, they boost a child's imagination and cultural literacy. A child's imagation is a powerful and unique thing. It's not only used to make up stories and games, it;s a key factor in their creative thoughts and can define the type of education, career and life they have. Fairy tales often include difference cultures and ways of doing things. They teach children about cultural difference in the world outside. Then, they gift...
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Fairy tales are very good for children beacuse of some reasons. Firstly, they boost a child's imagination and cultural literacy. A child's imagation is a powerful and unique thing. It's not only used to make up stories and games, it;s a key factor in their creative thoughts and can define the type of education, career and life they have. Fairy tales often include difference cultures and ways of doing things. They teach children about cultural difference in the world outside. Then, they gift children a curiosity to learn new things and experience new places.

Secondly, fairy tales teach children right from wrong. It;s always in a fairytales's DNA to have a strong moral lesson, a fight between good and evil, love and loss, and these lessons rub off on our children. Fairy tales teach children that good persons will always win and, while this may not be true in aspects of the of the real world, the lesson is simple and important. Be the hero, not the villain, Learn to hope for better.

1. How many main advantages of fairy tales are mentioned in the passage?

2. What does the writer say about children's imagination?

3. According to the writer, what do fairy tales often include?

4. What do fairy tales tech children?

5. What does a fairy tale aways have?

3 tháng 11 2018

Fairy tales are very good for children beacuse of some reasons. Firstly, they boost a child's imagination and cultural literacy. A child's imagation is a powerful and unique thing. It's not only used to make up stories and games, it;s a key factor in their creative thoughts and can define the type of education, career and life they have. Fairy tales often include difference cultures and ways of doing things. They teach children about cultural difference in the world outside. Then, they gift children a curiosity to learn new things and experience new places.

Secondly, fairy tales teach children right from wrong. It;s always in a fairytales's DNA to have a strong moral lesson, a fight between good and evil, love and loss, and these lessons rub off on our children. Fairy tales teach children that good persons will always win and, while this may not be true in aspects of the of the real world, the lesson is simple and important. Be the hero, not the villain, Learn to hope for better.

1. How many main advantages of fairy tales are mentioned in the passage?


2. What does the writer say about children's imagination?

A child's imagation is a powerful and unique thing.

3. According to the writer, what do fairy tales often include?

Fairy tales often include difference cultures and ways of doing things

4. What do fairy tales tech children?

Fairy tales teach children that good persons will always win and They teach children about cultural difference in the world outside.

5. What does a fairy tale aways have?

a strong moral lesson

3 tháng 11 2018

Fairy tales are very good for children beacuse of some reasons. Firstly, they boost a child's imagination and cultural literacy. A child's imagation is a powerful and unique thing. It's not only used to make up stories and games, it;s a key factor in their creative thoughts and can define the type of education, career and life they have. Fairy tales often include difference cultures and ways of doing things. They teach children about cultural difference in the world outside. Then, they gift children a curiosity to learn new things and experience new places.

Secondly, fairy tales teach children right from wrong. It;s always in a fairytales's DNA to have a strong moral lesson, a fight between good and evil, love and loss, and these lessons rub off on our children. Fairy tales teach children that good persons will always win and, while this may not be true in aspects of the of the real world, the lesson is simple and important. Be the hero, not the villain, Learn to hope for better.

1. How many main advantages of fairy tales are mentioned in the passage?

=> There are twom main advantages of fairy tales are mentioned in the passage

2. What does the writer say about children's imagination?

=> The writer say about a powerful and unique thing

3. According to the writer, what do fairy tales often include?

=> Fairy tales often include difference cultures and ways of doing things.

4. What do fairy tales tech children?

=> They teach children about cultural difference in the world outside. Then, they gift children a curiosity to learn new things and experience new places.

5. What does a fairy tale aways have?

=> A fairy tale always have a strong moral lesson, a fight between good and evil, love and loss, and these lessons rub off on our children.

