
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

17 tháng 2 2023

3. The 3Rs Club survey - How Green Are You?

(Cuộc khảo sát của Câu lạc bộ 3Rs - Bạn sống xanh như thế nào?)

1. If you find a beautiful old glass, you will______.

( Nếu bạn tìm thấy một chiếc ly cũ đẹp, bạn sẽ ____.)

A. throw it away (vứt nó đi)

B. decorate it (trang trí nó)

C. use it to keep pencils in (sử dụng nó để đựng bút chì)

2. If you have a sheet of paper, how often will you write on both sides?

(Nếu bạn có một tờ giấy, bạn thường viết như thế nào trên cả hai mặt?)

A. Sometimes. (Đôi khi.)

B. Never. (Không bao giờ.)

C. Always. (Luôn luôn.)

3. If you bring your lunch to school, you will______.

(Nếu bạn mang bữa trưa đến trường, bạn sẽ ____.)

A. wrap the food in paper (bọc thực phẩm bằng giấy)

B. put the food in a reusable box (cho thực phẩm vào hộp có thể tái sử dụng)

C. wrap the food in a plastic bag (bọc thực phẩm trong túi ni lông)

4. If you have old clothes, how often will you give them to those in need?

(Nếu bạn có quần áo cũ, bạn sẽ đưa chúng cho những người có nhu cầu như thế nào?)

A. Sometimes. (Đôi khi.)

B. Never. (Không bao giờ.)

C. Always. (Luôn luôn.)

5. If it's hot in your room, you will ______.

(Nếu trời nóng trong phòng của bạn, bạn sẽ ______.)

A. open the fridge and stand in front of it (mở tủ lạnh và đứng trước nó)

B. go outside and enjoy the breeze (đi ra ngoài và tận hưởng làn gió)

C. turn on both the fan and the air conditioner (bật cả quạt và điều hòa)

6. If your school is one kilometre from your home, you will______.

(Nếu trường học cách nhà bạn một km, bạn sẽ ____.)

A. walk (đi bộ)

B. ask your parent to drive you (bảo cha mẹ của bạn chở bạn)

C. cycle (đi xe đạp)

Check your answers with the key on page 57, count the points and see how green you are.

(Kiểm tra câu trả lời của em với đáp án ở trang 57, đếm các điểm số và xem em sống xanh như thế nào nhé.)







Giups mình dịch bài này với: 1 The 3Rs Club in your school is doing a survey on how 'green' the students are. Help them answer the following questions. 1. If you find a beautiful old glass, you will... A. throw it away because you don't need it. B. decorate it to make a flower vase. C. use it to keep pencils in. 2. If you have a sheet of paper how often will you write on both sides? A. Sometimes. B. Never. C. Always. 3. When you finish a can of cola, you will... A. throw it on...
Đọc tiếp

Giups mình dịch bài này với:

1 The 3Rs Club in your school is doing a survey on how 'green' the students are. Help them answer the following questions.

1. If you find a beautiful old glass, you will...

A. throw it away because you don't need it.

B. decorate it to make a flower vase.

C. use it to keep pencils in.

2. If you have a sheet of paper how often will you write on both sides?

A. Sometimes.

B. Never.

C. Always.

3. When you finish a can of cola, you will...

A. throw it on the road.

B. put it in the recycling bin.

C. throw it in the nearest bin.

4. If you bring your lunch to school, you will....

A. take food wrapped in a lot of packaging.

B. put the food in a reusable box.

C. wrap the food in a plastic bag.

5. If you have a lot of old clothes, how often will you give them to those in need?

A. Sometimes.



6. If it is hot in your room, you will...

A. open the fridge and stand in front of it.

B.go outside and enjoy the breeze.

C. turn on both the fan and the air conditioner.

7. When you go out of the bedroom, you will...

A. turn off your computer and all the lights.

B.turn off the lights.

C.leave the computer and the lights on.

8. If you are invited to a birthday party one kilometre from your house, you will...

A. walk there

B.ask your parent to drive you there.

