
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

10 tháng 1 2018

Spring is a time for doing things. It seems everyone is full of energy. The days become warmer so everyone spends more time outside. Winter is finishing, so the countryside becomes greener.

I love watching the new flowers in my garden in spring. I watch the tulips grow and then I know winter is over. I wonder what it’s to live in countries that don’t have four seasons.

They miss out on what it’s to welcome spring and see everything come alive. Spring has to be the best season. It definitely makes you feel very positive about life.

It’s a good time to clean your house from top to bottom. We call this spring cleaning. Spring also means the weather gets warmer and you can do more things outside.

10 tháng 1 2018

tóm tắt về cả 4 mùa đc ko bạn :@@

27 tháng 12 2020

(Chào hỏi tự viết)

The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important traditional holiday in my country. Mid-Autumn festival is celebrated not only in Vietnam but also in some other parts of Asia as well, such as China, Japan or Korea. And it is often celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night. In the past, on this day the moon was brightest and roundest which represented the family reunion or gatherings. Therefore, families and friends often came together or harvested crops for the festival. Nowadays, Mid Autumn Festival is mainly for young children in Vietnam to enjoy the best time of the year. But not only can children celebrate this day but also adults can, adults who wish to have a chance to remind their their childhood and feel young again.

27 tháng 12 2020

Hello everyone, my name is Nii. Today, I would like to tell you about Tet, also known as the Lunar New Year festival, which is the biggest traditional festival in Viet Nam. It takes place from the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar until at least the third day. Although occurring in a short period of time, it is believed to be the most important and popular holiday in Vietnam. There are many special food is made so as to prepare for Tet meal such as sticky square cake, Vietnamese sausage, sticky rice, and jam. The food is thought to reflect Vietnam’s habits and customs as well as Vietnamese’s lifestyle. Besides, the meal has other dishes like fish, vegetables to show the hope for a successful and prosperous new year. In terms of customs, children’s receiving red envelop from the elder, visiting relative’s houses, and going to church are popular activities. Giving lucky money is thought to bring children hope and health. Church is the symbol of peace; therefore, individuals go there and pray for a successive year. Traditionally, the house is designed with peach flower in the North and Ochna integerrima in the south part of Vietnam. Besides, the house as well as the town are clear, decorative, and beautiful as all are ready to start a new year. People have a cozy atmosphere and enjoy a joyful time with their family members. It’s high time for people living in different parts of the country to gather and spending time together. Tet is a chance for one to come back home after many stress and pressure of studying and working environment. Tet is not simply a holiday, it is a culture and habit of Vietnamese since its deep meaning is sacred and important. All in all, Tet includes not only joy but also a long-standing event in people’s souls as it helps one grow up through experience. And that's all about the Lunar New Year festival in Vietnam. Thank you for listening. ( Bạn có thể hỏi: Does anyone have any questions? có nghĩa Có ai có câu hỏi không? nếu muốn, mình nghĩ chắc là cần bởi mình làm cũng nhiều rồi).

Chúc bạn học tốt. Nhớ tick cho tui nha☺

21 tháng 9 2016

My pop idol is Justin bieber. He is a Canadian singer and songwriter. After a talent manager discovered him through his YouTube videos covering songs in 2008 and signed to RBMG, Bieber released his debut EP, My World, in late 2009. He has a lot of fans. Some typical songs of him are What Do You Mean, Sorry, and so on. I admin him so much, I want to become a good singer like him.

21 tháng 9 2016

thanks nhiều sao bn ko viết về GD

23 tháng 4 2021

giúp mình nhé các bạn yêu yeuyeu

23 tháng 4 2021

   Bạn nên tham khảo bài này và nếu có cần thì sửa vào cho đúng nha:


Enviroment is neccessary thing for this life. Enviroment is the air we breath, the water people drink and is everything they need for their life. But now the most important thing for the life is being polluted. This pollution affects the health of all living things. Air is damaged by lorry fumes and car, and power stations create acid rain which can destroys entire lakes and forests. When fossil fuels: gas, oil and coal are burned to provide energy for cooking, lighting etc. they form polluting gases. Not only on land but also in the sea, oils spills pollute sea water and kill marine life; chemical waste from sewage works and factories, and artificial fertilisers from farmland, pollute river water, spreading disease, and killing wildlife. Everything is being caused by human’s existence. Humans create rubbish! Each household produces about one tonne of rubbish each year! Most of this is taken away by dustmen and burned in incinerators or buried in enormous landfill sites – both of these actions can be dangerous for our environment.

