
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

9 tháng 12 2021



Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named Aladdin who lived with his mother. One day, a rich stranger came to their house looking for Aladdin. ‘I am a merchant,’ he told Aladdin’s mother. ‘I have come all the way from Arabia. I want to take your boy with me for a little work, but I will pay him so much that you will not be poor anymore.’


Aladdin’s mother soon agreed because they really needed the money. However, she did not know that the man who said he was a merchant was actually a magician.

The next day, Aladdin packed his things and left with the merchant. They traveled for many hours, after which the merchant stopped. Aladdin was surprised, as it was a lonely spot and there was nothing or no one anywhere.

The merchant took out some colored powder from his pocket. Then he threw it at the ground and the next moment there was smoke all around. As the smoke cleared away, Aladdin saw a big opening in the ground like a cave. The merchant asked Aladdin to go inside the cave. ‘You will see lots gold inside, more than you will ever see in your life. Take as much as you want. Inside the cave, you will also see an old lamp. Just get it out for me.’ Aladdin became suspicious, but he entered the cave.


Inside, he saw the cave was filled with gold. He filled up his pockets with gold and stuffed in as much as he could. When he could take no more gold, he looked for the lamp and found it. It was old and dirty. He took the lamp and called out to the merchant to help him out. ‘Give me the lamp first,’ the merchant said. Aladdin was afraid that if he gave the lamp to the merchant, he would leave him there. So he said ‘Please pull me out first.’

The merchant got angry and took out some more powder from his pocket. He threw it at the cave and the opening of the cave became shut with a huge rock. Aladdin was scared. He waited inside and shouted, hoping that someone would come and help. But many hours passed and no one came. As Aladdin was sitting alone, he started cleaning the lamp. Suddenly, a strange fog filled up the room and a voice said, ‘My Master, I am the genie of this lamp. What is your wish?’ It was a huge man who looked very strange and Aladdin was afraid of him. But the genie assured him that he would do as Aladdin asked him. ‘Take me to my home’ he said.


The next instant, Aladdin was home and with his mother. They hugged each other and Aladdin told her all about his adventure. Aladdin called the genie again and he appeared, but now they were not afraid of him. He asked the genie for a palace and soon they were living inside a beautiful palace instead of the old hut where Aladdin had lived all his life.

As people got to know about the rich Aladdin, he became more famous. He was now married to the princess, the daughter of the Sultan, and they were very happy. The magician too heard all about Aladdin. He came to Aladdin’s palace pretending to be an old man who exchanged old lamps and gave new. Aladdin had not told the princess about the magic lamp. She got it to give the magician. As soon as he saw the lamp he recognized it, and grabbing it, ran away.

He summoned the genie and he was now the new master. ‘Shift away Aladdin’s palace far away from here to the desert’ he said.

When Aladdin returned home he could not find his palace or his princess and mother. He was very worried, but then realized it must be the work of the evil magician who wanted to take revenge. Aladdin thought hard and remembered that he had a ring that the magician had given him and that it could still help him. He rubbed the ring and another genie appeared. ‘Take me to wherever my princess is,’ he commanded the genie.

The next moment Aladdin found himself in the desert in his palace. His princess was there and he was glad to see she was safe. The evil magician was also there and the magic lamp was placed on a table next to the magician. Before the magician could realize what was going on, Aladdin quickly jumped and grabbed the lamp. He quickly rubbed the lamp and lo and behold, the genie appeared.


‘My master,’ the genie said, ‘I am so happy to serve you again. What do you wish for?’ he asked. Aladdin looked at the magician and said, ‘I want you to send this evil magician to a different place, from where he can never return again or harm anyone. ‘

‘Whatever you wish for my master,’ said the genie, and the evil magician disappeared, never to return again.

The genie helped transport Aladdin back to where his palace was. There, Aladdin lived happily with his princess wife and his mother. The genie was also there along with Aladdin and his family, and they lived happily ever after.

Did you like the retelling of the famous Aladdin and the magic lamp short story summary here? Do share it with your kid by reading it out loud.

9 tháng 12 2021

Sao dài vậy bạn

3 tháng 4 2018

Vietnam,our country,is very beautiful.It has four seasons:spring,summer,fall and winter.In the spring it is often warm,sometimes it's rainy.In the summer it's hot and sunny.The weather is cool in the fall and in the winter it is cold and windy.I hot weather because I can do many activities.When it's hot,I usually go swimming and eat ice cream.Sometimes I go walking with my sister.

