
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

22 tháng 10 2018

Bài 1: Circle the correct preposition:

1. Having good friend will see you (across/through) hard time.

2. Let's run (through/along) some ways that you can get (through/along) better with your sister.

run through : xem lại

get along: hòa thuận

3. If you run (across/ through) any information on that school, please save it for me.

run across : ngẫu nhiên gặp

4. Can you go (through/along) with this plan? I don't think it's going to fall (down/through) this time

go along with :chấp nhận một quyết định

fall down: thất bại

5. The need to care for your spirritual health as well as your physical health cuts (acrros/along) all major religions of the world (through out / along) history. cut across: tác động

6. I saw him (through/across) the room, talking seriously with two other people.

7. Come (through/along). We're going to have great time.

Come along : nhanh lên

8. I keep trying to get ( through/along) to him. I can't seem to get (through/across) the dangers of hiking alone.

9. While we were hiing we saw beautiful wild flowers (alongside/through) the road.

10. Few people sang (as we as/along) with me as we went up the hill, but more people did on the way first down. I love to sing while I'm hiking

Exercise 1. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GET Get away from Get down Get on / along with Get off Get into Get away with Get down to Get over Get off with Get back Get on Get out of Get through 1.He promised to act as chairman, so I’m afraid he can’t get ____ it now. There’s no one else to do it. 2.She is a friendly girl who gets ________ everyone she meets. 3.It took her a long time to get ______ the death of her husband. 4.I tried to ring him up but I couldn’t...
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Exercise 1. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GET 

Get away from Get down Get on / along with Get off Get into Get away with Get down to Get over Get off with Get back Get on Get out of Get through 1.He promised to act as chairman, so I’m afraid he can’t get ____ it now. There’s no one else to do it. 2.She is a friendly girl who gets ________ everyone she meets. 3.It took her a long time to get ______ the death of her husband. 4.I tried to ring him up but I couldn’t get _____ : I think some of the lines are down after last night’s storm. 5.She talks so much that it is difficult to get _______ from her. 6.Get ______ the bus at Victoria Station. 7.How are you getting _________ your work ? 8.I’m not getting _______ very fast because I can only type with two fingers. 9.We got ______ late because we missed the last train. 10.Don’t worry about my snake. He can’t get _______ his box. 11.This rainy weather is really getting me ________. 12.It’s time you got _______ some serious work. It’s very important to you. 13.Thieves raided the bank and got ________ a lot of money. 14.My boy is getting _________ bad habits, such as smokin, staying up late.... 15.We got _______ immediately after the breakfast. 

Exercise 2. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GIVE 

Give away Give off Give over to Give up Give back Give out Give in Give oneself up 1.He won 100$ and gave it all ________. 2.Riding is getting too expensive: I’ll have to give it ________. 3.He gave _______all the books he had borrowed. 4.After 4 days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself _______ to local police. 5.Your secret is safe with me. I won’t give it ________. 6.The diver’s supply of oxygen gave __ and he had to be brought to the surface as quickly as possible 7.After his fourth attemp he gave _______ trying to pass the driving test. 8.If you want to save money, give _______ eating in expensive restaurants. 9.There was a man giving _______ leaflets outside the church. 10.She gave ______ state secret to the enemy. 11.Could you give me _______ my pen when you’ve finished using it? 12.Please give your exam papers ______ to the teacher when you’ve finished! 13.The cooker is giving _______ a funny smell. 14.This big hall is given ________ meeting. 15.She’s a gusty player : she never gives __________ 

Exercise 3. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GO

 Go away Go down with Go on Go out Go through with Go back on Go in for Go off Go round Go up Go down Go into Go over Go through Go with 1.The guard dog went ______ the intruder and knocked him down. 2.He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then went _______ working. 3.I went ______ the proposal very carefully with my lawyer and finally decided to to accept his offer. 4.She went ______ a beauty contest and got a prize. 5.The price of tomatoes usually goes ________ in summer in England. 6.If there isn’t enough soup to go ________, just put some hot water in it. 7.You can’t go _______ your promise now: we are depending on you. 8.They have gone _______ all the calculations again but they still can’t find the mistake. 9.The gun went ______ by accident and wounded him in the leg. 10.Mary went ______ in such a hurry that she left her passport behind. 11.Why don’t you go _______ stamp collecting if you want a quiet hobby ? 12.Her weight went ______ to 70 kilos when she stopped playing tennis. 13.When did Britain go ________ EEC ? 14.Our youngest boy has gone __________ mumps! 15.Her blouse doesn’t go _______ her skirt. 16.Finally, I’ve gone ________ all my exams! 17.Which events is he going __________ at the Olympics? 18.The first episode of the film goes ________ next Friday evening at 8 o’clock. 19.There must be a party going _______ next door. They’re making so much noise! 20.The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went __________. 

