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1 tháng 1 2020

= TA hay TV ạ??

Tiếng anh ạ

- Cố gắng tham khảo vì giờ muộn rồi , nếu post sớm thì mình có thể giúp  ! 

Tet, also known as Lunar new year festival, is the biggest traditional festival in Viet Nam. Tet is usually from the end of January to early February. Before Tet, Vietnamese prepare many things for the three main days. They clean their house and decorate with flowers such as kumquat tree or peach blossom. A huge amount of food will be bought before Tet for making traditional dishes. Banh Chung, Banh Tet, Gio cha, Xoi and Mut, …and candies are the foods that must have on Tet holidays. During Tet, people visit their relatives’ homes and give wishes. However, the Vietnamese believe that the first visitor a family receives in the year determines their fortune for the entire year, people never enter any house on the first day without being invited first. Another custom is giving lucky money, which is put into a red envelope as a symbol of luck and wish for a new age. Traditionally, elders will give lucky money to children and the oldest people in the family. However, nowadays, people can give it to anyone including friends, parents, neighbors,… Besides, Vietnamese usually go to pagodas or temples to pray for health, wealth, success,… To Vietnamese, Tet is the happiest time of all year around, members in a family can gather together, which is a meaningful messages of Lunar New year festival. All in all, Tet is all about back to origins, be good to others, enjoy the precious moment, and wish for the best to come.

7 tháng 12 2020

Tet, also known as Lunar new year festival, is the biggest traditional festival in Viet Nam. Tet is usually from the end of January to early February. Before Tet, Vietnamese prepare many things for the three maindays. They clean their house and decorate with flowers such as kumquat tree or peach blossom. A huge amount of food will be bought before Tet for making traditional dishes. Banh Chung, Banh Tet, Gio cha, Xoi and Mut, …and candies are the foods that must have on Tet holidays. During Tet, people visit their relatives’ homes and give wishes. However, the Vietnamese believe that the first visitor a family receives in the year determines their fortune for the entire year, people never enter any house on the first day without being invited first. Another custom is giving lucky money, which is put into a red envelope as a symbol of luck and wish for a new age. Traditionally, elders will give lucky money to children and the oldest people in the family. However, nowadays, people can give it to anyone including friends, parents, neighbors,… Besides, Vietnamese usually go to pagodas or temples to pray for health, wealth, success,… To Vietnamese, Tet is the happiest time of all year around, members in a family can gather together, which is a meaningful messages of Lunar New year festival. All in all, Tet is all about back to origins, be good to others, enjoy the precious moment, and wish for the best to come

11 tháng 5 2020

Cho bạn nào có câu hỏi giống mình mà vẫn chưa tìm được câu trả lời. Solar energy brings us both benefits and drawbacks. One of the biggest advantages is that it is a renewable energy source. Energy can be produced as the sun lasts forever. Therefore, solar energy can really be called as a long- term energy source. Furthermore, that is a non- energy source of pollutants such as zero carbon dioxide or other gases in electricity generation. Beside those benefits, solar energy also has some drawbacks. The initial installation cost of solar cells is quite high, so not all people can use it. Also, it can not effectively work in cold weather due to the scarcity of sunlight. In conclusion, we can't deny the advantages of solar energy, but it still exists some disadvantages.

23 tháng 12 2021

Trùng kiết lị:

- Gây đau bụng.

- Đi ngoài phân có lẫn máu và chất nhầy như nước mũi,....

Trùng sốt rét:

- Gây bệnh sốt rét cách nhật.

- Gây thiếu máu,da xanh,môi thâm,....

Đặc điểm thích nghi với đời sống kí sinh là:

- Mắt và cơ quan di chuyển tiêu giảm.

- Giác bám phát triển.

- Cơ quan tiêu hóa phát triển.

- Cơ quan sinh dục phát triển.

23 tháng 12 2021

* Trùng kiết lị :

Trùng kiết lị kí sinh ở thành ruột

+ Cấu tạo : cơ thể đơn bào, gồm 1 khối chất nguyên sinh lỏng và nhân , chân giả rất ngắn

+ Dinh dưỡng :

 Dùng chất dinh dưỡng của vật chủ, nuốt hồng cầu để tiêu hóa


30 tháng 10 2021

Internet – one of the greatest innovations of our times – has become a familiar term in our daily life. Besides its undeniable positive influences, it is necessary to acknowledge the disadvantages it brings. The most predominant drawback that people need to consider is security issues. As the Internet is widely used in different aspects of life such as business or education, users’ privacy can run a risk of invasion by hackers, causing their personal information to be leaked. Furthermore, in the virtual world where people are connected with each other and access is unlimited, it is a good opportunity for scammers and cyber criminals to approach their “preys”. Another bad side of this tool is the spread of false or inappropriate information. Every day or even every hour, a number of information is freely uploaded and shared without any restrictions.As a result, many people exploit this to distribute fake news for their own advantage, which can have a negative impact on a large scale. Moreover, the availability of entertainment on the Internet also makes unhealthy materials more accessible than ever, leading to a rise in behavioral problems, especially juvenile delinquency. Last but not least, Internet can be seen as additive. Nowadays, people are likely to spend hours surfing the web, it can be at class, it can be at work or at lunch, anywhere and at any time. Sometimes it may become a distraction, causing them to work ineffectively. Watching your favorite film or finishing work – that’s definitely a hard question. Besides, some people are so addicted that they live in the virtual world more than in the real world. They tend to express their feelings and opinions freely on social network while being rather reserved in the outside world and lacking interaction with others around. To put it briefly, much as the Internet offers a wide range of benefits in different fields, it has the cost that needs careful consideration.

Theo em bộ gặm nhấm có những lợi ích và tác hại gì ?

Tác hại: -Ăn, gây thiệt hại và làm nhiễm bẩn thức ăn trên đồng, trong kho và toàn bộ chuỗi thức ăn trong nhà.

- Làm hư kết cấu tòa nhà, cầu, cống, hệ thống cáp bằng cách gặm nhấm và đào bới.

- Gây thiệt hại và nhiễm bẩn hàng hóa như bao bì, quần áo và bàn ghế.

- Mang theo nhiều sinh vật gây hại cho người.

Lợi ích : - Gặm nhiều đồ vật phá hủy nơi sống của một loài côn trùng nhỏ hay vi khuẩn nào đó.

5 tháng 5 2023


5 tháng 5 2023

Kh thì thôi cmt chi nghĩ t cần giúp chắc