
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

14 tháng 11 2022

Currently, the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic continues to be complicated around the world and localities across the country. In order to actively prevent and control acute respiratory infections caused by the new strain of corona virus, Ninh An Primary School propagates to officials, teachers, staff, and students to actively raise their awareness of health protection. to keep themselves and the community healthy, voluntarily implement the recommendations and guidance of the Ministry of Health on do's and don'ts to prevent COVID-19 epidemic. Raise the awareness of self-care for health, increase nutrition and physical strength to improve the resistance of yourself and your family. The most important thing is to regularly wash hands with soap or antiseptic solution, limit crowded gatherings, regularly clean surfaces, continue to follow “5K message: Masks – Disinfection” Bacteria – Distance – Do not gather – Medical declaration”:

Masks: It is mandatory to wear a mask when leaving the house. Wear a mask on the way from home to school, from school to home and during school time

Disinfection: Wash your hands often with soap or hand sanitizer. Sanitize frequently touched surfaces/items (doorknobs, phones, tablets, tables, chairs, etc.). Keep clean, wash and keep the house well ventilated.

DISTANCE: Keep your distance when interacting with others.


MEDICAL DECLARATION: make medical declaration according to instructions

Student responsibilities: Wear a mask when coming to school, when leaving and during school. Regularly wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer at the following times: Before entering class, after leaving, when your hands are dirty or when necessary. Prepare and bring personal belongings to school, do not share personal belongings with other students. Practice appropriate distance according to the instructions of teachers and school administrators. Do not spit or spit; littering, face masks indiscriminately; Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. Notify parents and teachers if there are symptoms of fever, cough, difficulty breathing for examination, consultation and treatment. Remind parents to measure the temperature and monitor the health of the children at home. Actively participate in the implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control measures at the request of the school.

Responsibilities of teachers and workers at school: Do not go to school if you are in isolation at home or have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Wear a mask when going to school, when leaving and when necessary. Wash your hands often with soap or hand sanitizer; Wash your hands before going to school and after leaving. Ask students to wash their hands with soap or hand sanitizer at the following times: Before entering the classroom, before and after eating, after each recess, and before leaving. Instruct students to practice proper distancing during activities outside the classroom

Because "Fighting the epidemic is like fighting the enemy"

For a healthy Vietnam, let's join hands to fight the epidemic.


Hiện nay tình hình dịch bệnh Covid-19 tiếp tục diễn biến phức tạp trên toàn thế giới và các địa phương trên cả nước.  Để chủ động phòng, chống bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp do chủng mới corona gây ra, Trường Tiểu học Ninh An tuyên truyền tới cán bộ, giáo viên, nhân viên, các em học sinh cần chủ động nâng cao ý thức bảo vệ sức khỏe bản thân và cộng đồng, tự giác thực hiện những khuyến cáo, hướng dẫn của Bộ Y tế về các việc nên làm, không nên làm để phòng chống dịch COVID-19. Đề cao ý thức tự chăm sóc sức khỏe, tăng cường dinh dưỡng và thể lực để nâng cao sức đề kháng của bản thân và gia đình. Điều quan trọng nhất vẫn là thường xuyên rửa tay với xà phòng hoặc dung dịch sát khuẩn, hạn chế tụ tập đông người, thường xuyên vệ sinh các bề mặt đồ vật, tiếp tục thực hiện theo “Thông điệp 5K: Khẩu trang – Khử khuẩn – Khoảng cách – Không tụ tập – Khai báo y tế”:

KHẨU TRANG: Bắt buộc đeo khẩu trang khi ra khỏi nhà. Đeo khẩu trang  trên đường từ nhà đến trường, từ trường về nhà và trong thời gian học tập tại trường

KHỬ KHUẨN: Rửa tay thường xuyên bằng xà phòng hoặc dung dịch sát khuẩn tay. Vệ sinh các bề mặt/ vật dụng thường xuyên tiếp xúc (tay nắm cửa, điện thoại, máy tính bảng, mặt bàn, ghế…). Giữ vệ sinh, lau rửa và để nhà cửa thông thoáng.

KHOẢNG CÁCH: Giữ khoảng cách khi tiếp xúc với người khác.

KHÔNG TỤ TẬP đông người.