WHO IS REALLY ON THE INTERNET? One of the great things about the Internet, as well as one of its biggest problems, is that people are basically anonymous on it. In Internet chat rooms and web cafés, people can use a different name and even create an entirely different identity if they want to. In some ways, this is a good thing. For many people, it gives them the chance to do things that they could never do in real life. For example, a person might be very shy in real life, but that same...
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One of the great things about the Internet, as well as one of its biggest problems, is
that people are basically anonymous on it. In Internet chat rooms and web cafés, people
can use a different name and even create an entirely different identity if they want to.
In some ways, this is a good thing. For many people, it gives them the chance to
do things that they could never do in real life. For example, a person might be very shy in
real life, but that same person may find the courage to make friends on the Internet
because it feels safer. In addition, people in some countries are not free to express their
opinions, especially if they don‟t like the government. By using a different identity on the
Internet, they can express their opinions without worrying about getting in trouble.
That same freedom to be “another person” on the Internet, however, causes many
problems as well. The major problem is Internet fraud. Many dishonest people use the
Internet to pretend to be a different person. Then they trick a person into trusting them in
some way and take their money. In one case, two Japanese men lied to Filipinos who
wanted to travel to Japan. The two Japanese men told them that they could help them get
visas to Japan for a small price (about $ 400 per person). The two Japanese men took
thousands of dollars from hopeful Filipinos, but none of the people ever got their visas.
The number of these kinds of crime is quickly rising. Last year, Internet criminals stole
over $ 350 million from trusting people. When you consider that only $ 57 million was
stolen in bank robberies in all of Europe, it is easy to see that Internet crime is a serious

1. The word 'anonymous' in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.

A. nameless B. dishonest C. trusting D. criminal

2. According to paragraph 2 all of the following are true of the Internet EXCEPT_________.

A. it allows people to safely oppose their government.

B. it makes it easier for people to express themselves

C. its get people in trouble

D. it helps shy people make friends

3. They word 'they' in bold in paragraph 2 refers to__________.

A. people B. countries C. opinions D. friends

4. The author mentions two Japanese men in oder to__________.

A. suggest that there is a lot of Internet crime in Japan.

B. show that getting a visa is very difficult in Japan.

C. show that you shouldn't trust anyone on the Internet.

D. give an example of fraud on the Internet.

5. Why does the author mention bank robberies?

A. To show that there is more money in Internet crime than in robbing banks.

B. To suggest that Internet crime is easier than robbing banks.

C. To show that Internet crime is much more common than other types of crime.

D. To show that banks are safe than the Internet.

Viết cả đề này = cả tối mong mn làm giúp

10 tháng 8 2019


One of the great things about the Internet, as well as one of its biggest problems, is that people are basically anonymous on it. In Internet chat rooms and web cafés, people can use a different name and even create an entirely different identity if they want to. In some ways, this is a good thing. For many people, it gives them the chance to
do things that they could never do in real life. For example, a person might be very shy in real life, but that same person may find the courage to make friends on the Internet because it feels safer. In addition, people in some countries are not free to express their opinions, especially if they don‟t like the government. By using a different identity on the Internet, they can express their opinions without worrying about getting in trouble.
That same freedom to be “another person” on the Internet, however, causes many problems as well. The major problem is Internet fraud. Many dishonest people use the Internet to pretend to be a different person. Then they trick a person into trusting them in some way and take their money. In one case, two Japanese men lied to Filipinos who wanted to travel to Japan. The two Japanese men told them that they could help them get
visas to Japan for a small price (about400perperson).ThetwoJapanesementookthousandsofdollarsfromhopefulFilipinos,butnoneofthepeopleevergottheirvisas.Thenumberofthesekindsofcrimeisquicklyrising.Lastyear,Internetcriminalsstole350 million from trusting people. When you consider that only $ 57 million was stolen in bank robberies in all of Europe, it is easy to see that Internet crime is a serious

