
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

15 tháng 1 2018

Đất nước ta đang phát triển khá nhanh nhờ sự khởi sắc của nền kinh tế và đời sống xã hội, nhưng lĩnh vực giao thông thì dường như không đáp ứng kịp yêu cầu của thời đại. Tình trạng tai nạn giao thông hiện nay đã đến mức báo động đỏ và được xếp vào “thứ hạng cao” trong khu vực Đông Nam Á. Vì thế, vấn nạn này đang là mối quan tâm hàng đầu của toàn xã hội. Làm thế nào để đảm bảo an toàn giao thông? Đó là câu hỏi lớn đặt ra, đòi hỏi sự nỗ lực của tất cả mọi người.

Giao thông ở Việt Nam hiện nay được coi là lĩnh vực tồi tệ nhất bởi những tai nạn giao thông khủng khiếp thường xuyên xảy ra. Người ta không khỏi rùng mình trước những thông tin đáng sợ về sự thiệt hại người và của do tai nạn giao thông gây ra hằng ngày, hằng tháng, hằng năm. Mỗi ngày, trung bình có khoảng 35 người chết, mỗi năm hơn chục ngàn người chết vì tai nạn giao thông. Quả là một con số khủng khiếp! Chiến tranh đã kết thúc mấy chục năm nhưng chúng ta lại rơi vào một thảm họa không kém đau thương, tang tóc. Có lẽ tai nạn giao thông cũng là một thứ giặc mà chúng ta phải luôn luôn đối mặt. Tai nạn giao thông không chỉ gieo rắc đau thương, làm tan vỡ hạnh phúc của bao gia đinh mà còn gây thiệt hại to lớn về vật chất và tinh thần cho cả xã hội. Bên cạnh đó, tình trạng mất an toàn giao thông nghiêm trọng đã ảnh hưởng không tốt tới sự nhìn nhận, đánh giá tình hình phát triển của Việt Nam và gây khó khăn trong việc đầu tư của các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài vào nước ta. Nhiều du khách khi được hỏi về những điều chưa được ở Việt Nam thì họ đều trả lời giống nhau ở chỗ điều đáng ngại nhất là an toàn giao thông quá kém. Họ rất sợ phải đi bộ băng qua đường vì xe cộ chạy ào ào, bất chấp đèn đỏ. Liệu đất nước Việt Nam xinh đẹp, con người Việt Nam thân thiện có tạo được cảm tình với du khách để họ còn muốn quay lại ? Theo con số thống kê của ngành du lịch thì hơn 70% du khách không muốn trở lại vì nhiều lí do, mà một trong những lí do đáng kể là tình trạng giao thông không bảo đảm an toàn. Rõ ràng, mất an toàn giao thông ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến sự phát triển kinh tế, nhất là đối với ngành du lịch. Làm thế nào để Việt Nam trở thành điểm đến của bạn bè quốc tế? Câu trả lời một phần thuộc về tình trạng an toàn giao thông.

15 tháng 1 2018

Our country is growing quite fast thanks to the prosperity of the economy and social life, but the transport sector does not seem to meet the requirements of the times. The current state of traffic accidents has reached red alert levels and is considered a "high ranking" in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this problem is the top concern of the whole society. How to ensure traffic safety? That is a big question, demanding the efforts of everyone.
Traffic in Vietnam is now considered to be the worst field by frequent traffic accidents. People are not shivering from the frightening information about the damage to people and by traffic accidents occur every day, every month, every year. Every day, an average of 35 people die, more than ten thousand people die each year from traffic accidents. What a terrible number! The war has ended decades but we fall into a disaster no less painful, mourning. Maybe traffic accidents are also something that we must always face. Traffic accidents not only cause painful injuries but also cause great damage to the family and material to the whole society. In addition, serious traffic disruptions have badly affected the perception and assessment of Vietnam's development situation and made it difficult for foreign investors to invest in Vietnam. . Many visitors are asked about what is not in Vietnam, they all answered the same thing in the most ominous thing is traffic safety is too poor. They are afraid to walk across the road because the car runs wild, despite the red lights. Is the beautiful Vietnam, the friendly people of Vietnam have created a sympathy with tourists so they want to return? According to travel industry statistics, over 70% of travelers do not want to come back for many reasons, which is one of the notable reasons for unsafe traffic. Obviously, traffic safety has a direct impact on economic development, especially in the tourism sector. How to become a destination of international friends? The answer is partly about traffic safety.