But only people can change and solve it. Pollution could be prevented by all thing we do each day. First people can use recycled paper to save trees. Second try to avoid using plas. It is hard to recycle. People should refuse to use carrier bags. If people can not avoid buying plas bags, they should use re-use plas bags many times. Finally people must take their old clothes to charity shops. People also should save energy to protect environment. Switching off all electric things when they are not in use, walk or use a bicycle instead of car for short trips, keep healthy life and  keep clean atmosphere.

Keep clean environment isn’t only all ways are mentioned before but also to protect natural resources. That is the way to conserver wild life. First we need to conserve the old forest, rainforest, build more safari and national park, and plant more trees to make place to live for wild animals. Second we need to prohibit hunters who hunt animals too many out of the law allowance.

Finally, we now know that enviroment is the most important thing for life and we know how to protect and use it scientifically. Everyday we invent and find more and more way to protect enviroment. I hope that in the future the earth will be cleaner.

                                 ---Học Tốt Nha---

Mai Lan Hương Là Ai sách Tiếng Anh MK có nè _______

In Ha Noi, the number of death by traffic accident is considered as large as the number of death by plague. There's about more than 30 people die everyday. With the traffic conditions in Ha Noi, accident is object to happen. The roads are too narrow to travel easily. Moreover, many pot-holes can appear everywhere to threaten the goers. On the roads, there're sometimes the illogical roundabouts. They are not only useless, but also make the traffic more chaotic. To solve this problem, we only have one way, it's improving the road. However, it is impossible for the government to widen the roads because of limited land. Whenever theroads are repaired, the traffic is more dangerous with the unfinished structures. People still travel on the repairing roads, and the roads are more and more narrow. We also can build the tunnels but it is very costly. Viet Nam has to borrow money from other countries and no one knows when the government can pay it back. As you know, Ha Noi is a monsoonal tropical country, it has a lot of rain every year. During the rainy season, the roads are flooded because all the waste pipes are stuck by rubbish and become very dirty.

In addition, the tense of Ha Noi people is poor. The roads in the cities are choked with so many vehicles such as motorbikes, bicycles, taxies, buses, cyclos and pedestrians because people do not follow the laws well. They even don't obey the traffic lights or signs. Children are taught about traffic laws while adults are breaking it. Now, the government gives many new strict laws to improve the present posture. Polices are more active than they used to. Everyone travel on

motorbike wears helmet naturally without any enforcement. The traffic is better and better day by day.

In conclusion, with many measures now, the traffic in Ha Noi will be good one day. The poor conditions Ha Noi can solve this problem by the development of economic.

24 tháng 1 2021

What should we do when we go out?

-Yes, we have to follow the road signs and the traffic safety rules. There are five types of road signs. First one, the direction sign. This type leads you to go to the right side of the road or somethings, but most are lead you to go to the right side. The second is danger sign. This type shows you the danger ahead and when you saw this sign, you have to becareful. The third one is prohibition signs. In this type, if you don't follow the sign, you will maybe in danger. The fourth type is command signs. You have to follow it or maybe you will be like you don't follow the prohibition signs. The fifth and also the last one type is side signs. This type is not very common and I don't know about it very much. If you want to know about the last type of sign, you can search on the internet. 


Bài làm

Of all the subjects taught in school, I Geography best. It is the only subject which teaches me everything I need to know about the world we live in, for example, vegetation, way of life of people, climate, agriculture and economy.

