
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

7 tháng 9 2023

1. Based on the context of the picture, it seems like the students are taking a vocational course in cooking or culinary arts.

2. It's possible that students may need certain qualifications or prerequisites to apply for this course, such as a high school diploma or previous experience in cooking. However, it ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the course and the institution offering it.

3. Students in this course likely expect to learn various cooking techniques and recipes, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the culinary arts. They may also learn about food safety, kitchen hygiene, and restaurant management if the course covers those topics. Additionally, students may hope to gain hands-on experience in cooking and receive feedback on their dishes from their instructor. Overall, the goal of this course is likely to help students develop their skills and knowledge in the culinary field.

30 tháng 8 2023

Tham khảo:

Work in groups. You want to propose an ASEAN poster making event to welcome a group of ASEAN students. Discuss and add more ideas to the following notes.




University campus


August 8th


One day


Young people from different ASEAN countries


- training workshops on poster design

- presentations on current issues in ASEAN

- cultural performances, food stalls, and a gallery exhibition of the posters created during the event


- to help young people from ASEAN countries meet and build a community

- to promote ASEAN awareness and foster a sense of community among the youth in the region


- developing the ability to work with people from other countries

- creating shared values

1 tháng 9 2023

Tham khảo:

There are several farming activities in Vietnam that can have a negative impact on the global temperature, including:

1. Rice cultivation: Rice cultivation is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily due to the production of methane during the decomposition of organic matter in flooded rice paddies.

2. Livestock production: Livestock production, particularly from cattle and buffalo, is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions through the production of methane from enteric fermentation and manure management.

3. Pesticide use: Pesticide use in agriculture can lead to the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly nitrous oxide, as well as contribute to soil degradation.

4. Deforestation: Deforestation for agriculture, particularly for expanding rice paddies or livestock grazing areas, can contribute to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


To address these negative impacts, some alternatives that can be considered include:

1. Sustainable rice cultivation: Alternative rice cultivation methods, such as aerobic rice cultivation or the use of alternate wetting and drying methods, can significantly reduce methane emissions from rice paddies.

2. Improved livestock management: Improved livestock management practices, such as better feeding and manure management, can reduce the emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases.

3. Organic farming: Organic farming practices, including the use of natural pest control methods and composting, can reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, as well as promote soil health.

4. Forest conservation and reforestation: Conservation and reforestation efforts can help to reduce the release of carbon dioxide from deforestation and promote carbon sequestration in new forest areas.

Overall, a shift towards sustainable agriculture practices and land use management can help to mitigate the negative impacts of farming activities on the global temperature.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023


Future cities are likely to be more technologically advanced and densely populated than they are today.

(Các thành phố trong tương lai có thể sẽ có công nghệ tiên tiến hơn và đông dân cư hơn so với hiện nay.)

They may also be more sustainable, with green spaces and renewable energy sources.

(Chúng cũng có thể bền vững hơn, với không gian xanh và các nguồn năng lượng có thể tái tạo.)

There may be a greater focus on public transportation and walkability, rather than car-centric design.

(Có thể có sự tập trung nhiều hơn vào giao thông công cộng và khả năng đi bộ hơn là thiết kế tập trung vào ô tô.)


Yes, I think future cities will be smarter and more sustainable.

(Vâng, tôi nghĩ các thành phố trong tương lai sẽ thông minh hơn và bền vững hơn.)

Technology will play a key role in optimizing resource usage, reducing waste, and improving efficiency.

(Công nghệ sẽ đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc tối ưu hóa việc sử dụng tài nguyên, giảm lãng phí và nâng cao hiệu quả.)

There is also a growing awareness of the need to reduce our impact on the environment, and sustainability will be a key consideration in urban planning and development.

(Ngoài ra còn có nhận thức ngày càng tăng về nhu cầu giảm tác động của chúng ta đối với môi trường và tính bền vững sẽ là yếu tố chính được xem xét trong quy hoạch và phát triển đô thị.)