C.cycle there.

18 tháng 4 2017

1 Câu lạc bộ 3Rs trong trường học của bạn đang làm một cuộc khảo sát về "xanh" của sinh viên như thế nào. Giúp họ trả lời những câu hỏi sau đây.

1. Nếu bạn tìm thấy một ly thủy tinh đẹp, bạn sẽ ...

A. ném nó đi bởi vì bạn không cần nó.

B. trang trí nó để tạo ra bình hoa.

C. dùng nó để giữ bút chì vào.

2. Nếu bạn có một tờ giấy bạn sẽ viết bao nhiêu lần trên cả hai mặt?

A. Đôi khi.

B. không bao giờ.

C. Luôn luôn.

3. Khi bạn hoàn thành một bình cola, bạn sẽ ...

A. ném nó trên đường.

B. đặt nó vào thùng rác.

C. ném nó vào thùng gần nhất.

4. Nếu bạn mang bữa ăn trưa đến trường, bạn sẽ ....

A. Lấy thức ăn đóng gói trong rất nhiều bao bì.

B. Cho thức ăn vào hộp có thể tái sử dụng.

C. quấn thức ăn vào túi nhựa.

5. Nếu bạn có rất nhiều quần áo cũ, bao lâu bạn sẽ cho họ những người cần?

A. Đôi khi.

B. Không bao giờ.

C. Luôn luôn.

6. Nếu nóng trong phòng, bạn sẽ ...

A. mở tủ lạnh và đứng trước nó.

B.go bên ngoài và tận hưởng khoe.

C. bật cả quạt và máy điều hòa.

7. Khi bạn đi ra khỏi phòng ngủ, bạn sẽ ...

A. Tắt máy tính của bạn và tất cả các đèn.

B. tắt đèn.

C.đặt máy tính và bật đèn.

8. Nếu bạn được mời đến một bữa tiệc sinh nhật cách nhà một cây số, bạn sẽ ...

A. đi bộ ở đó.

B.chúc bố mẹ bạn lái xe đến đó.

C.Có ở đó.

1. Nếu bạn tìm thấy một ly cũ xinh đẹp, bạn sẽ ...

A. vứt nó đi vì bạn không cần nó.

B. trang trí nó để làm cho một bình hoa.

C. sử dụng nó để để bút.

2. Nếu bạn có một tờ giấy bao lâu bạn sẽ viết trên cả hai mặt?

A. Thỉnh thoảng.

B. Không bao giờ.

C. Luôn luôn.

3. Khi bạn uống hết một lon cola, bạn sẽ ...

A. ném nó lên đường.

B. đặt nó vào thùng tái chế.

C. ném nó vào thùng gần nhất.

4. Nếu bạn mang bữa trưa đến trường, bạn sẽ ....

A. lấy thức ăn bọc trong rất nhiều bao bì.

B. đặt thức ăn vào hộp tái sử dụng.

C. bọc thức ăn vào túi nhựa.

5. Nếu bạn có nhiều quần áo cũ, bạn sẽ cho họ những người có nhu cầu bao lâu một lần?

A. Đôi khi.

B. Không bao giờ.

C. Luôn luôn.

6. Nếu trong phòng của bạn nóng, bạn sẽ ...

A. mở tủ lạnh và đứng trước nó.

B. đi ra ngoài và tận hưởng làn gió.

C. bật cả quạt và máy điều hòa.

7. Khi bạn ra khỏi phòng ngủ, bạn sẽ ...

A. tắt máy tính của bạn và tất cả các đèn.

B. tắt đèn.

C. để máy tính và đèn sáng.

8. Nếu bạn được mời đến một bữa tiệc sinh nhật cách nhà bạn một cây số, bạn sẽ ...

A. đi bộ tới đó.

B. yêu cầu cha mẹ của bạn lái xe chở bạn đến đó.

C. đạp xe tới đó.

1.If you find a beautiful old glass, you will … A. throw it away because you don’t need it. B. decorate it to make a flower vase. C. use it to keep pencils in. 2. If you have a sheet of paper, how often will you write on both sides? A. Sometimes B. Never C. Always 3. When you finish a can of cola, you will … A. throw it on the road. B. put it in the recycling bin. C. throw it in the nearest bin. 4. If you bring...
Đọc tiếp