KHAI BÁO Y TẾ: thực hiện khai báo y tế theo hướng dẫn

Trách nhiệm của học sinh: Đeo khẩu trang khi đến trường, khi ra về và trong quá trình học tập tại trường. Thường xuyên rửa tay với xà phòng hoặc dung dịch sát khuẩn tay tại các thời điểm: Trước khi vào lớp, sau khi ra về, khi thấy tay bẩn hoặc khi cần thiết. Chuẩn bị và mang đồ dùng cá nhân khi đến trường học, không dùng chung đồ dùng cá nhân với các học sinh khác. Thực hiện giãn cách phù hợp theo hướng dẫn của các thầy cô, ban giám hiệu nhà trường. Không khạc, nhổ; vứt rác, khẩu trang bừa bãi; che miệng và mũi khi ho, hắt hơi. Thông báo với cha mẹ, giáo viên nếu có biểu hiện sốt, ho, khó thở để được khám, tư vấn, điều trị. Nhắc nhở cha mẹ đo nhiệt độ, theo dõi sức khoẻ cho các em tại nhà. Chủ động tham gia thực hiện các biện pháp phòng, chống dịch COVID19 theo yêu cầu của nhà trường.

Trách nhiệm của giáo viên, người lao động tại trường: Không được đến trường nếu đang trong thời gian cách ly tại nhà hoặc có biểu hiện sốt, ho, khó thở. Đeo khẩu trang khi đi đến trường, khi ra về và những thời điểm cần thiết. Thường xuyên rửa tay với xà phòng hoặc dung dịch sát khuẩn tay; rửa tay trước khi đến trường và sau khi ra về. Yêu cầu học sinh rửa tay với xà phòng hoặc dung dịch sát khuẩn tay tại các thời điểm: Trước khi vào lớp học, trước và sau khi ăn, sau mỗi giờ ra chơi, trước khi ra về. Hướng dẫn học sinh thực hiện giãn cách phù hợp trong các hoạt động ngoài lớp học

Vì “Chống dịch như chống giặc”

Vì một Việt Nam khỏe mạnh, hãy chung tay đẩy lùi dịch bệnh.)

14 tháng 11 2022

-Virus prevention is a very important thing. To prevent viruses, we must drink warm water regularly, dress appropriately for the weather.

-phòng tránh virus là 1 việc rất quan trọng.để phòng tránh virus,chúng ta phải uống nước ấm thường xuyên,ăn mặc phù hợp với thời tiết. (Mình viết thế này đã đc chưa bạn)
3 tháng 5 2019

My name is Minh Duong Khang and I’m a Vietnamese. I am ten years old. I live in Ho Chi Minh city in the south of Vietnam.

I have a big family with six people. I have two sisters and a brother. My sisters are older and my brother is younger than me. My father is a teacher at a secondary school. He has worked for 35 years in the field and he is my biggest role model in life. My mother is a housewife. She is nice and she is really good at cooking. I love my family so much.

I’m a generous and easy-going person but when it comes to work I’m a competitive perfectionist. I’m also an optimis and outgoing person so I have many friends and other social relationships. I enjoy reading, writing and doing math. I decided to become a Civil Engineer because I have always been fascinated by bridges, buildings, and skyscrapers. A degree in Civil Engineering enables me to achieve my goals and also gives me an opportunity to make a difference in the community.

Five years from now, I want to become a project manager of a construction project. As a project manager, my primary goals are managing people, set budgets, and making decisions of all kinds. I also want to speak English fluently so I can work with people from different countries.

Hello everyone, my name is .................. This year I am .. years old, I live in ................ There are four members in my family, including my parents, elder brother and me. Now, I am studying in class ..........at...........(tên trừơng)school. At school I have a lot of friends, they are all docile and lovely. Everyone says that I am a very active and energe child so they love me so much. My favorite subject is Physics and English. My hobbies are cooking and reading books. Some of the favorite books are science fiction, detective, history and art. In my spare time, I also take an online piano course. In the future, I will try to get more experience to pursue the dream of becoming a famous pianist performing in the world.

23 tháng 7 2020

bn ghi rõ đề mik làm cho

23 tháng 7 2020

Bạn tham khảo ạ:

Last Sunday, my class organized a trip to Son Tinh Island camp. We set off at 5 hours and it took us 3 hours to get there. On arrival, everyone was quite excited and happy. That day, the weather was very beautiful, the air here is fresh. On the island there are many stilt houses and swings. We were assigned to build tents. Then, all of us paripated in some amazing games such as cat chasing mouse, hide and seek, ... Everyone was all excited and active. Someone losing must receive fines, that make the cow face. It looks so funny. On that day, the teacher also celebrated a birthday for some of our classmates. At noon, most people feel hungry, we return to the tent, eat the food prepared from the day before, then, tell stories and sing, take pictures together. In the afternoon, we were cruising by boat. This was the first time I've experienced go on water surface, it feels great. At 5 o'clock, we all had to arrange luggage to come back home. I bought myself some lovely souvenirs. On the way, looking at the island away, I hope that there will be more interesting excursions this.