16 tháng 1 2018

Our country is growing quite fast thanks to the prosperity of the economy and social life, but the transport sector does not seem to meet the requirements of the times. The current state of traffic accidents has reached red alert levels and is considered a "high ranking" in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this problem is the top concern of the whole society. How to ensure traffic safety? That is a big question, demanding the efforts of everyone.
Traffic in Vietnam is now considered to be the worst field by frequent traffic accidents. People are not shivering from the frightening information about the damage to people and by traffic accidents occur every day, every month, every year. Every day, an average of 35 people die, more than ten thousand people die each year from traffic accidents. What a terrible number! The war has ended decades but we fall into a disaster no less painful, mourning. Maybe traffic accidents are also something that we must always face. Traffic accidents not only cause painful injuries but also cause great damage to the family and material to the whole society. In addition, serious traffic disruptions have badly affected the perception and assessment of Vietnam's development situation and made it difficult for foreign investors to invest in Vietnam. . Many visitors are asked about what is not in Vietnam, they all answered the same thing in the most ominous thing is traffic safety is too poor. They are afraid to walk across the road because the car runs wild, despite the red lights. Is the beautiful Vietnam, the friendly people of Vietnam have created a sympathy with tourists so they want to return? According to travel industry statistics, over 70% of travelers do not want to come back for many reasons, which is one of the notable reasons for unsafe traffic. Obviously, traffic safety has a direct impact on economic development, especially in the tourism sector. How to become a destination of international friends? The answer is partly about traffic safety.

16 tháng 1 2018

Our country is growing quite fast thanks to the prosperity of the economy and social life, but the transport sector does not seem to meet the requirements of the times. The current state of traffic accidents has reached red alert levels and is considered a "high ranking" in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this problem is the top concern of the whole society. How to ensure traffic safety? That is a big question, demanding the efforts of everyone.

Traffic in Vietnam is now considered to be the worst field by frequent traffic accidents. People are not shivering from the frightening information about the damage to people and by traffic accidents occur every day, every month, every year. Every day, an average of 35 people die, more than ten thousand people die each year from traffic accidents. What a terrible number! The war has ended decades but we fall into a disaster no less painful, mourning. Maybe traffic accidents are also something that we must always face. Traffic accidents not only cause painful injuries but also cause great damage to the family and material to the whole society. In addition, serious traffic disruptions have badly affected the perception and assessment of Vietnam's development situation and made it difficult for foreign investors to invest in Vietnam. . Many visitors are asked about what is not in Vietnam, they all answered the same thing in the most ominous thing is traffic safety is too poor. They are afraid to walk across the road because the car runs wild, despite the red lights. Is the beautiful Vietnam, the friendly people of Vietnam have created a sympathy with tourists so they want to return? According to travel industry statistics, over 70% of travelers do not want to come back for many reasons, which is one of the notable reasons for unsafe traffic. Obviously, traffic safety has a direct impact on economic development, especially in the tourism sector. How to become a destination of international friends? The answer is partly about traffic safety.

27 tháng 12 2020

Why is music important to dairy life? Whether listening or playing music or watching a concert, music is important. Music can cheer us up, pump us up, help us to have a good time, or simply help us think… Whatever you listen to, do a little bit dairy. I’m speaking as a musician. Things in life inspire me to create music. The inspiration comes at most random moments. I make sure to carry a notebook around or some sort of thing to write on. So whatever you do, get involed in music. It can be, no, it will be a life changing experience.

2 tháng 5 2016

1)I like badminton very mụch Every day I play badminton with my father and brother. I want to become a famous badminton player and play for my hometeam.And now, I am a badminton player for my school. We will have a contest with other school. I always pracites more and more to win and to be a player.