1.If you find a beautiful old glass, you will …

A. throw it away because you don’t need it.

B. decorate it to make a flower vase.

C. use it to keep pencils in.

2. If you have a sheet of paper, how often will you write on both sides?

A. Sometimes

B. Never

C. Always

3. When you finish a can of cola, you will …

A. throw it on the road.

B. put it in the recycling bin.

C. throw it in the nearest bin.

4. If you bring lunch to school, you will …

A. take food wrapped in a lot of packaging.

B. put the food in a reusable box.

C. wrap the food in a plastic bag.

5. If you have a lot of old clothes, how often will you give them to those in need?

A. Sometimes

B. Never

C. Always

6. If it is hot in your room, you will …

A. open the fridge and stand in front of it.

B. go outside and enjoy the breeze.

C. turn on both the fan and the air conditioner.

7. When you go out of the bedroom, you will …

A. turn off your computer and all the lights.

B. turn off the lights.

C. leave the computer and the lights on.

8. If you are invited to a birthday party one kilometre from your house, you will …

A. walk there

B. ask your parents to drive you there.

C. cycle there.

7 tháng 4 2017

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. C

Mình chỉ trả lời theo suy nghĩ của mình thôi, còn đúng hay không là tùy thuộc vào bạn. Thanks for your questions !!!!

7 tháng 4 2017

cái này làm nhăng cũng đc mà

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
14 tháng 10 2023

A: What type of future house do you think it will be?

(Bạn nghĩ nó sẽ là kiểu nhà nào trong tương lai?)

B: It’ll be a villa.

(Đó sẽ là một biệt thự.)

A: Where will it be?

(Nó sẽ ở đâu?)

B: It’ll be on the hill.

(Nó sẽ ở trên đồi.)

A: What will it look like?

(Nó sẽ như thế nào?)

B: It’ll be very big, modern, beautiful and convenient.

(Nó sẽ rất lớn, hiện đại, đẹp và tiện lợi.)

A: How many rooms will it have?

(Nó sẽ có bao nhiêu phòng?)

B: It will have ten rooms: four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a study.

(Nó sẽ có mười phòng: bốn phòng ngủ, hai phòng tắm, một nhà bếp, một phòng ăn, một phòng khách, một phòng sách.)

A: What appliances will it have and what will they help you to do?

(Nó sẽ có những thiết bị nào và chúng sẽ giúp bạn làm gì?)

B: It will have smart appliances: a household robot, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a fridge, a smart cooker and they will help us to do all the housework.

(Nó sẽ có các thiết bị thông minh: một robot gia dụng, một máy rửa chén, một máy giặt, một tủ lạnh, một nồi thông minh và chúng sẽ giúp chúng tôi làm tất cả các công việc nhà.)

17 tháng 2 2023

If we walk or cycle, we will be healthy

If we use the car all the time, we will make the air dirty

If you reuse paper, you will save trees

If you make noise, your sister will not sleep

If i see a used bottle on the road, i will put it in the bin

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
14 tháng 10 2023

1. If we walk or cycle, we will be healthy.

(Nếu chúng ta đi bộ hoặc đạp xe, chúng ta sẽ khỏe mạnh.)

2. If we use the car all the time, we will make the air dirty.

(Nếu chúng ta sử dụng xe mọi lúc, chúng ta sẽ làm cho không khí bị bẩn.)

3. If you reuse paper, you will save trees.

(Nếu bạn tái sử dụng giấy, bạn sẽ cứu được được cây cối.)

4. If you make noise, your sister won't sleep.

(Nếu bạn làm ồn, em gái của bạn sẽ không ngủ.)

5. If I see a used bottle on the road, I will put it in the bin.

(Nếu tôi nhìn thấy một cái chai đã qua sử dụng trên đường, tôi sẽ bỏ nó vào thùng.)

