
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

30 tháng 7 2020

Travelling is always the hobby of most of people. They travel because of many different reasons such as discovering and experiencing the culture and cuisine of outside areas, releasing the tiredness after extremely tensional working period or simply wanting to give time in their family at other palace being out of their house,... Depend on the purpose of the travelling and personality of the travelers, every person will chose to go with a companion or not. So do I. Annually, I have fifteen days for leave. So I divide these days into three sections. One for my family, one for my husband and the other for myself. At the end of school year when my children stay off the school, I and my husband plan to travel with them in one week. We go to the different places every year with the purpose to experience and enjoy the food. During this time, our family members all will experience, sightseeing and discover together, our children will have a chance to learn the new things, parents will have a chance to explain their inquires that we have a no time to do when staying at home. We also explain more about life, about the difference culture of other areas via the stories we saw on the way. I think this is a glue to stick members in our family, it will be a memorable time for our children when they are out of family in the future. Concurrently in my opinion, in order to keep the family happy, I also need a private time for my husband. Because if he is unhappy, I will be unhappy, so we cannot bring the happiness to our children. Sometimes, I give one or two days for travelling with each other. We talk about the feeling when we saw in the first time, the plan for our children’s future, the plan for ourselves in the coming time or only take time for telling humorous stories,…We share the ideals, opinion about the thing we saw while travelling, the solution we give if we were in that situation, the lesson we learnt via this,… This time is very important to me because it helps me get unstuck the busy and boring daily life. However, sometimes I only want to travel alone because I know that no one can understand me as myself do. I need time to live alone, to solve the problem I face in the daily life and experience the new thing in my own way, no one can interrupt me. This is a valuable time and very necessary because I can look back myself, know what is important in my life and remove all negative thinks before going back home. In general, I prefer both travelling with a companion or lone because each way brings different profits. I applied two in my life and I feel my life is more and more happier.

26 tháng 6 2021



Studying has a great effect on our lives. The way we study is important and we have to plan it well to achieve our goals. Many students prefer to study alone but others not. Personally, I prefer to studying with a group for three important reasons.

First, I have a benefit of exchanging experience with other students. As studying in a group give us the chance to get a lot o different ideas and explanations. For example, when I were at high school, I and my group study have to prepare for a chemistry project. So we all worked together, collected all the information and finally we discussed all the materials. That will not happened if I Try to made it alone.

Second, in studying group, we have to work together as I mentioned, and thus we save time as we are dividing the work and every one has to do his part. By this we are going to finish faster. For example, yesterday, my son told me how his group win the contest because they all work together hardly and win the first place. While others prefer to work alone.


Third, studying in a group also gives us experience how to interact with each other. We learn how to listen to other and respect other opinions. This will help us in our work in the future. Nowadays, many work depends on how we deal with others and sometimes we have open discussions. So we will going to work with a large groups and we must know how to deal with this.

In conclusion, I think that by studying in groups we will have a lot of advantages. Not only we will get a variety of ideas but also have a great experience which will help us in future in our careers. So that's why I prefer a group studying.

14 tháng 9 2017

In the recent days, everyone wishes to pay rent, enjoying the present life rather taking up the burden of paying Equated Monthly Installment (EMI). While there are many advantages influencing people to reside in rented accommodation, there are also drawbacks which are worth considering.

To state upon on the advantages of renting, firstly, people can live very closer to work, schools, hospitals etc., For instance, if there is a transfer of job location, it is very easy to look for another rented house nearer to office. Secondly, you get a chance to live in big apartments and posh houses for short timing and enjoy all the amenities provided without having to think much on investing in buying them. Finally the financial risk is low.

On the contrary, living in a rented house you cannot claim ownership.All the earnings are spent in paying rent leaving a person totally skint when the person is retired. i.e Consider an example of a family staying in a house paying 20k rent whereas they could have invested in buying a flat and pay 20k as monthly EMI. Apart, not all house owners are nice people. Some landlords have stringent rules for the houses rented and collect huge maintenance fees. Moreover, each time while relocating there will be extra cost involved for mail redirection, shifting etc.,

Finally, discussing upon on the ideas of renting, there are equal number of pros and cons on this issue. It depends upon one's own needs and financial circumstances to choose whether to live in a rented house or own house.

30 tháng 11 2017

Some people say they prefer eating at restaurants to eating at home because they think they can save time spending to cook meal to do other things. However, in my view, I prefer to eat at home. For the following reasons I have three reasons explain why I think this way. First, eating at home helps you save money. Second, hardly any restaurants sever foods as healthy as those you prepare at home. Third, eating at home helps us have chances to get close to our family.