3 tháng 4 2018

I want to go a broad

14 tháng 10 2020

The two goats

Two goats, frisking gayly on the rocky steeps of a mountain valley, chanced to meet, one on each side of a deep chasm through which poured a mighty mountain torrent

The trunk of a fallen tree formed the only means of crossing the chasm, and on this not even two squirrels could have passed each other in safety

The narrow path would have made the bravest tremble. Not so our Goats. Their pride would not permit either to stand aside for the other.

One set her foot on the log. The other did wise. In the middle they met horn to horn. Neither would give way, and so they both fell, to be swept away by the roaring torrent below.


Hai con dê

Hai con dê sau khi đang vui vẻ bước lên sườn dốc của thung lũng núi thì tình cờ gặp nhau ở hai bên bờ vực sâu thẳm của dòng thác chảy xiết.

Phương tiện duy nhất để băng qua bờ vực chỉ có một nhánh cây bắc ngang qua. Nhánh cây này thậm chí còn không đủ an toàn để cho 2 chú sóc cùng nhau băng qua cùng lúc.

Con đường nhỏ hẹp này có thể làm cho kẻ can đảm nhất cũng phải rùng mình. Thế nhưng dường như điều đó chẳng làm cho hai chú dê của chúng ta bận tâm. Niềm kiêu hãnh không cho phép chúng đứng qua một bên để nhường đường cho kẻ đứng đối diện mình.

Một chú bắt đầu bước lên cây cầu, chú còn lại cũng bước theo. Và thế là đến giữa cầu, sừng của chúng vướng vào nhau. Cả hai không ai chịu nhường ai, thế là chúng đều rơi tõm xuống và bị dòng nước chảy xiết bên dưới cuốn trôi đi.

14 tháng 10 2020

cảm ơn bạn

3 tháng 4 2018

I want to be a techer in the future because I have teach children to be useflu to country . I want to be patient , so I choose the teacher profssion . Teachers are very important in the country , teacher great teach children to be useflu to country , teach children good thing they are human useful for country because I want to be a teacher great teach for children.

Dịch :

tôi muốn trở thành một giáo viên trong tương lai bởi vì tôi muốn dạy cho trẻ em thành người có ích cho đất nước . Tôi muốn mình trở lên kiên nhẫn lên tôi chọn nghề giáo viên . Giáo viên rất quan trọng trong đất nước , giáo viên dạy cho trẻ em nhưng điều tốt, cho chúng những điều đúng vì thế tôi muốn trở thành một giáo viên giỏi để dạy cho trẻ em 

3 tháng 4 2018

bằng tiếng anh hả

27 tháng 2 2018

Hai truyện ngụ ngôn ý nghĩa bằng tiếng Anh

Dịch sang tiếng việt

Một ngày nọ, người nông dân cảm thấy lo lắng vì mùa màng của mình liên tục bị chim ăn. Do đó, ông ta đặt một cái bẫy chim. 

Ngày hôm sau, ông bắt ngay được một đàn chim. Một con sếu cũng bị mắc vào trong lưới. Con sếu cầu xin người nông dân thả mình ra. 

Nhưng người nông dân vặn lại: "Nhà người bị bắt gặp cùng với lũ chim này, và lũ chim này ăn hạt của ta. Do đó ta sẽ không tha cho nhà ngươi".

27 tháng 2 2018

One day, the farmer was worried because his crops were constantly being eaten by birds. To do that, he put a trap bird. The next day, he started as a bird. A crane is also stuck in the net. The boy asks the farmer to leave. But the farmer hurried, "Your house is caught up with these birds, and the birds eat this grain, so do not do it for your house."

21 tháng 6 2021

mik ko phải cao thủ rùi


21 tháng 6 2021

bạn giúp mh đi

6 tháng 12 2021

I often call (viết tên trường vào đây mà nhớ là không viết dấu nha, vẫn viết hoa câu đầu) Primary School is my second home. School children, though not very large but very spacious and clean. High school entrance and spacious,the two sides is the flower corridor leads straight to the playground and the classroom. School Grounds are wide, around the yard Poinciana trees and ancient shade cover, with flower beds and lawns green. Listed under the tree row of stone for us to read books and talk after each lesson. The classrooms are full of tables and chairs, cabinets for learning and also exhibited the post office corner, nice arle. In addition, you also have the other classrooms as music room, computer science, library, classrooms English. I even loved the school because here we have good friends and the teachers are always interested to teachand impart knowledge to us. I loved my second home!