I. Choose the best options to complete the statements 1. ................................ your teacher ? - Yes , she í very beautiful a. Do you like b. Do you want c. Would you like d. How do you like 2. How .......................... kilos of beef does she want ? a. many b. much c. often d. about 3. I need some tea . Please give me a ...................... of tea a. bottle b. bar c. tube d. packet 4. His father is waiting ........................... a bus a. to b. of c. for d....
Đọc tiếp

I. Choose the best options to complete the statements

1. ................................ your teacher ? - Yes , she í very beautiful

a. Do you like b. Do you want c. Would you like d. How do you like

2. How .......................... kilos of beef does she want ?

a. many b. much c. often d. about

3. I need some tea . Please give me a ...................... of tea

a. bottle b. bar c. tube d. packet

4. His father is waiting ........................... a bus

a. to b. of c. for d. at

5. Is there any .................................. in the bottle ? - Yes , there is some

a. peas b. carrots c. sugar d. beans

6. Does your brother ............................. any games ? - No , he doesn't

a. play b. plays c. playing d. to play

7. I don't like vegetables but my sister ........................................

a. do b. likes c. does d. would like

8. Would you like some apples , Lan ? - No , ................................... I'm full . Thanks !

a. I wouldn't b. I don't c. I'm not d. I don't like

9. How do they want .................................... to work ? - By minibus

a. to go b. to travel c. to walk d. Both a and b

10. ........................................... tonight ? - Nothing

a. What are you doing b. What do you do c. What are you going to do d. Both a and b

11. My grandparents are old , they don't like ...................................... because it's very cold

a. summer b. fall c. spring d. winter

12. He usually goes swimming once ..............................................

a. the week b. a week c. all weeks d. in the week

13. The room of my parents is small . "The room of my parents" means :

a. my room 's parents b. my parents's room c. my parents' room d. my room' parent

14. How ..................................... oranges would you like ? - Six , please . And ................................ tea

a. much / some b. many / any c. much / any d. many / some

15. Does Mary like ............................. ? - Yes , she goes jogging every morning

a. jog b. to jog c. jogs d. jogging

16. The children are playing .................................................... the garden

a. in b. on c. under d. at

17. They often eat ...................................................... ice - cream after dinner

a. some b. any c. a d. an

18. We go there by car and they go .................................. foot

a. on b. by c. to d. with

19. How much is a bowl of noodles ? - ................................... five thousand five hundred dong

a. They are b. It is c. It has d. There is

20. He is ......................................... English at a big school

a. teach b. teaches c. teacher d. teaching

21. I 'd like some meat , please . How much ............................................. ?

a. Do you like b. Do you want c. You'd like d. You need

22. They are going to stay ............................. their grandparents in the country

a. in b. to c. at d. with

23. Listen ! ......................................... to your sister ?

a. Who is going to talk b. Who talks c. Who does talk d. Who is talking

24. .............................................. are you going to stay with ? - My sister and my brother

a. Who b. Where c. How d. How long

25. Which cinema ....................................................

a. do you want to go to b. do you want to go it c. you want to go d. do you want to go

13 tháng 6 2017

I. Choose the best options to complete the statements

1. ................................ your teacher ? - Yes , she í very beautiful

a. Do you like b. Do you want c. Would you like d. How do you like

2. How .......................... kilos of beef does she want ?

a. many b. much c. often d. about

3. I need some tea . Please give me a ...................... of tea

a. bottle b. bar c. tube d. packet

4. His father is waiting ........................... a bus

a. to b. of c. for d. at

5. Is there any .................................. in the bottle ? - Yes , there is some

a. peas b. carrots c. sugar d. beans

6. Does your brother ............................. any games ? - No , he doesn't

a. play b. plays c. playing d. to play

7. I don't like vegetables but my sister ........................................

a. do b. likes c. does d. would like

8. Would you like some apples , Lan ? - No , ................................... I'm full . Thanks !

a. I wouldn't b. I don't c. I'm not d. I don't like

9. How do they want .................................... to work ? - By minibus

a. to go b. to travel c. to walk d. Both a and b

10. ........................................... tonight ? - Nothing

a. What are you doing b. What do you do c. What are you going to do d. Both a and b

