
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

17 tháng 11 2023

1. b

2. a

3. c

4. c

1 It is a fact, not an opinion, that the problem

(Đó là một thực tế, không phải là một ý kiến, rằng vấn đề)

=> b cannot be solved in the shop.

(không thể được giải quyết trong cửa hàng.)

Thông tin: 

I can’t help you. We can’t unlock phones here. You need to contact your phone network. They’re the only people who can unlock it. (Tôi không thể giúp bạn được. Chúng tôi không thể mở khoá điện thoại ở đây. Bạn cần liên hệ với hãng điẹne thoại của bạn. Họ là những người duy nhất có thể mở khoá nó.)

2 Where does the dialogue take place?

(Cuộc đối thoại diễn ra ở đâu?)

=> a Outside the man's house

(Bên ngoài ngôi nhà của người đàn ông)

Thông tin: 

M That’s my house! (Đó là nhà tôi!)

3 Why is the girl angry with the boy? 

(Tại sao cô gái giận chàng trai?)

=> c He accidentally deleted something that she wanted.

(Anh vô tình xóa một cái gì đó mà cô ấy muốn.)

Thông tin: 

You did erase them. Look – there are only ten songs on here now, and they’re yours. Mine aren’t here.

(Bạn đã xoá chúng còn gì. Nhìn này - ở đây chỉ có 10 bài hát thôi, và chúng đều là của bạn. Của tôi có đâu.)

4 The dialogue takes place a short while before

(Cuộc đối thoại diễn ra một lúc trước)

=> c a social event.

(một sự kiện xã hội.)

Thông tin: 

Nevermind. Actually, all the members of the castare getting together a bit later to celebrate the end of the show. I’ll talk to people there. (Không sao ạ. Thực ra thì, tất cả những thành viên của nhóm sẽ tụ tập muộn hơn chút để ăn mừng kết thúc chương trình. Con sẽ nói chuyện với mọi người ở đó.)

17 tháng 11 2023

Bài nghe: 


C = Customer

A = Assistant

Hi. I wonder if you can help me?

Sure. What’s the problem?

My smartphone is locked. If I put the passcode in, nothing happens.

Right. Can I see?

Yes. Look: 5-2-6-1. Nothing.

Hmm. This phone automatically locks if an incorrect passcode is entered three times. Are you sure you’ve got the right passcode?

Yes, I’m sure. But my three-year-old son was playing with it this morning...

Ah, well that could be the problem. I expect he’s pressed some keys and locked your phone. Anyway, I’m afraid I can’t help you. We can’t unlock phones here. You need to contact your phone network. They’re the only people who can unlock it.

How long does it take?

It’s hard to say. I reckon you should allow at least three or four days.

Oh dear! That’s quite a long time. Are you sure you can’t do anything to help me?

I’m afraid not.


M = Man

W = Woman

Can I help you?

Oh, yes. Do you live around here?

You could say that. That’s my house!

I’m trying to find the Victoria Hotel. My satnav says it’s up this road...

But this isn’t a road. You can see that! And you’re ruining my grass!

Are you sure this isn’t the Victoria Hotel?

Of course I’m sure! I live here!!

Oh, how annoying. All right, I’ll turn around.

Don’t turn around, you’ll ruin the plants. Just go backwards.

All right. Look, it isn’t my fault. I’m just following the satnav. Do you know where the hotel is?

I think there’s a hotel around the next corner. But it isn’t called the Victoria Hotel. It’s the Empire Hotel.

The Empire Hotel. That’s the one!

You said the Victoria.

I know, but I’m pretty sure it’s called the Empire. Thank you. Bye!

Don’t drive over my ... roses.


G = Girl

B = Boy

Have you been using my MP3 player?

Er ... no.

Yes, you have!

Well, maybe once or twice. How do you know?

Because all the songs are different!

I added a few songs, you’re right. Do you like them?

Not really. Why did you erase all my songs?

I didn’t erase anything. I just copied about ten new songs onto it.

You did erase them. Look – there are only ten songs on here now, and they’re yours. Mine aren’t here.

Oh, I’m sorry. Never mind – you’ve got a back-up of your songs on your computer, haven’t you?