Chủ nhật tuần trước, lớp mình tổ chức một chuyến đi dã ngoại đến đảo Sơn Tinh camp. Chúng mình xuất phát từ lúc 5 giờ và phải mất 3 tiếng mới đến nơi. Trên đường đi, mọi người đều khá hồi hộp và háo hức. Hôm ấy, trời rất đẹp, không khí trong lành. Trên đảo có rất nhiều nhà sàn và xích đu. Chúng mình được phân công dựng lều. Sau đó, mình tham gia những trò chơi tập thể như mèo đuổi chuột, bịt mắt bắt dê,... Các bạn đều rất hào hứng và thích thú. Một số bạn thua phải chịu phạt, làm mặt con bò rất buồn cười. Hôm ấy, cô giáo còn tổ chức sinh nhật cho một số bạn trong lớp. Đến trưa, đa số mọi người đều cảm thấy đói, chúng mình trở về lều, ăn những thức ăn đã được chuẩn bị sẵn từ hôm trước, sau đó, ngồi kể chuyện và ca hát, chụp ảnh chung. Buổi chiều, chúng mình được dạo biển bằng tàu thủy. Đây là lần đầu mình được trải nghiệm đi trên mặt nước, cảm giác vô cùng tuyệt vời. Đến 5 giờ, mọi người phải thu xếp hành lí để trở về, mình mua được một số món quà lưu niệm nhỏ. Trên đường đi, nhìn bóng hòn đảo xa dần, mình mong rằng sẽ có nhiều hơn nữa những chuyến dã ngoại lí thú như vầy.

Học tốt!!!!

23 tháng 3 2018

In this section you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle the letter A, B, C or D against the number of each item 1-20 for the word or phrase you choose. (20 points)

1. My sister is very fond .................... chocolate candy.
     A. of                                 B. about                           C. with                        D. at

2. I have studied English ....................eight months.
    A. for                                 B. since                           C. by                           D. in

3. Listen ....................our teacher !
    A. with                               B. to                                C. for                           D. in

4. There isn’t ....................food in the house.
    A. none                             B. no                                C. some                      D. any

5. He arrives …………………..at six o’clock.
     A. at home                       B. home                           C. in home                  D. to home

6. Herbert has had his car………………….. 1999.
    A. ago                               B. since                            C. to                           D. for

7. How long will it ....................to get there ?
    A. cost                              B. lose                              C. make                     D. take

8. I ....................it to you if you don’t have one. 
    A. give                              B. gave                             C. will give                  D. would give

9. ....................your homework yet ?
    A. Did you finished          B. Are you finishing           C. Do you finish          D. Have you finished

10. It’s the best book I …………………..read.
    A. have ever                    B. had ever                       C. will ever                  D. can ever

11. He looked very..................when I told him the news.
    A. happily                        B. happy                            C. happiness              D. was happy

12. She is ..................in history.
    A. interests                      B. interested                      C. interesting              D. being interest

13. Is the Eiffel Tower taller....................Big Ben ?
    A. then                            B. than                               C. as                            D. of

14. At school, David was..................anyone else in his class.
    A. as clever as                B. as clever than                C. cleverer as             D. cleverest

15. She speaks French ....................than you.
    A. more faster                 B. more fluently                  C. well                         D. the most fluently

16. It began to rain while we…………………..soundly.
    A. slept                          B. were sleeping                 C. have slept                D. are sleeping

17. She doesn’t coffee, does she ?
    A. Yes, she doesn’t        B. No, she does                  C. Yes, she did           D. No, she doesn’t

18. I won't go to bed …………………..I finish my homework.
    A. until                           B. when                             C. while                         D. since

19. Is this book ………………….. ? Yes, it's mine.
    A. you're                        B. yours                             C. you                           D. your

20. …………………..do you come to school ? By bus
    A. How                          B. What                              C. By                            D. When

25 tháng 10 2023

bạn cứ tra trên mạng ý 

29 tháng 12 2018
1. Giới thiệu khái quát về gia đình

Trước tiên bạn hãy giới thiệu về gia đình mình với các thông tin như: số lượng thành viên là bao nhiêu, đó là những ai.