The first reason is that I can save money when eating at home. When you go to a restaurant and order dishes, look at the price on the menu and do a small calculation, you can see the price in the restaurant is at least twice higher than those you cook at home. Beside they are not delicious as food you cook at home. For example, the fried rice I order in restaurants have the price equal to those I spend to by material and make enough fried rice for the whole family. This explains for my first reason – eating at home help, you save money.

The second reason is that the food you prepare at home is healthier than those which are severed in restaurants. Compared with the soup you order at restaurants, the other one you make at home is healthier and more hygienic. For example, the soup I cook at home have more vegetables, meat, eggs, crabs, etc while those at restaurants just have little meat, crabs and vegetable, which is not enough nutrition for a person.

Third, the eating time with family is importance. It helps the family get closer. Imagine the scene of a family with mother and children cooking dinner together at weekend. They are cooking and telling the other person about their day at school or at work. Children learn how to make their favorite dishes. Father helps prepare the table and tell a joke to make the whole family laugh and bring the happy atmosphere to their house. This is one of the points that makes the house become home.

In conclusion, I prefer eating at home to eating at restaurants because of the reasons mentioned above.

4 tháng 12 2017

cảm ơn bạn.

22 tháng 8 2017

Bài viết 1:

The view, a year of traveling after teenagers finish high school, has been became more and more popular in the world, especially among developed countries. It's seem to be useful way for young people preparing for future and thinking about their future life.

Experts say that gap year is a chance to whom want to experience a completely independent life for first time, thinking about if necessary to continue their study or it's better to find a suitable job? For this reason traveling is a good solution both answer their question and enjoy their life. Generally speaking traveling make human a mature person, by improving human knowledge about own and the world that surrounded them. All of these help to recognize your favorites better and help to make right decision in the future. Also during a journey tolerance of human goes up and it good enough to accept your life duties best and bear hard situations.

On the other hand some people argue that such journeys covered huge cost. Since gappers pay their travel cost, they might go back home without any money for rest of life. So, they say going such journey basically is wrong. This view is true somehow. For all I think governments should pay part of costs in order to encourage people to do that, also organize these travels to be cheaper due to decrease disadvantages of it. In my view, if it is possible, this way is the big chance for the majority of gappers to know themselves.

Over all, although gap year has some disadvantages like it's expensive costs, it could be a good solution for whom want to feel a independent life if governments try to plan such trips.

Bài viết 2:

Some youngsters consider a gap year the key to enhancing their career prospects, others think it is a worthless pursuit. I believe that pursuing a gap-year can provide worthwhile experiences to juveniles, laying the seeds of a prosperous professional career. Although a gap-year is an exciting opportunity to undertake a self-development project, it is risky at the same time.

On the one hand, youngsters can gain relevant work experiences, key skills; broadening their view of the world. Working during the defer years can increase invaluable knowledge. Furthermore, experiencing other countries can help gain an appreciation and awareness of global issues, putting people in the lead. Such knowledge is paramount to secure a dream job.

On the other hand, it can cost an awful amount of money to organise and realise. To add to the ordeal, one can get bankrupt. One in ten people face financial ordeals from budget mismanagement according to gap-year tour operators, however, that number is negligible.

Finally, in my opinion, hefty expenses should be the least cause for deterring a gap-year. The return on investment is high, bringing positive drastic changes to the personality of the youngster. Travelling to other countries solidifies young adults with soft, and hard skills; moulding character and individuality. Facing and circumventing adversity in an unfamiliar country sets a solid foundation for solving problems in life. Such experience is worth the expense.

In conclusion, there is definitely an edge some young person can attain contrasting to those who consider gap-years an expensive waste of time. However, improper planning can adversely affect personal finances; accurate gap-year budget plans eliminates the risk of debt and bankruptcy.

22 tháng 8 2017

Chào bạn, câu trả lời của bạn rất hay, cho mình hỏi bạn tự làm hay chép, nếu chép cho mình xin link của trang nhahaha

23 tháng 7 2021


Friendship plays an important role in our lives and in the fact that it seems to be impossible to live without friends.In my opinion, there are three basic qualities that lay the firm foundation for friendship.Firstly, friendship is considered to be mutual help. A good friend is always ready to give us a hand in any situations. A friend in need is a friend indeed. We shouldn't be too deliberate in helping. Secondly, mutual confidence. Friends must feel safe when telling each other the most secrets. Obviously, liars and talkative people can never have good friends. Thirdly, talking about true friendship, I can't help mentioning the faithfulness and sharing. A true friend is the one who will cheer to our happiness and share our sorrows in adversity. In short, the value of friendship is that gives us a source of happiness and comforts our sufferings and a true friendship will be forever although we are rich or poor. 