2) Vietnam is famous with its traditional and delicious dishes. All of them easioly bring to anyone's mouth indeed, but as myself, I enjoy spring rolls best. Spring rolls are lightly fried rice - paper rolls, smaller and crispier than Chinese egg rolls but more flavorful. They are filled with highly seasond morsels of crab, shrimp, chopped vegetables, onion, mushroom, vermicelli and eggs. To prepare them, place the above mentioned filling on a thin rice pancake, roll up then fry. Finally, spring rolls, when fully prepared, are wrapped into somes kinds of fresh vegetables, then doused in fish sauce. My mother ussually cooks spring rolls for me, espeicially on important days in year, such as Tet holiday. when I eat them, i feel all of my mother's love that she reserves for me. To me, they're like the most speicial dish in this world.

2 tháng 5 2016

ngắn nhưng nhớ đầy đủ nhea các bạn.yeu

8 tháng 2 2019

The house I am living in is situated in the suburb of Hanoi city, within thirty minutes drive off the city center. We have lived there for more than twenty years. This is a fairly large house surrounded with a beautiful garden.

My house consists of four bed-rooms, a living-room, a bathroom with a shower, a dinning-room, a kitchen and a toilet. It is air-conditioned and well-furnished. The living-room is decorated beautifully. Paintings by famous artists are hung on the walls. At night, the color neon lights increase the beauty and coziness of the room. There, on Sundays and holidays my father usually spends his time playing chess or drinking tea with his friends. My mother and my younger sisters are kind and hard-working women. They often keep the house clean and tidy.

On hot days of summer, we usually take meals in the garden, under a big tree. It is fairly cool and quiet here. We enjoy our meals in the melodious twitters of birds. On stormy and rainy nights, all family members gather in the living-room, watching television or telling each other about their daily activities.

I love my house very much because it is the place where I was born and have grown up in the education of my father and in the tender loving care of my mother. I have spent my whole childhood in the love and affection of my dear ones with so many sweet memories.

8 tháng 2 2019

Tiếng Anh:

I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, or it is also known as Saigon. Saigon is the largest city in Vietnam with an extremely huge amount of residents, so almost every street and corner in the center of the city is always bustling. Saigon is famous for its skyscrapers and crowded malls. People love to do shopping, so every weekend the shopping malls are always full of shoppers. The life-style here is very fast and hurried, but people try to spend their free time in the evenings hanging around the streets. Saigon at night is very beautiful, people love to gather in the coffee shops or sit in river banks that go along the streets. My friends and I usually hang out in the evening, and we would to find as many different places to eat as possible. Along with the beauty, Saigon is also famous for delicious fool, and it is felt that the street food is usually better than one in big restaurants. There are so many things left to say about this lovely city, and we can only see the rest of it by exploring it ourselves.


Tôi sinh ra và lớn lên ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, hoặc còn được biết đến là Sài Gòn. Sài Gòn là là thành phố lớn nhất Việt Nam với lương cư dân vô cùng đông đúc, vậy nên hầu như mọi con đường và ngã tư ở trung tâm thành phố lúc nào cũng nhộn nhịp. Sài Gòn nổi tiếng với những tòa nhà cao tầng và những khu thương mại sầm uất. Người dân ở đây rất thích đi mua sắm, vậy nên vào mỗi dịp cuối tuần các trung tâm mua sắm thường đầy người. Nhịp sống ở đây rất nhanh và vội vàng, nhưng mọi người vẫn luôn dành thời gian rảnh vào buổi tối để đi dạo quanh các con phố. Sài Gòn về đêm rất đẹp, mọi người thường thích tụ họp ở những quán cà phê hoặc ngồi hóng mát trên những bờ sông dọc theo các tuyến đường. Tôi và các bạn cũng hay xuống phố vào buổi tối, và chúng tôi thích tìm càng nhiều nơi để ăn càng tốt. Thành phố này ngoài cảnh đẹp ra còn nổi tiếng với rất nhiều món ngon, và tôi lại cảm thấy món ăn đường phố thường ngon hơn trong những nhà hàng lớn. Có rất nhiều thứ để nói về thành phố đáng yêu này, và chỉ khi tự khám phá thì chúng ta mới thấy được hết vẻ đẹp của nó.