No, I haven’t! I loaded them onto the MP3 player from a friend’s tablet.

That’s stealing.

It isn’t stealing. He said it was OK.

I don’t mean stealing from your friend. I mean stealing from the people who made the songs. It’s called copyright theft and it’s damaging...

Look, that isn’t the point! Don’t use my MP3 player without asking!


D = Dad

G = Girl

You were great. I didn’t know you could dance so well!

Thanks, Dad. Did you video any of it?

Yes, I did. I used my new camcorder.

Ooh. Let me see.

There should be four or five clips.

These are all clips of a football match!

Oh. I recorded those yesterday. I wonder what happened.

Basically, you didn’t record anything at all tonight.

I tried to! Actually, it did keep giving mea message - something about ‘memory full’. I wasn’t sure what it meant.

It means the memory is full.

So, what do I do about that?

Nevermind. Actually, all the members of the cast are getting together a bit later to celebrate the end of the show. I’ll talk to people there. Maybe somebody else videoed it.

I hope so. I think the man next to me had a camcorder too.

OK. Anyway... Thanks for coming. Glad you enjoyed it!

Tạm dịch: 


C = Khách hàng

A = Trợ lý

Xin chào. Tôi tự hỏi nếu bạn có thể giúp tôi chút không?

Chắc chắn rồi. Có vấn đề gì vậy ạ?

Điện thoại thông minh của tôi bị khóa. Tôi nhập mật mã vào, không có gì xảy ra.

A À vâng. Tôi xem được chứ?

C Được. Nhìn này: 5-2-6-1. Không có gì xảy ra cả.

A Hừm. Điện thoại này sẽ tự động khóa nếu nhập sai mật khẩu ba lần. Bạn có chắc mình đã nhập đúng mật khẩu không?

Vâng, tôi chắc chắn. Nhưng đứa con trai ba tuổi của tôi đã chơi với nó sáng nay...

A À, có thể đó chính là vấn đề đấy. Tôi cho rằng em bé đã nhấn một số phím và khóa điện thoại của bạn. Dù sao, tôi sợ rằng tôi không thể giúp bạn. Chúng tôi không thể mở khóa điện thoại ở đây. Bạn cần liên hệ với hãng điện thoại của mình. Họ là những người duy nhất có thể mở khóa nó.

C Mất bao lâu?

Thật khó để nói. Tôi nghĩ bạn nên cho phép ít nhất ba hoặc bốn ngày.

C Ôi! Lâu thật đấy. Bạn chắc là bạn không thể làm bất cứ điều gì để giúp tôi chứ?

Tôi e là không.


M = Người đàn ông

W = Người phụ nữ

M Tôi có thể giúp gì cho cô không?

W Ồ, vâng. Anh có sống quanh đây không?

Có đấy. Đó là nhà của tôi!

W Tôi đang cố tìm khách sạn Victoria. Định vị của tôi nói rằng nó ở trên con đường này...

Nhưng đây không phải là một con đường. Cô thấy đấy! Và cô đang làm hỏng cỏ của tôi!

W Anh có chắc đây không phải là khách sạn Victoria không?

M Tất nhiên tôi chắc chắn! Tôi sống ở đây mà!!

W Ôi phiền thật đấy. Được rồi, tôi sẽ quay lại.

Đừng quay lại, cô sẽ làm hỏng cây mất. Chỉ cần đi ngược lại thôi.

W Được rồi. Nghe này, đó không phải là lỗi của tôi. Tôi chỉ theo dõi định vị thôi. Anh có biết khách sạn ở đâu không?

Tôi nghĩ có một khách sạn ở góc phố tiếp theo. Nhưng nó không được gọi là khách sạn Victoria. Đó là khách sạn Empire.

W Khách sạn Empire. Chính nó.

Cô đã nói Victoria.

W Tôi biết, nhưng tôi khá chắc chắn rằng nó được gọi là Đế chế gì đấy. Cảm ơn nha. Tạm biệt!

M Đừng có mà lái xe qua ... hoa hồng của tôi. 