Để nói về điều này bạn có thể sử dụng các mẫu câu như:

–  There are five of us in my family – Có năm người trong gia đình tôi.

–  I don’t have any siblings. I would have d a sister- Tôi không có anh chị em. Tôi sẽ rất thích nếu có một chị/em gái

–  I am the only child- Tôi là con một

–  I have two brothers and one sister- Tôi có hai anh/em trai và một chị/em gái

– There are five members in my family. They are my father, my mother, my two brothers Nhân and Thế and I myself-

Có 5 người trong gia đình tôi. Họ là cha, mẹ tôi, 2 anh trai của tôi là Nhân, Thế và tôi

2 . Giới thiệu về nghề nghiệp và sở thích của từng thành viên

Sau khi giới thiệu khái quát về gia đình thì tiếp theo bạn hãy miêu tả về từng thành viên trong gia đình mình

– My mother’s name is Mai, and she is 50 years old. She is a beautiful woman with long black hair

 Mẹ tôi tên Mai,và mẹ 50 tuổi. Bà ấy là một người phụ nữ rất xinh đẹp với mái tóc đen dài

– My Dad’s name is Trung. He is tall and very strong. His job is doctor

 Bố tôi tên là Trung. Bố cao và rất khỏe mạnh. Công việc của bố là một bác sỹ

– Another woman who I love so much is my sister. Her name is Linh. She is 26 years old, and she is a beautiful woman Mom. Now, she is living in Ha Noi capital, because of her jobs

 Một người phụ nữ khác mà tôi rất yêu quý, đó chính là chị gái tôi. Chị tên là Linh, chị 26 tuổi, và là một người phụ nữ xinh đẹp như mẹ. Hiện tại, chị sống ở thủ đô Hà Nội để làm việc

3. Những hoạt động chung của gia đình

Bạn hãy kể về những hoạt động chung của gia đình hay khoảng thời gian ở bên nhau mà bạn thấy thật vui vẻ và hạnh phúc.

Ví dụ:

– We all have a busy lives in day. However in the evening after dinner, we sit together in the living-room talking, sometimes watching a funny movie

Chúng tôi đều có một cuộc sống bận rộn hàng ngày. Tuy nhiên cứ vào buổi tối sau bữa ăn tối, chúng tôi ngồi lại với nhau trong phòng khách và trò chuyện, đôi khi cùng nhau xem một bộ phim hài hước

– My father plays with me on weekends and he teaches me cycling and swimming. My mother makes delicious food for me and also plays with me when she gets time. She also teaches me little cooking. During weekends, we spent time together and sometimes we go for an outing or a movie and enjoy our weekends. On working days, though they are busy, they try spending time with us and looking after our homework and other day to day activities.

Cha tôi chơi với tôi vào cuối tuần và ông dạy tôi đi xe đạp và bơi lội. Mẹ tôi làm cho món ăn ngon cho tôi và cũng đóng với tôi khi cô ấy thời gian. Bà cũng dạy tôi ít nấu ăn. Trong ngày cuối tuần, chúng tôi đã dành thời gian cho nhau và đôi khi chúng ta đi cho một chuyến đi chơi hay một bộ phim và tận hưởng ngày cuối tuần của chúng tôi. Vào những ngày làm việc, mặc dù họ đang bận rộn, họ cố gắng dành thời gian với chúng tôi và chăm sóc bài tập về nhà của chúng tôi và ngày khác để hoạt động ngày

4. Nêu cảm nhận của bản thân về gia đình

Cuối cùng hãy nói về cảm nhận của mình về gia đình, về những thành viên trong gia đình và sự ảnh hưởng của họ đến chính bạn thân mình

Ví dụ:

My parents help me a lot and teach me many good things that we might not learn at schools. The provide me with good and healthy food and nice clothes, that keep me warm and in good condition. I love my parents very much and I am proud to be their child, for all the love that they give me

Cha mẹ tôi giúp đỡ tôi rất nhiều và dạy tôi nhiều điều tốt đẹp mà chúng tôi không được học tại trường. Tôi được cung cấp thức ăn tốt cho sức khỏe, quần áo thoải mái, giữ cho tối được ấm áp và luông trong tình trạng tốt. Tôi yêu bố mẹ tôi rất nhiều và tôi tự hào là con của họ, đối với tất cả tình yêu mà họ dành cho tôi.