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

A list of characteristics of independent learners for discussion purposes:

Self-motivated: Independent learners are motivated by their own interests and goals, not just external rewards or pressures.
Self-directed: They take responsibility for their own learning and actively seek out resources and opportunities to improve their knowledge and skills.
Self-aware: They understand their own strengths and weaknesses, learning style, and preferences, and use that knowledge to guide their learning process.
Goal-oriented: They set clear and specific learning goals and regularly assess their progress toward achieving them.
Persistent: They persevere through challenges and setbacks and keep working toward their goals.
Reflective: They regularly reflect on their learning experiences and use that feedback to improve their learning strategies.
Resourceful: They know how to find and use a variety of learning resources, including books, online courses, mentors, and peers.
Curious: They have a strong desire to learn and explore new ideas and topics.
Creative: They think outside the box and find innovative ways to solve problems and achieve their goals.
Collaborative: They work well with others and are open to learning from different perspectives and experiences.

7 tháng 9 2023

Choosing between college or university and vocational school depends on your interests, skills, and career goals. If you are interested in pursuing an academic degree, have a passion for learning, and want to explore different subjects, then college or university is the right choice for you. You will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in a particular field, meet new people, and develop transferable skills like critical thinking, communication, and teamwork.

On the other hand, if you have a specific trade in mind, enjoy hands-on learning, and want to start working as soon as possible, then vocational school is the right choice for you. You will acquire the practical skills and knowledge needed for a particular job, receive an apprenticeship, and earn a salary while studying.

Ultimately, the choice between college or university and vocational school depends on your individual needs, interests, and goals. It's important to do your research, talk to educational experts, and consult with your parents, teachers, or career counselors to make an informed decision.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

I want to know more about an ASEAN talk show on women in sport took place in December.

(Tôi muốn biết thêm về một chương trình trò chuyện về phụ nữ trong thể thao ASEAN diễn ra vào tháng 12.)

Because the ASEAN talk show on women in sport was to promote gender equality in sports and raise awareness about the importance of providing opportunities for women and girls to participate in sports.

(Vì chương trình trò chuyện về phụ nữ trong thể thao của ASEAN nhằm thúc đẩy bình đẳng giới trong thể thao và nâng cao nhận thức về tầm quan trọng của việc tạo cơ hội cho phụ nữ và trẻ em gái tham gia thể thao.)

7 tháng 9 2023

Vietnam has several methods of preserving heritage. One of the most common methods is through government funding. The government invests money in preserving heritage sites and objects, and it has been successful in many cases. Another way is through public-private partnerships, where companies provide funding for heritage preservation in exchange for advertising or other benefits.

Vietnam has also used UNESCO funding for the preservation of its cultural heritage. Additionally, the country has implemented strict heritage laws to protect its heritage sites and objects. For example, in 2016, Vietnam passed a law on cultural heritage, which regulates the protection, preservation, and promotion of the country's heritage. 

As for which method works best in Vietnam, it depends on the specific context and situation. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and a combination of different methods may be the most effective way to preserve heritage in Vietnam.

7 tháng 9 2023

Option 1: Vocational Training

Suitable for: Students who prefer hands-on learning and practical application of skills. Vocational training is more focused on job-specific skills and can provide opportunities for immediate employment. This option is also suitable for students who are looking for shorter duration of study and want to save on the cost of education.

Option 2: Academic Study

Suitable for: Students who are interested in a broad range of subjects and want to develop critical thinking and research skills. Academic study provides a wider range of career paths and opportunities for pursuing advanced degrees. It also promotes personal and intellectual growth and helps build a strong foundation for future learning.

Ultimately, the choice between vocational training and academic study depends on the individual student's interests, goals, and learning preferences. Some students may find vocational training more suitable for their career goals, while others may prefer the broader education and research opportunities offered by academic study.