G = Bạn nữ

B = Bạn nam

G Bạn có dùng máy nghe nhạc MP3 của tôi không vậy?

B Ơ ... không.

Có mà!

B Ờ thì, có lẽ một hoặc hai lần. Làm sao bạn biết chứ?

Bởi vì tất cả các bài hát khác hẳn!

B Tôi đã thêm một vài bài hát, đúng rồi đấy. Bạn có thích chúng không?

Không thích lắm. Mà sao bạn xóa tất cả các bài hát của tôi?

B Tôi không xóa cái gì hết. Tôi chỉ sao chép khoảng mười bài hát mới vào đó thôi.

G Bạn đã xóa còn gì. Nhìn này - hiện tại chỉ có mười bài hát của bạn ở đây. Mấy bài hát của tôi không có ở đây.

B Ôi, tôi xin lỗi. Đừng giận mà - bạn đã sao lưu các bài hát của mình trên máy tính phải không?

G Không! Tôi đã tải chúng vào máy nghe nhạc MP3 từ máy tính bảng của một người bạn đấy

B Ủa đó là ăn cắp mà.

Không phải ăn cắp. Cấu ấy nói nó không sao.

Ý tôi không phải là ăn cắp từ bạn của bạn. Ý tôi là ăn cắp từ những người đã tạo ra các bài hát. Nó được gọi là hành vi trộm cắp bản quyền và nó gây tổn hại...

Nhưng mà, đó không phải là vấn đề! Đừng có mà sử dụng máy nghe nhạc MP3 của tôi mà không có sự cho phép nữa đi!


D = Bố

G = Con gái

D Con giỏi lắm. Bố không biết là con có thể nhảy tốt như vậy đấy!

Cảm ơn bố. Bố có quay lại video nào không ạ?

Có đấy. Bố đã sử dụng máy quay phim mới của bố.

Chà. Con xem với.

D Có bốn hoặc năm video gì đó.

G Nhưng đây đều là video của một trận đấu bóng đá mà bố!

G Ô. Hôm qua bố có quay video lại mà nhỉ. Không biết bị gì nữa.

G Về cơ bản, bố chả ghi lại bất cứ điều gì tối nay cả.

D Bố đã cố! Thực ra thì, nó đã liên tục hiện thông báo – cái gì mà 'bộ nhớ đầy'. Bố không chắc nó có nghĩa là gì.

Có nghĩa là bộ nhớ đầy.

D Vậy bố phải làm gì với nó?

G Không sao. Thực ra, tất cả các thành viên của nhóm sẽ tụ tập lại với nhau muộn hơn một chút để ăn mừng kết thúc chương trình. Con sẽ nói chuyện với mọi người ở đó. Có lẽ ai đó khác đã quay video lại.

D Bố mong là vậy. Bố nghĩ rằng người đàn ông bên cạnh bố cũng có một cái máy quay phim.

G Vâng. Dù sao... Cảm ơn vì bố đã đến. Con mừng vì bố thích nó! 

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. As I remember, (1) in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps. Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street. At that time, Hanoians always...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

As I remember, (1) in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps.

Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street.

At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only for its (4) but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it’s terminus in the former Ha Dong Province, (5) is now part of the expanded Ha Noi.

I still remember on (6) from school, my friends and I would go to the lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening, come rain or (7) . Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8) in my mind from my childhood.

1. a. move b. place c. set d. back

2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded

3. a. with b. in c. to d. by

4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition

5. a. that b. which c. where d. this

6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off

7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten

8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

25 tháng 1 2019

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

As I remember, (1) in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps.

Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street.

At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only for its (4) but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it’s terminus in the former Ha Dong Province, (5) is now part of the expanded Ha Noi.

I still remember on (6) from school, my friends and I would go to the lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening, come rain or (7) . Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8) in my mind from my childhood.

1. a. move b. place c. set d. back

2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded

3. a. with b. in c. to d. by

4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition

5. a. that b. which c. where d. this

6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off

7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten

8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. As I remember, (1) ........ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) ...... by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps. Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) ...... several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street. At that...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

As I remember, (1) ........ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) ...... by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps.

Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) ...... several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street.