1. The word 'anonymous' in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.

A. nameless B. dishonest C. trusting D. criminal

2. According to paragraph 2 all of the following are true of the Internet EXCEPT_________.

A. it allows people to safely oppose their government.

B. it makes it easier for people to express themselves

C. its get people in trouble

D. it helps shy people make friends

3. They word 'they' in bold in paragraph 2 refers to__________.

A. people B. countries C. opinions D. friends

4. The author mentions two Japanese men in oder to__________.

A. suggest that there is a lot of Internet crime in Japan.

B. show that getting a visa is very difficult in Japan.

C. show that you shouldn't trust anyone on the Internet.

D. give an example of fraud on the Internet.

5. Why does the author mention bank robberies?

A. To show that there is more money in Internet crime than in robbing banks.

B. To suggest that Internet crime is easier than robbing banks.

C. To show that Internet crime is much more common than other types of crime.

D. To show that banks are safe than the Internet.

10 tháng 8 2019


1. The word 'anonymous' in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.

A. nameless B. dishonest C. trusting D. criminal

2. According to paragraph 2 all of the following are true of the Internet EXCEPT_________.

A. it allows people to safely oppose their government.

B. it makes it easier for people to express themselves

C. its get people in trouble

D. it helps shy people make friends

3. They word 'they' in bold in paragraph 2 refers to__________.

A. people B. countries C. opinions D. friends

4. The author mentions two Japanese men in oder to__________.

A. suggest that there is a lot of Internet crime in Japan.

B. show that getting a visa is very difficult in Japan.

C. show that you shouldn't trust anyone on the Internet.

D. give an example of fraud on the Internet.

5. Why does the author mention bank robberies?

A. To show that there is more money in Internet crime than in robbing banks.

B. To suggest that Internet crime is easier than robbing banks.

C. To show that Internet crime is much more common than other types of crime.

D. To show that banks are safe than the Internet.

Mình cũng k chắc lắm vì theo mình đọc hiểu là v, nếu sai xloi nhé !

Much has been said written about the declining numbers of and disappointing lack of diversity among American college students majoring in engineering. Among the factors cited to explain this phenomenon are the lack of exposure of high school students to the very idea of engineering and the fact that many have insufficient mathematics and science background to gain entrance to engineering school, even if they do identify the profession as a possible career. This is unfortunate, for the ideas of...
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Much has been said written about the declining numbers of and disappointing lack of diversity among American college students majoring in engineering. Among the factors cited to explain this phenomenon are the lack of exposure of high school students to the very idea of engineering and the fact that many have insufficient mathematics and science background to gain entrance to engineering school, even if they do identify the profession as a possible career. This is unfortunate, for the ideas of engineering should be integrated into the curricula not only of high schools but also of middle and primary schools. Our children are being done a disservice by not being exposed properly throughout their education to engineering activities identified as such.

After all, even pre-school children have the prerequisites in their play for appreciating exactly what engineering is: design, Indeed, design is everywhere around them throughout their school day, even in their before-school and after-school activities. It need only be pointed out to them that they designing something, and therefore being engineering of sorts, in virtually everything that they do

Much has been said written about the declining numbers of and disappointing lack of diversity among American college students majoring in engineering. Among the factors cited to explain this phenomenon are the lack of exposure of high school students to the very idea of engineering and the fact that many have insufficient mathematics and science background to gain entrance to engineering school, even if they do identify the profession as a possible career. This is unfortunate, for the ideas of engineering should be integrated into the curricula not only of high schools but also of middle and primary schools. Our children are being done a disservice by not being exposed properly throughout their education to engineering activities identified as such.

After all, even pre-school children have the prerequisites in their play for appreciating exactly what engineering is: design, Indeed, design is everywhere around them throughout their school day, even in their before-school and after-school activities. It need only be pointed out to them that they designing something, and therefore being engineering of sorts, in virtually everything that they do.

1. the writer of the passage feels strongly that....
A. children should be involved in engineering activities at an early age
B. The mathematics and science courses in schools need to be modernized
C. University engineering courses ought to be upgraded
D. The education of pre-school children is being given too much important

2. The writer points out that children can, at a very early age

A. be encouraged to take part in after-school activities

B. develop an interested in scientific matters

C. make up their minds to study engineering at university

D. be influenced by their school environment

3. The writer recognizes the fact that engineering

A. is becoming less and less popular as a field of study among university students B. is only suitable for highly intelligent students

