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5 tháng 5 2019

There are some tips to save power which I think are very easy to apply. Firstly, we should use energy saving light bulbs in our house. It will help us to reduce our electricity bill. Secondly, we should use public transport if we need to go long distance. We can use bicycles for short distances. I think it is good for our health and economical. And remember, before going to bed, we should turn off all lights and other unused electrical devices. It's an easy way to save our planet.


Có một số mẹo để tiết kiệm năng lượng tớ nghĩ là rất dễ áp dụng. Đầu tiên chúng ta nên sử dụng bóng đèn tiêu thụ ít năng lượng trong gia đình. Nó sẽ giúp chúng ta giảm hóa đơn tiền điện. Thứ hai chúng ta nên sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng nếu chúng ta đi khoảng cách xa. Chúng ta có thể sử dụng xe đạp cho các khoảng cách ngắn. Tớ nghĩ điều đó rất tốt cho sức khỏe của chúng ta và tiết kiệm tiền. Và hãy nhớ trước khi đi ngủ, chúng ta nên tắt tất cả bóng đèn và các thiết bị điện không sử dụng. Đó là một cách rất đơn giản đế cứu trái đất của chúng ta.

5 tháng 5 2019

Bài khác :

In our daily life, energy play a very important role, so we should save energy. I think there are many ways to save energy and now I will share with you some ways to save energy effectively. Firstly, we should turn off all the electric appliances when we don't use them such as: lights, fans, air conditioner...… Secondly, we can use solar energy or wind energy instead of electric energy in our house. It will help us save more money. Thirdly, we can go to school or go to work on foot, by bike or by public transport instead of motorbike or car. By these ways, the energy will be saved.


Trong cuộc sống hằng ngày của chúng ta, năng lượng đóng một vai trò vô cùng quan trọng, vì thế chúng ta nên tiết kiệm năng lượng. Tôi nghĩ có nhiều cách tiết kiệm năng lượng và bây giờ tôi sẽ chia sẻ với các bạn một số cách tiết kiệm hiệu quả. Đầu tiên, chúng ta nên tắt tất cả những thiết bị điện khi không sử dụng như đèn, quạt, điều hòa…. Thứ 2, chúng ta có thể sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời hay năng lượng gió thay cho điện ở trong nhà của chúng ta. Nó sẽ giúp chúng ta tiết kiệm được rất nhiều tiền. Thứ 3, thay vì đi ô tô hay xe máy, chúng ta có thể đi bộ đi học hoặc đi làm. Bằng những cách này, chúng ta có thể tiết kiệm được rất nhiều năng lượng.

5 tháng 5 2021

Nowadays, energy is being run out more and more so it is one of the most important things of our life. We need to save energy because nobody of us can lives without energy. So why don't we start to do it right in our home? We have many ways to save energy in our home. One of those ways is using electricity, water and gas economically. Such as we should turn off the light in room when we go out or in unnecessary situations, avoid wasting water, shut the kitchen stove when stop cooking. Use a microwave instead of a stove to reheat food. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries... Besides, we should use electrical equipments which are energy - saving. Such as using lights and fans that have low capacity, or using equipments which reserve electricty. Not only do these help us to save money but also they work effectively.
In addition, we should frequently check electrical equipments in our home in order to fix opportunely. In summary, we need to save energy so that energy isn't run out and continues to serve human's life.

9 tháng 5 2022

Tham khảo:
One day, the energy supply will run out. Even so, people can conserve energy to extend their limits. The little things we do can help us save energy like turning off electrical appliances when not in use. At home,  we should reduce the use of electricity and water. Besides, turning off the faucets, walking, cycling... These all reduce energy use.

4 tháng 5 2018

Do you think of using electricity power wastefully every day? Do you know that many countries without electricity power? In Viet Nam, the people in remote mountains as Ha Giang, Lang Son province,…..have used oil lamp instead of electricity power.