At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only for its (4) ..... but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it’s terminus in the former Ha Dong Province, (5) ...... is now part of the expanded Ha Noi.

I still remember on (6) ...... from school, my friends and I would go to the lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening, come rain or (7) ...... . Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8) ........ in my mind from my childhood.

1. a. move b. place c. set d. back

2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded

3. a. with b. in c. to d. by

4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition

5. a. that b. which c. where d. this

6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off

7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten

8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. As I remember, (1) ........ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) ...... by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps. Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) ...... several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street. At that...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

As I remember, (1) ........ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) ...... by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps.

Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) ...... several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street.

At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only for its (4) ..... but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it’s terminus in the former Ha Dong Province, (5) ...... is now part of the expanded Ha Noi.

I still remember on (6) ...... from school, my friends and I would go to the lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening, come rain or (7) ...... . Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8) ........ in my mind from my childhood.

1. a. move b. place c. set d. back

2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded

3. a. with b. in c. to d. by

4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition

5. a. that b. which c. where d. this

6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off

7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten

8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

16 tháng 9 2023

Phương pháp giải:

Bài nghe: 

TV host: Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Teens' World. Today we have in our studio Dr. Janet Harrison. She's a psychologist who has worked on teen issues for many years. Welcome to our program, Dr. Harrison.

Dr. Harrison: Thank you for having me here.

TV host: You told us that you'd like to discuss a serious teen problem today. What's it?

Dr. Harrison: Well, it's body shaming - the act of making fun of someone because of his or her appearance.

TV host: Oh, I recall being called 'fat' and 'ugly' by one of my classmates when I was at secondary school. Is this an example of body shaming?

Dr. Harrison: I'm sorry to hear that, and yes, it is. Although body shaming is not a new topic, it has recently become more common. You see, as more and more young people are using the Internet, body shaming happens mainly online now. People often post offensive comments or photos about others, and invite others to join them.

TV host: That sounds terrible!

Dr. Harrison: It is. Body shaming can lead to long-term health consequences and damage people's mental health. The most common problems are depression and low self- confidence.

TV host: So do you have any suggestion for teenagers who are often the victims?

Dr. Harrison: Well, the first thing they should do is...

Tạm dịch: 

Người dẫn chương trình: Chào buổi tối quý vị. Chào mừng bạn đến với Thế giới tuổi teen. Hôm nay chúng tôi mời Tiến sĩ Janet Harrison đến phòng thu. Cô ấy là một nhà tâm lý học đã nghiên cứu về các vấn đề của thanh thiếu niên trong nhiều năm. Chào mừng đến với chương trình của chúng tôi, Tiến sĩ Harrison.

Tiến sĩ Harrison: Cảm ơn vì đã mời tôi đến đây.

Người dẫn chương trình: Cô đã nói với chúng tôi rằng hôm nay cô muốn thảo luận về một vấn đề nghiêm trọng của thanh thiếu niên. Đó là gì vậy?

Tiến sĩ Harrison: Đó là miệt thị ngoại hình – hành vi chế nhạo ai đó bởi vì ngoại hình của anh ấy hoặc cô ấy.

Người dẫn chương trình: Ồ, tôi nhớ mình đã bị một bạn cùng lớp gọi là 'béo' và 'xấu xí' khi còn học cấp hai. Đây có phải là một ví dụ về miệt thị ngoại hình?

Tiến sĩ Harrison: Tôi rất tiếc khi nghe điều đó, nhưng đúng vậy. Mặc dù miệt thị ngoại  hình không phải là một chủ đề mới, nhưng gần đây nó đã trở nên phổ biến hơn. Bạn thấy đấy, ngày càng có nhiều người trẻ tuổi sử dụng Internet, và hiện nay miệt thị ngoại hình chủ yếu diễn ra trên mạng. Mọi người thường đăng những bình luận hoặc hình ảnh xúc phạm về người khác và lôi kéo những người khác tham gia cùng họ.

Người dẫn chương trình: Nghe kinh khủng thật đấy!