I learn about the countries around Malaysia and in other parts of the world and, since I cannot visit and see for myself every country in the world, I get at least a good picture of these countries by studying Geography. I am very interested in finding out more about other countries especially those that experience snow when winter comes. I often wonder about the life of the people in these countries. What would it be to be dressed in thick clothes and boots and living in snow-covered houses amidst fir trees? Then, there are the hot desert lands that stretch for miles and miles without a tree in sight. They, too, fascinate me. I marvel at the inhabitants who are able to tolerate the intense heat of the burning sun, traveling along miles of barren, hot land on camels where the only vegetation found would be the few palm trees growing at an oasis. The wide range of food which we enjoy daily such as butter, cheese, fruits, bread that comes from wheat and many others lead me on to find out how they are processed and imported into Malaysia and finally make their appearance in our homes.

As I study more in Geography, I understand better the changes in weather conditions, for example, why there are hot and dry seasons or cool rainy days during the monsoon season and how deserts are caused.

Dịch :

Trong tất cả các môn học được giảng dạy trong nhà trường, tôi thích môn Địa lý nhất. Bởi vì đó là chủ đề duy nhất mà dạy cho tôi tất cả những gì cần biết về thế giới chúng ta đang sống, ví dụ như thực vật, cách sống của con người, khí hậu, nông nghiệp và nền kinh tế , ... 
Tôi tìm hiểu về các quốc gia trên toàn Malaysia và ở những nơi khác trên thế giới và, vì tôi không thể xem tận mắt tất cả các nước trên thế giới, tôi nhận được ít nhất một vài hình ảnh tốt của các nước này bằng cách nghiên cứu Địa lý. Tôi rất quan tâm đến việc tìm hiểu thêm về các nước khác đặc biệt là những trải nghiệm tuyết khi mùa đông đến. Tôi thường tự hỏi về cuộc sống của người dân ở các nước này. Nó sẽ như thế nào khi được mặc quần áo dày , làm việc và sinh sống trong những ngôi nhà phủ đầy tuyết giữa cây linh sam? Sau đó, có các vùng đất sa mạc nóng trải dài hàng dặm mà không cần cây cối trong tầm nhìn. Nó cũng mê hoặc tôi. Tôi ngạc nhiên trước những cư dân người có thể chịu đựng được nóng dữ dội của mặt trời như lửa đốt, đi du lịch cùng dặm cằn cỗi, đất nóng trên lạc đà nơi thảm thực vật chỉ tìm thấy sẽ là vài cây cọ phát triển tại một ốc đảo. Sự đa dạng của thực phẩm mà chúng ta được hưởng hàng ngày như bơ, pho mát, trái cây, bánh mì mà tạo ra từ lúa mì và nhiều người khác dẫn tôi để tìm hiểu cách thức chúng được xử lý và nhập khẩu vào Malaysia và cuối cùng là làm cho sự xuất hiện sản phẩm của họ trong nhà của chúng tôi. 
Như tôi đã nghiên cứu nhiều hơn trong môn Địa lý, tôi hiểu rõ hơn về những thay đổi trong điều kiện thời tiết, ví dụ, tại sao có những mùa nóng và khô hoặc những ngày mưa mát mẻ trong mùa gió mùa và cách sa mạc đang gây ra .

# Chúc bạn học tốt #

17 tháng 2 2019

My favorite sport is football. Football or Bridge is a team sport played between two teams, each team has 11 players on the field. This game uses a ball and is often played on a rectangular grass field with two goals on either side of the yard. The goal of the game is to score points by putting the ball into the goal of the opposing team. Except for the goalkeeper, the other players are not intentionally using their hands or arms to play. The winning team is the team that has scored more goals at the end of the match.

Football is played at the professional level in the world. Tens of thousands of people came to the stadium to watch matches with their favorite teams, and millions of others watched over the television if they couldn't get to the stadium. In addition, many people play this sport at an amateur level.

24 tháng 2 2019

Hi,my name is Chi. Now, I tell you about my favourie sport. I badminton best! It is an individual sport. It has two players. I play it in my free time. I play it with my friend in my yard. It needs two rackets and a shutlecock. I love it best because it is good for my health and I feel happy when I play it!

9 tháng 10 2021

1 watching

2 doing

3 sleeping

4 working

5 studying

6 talking

7 going

8 eating

9 telling

10 having

11 spending

12 taking

13 lending

14 waiting

15 doing

9 tháng 10 2021

 cảm ơn bn nha