C. is a complicated subject only suitable for really mature students

D. has become one of the most popular fields of study at American universities

3. The writer recognizes the fact that engineering

A. is becoming less and less popular as a field of study among university students

B. is only suitable for highly intelligent students

C. is a complicated subject only suitable for really mature students

D. has become one of the most popular fields of study at American universities

4. Among the reasons given in the passage for the decline in the numbers of engineering students is that

A. the American schools still follow out - dated curricula curricula

B. university entrance requirements are far too demanding

C. many of them fail to acquire an adequate knowledge of mathematics and science at high schools.

D. it is generally recognized as one of the most difficult of all the courses

5. According to the passage, all school programmes.....

A. should be designed to make students aware of the engineering practices and principles

B. ought to give priority to sciences

C. must encourage children to make creative designs

D. Seem to put the emphasis on the need to diversify learning

30 tháng 6 2020

1. the writer of the passage feels strongly that....
A. children should be involved in engineering activities at an early age
B. The mathematics and science courses in schools need to be modernized
C. University engineering courses ought to be upgraded
D. The education of pre-school children is being given too much important

2. The writer points out that children can, at a very early age

A. be encouraged to take part in after-school activities

B. develop an interested in scientific matters

C. make up their minds to study engineering at university

D. be influenced by their school environment

3. The writer recognizes the fact that engineering

A. is becoming less and less popular as a field of study among university students B. is only suitable for highly intelligent students

C. is a complicated subject only suitable for really mature students

D. has become one of the most popular fields of study at American universities

3. The writer recognizes the fact that engineering

A. is becoming less and less popular as a field of study among university students

B. is only suitable for highly intelligent students

C. is a complicated subject only suitable for really mature students

D. has become one of the most popular fields of study at American universities

4. Among the reasons given in the passage for the decline in the numbers of engineering students is that

A. the American schools still follow out - dated curricula curricula

B. university entrance requirements are far too demanding

C. many of them fail to acquire an adequate knowledge of mathematics and science at high schools.

D. it is generally recognized as one of the most difficult of all the courses

5. According to the passage, all school programmes.....

A. should be designed to make students aware of the engineering practices and principles

B. ought to give priority to sciences

C. must encourage children to make creative designs

D. Seem to put the emphasis on the need to diversify learning

VII. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage. Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First, you can enjoy peace and quietness. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier. A further advantage is that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children. However, there are certain...
Đọc tiếp
VII. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage. Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First, you can enjoy peace and quietness. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier. A further advantage is that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children. However, there are certain disadvantages or drawbacks to life outside the city. First, because there are fewer people, you are likely to have few friends. In addition, entertainment is difficult to find, particularly in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services means that it is hard to find jobs. In short, it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some people than others. On the whole, it is often the best for those who are retired or who have young children. In contrast, young people who have a career are better provided in the city. 1. According to the passage, living in the country has _______. A. only good points B. only bad points C. both good and bad points D. no disadvantages 2. How many advantages does living in the country have? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. No 3. Living in the country is safer for young children because _______. A. there is less traffic B. there are few shops C. there are fewer people D. there are few services 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. People in the country tend to be friendlier than people in the city. B. It’s hard to find entertainment in the country. C. There are fewer shops and services in the country. D. The country is only suitable for retired people. 5. Having few friends is _______. A. one of drawbacks to life in the country B. the only disadvantage to living in the country C. one of certain drawbacks to life outside the city D. one of certain advantages to life outside the city
6 tháng 8 2022

1. A





6 tháng 8 2022






Xin lỗi bạn. Câu trả lời của mình bên dưới mik nghĩ là sai . Mik viết lại ra đây nhé

Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both its advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First of all, you can enjoy peace and quiet. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier and more open. A further advantage is that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children. However, there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. Firstly , because there are fewer people,...
Đọc tiếp

Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both its advantages and disadvantages.
There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First of all, you can enjoy peace and quiet. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier and more open. A further advantage is that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children.
However, there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. Firstly , because there are fewer people, you are likely to have fewer friends. In addition, entertainment is difficult to find, particularly in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services means that it is harder to find work. As a result , you may have to travel a long way to work, which can be extremely expensive.
In conclusion, it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some people than others.On the whole , it is often the best place for those who are retired or who have young children. In contrast , young, single people who have a career are better provided for in the city.