Electricity is one of the most important power in life. You can make daily activities as eating, bathing, relaxing,…all using electricity power, even writing this essay on my laptop. Do you remember that you are crazy without electricity power just one day, especially on summer with 40 degrees. Are you saving electricity power? Or using them wastefully? For me, it’s so shy because of my daily routines, and I have read some news of the life in high mountain that the people make the lights by water bottles then many lights are turned on everywhere, they makes me feel hurt.

Dear friends! It’s time to learn the way to save electricity power, that’s the way you save your life, and all. Let’s join The Earth Hour!

4 tháng 5 2018
Nowadays, energy is being run out more and more so what should we do to save energy?First, we should use electricity more efficiently. We should turn the light, the television and other electrical appliances off when we are not using them. We can also use low energy light bulbs to save electricity. Second, we should use less private transport. We should travel by bus or train instead of car and motorbike. In addition, we can avoid using cars or motorbikes for short trips.We ought to reduce the use of petrol ,reduce our electricity bills and increase the tax on petrol.We should reduce the use of fossil fuels and use more renewable energy such as biogas, wind energy,.......In conclusion, those ways can save our lives in the future so we should raise our awareness of saving energy.
1 tháng 5 2018

Good Evening, everyone. I'm ... and today I'm going to tell you how to save energy

Most of us use too much energy. You can reduce this amount by :

- Switch off or unplug any chargers or appliances you don’t need on.

- Use energy saving lamp

- Switch to renewable energy sources
If you follow these simple rules, not only you will seve energy, but also reduce global warming

22 tháng 4 2019

Nowadays, energy is being run out more and more so it is one of the most important things of our life. We need to save energy because nobody of us can lives without energy. So why don't we start to do it right in our home? We have many ways to save energy in our home. One of those ways is using electricity, water and gas economically. Such as we should turn off the light in room when we go out or in unnecessary situations, avoid wasting water, shut the kitchen stove when stop cooking. Use a microwave instead of a stove to reheat food. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries... Besides, we should use electrical equipments which are energy - saving. Such as using lights and fans that have low capacity, or using equipments which reserve electricty. Not only do these help us to save money but also they work effectively.
In addition, we should frequently check electrical equipments in our home in order to fix opportunely. In summary, we need to save energy so that energy isn't run out and continues to serve human's life.

23 tháng 4 2019

The environment plays an important important in our life.However nowaday environment is becoming polluted by some following reasons
Firstly some people aren't a ware of protecting the environment .Fox example garbage is thrown everywhere Moreover the deforestation still happens in many countries .
Secondly our environment is polluted by exhaust fume from factories and vehicles so the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily the factories that populle the environment.Beside that we don't cut down trees,we should plant trees to protect the forest

We can save energy by doing some following tips. First of all, we should use electricity more efficiently and reduce our electricity bill. We need to turn off the TV when we are not watching, turn off all the lights before going to bed. Besides, we should not leave the fridge door open in a long time due to wasting of electricity. Morever, we should save water by taking showers instead of baths or turning off the water when you don not use it. The next tip is reducing the use of fossil fuels like gas, coal, and oil. It is not only saving energy but also protect our environment. To do this, we can use public transport and avoid using car or motorbike for short trip. All in all, because our energy is limited we need to reserve it for the future generations.

11 tháng 5 2021

Như bạn đã biết, năng lượng rất quan trọng đối với cuộc sống của chúng ta. Chúng ta cần năng lượng để sống và làm việc. Nếu không có nghị lực, cuộc sống của chúng ta sẽ rất khó khăn. Tuy nhiên, các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên đang được sử dụng hết. Vì vậy chúng ta nên biết cách tiết kiệm năng lượng theo 3 cách sau: Thứ nhất: làm thế nào để tiết kiệm nước. Thứ hai: làm thế nào để tiết kiệm điện. Thứ ba: làm thế nào để tiết kiệm xăng hoặc xăng. Đối với tôi, chúng ta nên tiết kiệm nước bằng cách tắm vòi hoa sen thay vì tắm bồn; sử dụng ít hydro hơn. Chúng ta nên tiết kiệm điện bằng cách tắt đèn, TV, điều hòa, ... trước khi ra khỏi phòng; sử dụng bóng đèn năng lượng thấp. Để tiết kiệm xăng hoặc xăng, chúng ta nên sử dụng phương tiện công cộng cho những chuyến đi ngắn; thử đi bộ hoặc đi xe đạp thay vì sử dụng ô tô hoặc xe máy; sử dụng ít gas hơn khi đun nấu. Tóm lại, chúng ta nên tiết kiệm năng lượng bởi vì tiết kiệm cũng là tiền đối với tài nguyên thiên nhiên.