Tiến sĩ Harrison: Đúng vậy. Miệt thị ngoại hình có thể dẫn đến những hậu quả sức khỏe lâu dài và tổn hại đến sức khỏe tinh thần của con người. Các vấn đề phổ biến nhất là trầm cảm và thiếu tự tin.

Người dẫn chương trình: Vậy cô có gợi ý gì cho những thanh thiếu niên là nạn nhân không?

Tiến sĩ Harrison: Ồ, điều đầu tiên họ nên làm là...

Lời giải chi tiết:

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

1. Who was a victim of body shaming?  

(Ai đã từng là nạn nhân của việc miệt thị ngoại hình?)

=> A. The TV host.

(Người dẫn chương trình truyền hình.)

Thông tin: 

TV host: Oh, I recall being called 'fat' and 'ugly' by one of my classmates when I was at secondary school. (Ồ, tôi nhớ mình đã bị một bạn cùng lớp gọi là 'béo' và 'xấu xí' khi còn học cấp hai.)

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an effect of body shaming?

(Điều nào sau đây KHÔNG được đề cập như là một tác động của hành vi miệt thị ngoại hình?)

=> C. Unhealthy eating.

(Ăn uống không lành mạnh.)

Thông tin: 

Dr. Harrison: IBody shaming can lead to long-term health consequences and damage people's mental health. The most common problems are depression and low self- confidence. (Miệt thị ngoại hình có thể dẫn đến những hậu quả sức khỏe lâu dài và tổn hại đến sức khỏe tinh thần của con người. Các vấn đề phổ biến nhất là trầm cảm và thiếu tự tin.)

3. What can be inferred about body shaming?

(Điều gì có thể được suy luận về việc miệt thị ngoại hình?)

=> A. It is not a new thing.

(Nó không phải là một điều mới.)

Thông tin: 

Dr. Harrison: Although body shaming is not a new topic... (Cho dù việc miệt thị ngoại hình không phải là chủ đề mới...)

4. What do you think Dr Harrison will talk about next?

(Bạn nghĩ Tiến sĩ Harrison sẽ nói về điều gì tiếp theo?)

=> B. Ways for teenagers to deal with body shaming.

(Cách thanh thiếu niên đối phó với sự xấu hổ về cơ thể.)

Thông tin: 

TV host: So do you have any suggestion for teenagers who are often the victims?

(Vậy cô có gợi ý gì cho những thanh thiếu niên là nạn nhân không?)

Dr. Harrison: Well, the first thing they should do is...

(Ồ, điều đầu tiên họ cần làm là...)





Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 9 to 13. Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours because the proteins spilling out of...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 9 to 13.

Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours because the proteins spilling out of the first cells that die trigger a chemical chain reaction that kills the neighboring cells.

The current method of reducing the amount of damage is to give a clot dissolver, known as TPA, as soon as possible. But generally TPA is not given to the patient until he or she reaches the hospital, and it still does not immediately stop the damage.

The new technology, still in the research stage, involves chilling the area or the entire patient. It is already known that when an organ is cooled, damage is slowed. This is why sometimes a person who has fallen into an icy pond is not significantly harmed after being warmed up again. The biggest issue is the method of cooling. It is not feasible to chill the head alone. Doctors have chilled the entire body by wrapping the patient in cold materials, but extreme shivering was a problem.

The new idea is to cool the patient from the inside out. Several companies are studying the use of cold-tipped catheters, inserted into the artery in the groin and threaded up to the inferior vena cava, which is a large vein that supplies blood to the abdomen. The catheter is expected to cool the blood that flows over it, thus allowing cooler blood to reach the area of the stroke damage.

It is not expected that the cooling will be substantial, but even a slight decrease in temperature is thought to be helpful. In effect, the patient is given a kind of forced hypothermia. And doctors believe it is important to keep the patient awake so that they can converse with the patient in order to ascertain mental condition.

Studies continue to determine the most effective and least damaging means of cooling the patient in order to reduce this damage.

The word “alleviating” in the first sentence is closest in meaning to _____.

A. causing

B. devastating

C. reducing

D. increasing

27 tháng 5 2017

Đáp án C

Alleviating ≈ reducing: làm giảm bớt, nhẹ bớt

Cause: gây ra

Devastate: tàn phá, phá huỷ

Increase: tăng

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 9 to 13. Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours because the proteins spilling out of...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 9 to 13.

Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours because the proteins spilling out of the first cells that die trigger a chemical chain reaction that kills the neighboring cells.

The current method of reducing the amount of damage is to give a clot dissolver, known as TPA, as soon as possible. But generally TPA is not given to the patient until he or she reaches the hospital, and it still does not immediately stop the damage.

The new technology, still in the research stage, involves chilling the area or the entire patient. It is already known that when an organ is cooled, damage is slowed. This is why sometimes a person who has fallen into an icy pond is not significantly harmed after being warmed up again. The biggest issue is the method of cooling. It is not feasible to chill the head alone. Doctors have chilled the entire body by wrapping the patient in cold materials, but extreme shivering was a problem.

The new idea is to cool the patient from the inside out. Several companies are studying the use of cold-tipped catheters, inserted into the artery in the groin and threaded up to the inferior vena cava, which is a large vein that supplies blood to the abdomen. The catheter is expected to cool the blood that flows over it, thus allowing cooler blood to reach the area of the stroke damage.

It is not expected that the cooling will be substantial, but even a slight decrease in temperature is thought to be helpful. In effect, the patient is given a kind of forced hypothermia. And doctors believe it is important to keep the patient awake so that they can converse with the patient in order to ascertain mental condition.

Studies continue to determine the most effective and least damaging means of cooling the patient in order to reduce this damage.

According to the passage, all of the following are true except that _____.

A. some cells die immediately when a person has a stroke, and others die later 

B. the protein from dead cells kills other cells 

C. cells die only as a direct result of the stroke 

D. TPA is effective in removing blood clots

13 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án C

Phương án A: Thông tin nằm ở dòng 3 đoạn 1: “Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours” Phương án B: Thông tin nằm ở dòng 4 đoạn 1: “because the proteins spilling out of the first cells that die trigger a chemical chain reaction that kills the neighboring cells”

Phương án D: Thông tin nằm ở dòng 1 đoạn 2: “The current method of reducing the amount of damage is to give a clot dissolver, known as TPA”

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 9 to 13. Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours because the proteins spilling out of...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 9 to 13.

Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours because the proteins spilling out of the first cells that die trigger a chemical chain reaction that kills the neighboring cells.

The current method of reducing the amount of damage is to give a clot dissolver, known as TPA, as soon as possible. But generally TPA is not given to the patient until he or she reaches the hospital, and it still does not immediately stop the damage.

The new technology, still in the research stage, involves chilling the area or the entire patient. It is already known that when an organ is cooled, damage is slowed. This is why sometimes a person who has fallen into an icy pond is not significantly harmed after being warmed up again. The biggest issue is the method of cooling. It is not feasible to chill the head alone. Doctors have chilled the entire body by wrapping the patient in cold materials, but extreme shivering was a problem.

The new idea is to cool the patient from the inside out. Several companies are studying the use of cold-tipped catheters, inserted into the artery in the groin and threaded up to the inferior vena cava, which is a large vein that supplies blood to the abdomen. The catheter is expected to cool the blood that flows over it, thus allowing cooler blood to reach the area of the stroke damage.

It is not expected that the cooling will be substantial, but even a slight decrease in temperature is thought to be helpful. In effect, the patient is given a kind of forced hypothermia. And doctors believe it is important to keep the patient awake so that they can converse with the patient in order to ascertain mental condition.

Studies continue to determine the most effective and least damaging means of cooling the patient in order to reduce this damage.

According to the passage, what causes a stroke?

A. Low blood flow

B. A blood clot sticking in an area of the brain 

C. Hot blood

D. A patient choking on food

15 tháng 8 2018

Đáp án B

Thông tin tìm ở dòng 2 đoạn 1: “Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood”

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 9 to 13. Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours because the proteins spilling out of...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 9 to 13.

Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours because the proteins spilling out of the first cells that die trigger a chemical chain reaction that kills the neighboring cells.

The current method of reducing the amount of damage is to give a clot dissolver, known as TPA, as soon as possible. But generally TPA is not given to the patient until he or she reaches the hospital, and it still does not immediately stop the damage.