22 tháng 7 2018

ko biết đề là gì nên mk dịch ra nha

Sống ở nông thôn là điều mà mọi người từ thành phố thường mơ ước. Tuy nhiên, trên thực tế, nó có cả lợi thế và bất lợi của nó.
Chắc chắn có nhiều lợi thế để sống ở nông thôn. Trước hết, bạn có thể tận hưởng hòa bình và yên tĩnh. Hơn nữa, mọi người có xu hướng thân thiện hơn và cởi mở hơn. Một lợi thế nữa là ít xe cộ, vì vậy nó an toàn hơn cho trẻ nhỏ.
Tuy nhiên, có những hạn chế nhất định đối với cuộc sống bên ngoài thành phố. Thứ nhất, bởi vì có ít người hơn, bạn có thể có ít bạn bè hơn. Ngoài ra, giải trí khó tìm, đặc biệt là vào buổi tối. Hơn nữa, thực tế là có ít cửa hàng và dịch vụ hơn có nghĩa là khó tìm việc hơn. Kết quả là, bạn có thể phải đi một chặng đường dài để làm việc, điều này có thể cực kỳ tốn kém.
Tóm lại, nó có thể được nhìn thấy rằng nông thôn là phù hợp hơn cho một số người hơn những người khác. Trên toàn bộ, nó thường là nơi tốt nhất cho những người đã nghỉ hưu hoặc những người có con nhỏ. Ngược lại, những người trẻ tuổi, đơn thân có nghề nghiệp được cung cấp tốt hơn trong thành phố.

6 tháng 8 2022

Sống ở nơi đất khách quê người là điều mà những người dân thành phố thường mơ ước. Tuy nhiên, trên thực tế, nó có cả mặt lợi và mặt hại.
Chắc chắn có nhiều thuận lợi để sống trong nước. Trước hết, bạn có thể tận hưởng sự yên bình và tĩnh lặng. Hơn nữa, mọi người có xu hướng thân thiện và cởi mở hơn. Thêm một ưu điểm nữa là ít xe cộ qua lại nên an toàn hơn cho trẻ nhỏ.
Tuy nhiên, có những mặt hạn chế nhất định đối với cuộc sống bên ngoài thành phố. Thứ nhất, vì có ít người hơn, bạn có khả năng có ít bạn bè hơn. Ngoài ra, rất khó tìm thấy các hoạt động giải trí, đặc biệt là vào buổi tối. Hơn nữa, thực tế là có ít cửa hàng và dịch vụ hơn đồng nghĩa với việc khó tìm việc hơn. Kết quả là, bạn có thể phải đi một quãng đường dài để làm việc, điều này có thể cực kỳ tốn kém.
Tóm lại, có thể thấy đất nước này phù hợp với một số người hơn những người khác, nhìn chung, nó thường là nơi tốt nhất cho những người đã nghỉ hưu hoặc có con nhỏ. Ngược lại, những người trẻ tuổi, độc thân có sự nghiệp được chu cấp tốt hơn ở thành phố.

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the questions. Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it prematurely. The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people, such as the graying of the hair and the wrinkling of the skin. Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include lass of playfulness and energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight, or even a slight...
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Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the questions.

Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it prematurely. The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people, such as the graying of the hair and the wrinkling of the skin. Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include lass of playfulness and energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight, or even a slight graying of the coat. Plants age too, but the signs are much harder to detect.

Most body parts grow bigger and stronger, and function more efficiently during childhood. They reach their peak at the time of maturity, or early adulthood. After that, they begin to decline. Bones, for example, gradually become lighter and more brittle. In the aged, the joints between the bones also become rigid and more inflexible. This can make moving very painful.

All the major organs of the body show signs of aging. The brain , for example, works less efficiently, and even gets smaller in size. Thinking processes of all sorts are slowed down. Old people often have trouble in remembering recent events.

One of the most serious changes of old age occurs in the arteries, the blood vessels that lead from the heart. They become thickened and constricted, allowing less blood to flow the rest of body. This condition accounts, directly or indirectly, for many of the diseases of the aged. It may, for example, result in heart attack.