11. My grandparents are old , they don't like ...................................... because it's very cold

a. summer b. fall c. spring d. winter

12. He usually goes swimming once ..............................................

a. the week b. a week c. all weeks d. in the week

13. The room of my parents is small . "The room of my parents" means :

a. my room 's parents b. my parents's room c. my parents' room d. my room' parent

14. How ..................................... oranges would you like ? - Six , please . And ................................ tea

a. much / some b. many / any c. much / any d. many / some

15. Does Mary like ............................. ? - Yes , she goes jogging every morning

a. jog b. to jog c. jogs d. jogging

16. The children are playing .................................................... the garden

a. in b. on c. under d. at

17. They often eat ...................................................... ice - cream after dinner

a. some b. any c. a d. an

18. We go there by car and they go .................................. foot

a. on b. by c. to d. with

19. How much is a bowl of noodles ? - ................................... five thousand five hundred dong

a. They are b. It is c. It has d. There is

20. He is ......................................... English at a big school

a. teach b. teaches c. teacher d. teaching

21. I 'd like some meat , please . How much ............................................. ?

a. Do you like b. Do you want c. You'd like d. You need

22. They are going to stay ............................. their grandparents in the country

a. in b. to c. at d. with

23. Listen ! ......................................... to your sister ?

a. Who is going to talk b. Who talks c. Who does talk d. Who is talking

24. .............................................. are you going to stay with ? - My sister and my brother

a. Who b. Where c. How d. How long

25. Which cinema ....................................................

a. do you want to go to b. do you want to go it c. you want to go d. do you want to go

13 tháng 6 2017

I. Choose the best options to complete the statements

1. ................................ your teacher ? - Yes , she í very beautiful

a. Do you like b. Do you want c. Would you like d. How do you like

2. How .......................... kilos of beef does she want ?

a. many b. much c. often d. about

3. I need some tea . Please give me a ...................... of tea

a. bottle b. bar c. tube d. packet

4. His father is waiting ........................... a bus

a. to b. of c. for d. at

5. Is there any .................................. in the bottle ? - Yes , there is some

a. peas b. carrots c. sugar d. beans

6. Does your brother ............................. any games ? - No , he doesn't

a. play b. plays c. playing d. to play

7. I don't like vegetables but my sister ........................................

a. do b. likes c. does d. would like

8. Would you like some apples , Lan ? - No , ................................... I'm full . Thanks !

a. I wouldn't b. I don't c. I'm not d. I don't like

9. How do they want .................................... to work ? - By minibus

a. to go b. to travel c. to walk d. Both a and b

10. ........................................... tonight ? - Nothing

a. What are you doing b. What do you do c. What are you going to do d. Both a and b

11. My grandparents are old , they don't like ...................................... because it's very cold

a. summer b. fall c. spring d. winter

12. He usually goes swimming once ..............................................

a. the week b. a week c. all weeks d. in the week

13. The room of my parents is small . "The room of my parents" means :

a. my room 's parents b. my parents's room c. my parents' room d. my room' parent

14. How ..................................... oranges would you like ? - Six , please . And ................................ tea

a. much / some b. many / any c. much / any d. many / some

15. Does Mary like ............................. ? - Yes , she goes jogging every morning

a. jog b. to jog c. jogs d. jogging

16. The children are playing .................................................... the garden

a. in b. on c. under d. at

17. They often eat ...................................................... ice - cream after dinner

a. some b. any c. a d. an

18. We go there by car and they go .................................. foot

a. on b. by c. to d. with

19. How much is a bowl of noodles ? - ................................... five thousand five hundred dong

a. They are b. It is c. It has d. There is

20. He is ......................................... English at a big school

a. teach b. teaches c. teacher d. teaching

21. I 'd like some meat , please . How much ............................................. ?

a. Do you like b. Do you want c. You'd like d. You need

22. They are going to stay ............................. their grandparents in the country

a. in b. to c. at d. with

23. Listen ! ......................................... to your sister ?

a. Who is going to talk b. Who talks c. Who does talk d. Who is talking

24. .............................................. are you going to stay with ? - My sister and my brother