Today I’d to talk to you about Harry Porter which is one of my favourite films. It was a fiction film telling a story about people in the wizarding world. The central character was Harry Porter, who used to be an orphan in the normal world before discovering that he was a wizard. Afterwards, he went to a special school called Howard where taught him necessary skills to succeed in wizarding world. He also had to deal with challenges in terms of study, friendship, love and even the fight against dark power.
I saw the first episode of this film when I was at high school, at about grade 11. As the film had 7 parts, and the last part was introduced just 2 years ago, I was always looking forward to catching the lastest episodes of it.
Why I decided to see the film might be because at that time, Harry Porter was recommended as a masterpiece, making me feel curious about it. Moreover, I had read the original novel before, and I really can’t put it down, reading it from cover to cover. So I guess the film would be as attractive as the book.
I think the most important reason why I enjoyed this film was that it made me feel adventurous. It was really a fantas film.

25 tháng 4 2019

As you know energy is limited so saving energy is also over duty.For me,we should save energy in the following ways.Firstly,to save energy we should you lơ energy light bulbs.Besides,we should turn off all the electricity equiment such as:fan,light,TV,...When we don't use.Secodly we should turn off the foucets when we go out because a dripping can was to 500 litters ò water in a month.Finally,we should use public transport or walk to school or to work to save petral and money go on foot to shool or to work.I'm short saving energy is essential problem that we must do immediatly now.If we fall the ways above,we will save money and energy for our county.

# Black Pink in your area!

14 tháng 4 2017

Enviroment is neccessary thing for this life. Enviroment is the air we breath, the water people drink and is everything they need for their life. But now the most important thing for the life is being polluted. This pollution affects the health of all living things. Air is damaged by lorry fumes and car, and power stations create acid rain which can destroys entire lakes and forests. When fossil fuels: gas, oil and coal are burned to provide energy for cooking, lighting etc. they form polluting gases. Not only on land but also in the sea, oils spills pollute sea water and kill marine life; chemical waste from sewage works and factories, and artificial fertilisers from farmland, pollute river water, spreading disease, and killing wildlife. Everything is being caused by human’s existence. Humans create rubbish! Each household produces about one tonne of rubbish each year! Most of this is taken away by dustmen and burned in incinerators or buried in enormous landfill sites – both of these actions can be dangerous for our environment.

But only people can change and solve it. Pollution could be prevented by all thing we do each day. First people can use recycled paper to save trees. Second try to avoid using plastic. It is hard to recycle. People should refuse to use carrier bags. If people can not avoid buying plastic bags, they should use re-use plastic bags many times. Finally people must take their old clothes to charity shops. People also should save energy to protect environment. Switching off all electric things when they are not in use, walk or use a bicycle instead of car for short trips, keep healthy life and keep clean atmosphere.

Keep clean environment isn’t only all ways are mentioned before but also to protect natural resources. That is the way to conserver wild life. First we need to conserve the old forest, rainforest, build more safari and national park, and plant more trees to make place to live for wild animals. Second we need to prohibit hunters who hunt animals too many out of the law allowance.

Finally, we now know that enviroment is the most important thing for life and we know how to protect and use it scientifically. Everyday we invent and find more and more way to protect enviroment. I hope that in the future the earth will be cleaner.