Aging is not a uniform process. Different parts of the body wear out at different rates. There are great differences among people in their rate of aging. Even the cells of the body differ in the way they age. The majority of cells are capable of reproducing themselves may times during the course of a lifetime. Nerve cells and muscle fibers can never be replace once they wear out.

Gerontologists- scientists who study the process of aging- believe this wearing out of the body is controlled by a built- in biological time clock. They are trying to discover how this clock works so that they can slow down the process. This could give man a longer life and a great number of productive years.

1. What does the word “it” in line 2 refer to?

A. aging B. a living thing C. an illness D. an accident

2. All the followings may be the outward signs of aging EXCEPT ­________.

A. the graying of the hair B. the wrinkling of the skin

C. the decline in hearing and eyesight. D. the loss of appetite

3. When does the human body begin to lose vigor and the ability to function efficiency?

A. Soon after reaching adulthood B. During childhood

C. Early adulthood D. Past middle age

4. What happens to memorization when the brain begins to age?

A. It works less B. It becomes forgetful

C. It declines D. It slows down

5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. All living things grow old.

B. Aging is unavoidable in any livings things.

C. Plants show less signs of aging than any other living things.

D. Most body parts wear out during the courses of a lifetime.

3 tháng 2 2018

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the questions.

Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it prematurely. The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people, such as the graying of the hair and the wrinkling of the skin. Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include lass of playfulness and energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight, or even a slight graying of the coat. Plants age too, but the signs are much harder to detect.

Most body parts grow bigger and stronger, and function more efficiently during childhood. They reach their peak at the time of maturity, or early adulthood. After that, they begin to decline. Bones, for example, gradually become lighter and more brittle. In the aged, the joints between the bones also become rigid and more inflexible. This can make moving very painful.

All the major organs of the body show signs of aging. The brain , for example, works less efficiently, and even gets smaller in size. Thinking processes of all sorts are slowed down. Old people often have trouble in remembering recent events.

One of the most serious changes of old age occurs in the arteries, the blood vessels that lead from the heart. They become thickened and constricted, allowing less blood to flow the rest of body. This condition accounts, directly or indirectly, for many of the diseases of the aged. It may, for example, result in heart attack.

Aging is not a uniform process. Different parts of the body wear out at different rates. There are great differences among people in their rate of aging. Even the cells of the body differ in the way they age. The majority of cells are capable of reproducing themselves may times during the course of a lifetime. Nerve cells and muscle fibers can never be replace once they wear out.

Gerontologists- scientists who study the process of aging- believe this wearing out of the body is controlled by a built- in biological time clock. They are trying to discover how this clock works so that they can slow down the process. This could give man a longer life and a great number of productive years.

1. What does the word “it” in line 2 refer to?

A. aging B. a living thing C. an illness D. an accident

2. All the followings may be the outward signs of aging EXCEPT ­________.

A. the graying of the hair B. the wrinkling of the skin

C. the decline in hearing and eyesight. D. the loss of appetite

3. When does the human body begin to lose vigor and the ability to function efficiency?

A. Soon after reaching adulthood B. During childhood

C. Early adulthood D. Past middle age

4. What happens to memorization when the brain begins to age?

A. It works less B. It becomes forgetful

C. It declines D. It slows down

5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. All living things grow old.

B. Aging is unavoidable in any livings things.

C. Plants show less signs of aging than any other living things.

D. Most body parts wear out during the courses of a lifetime.

We are already familiar with computers-computers work for us at home,in offices,in industry.But it is also true that many children today are using computers at school before they can write.What does this mean for the future.Are these children today are computers at school before they can write.What does this mean for the future.Are these children lucky or not. Many people who do not know about computers think of them as machines that children play with.They worry that children do not learn...
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We are already familiar with computers-computers work for us at home,in offices,in industry.But it is also true that many children today are using computers at school before they can write.What does this mean for the future.Are these children today are computers at school before they can write.What does this mean for the future.Are these children lucky or not.