The new technology, still in the research stage, involves chilling the area or the entire patient. It is already known that when an organ is cooled, damage is slowed. This is why sometimes a person who has fallen into an icy pond is not significantly harmed after being warmed up again. The biggest issue is the method of cooling. It is not feasible to chill the head alone. Doctors have chilled the entire body by wrapping the patient in cold materials, but extreme shivering was a problem.

The new idea is to cool the patient from the inside out. Several companies are studying the use of cold-tipped catheters, inserted into the artery in the groin and threaded up to the inferior vena cava, which is a large vein that supplies blood to the abdomen. The catheter is expected to cool the blood that flows over it, thus allowing cooler blood to reach the area of the stroke damage.

It is not expected that the cooling will be substantial, but even a slight decrease in temperature is thought to be helpful. In effect, the patient is given a kind of forced hypothermia. And doctors believe it is important to keep the patient awake so that they can converse with the patient in order to ascertain mental condition.

Studies continue to determine the most effective and least damaging means of cooling the patient in order to reduce this damage.

What is the passage mainly about?

A. The dangers of cooling the body. 

B. New pharmaceutical methods for reducing stroke damage that are being researched. 

C. Causes and effects of strokes. 

D. A new method of cooling the body to reduce stroke damage that is being researched.

9 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án D

Đoạn văn chủ yếu nói về phương pháp mới về làm lạnh cơ thể để giảm ảnh hưởng của đột quỵ đang được nghiên cứu

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question.          Educating children at home as an alternative to formal education is an option chosen by families in many parts of the world. The homeschooling movement is popular in the United States, where close to one million Children are educated at home. In Canada, 1 percent of school-age children are homeschooled, and the idea also enjoys growing popularity in Australia, where 20,000...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question.

         Educating children at home as an alternative to formal education is an option chosen by families in many parts of the world. The homeschooling movement is popular in the United States, where close to one million Children are educated at home. In Canada, 1 percent of school-age children are homeschooled, and the idea also enjoys growing popularity in Australia, where 20,000 families homeschool their children. The movement is not limited to these countries. Homeschooling families can be found all over the world, from Japan to Taiwan to Argentina to South Africa.

         Homeschooling is not a novel idea. In fact, the idea of sending children to spend most of their day away from home at a formal school is a relatively new custom. In the United States, for example, it was not until the latter part of the nineteenth century that state governments began making school attendance compulsory. Before that, the concept of a formal education was not so widespread. Children learned the skills they would need for adult life at home from tutors or their parents, through formal instruction or by working side by side with the adults of the family.

         In the modern developed world, where the vast majority of children attend school, families choose homeschooling for a variety of reasons. For people who live in remote areas, such as the Australian outback or the Alaskan Wilderness, homeschooling may be their only option. Children who have exceptional talents in the arts or other areas may be homeschooled so that they have more time to devote to their special interests. Much of the homeschooling movement is made up of families who, for various reasons, are dissatisfied with the schools available to them. They may have a differing educational philosophy, they may be concerned about the safety of the school environment, or they may feel that the local schools cannot adequately address their children's educational needs. Although most families continue to choose a traditional classroom education for their children, homeschooling as an alternative educational option is becoming more popular.

What does the word “that” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. the second half of the 19th century

B. the beginning of the 19th century

C. the former part of the 19th century

D. the end of the 19th century

6 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án A

Từ “that” trong đoạn 2 đề cập đến từ nào?

A. nửa sau thế kỉ thứ 19                                      
B. đầu thế kỉ thứ 19

C. nửa đầu thế kỉ thứ 19                                     
D. cuối thế kỉ thứ 19

Căn cứ vào thông tin đoạn 2:

“In the United States, for example, it was not until the latter part of the nineteenth century that state governments began making school attendance compulsory. Before that, the concept of a formal education was not so widespread."

(Ví dụ, ở Hoa Kỳ, mãi đến nửa sau của thế kỉ thứ 19 thì chính phủ mới bắt buộc học sinh đi học. Trước đó, khái niệm về 1 nền giáo dục chính thức không quá phổ biến).