In the school year there are many days but most probably the most significant day is November 20 - Teacher's Day Vietnam. In the turbulent atmosphere of November 20, surely many students sit back to reflect on the teacher. Me too. Infinite memories can not be spilled over. I forgot how my grandmother was standing on the podium, lecturing every once and a while. I remember how the dusty time to fly lightly fly and settle on the teacher's love hair. At that time, the wall as old teachers go too fast. Actually, for me to say who is learning but learning the teacher is above all. I still remember the secrets taught by my teacher, the teacher literature, and the interesting mathemaal formulas as easy as pie. Those memories do not forget. I remember when I was beaten or scolded and scolded by my parents for forgetting to do my homework and the times she complimented me when I was a good student, still deep in my heart, Every teacher's choreography is arranged in advance. On November 20, my heart got up to an unbelievable emotion, but I knew that this emotion was gratitude, a respect and love of teachers-the driver of knowledge transfer students through shore success.

4 tháng 2 2018

Em chưa học lớp 7 nhưng mọi người  có thể vào Google dịch

1 tháng 7 2018

Bạn tham khảo:

Dalat is called "a flower city". There are many flowers here and the weather is cool. Dalat is famous for many beauty sport and fog. When you come to visit Dalat you will feel comfortable. You should get up early at 5.00am to go for a walk along Xuan Huong lake and enjoy the fresh air. You can go to the market buy some special-food such as strawberry, tea, coffee, souvenir or go shopping. If you are interested in sightseeing you can visit to valley of love, Mong Mo hill, Tuyen Lam lake, Than Tho lake, Datala waterfall....etc.  At night, you can go to drink coffee in the city center. At Saturday and Sunday night, you can come to Hoa Binh street where you can enjoy the foods at night market bean milk, egg, and baked snail or buy some other things. I love Da Lat because it's so roman.

1 tháng 7 2018


28 tháng 11 2017

Viết một đạn văn ngắn về giờ ra chơi ở trường bằng tiếng anh
Break time plays an important part in student’s psychology after hours of studying. Students have several activities during break time. Some girl play jumping rope, some play badminton, some stay in their class to prepare for next lesson and others go to canteen for a light meal. Some of the break time, student spend time tidying up the yard; therefore, it always clean for us to play. In spring season, we plant flower and small tree to decorate the garden with colorful detail and keep it fresh. I always remember the excitement and fresh atmosphere when playing in school’s garden with friends. I have a group of best friend, we always share different stories, thought and opinion about all aspects of life in free time. Sometimes, we find a cool place to share snack and drink soft drink together so as to organize one’s birthday. The school’s yard is cool because of the shadow of big old tree. Moreover, students have large available space, which is enough for hundreds of children playing there. A 20 or 30 minute recess is necessary for learner so that they can manage the stress from studying and then they come back to learn with a good mood. No matter how big the school is, it is more suitable to have a large yard with old tree and flower. Hence, students have friendly learning environment instead of feeling like not going to school.

13 tháng 7 2021

Tham khảo đoạn này nhé

The Covid 19 translation is currently raging across the country. It has claimed many lives and pain of the people. So in the country we have opened the door to online learning for the better. I find that online learning gives me many opportunities that I have never seen before in major lectures, and learning online still helps me acquire the same quantitative knowledge as studying in school. Firstly, online learning helps me to grasp the lecture better, because the teacher will speak or record the Lecture via microphone and when listening to the lecture, the audio will be very clear and easy to hear. This is much more beneficial for listening to my sermons because the sermons are large and broad,. Secondly, in online lessons, besides the call called Zoom, teachers often record the lecture and post it on the school's intranet, so I can easily review the lecture anytime, anywhere. Furthermore I have: A comfortable study space. Flexible study time. Easy to store study materials. Although that is the case, there are a number of friends who have played and skipped school thanks to learning Zoom. That is really spoiled. We should advise you to study better. Protecting our planet is protecting ourselves

13 tháng 7 2021