Many people who do not know about computers think of them as machines that children play with.They worry that children do not learn from experience but just from pressing a button and that is not good for them .They think that children are growing up not nowing about the real world.

But people who understand more about computers see that they can be very good for children.A computer can help them learn about the real workd more quickly,to learn what they want,to learn and to think for themselves.And for the future,don't we need people who can think clearly,who know how to get information quickly and use it well.What do you think

Are we strange to computers


In which four places can you find computers


Does every think computers are good for children


What three things can computers help children to do.


Does the writer think this is a good thing


17 tháng 3 2018

Are we strange to computers?

-No,we aren't

Does every think computers are good for children

-No,they don't

What three things can computers help children to do.

-about the real workd more quickly,to learn what they want,to learn and to think for themselves.

Does the writer think this is a good thing

Yes,he/she does

Are some people born cleaver and others born (1) ____? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to both these (2) ____ is "Yes". To some extent, our intelligence is given at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of (3) ____ born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring surrounding will develop his intelligence less than (4) ____ who lives in rich and varied surrounding. Thus the...
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Are some people born cleaver and others born (1) ____? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to both these (2) ____ is "Yes". To some extent, our intelligence is given at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of (3) ____ born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring surrounding will develop his intelligence less than (4) ____ who lives in rich and varied surrounding. Thus the limits of a person's intelligence are fixed at birth but (5) ____ or not he reaches those limits will (6) ____ on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways. It's easy to show that intelligence is something we are born with (7) ____ we take two unrelated people at random from the population. It's likely that (8) ____ degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we take children - identical twins, they will very likely be (9) ____ intelligent as other. This clearly suggests that intelligence depends on (10) ____.

7 tháng 7 2016

Are some people born cleaver and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to both these questions is "Yes". To some extent, our intelligence is given at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring surrounding will develop his intelligence less than the one who lives in rich and varied surrounding. Thus the limits of a person's intelligence are fixed at birth but whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways. It's easy to show that intelligence is something we are born with if we take two unrelated people at random from the population. It's likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we take children - identical twins, they will very likely be as intelligent as other. This clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.

Complete the passage with the suitable words. Health is something we tend to ignore when we have it. When our body is rather well, we're hardly ever (1) .......... of it. But illness can come, even (2) ........... we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very vulnerable time. Many (3) ........ attacked children in particular and people knew very little about how to prevent such illness or how to (4) ........ them once they struck. The resuft was that many children died. About century ago,...
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Complete the passage with the suitable words.

Health is something we tend to ignore when we have it. When our body is rather well, we're hardly ever (1) .......... of it. But illness can come, even (2) ........... we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very vulnerable time. Many (3) ........ attacked children in particular and people knew very little about how to prevent such illness or how to (4) ........ them once they struck. The resuft was that many children died. About century ago, however, scientists found out about germs, and then everything (5) ........ The cause of many diseases (6) ........ known, and cures were developed. As this medical knowledge spread the world became (7).......... safer for children. The resuft is that whereas a hundred years ago the average man lived for 35 years. Nowadays, in many places of the world, people can expect to (8)........... for years. And what do we except by the years 2010 ? Undoubtedly, (9)....... science will continue to advance. Some people will be able to (10).......... medical problems that are unavoidable today.

18 tháng 7 2018

Complete the passage with the suitable words.

Health is something we tend to ignore when we have it. When our body is rather well, we're hardly ever (1) ..aware........ of it. But illness can come, even (2) .......when.... we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very vulnerable time. Many (3) ....diseases.... attacked children in particular and people knew very little about how to prevent such illness or how to (4) ...cure..... them once they struck. The resuft was that many children died. About century ago, however, scientists found out about germs, and then everything (5) .....changed... The cause of many diseases (6) ......was.. known, and cures were developed. As this medical knowledge spread the world became (7)......much.... safer for children. The resuft is that whereas a hundred years ago the average man lived for 35 years. Nowadays, in many places of the world, people can expect to (8)......live..... for years. And what do we except by the years 2010 ? Undoubtedly, (9)...medical.... science will continue to advance. Some people will be able to (10)......solve.... medical problems that are unavoidable today.