Tiếng Anh 

I am studying in a gifted school of a big city, so my school is a very interesting place to talk about. We have about 20 classrooms which are divided into three stairs, and they are not including rooms for teachers, canteen, sport and computer rooms. All of our classes are equipped with computers, projectors, microphones, loudspeakers, and some of them even have air conditioners. Next to the classroom block is our library. It is pretty big with a lot of books, and sometimes I think that it contains all of the books that one student may need. Behind it is our mini indoor stadium, where we spend our Physical education classes. Since most of the area is used to build rooms, we have very little place for our school yard. It is only enough for us to sit really close to each other to salute the flag on every Monday. There are just some big trees on the yard, and we have some benches under those trees to rest and enjoy the fresh air. Most of the students stay in their classrooms or go to the canteen during break time since we cannot play anything on the school yard. Fortunately, the canteen is big and comfortable enough for us to spend a good time. There are many different kinds of snacks, drinks as well as chairs there, so we can sit there while eating our favorite food. Because this is a gifted school, studying hours can be very stressful. We need to study for about 8 hours a day, and summer vacation only lasts for a month. Although we have to try really hard to be good enough for the school, I am sure we will miss it very much once we graduate.

Bên ngoài ngôi nhà em được sơn màu xanh lá cây, đây là màu mà em yêu thích nhích, nó gợi lên cảm giác thanh mát, dịu nhẹ. CÒn bên trong được sơn màu vàng nhạt. Ba bảo màu vàng tượng trưng cho sự ấm áp, vì ba luôn mong gia đình mình hạnh phúc, ấm áp như chính ngôi nhà của mình.Ngôi nhà gia đình em có 4 phòng, một phòng khách ngay ở giữa rất rộng, hai phòng ngủ của ba mẹ và của hai chị em em, còn lại là phòng bếp với đầy đủ tiện nghi. Căn phòng khách gia đình em có đặt một bộ bàn ghế xa lon màu đất. Đó là nơi mà hai chị em em vẫn hay vui đùa những lúc ba mẹ vắng nhà.

17 tháng 11 2018

bài tham khảo nha

Chào tất cả mọi người! Tôi tê là Lan. Chúng tôi sống trong một căn nhà nhỏ tại trung tâm thành phố Hà Nội. Nhà của tôi tuy hơi nhỏ nhưng nó khá là đẹp. Nhà có 3 tầng trong nhà và nó có 3 phòng ngủ, một nhà bếp và phòng khách, những phòng còn lại là nhà vệ sinh và phòng dành riêng để đón khách khi bạn bè người thân đến chơi và ngủ lại qua đêm. Nó không phải là một ngôi nhà tuyệt vời nhưng là một ngôi nhà thoải mái. Trong phòng ngủ của tôi, chúng tôi có giường, tủ quần áo, một chiếc piano, bàn và máy tính, TV, đầu CD …. Phòng khách khá là nhỏ nhưng nó là rất tốt đẹp và nhà bếp thì rất thuận tiện. Trong phòng ngủ của các con tôi, có giường, bàn và tủ quần áo. Thực tế thì, phòng của các cháu có rất nhiều đồ trang trí những hình ảnh hoặc vẽ tranh. Tôi thích sự thoải mái hơn sang trọng. Nhà tôi cũng có một khu vườn nhỏ với một số cây và hoa mà chồng tôi đã trồng từ rất lâu. Nhà của tôi là không lớn nhưng nó rất đẹp, và tôi thích ngôi nhà này rất nhiều. Chồng tôi và tôi đã cố gắng rất nhiều để mua được nó và điều quan trọng nhất đó là nơi mà tất cả các thành viên của đình tôi chia sẻ hạnh phúc và nỗi buồn cũng như sự đau khổ với nhau.

15 tháng 3 2023

Bạn học lớp 5 à ,cùng khối với mình rồi ,kết bạn mình nha ! Còn về phần câu hỏi thì ............mình thua ,hỏng biết:d

15 tháng 3 2023

đó sẽ là công việc tuyệt vời !

23 tháng 8 2021

d b b a a c b b d