29 tháng 12 2018

My family is a small one with only three members: my mother, my brother, and I. My mother is a great woman who has always taken very good care of my brother and me.Unfortunately, she is currently unemployed, but we feel secure with her at home when we are. Every morning she fixes breakfast for us, and then my brother, who is in tenth grade, either walks or rides the bus to Overfelt High School. On the other hand, I work at Micro Lamba Wireless Company, but when I am not working I study English at San Jose College. Not only do my brother and I differ in age and occupation, but we are un in personality. While I am shy and quiet, my brother is very amusing because he is always telling jokes or saying something funny. In brief, we may be just a small family, but we always spend a good time together since our mother is so caring and my brother so amusing.

23 tháng 1 2019

In the life of every human being, we must always have friends who help us overcome difficulties and side by side when having fun and sad things. I am not an exception, there is also a close friend who always shares and helps me when I have difficulties. Kha - that's my best friend's name.

Kha this year is her age, also ten years old. Kha has white skin chicken eggs peeled and slim figure. When you come to class, you will be neatly dressed in a white uniform with black pants, and long hair will be neatly tied behind your neck. Kha has a plump face and talking eyes. Your eyes are big and sparkling with a smile always curved a crescent moon, it is knowing how to laugh, sharing every time you are sad and cheering whenever you have fun. The voice of Kha is as clear as the sound of a golden bird every morning, so don't assume that the voice will be sour. Because that voice is very inspiring and extremely attractive. Kha often tells us the ghost stories she knows, with an attractive thrilling voice, which always makes us scream every time we reach the climax. In exchange for a small laugh, it was the frightened face of our children.

Honestly, I did not Kha at first because people who were good at school and good at singing also sang well. Not only that, my parents are very arrogant in comparison with Kha, so I feel very frustrated and embarrassed because no child s to be compared to their friends by their parents, especially while the child He doesn't that girl anymore. And maybe I will still hate Kha so if it doesn't happen that time.

That day was a cold winter morning, every wind whistled in the window and made me tremble. Somehow, the afternoon before I was still healthy, I ran from the field to the end of the game playing a chase with my brother who got sick the next day. I was tired and opened my eyes wide, staring at the dark gray sky outside the doorway, thinking of a way to go to class without disturbing anyone. In the winter, I turned into a lazy sleeper, so I was always the one who woke up late. My parents often have breakfast with my brother and go to school and go to work as a child so I will have breakfast later and go to school myself. If not today, my brother's school will be volunteering, so I have to leave early, otherwise I will not let you go to school this. I was about to step down from the bed when I was headache, when I heard the sound of Hope coming from outside:
- Lan, you don't go now that you're late to learn!

I want to tell her loudly that I am sick but my words can't get out of my throat. Waiting for me to see no one responding, I saw that my house's light was on, and she entered the house curiously, not forgetting the sentence: "I beg your permission." Entering her room, she panicked and ran in, touching her face and touching her forehead:
- You have a fever, why don't you call me in, where are your parents, where is your brother?
- Dad ... mom ... I ... go to work. Also ... and my brother went to volunteer ... cough ..
- Have you eaten breakfast yet? Then there is a medicine in your house, so I'll just go and get it.

Looking at the form of its fever and anxiety, I was surprised, so long ago I thought that Kha did not me, but when I was sick, I was so worried. Naturally I feel I'm a bad friend, don't realize how good Kha is but just follow my own thoughts and hate you. I was embarrassed to receive help from you and was happy to have a good friend Kha. After cooking porridge for you to eat, you also help me take medicine and call for permission for both of us to take a break because taking care of you has made you late for school.

From that day on, Kha also went to the house to give lessons to me, so that I could catch up with my friends when I went back to school without the help of tutors or teachers. Although I used to play and neglect my homework but after the memory, I paid more attention and improved my score, so my teachers and my parents were very happy. It was all thanks to the devotion of Kha, the end of the first semester, and we were ranked in the top 10 of the class and praised by the teachers as a couple of friends!
I really love my best friend and hope that our friendship will also tighten over time so that I can save my childhood memories when I'm with friends and family.

k mình nha!!

23 tháng 1 2019

My best friend is Lan Anh.She is shoter than me. She has a long hair and beautiful.She is very beautiful,too.Her eyes is round and black .Her favourite subject is Art and her favourite sport is tennis. Every day, she is skipping with me and Ly.We are nine years old. Her birthday is on the third of November.Lan Anh is my best friend.