26 tháng 5 2017

https://www.tienganh123.com/viet-essay ??????

20 tháng 5 2021

Một số người tin rằng công nghệ ảnh hưởng xấu đến cuộc sống của chúng ta và các khía cạnh thao túng của nó sẽ kiểm soát lối sống của chúng ta. Tuy nhiên, những người khác lại cho rằng công nghệ mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho loài người. Bài luận này thảo luận về cả hai quan điểm. Tuy nhiên, tôi nghĩ rằng công nghệ sẽ có lợi miễn là chúng ta kiểm soát nó, và không để nó kiểm soát chúng ta.

Đầu tiên, công nghệ đã định hình đáng kể cách sống của con người và nó không ngừng làm cho cuộc sống của chúng ta trở nên dễ dàng hơn. Thông thường, các nhà phát triển công nghệ công bố các tiện ích công nghệ sáng tạo dễ sử dụng, tiện dụng, sáng tạo và tiết kiệm. Những thiết bị này cải thiện đáng kể cuộc sống của con người và chúng ta có một lối sống tốt hơn ngày nay so với quá khứ do những cải tiến và đổi mới trong công nghệ. Ví dụ, điện thoại di động đã được cải thiện đáng kể về hiệu suất và tính hữu dụng. Ngày nay, chúng đang được sử dụng trong mọi khía cạnh của cuộc sống bao gồm thanh toán hóa đơn, liên lạc, ghi chú, lướt mạng và cho nhiều mục đích thiết thực khác. Thế giới hiện đại thực sự được xác định bởi các công nghệ hiện đại.

Mặt khác, công nghệ không đến mà không có hậu quả tiêu cực. Nó đã bắt đầu kiểm soát nhiều khía cạnh cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta và có thể trở nên thảm khốc hơn bất kỳ ai có thể tưởng tượng nếu nó vượt ra khỏi tầm kiểm soát. Ví dụ: mọi người đang sử dụng thiết bị di động ngày nay, vì vậy họ lưu trữ ảnh cá nhân, chi tiết liên hệ và thậm chí cả tệp trên điện thoại của họ. Vì vậy, rất dễ dàng để tin tặc xâm nhập vào điện thoại của ai đó và sử dụng chúng một cách sai trái. Do đó, gian lận giao dịch trực tuyến, vi rút và trojan độc hại, nguy hiểm cho sức khỏe, thiếu liên kết cá nhân và xã hội là do chúng ta nghiêng về công nghệ. Chúng tôi có nghĩa là kiểm soát công nghệ, không bị kiểm soát bởi nó.

Tóm lại, dù công nghệ có những nhược điểm nhưng không thể phủ nhận rằng không phải mọi thứ mà con người tạo ra đều hoàn mỹ. Hơn nữa, công nghệ có thể rất hữu ích nếu nó được sử dụng đúng cách và đủ thận trọng. Vì vậy, chúng ta nên kiểm soát công nghệ, đừng để nó kiểm soát chúng ta...

26 tháng 1 2022

Tham khảo nha bạn:

       Some people say they like living in the countryside, others like living in the city. In my opinion, I prefer to live in the countryside for the following reasons. First of all, it's a quiet and peaceful place. There are many different species of plants, so the air and food are always fresh and clean. We can enjoy a fresh natural condition without worrying much about environmental pollution. We can freely admire breathtaking landscapes such as giant grasslands, peaceful hills or forests. We can also go for a walk in the forest and pick mushrooms or hunt. Second, Without any giant apartment blocks, modern skyscrapers and annoying traffic jams in the countryside, the air is not polluted. There is also no water pollution. Moreover, living in the countryside is cheaper than in the city, so you can buy more rubber at a lower price. The other positive side is safety. In rural areas, crime rates are much lower. There are not many home break-ins and robberies. In the countryside, people often keep an eye on the neighborhood of their neighbors. They always react when something strange happens. Finally, most of the villagers are friendly and hospitable. They are always willing to help each other. Moreover, city dwellers are easily stressed by pollution, work and competition pressures. In summary, Living in the countryside has many advantages because of the fresh air, clean food, especially the friendliness and hospitality of the people.

27 tháng 1 2022

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