a. Who b. Where c. How d. How long

25. Which cinema ....................................................

a. do you want to go to b. do you want to go it c. you want to go d. do you want to go

speaking testtopic;1 TELEVISION1. What is your favourite TV programme?2. Is it interesting?3.What channel is it on?4 . What is it about ?5. How often do you watch ?topic : 2 SPORT AND GAMES1. Do you like playing sport and game2. What kine of sport and game do you do mót often ?3.How often do you play it ?4. What others sports and games do you play?5. Do you belong to and clubs ?topic; 3 YOUR CITYES1. Where are you staying?2. What has the weather been like?3. How are people here ?4. What ís it...
Đọc tiếp

speaking test


1. What is your favourite TV programme?

2. Is it interesting?

3.What channel is it on?

4 . What is it about ?

5. How often do you watch ?


1. Do you like playing sport and game

2. What kine of sport and game do you do mót often ?

3.How often do you play it ?

4. What others sports and games do you play?

5. Do you belong to and clubs ?

topic; 3 YOUR CITYES

1. Where are you staying?

2. What has the weather been like?

3. How are people here ?

4. What ís it famous for ?

5. What city do you like bét in your country?


1. Where will your live in the future ?

2. What will it be surounded by ?

3. What will it be like ?

4. How many room are there ?

5.What appliances might it have ?


1.What is the environmental problem in your neighbourhood /

2. Is it serious ?

3.What are the effects of the problem to people ?

4. What can you do to reduce that problem ?

5.How can you save water ?

hết rồi giúp mình mau mau nhá !!!!!!thank














1 tháng 5 2018

nhieeuf vậy bạn ????? -_-

TOPIC 1: CITIES OF THE WORLD*Talk about the city that you have just arrived or known.1.     Where did you arrive?2.     What has the weather been like?3.     How the people and th food are?4.     What is it famous for? /What have you done?5.     How are you feeling? TOPIC 2: OUR HOUSES IN THE FUTURE*Talk abou your future house1.     What kinds of your future house will be?2.     Where will your future house be?3.     What will it be surrounded by?4.     How many rooms will there be in it?5.    ...
Đọc tiếp


*Talk about the city that you have just arrived or known.

1.     Where did you arrive?

2.     What has the weather been like?

3.     How the people and th food are?

4.     What is it famous for? /What have you done?

5.     How are you feeling?



*Talk abou your future house

1.     What kinds of your future house will be?

2.     Where will your future house be?

3.     What will it be surrounded by?

4.     How many rooms will there be in it?

5.     What appliances might it have?



*Talk about the environmental problems in your neighbourhood

1.     What is the environmental problems in your neighbourhood?

2.     Is it serious?

3.     What are the effects of the problem to people?

4.     What can you do to reduce that problem?

5.     What things can you reuse or recycle?


Giúp tôi với nha.

5 tháng 6 2020

TOPIC 1: I arrive to Nha Trang with my family. I stay in Seraton Nha Trang. The weather was great. The people are friendly and the food was tasty. I have swum in the sea. Tomorrow I will go for a walk with my parents on the beach to admire the beautiful scenery in Nha Trang. I feel very happy...

TOPIC 2: My house in the future is a hi-tech house by the sea because I want to see the beach. I love beautiful scenes at the beach and enjoy the atmosphere there. There will be a lot of trees and flowers surrounding my house. In my house, there will be 6 rooms: two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. The appliances in my house will be moden. My future house might have a smart TV to surf the Internet and watch interesting programmes, a smart car to move around, a hi-tech robot might help me do the housework and a smartphone to phone and exchange emails with my friends...