28 tháng 2 2020

Tham khảo bài này nha bạn , đây là ý tưởng của riêng mình nên bạn đọc và sáng tạo 1 chút nha  : 

I'd to have a hi-tech house by the sea because I want to see the beach. I love beautiful scenes at the beach and enjoy the atmosphere there. There will be a lot of trees and flowers surrounding my house. In my house, there will be 5 rooms: two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The appliances in my house will be modern. I will have a smart TV to surf the Internet and watch interesting programmes, a smart car to move around, a hi-tech robot to help me do my housework and a smartphone to phone and exchange emails with my friends.

Học tốt !

28 tháng 2 2020

My house in the future will be a candy house. It is a big house with syrup and fruit juice covering my house. In front of the house there will be a robot made of cakes, and welcome me very intimately when I return home. The house is decorated with 2 big candy trees. On top of the house there are chimneys and my house is surrounded by big trees. In my house there are 4 rooms: 1 living room, 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. My robots will do all the housework to help me. In the living room, there will be a table and many sofas. It will have a hi-tech TV, I can watch many different programmes. In the kitchen, there will be a stove, a fridge, a microwave. In each bedroom, there will be a king-size bed, an air-conditioner, some pillows, some blankets. I love my future house and I wish it will come true someday

xôi vàng là xôi j._.

10 tháng 8 2020

Các bạn nhớ viết hộ mình nhé

bạn tham khảo nhé 

There are four people in my family – my parents, my little sister and I. I love them all, but my favorite one is my mother. Her name is Mai, and she is 42 years old at the moment. She works as a manager at a furniture store, therefore she is quite busy. She leaves home at 7 and a half in the morning after making breakfast for the whole family, and she usually comes home late in the evening. She is a beautiful woman with an ideal height, long curly hair and a pair of big round eyes. However, because she spends too much time and effort on her work, she starts to have some signs of old aging such as small wrinkles and freckles on her skin. Since she has to work with many employees, she usually has a serious look on her face, and her voice is a little bit loud. However, she is actually a very nice and outgoing person. She always tries to help the staffs with their work, and she is very devoted to her job. At home, she talks to us in a more gentle voice, and there are very few times when she scolds us. She rarely has time to relax and take care of herself, but some of her favorite things to do when she has any spare time are reading novels, watching roman movies, and chatting with us. I know she works under a lot of pressures, so I always talks to her about funny and interesting things at my school, and she seems to enjoy my stories very much. My mother is such a great woman when she can be both a good supervisor and a good mother. I love her a lot, and she is my goal to strive for my future.


I live in an extended family with a lot of people, and my mother has a big responsibility to take care of us. She is 39 years old, and she has medium height with short black hair. She is a little bit chubby, and her bright skin also makes her look younger than her real age. My father is too busy with his work, so my mother has to spend a lot of effort to make sure everything in the house is fine. Every morning, she wakes up at 6 and a half to prepare breakfast for the rest of us; and when we all leave for work or school; she starts to do the house chores as well as cooks lunch. Despite cooking while doing many other things, her food is always delicious and various, and we all come home to eat with her before leaving again. She loves to take a short nap in the afternoon, and this is some little time for her to relax and regain energy. She is a joyful and gentle person. When we gather at dinner, she is the one that brings the warm and happy atmosphere for all of us. My mother is the best mother that one can ever find, and I cannot imagine my life without her.

7 tháng 11 2018

I was born and grown up on the poor land in Duc Tho district, Ha Tinh province. That’s where deeply attaches to me 24 years of life. If anyone who asks me that “What’s the thing your most proud of?” .I will answer that’s my hometown. Duc Tho is the land poor where the people live by rice cultivation, breeding, and fishing. Although the life is very difficult, but the people is very friendly, and studious. In Duc Tho, there is a Tung Anh village where called “Doctor village”. Duc Tho is also the home of Tran Phu Secretary General, and marked many memories of the great leader Ho Chi Minh.
If you come to Duc Tho, you will feel many interesting things, visiting Tran Phu tombstone, La Giang dyke, rowing on La driver, and enjoying the traditional songs. In the evening, they can enjoy a special food which is “mussel rice” – just only eat one time, you will never forget.
Beautiful and unobtrusive! Duc Tho always tries to grow, and to improve the life of people, but keeping the traditional culture.

7 tháng 11 2018

ko chép mạng và dịch cho mình luôn nha !