Exercise 4. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with HAND, GROW, HANG, JUMP 

Grow on Grow up Hand down Hang about Hang on to Jump at Grow out of Hand over Hand out Hang back Jump on 1.Most of my clothes were handed _____ to me by my older brother. 2.President Bush should hand ______ power to Iraqui elected government. 3.Relief workers were handing _______ emergency rations to the survivors. 4.My daughter is growing _______ very fast. She has grown _______ all her clothes. 5.This book is very interesting. I’m sure it will grow ________ you. 6.You should keep an eye on this stranger. He has been hanging _____ our neighbourhood for hours. 7.At first, he volunteered to help me, but on second thought he was afraid and hung ______. 8.I should hang ______ those oldphotographs–they may be valuable. 9.My maths teacher really used to jump _____ us when we got our answer wrong. 10.If they offered me a job in the USA, I’d jump _______ the chance. 

Exercise 5. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with HOLD, KEEP 

Hold on Hold out Hold up Keep down Keep away Keep off Hold off Hold back Hold with Keep up with Keep back Keep up 1.“ What a terrible news!”, she just managed to hold _________ her anger. 2.I don’t hold _______ his view on education. 3.After the hold–_______, the gang made their getaway in a stolen car. 4.The survivors of the plane crash managed to hold _______ till help came. 5.Her illness is getting worse. Doctors hold ______ little hope of her recovery. 6.Could you hold ______ making decision until next week. I’m trying to find out the best solution. 7.She kept ______ working although she was very tired. 8.They lit a fire to keep wild animals __________. 9.The people in this country have been kept _______ for years by a brutal regime. 10.Keep your voices ________ : your mother is trying to get some sleep. 11.You’re all doing a spendid job. Keep _______ the good work. 12.Police warned by–standers to keep ________ from the blazing building. 13.I can’t keep ________ all the changes in computer technology. 14.She is a good secretary, but she is kept _______ by her ignorance of languages. 15.The country was in a state of rebellion and was only kept _______ by repressive measures. 

Exercise 6. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with LAY, LEAVE, LET, LIVE

 Lay down Lay up Leave out Let off (with) Live on Lay out Leave off Let down Let out Live up to 1.There is a lot of beautiful jewellery laid _______ in the shop window. 2.You should lay _______ some money in the rainy days. 3.You didn’t have any right to lay _______ such hard rules. 4.My name has been misspelt–you’ve left _______ a letter. 5.I wish you’d leave ________ complaining about my cooking. 6.The boy’s getting so fat that his trousers have to be let _____ round the waist. 7.She was let _______ with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 8.He felt he really let the team ________ when he missed the penalty. 9.Don’t let these criminals ________ lightly. 10.As he’s retired, he now lives mainly _________ his pension. 11.My exam results didn’t live _________ my expectations, 12.You can’t live ________ 22 calories a day. 

Exercise 7. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with LOOK

 1.We are looking ____ you for your help. 2. We must look __ a bit before deciding where to buy a house 3. Police will be looking _ trouble–makers at today’s match. 4. Please look __ on me when you have free time 5.His disappearance is being looked _________ by the police. 6. Do look me __ the next time you’re in London. 6. Children always look _____ their parents. 8. She is looked __ as the leading authority on this subject 9.Who will look ______ the children while their mother is in hospital ? 10.We are so much looking __________ seeing you next week. 11.Look _______ the time of the next trainin the timetable. 12.He was looked _________ because of his humble background. 13.She looked _______ when she heard the noise behind her. 14.Tenants must look __________ the house before they decided to rent it. 



I. Choose the most suitable tense. 1. Why (are you going to buy/ will you buy) a new mountain bike? 2. Don’t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I’ll study/ I’ll be studying then. 3. Look out! That tree (will fall/ is going to fall)! 4. Let me know as soon as Louise (will get/ gets) here. 5. Great news! Jean and Chris (will come/ are coming) to stay with us. 6. According to this timetable, the bus (is going to arrive/ arrives) at 6.00. 7. I have a feeling that something strange (is going to...
Đọc tiếp

I. Choose the most suitable tense.

1. Why (are you going to buy/ will you buy) a new mountain bike?

2. Don’t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I’ll study/ I’ll be studying then.

3. Look out! That tree (will fall/ is going to fall)!

4. Let me know as soon as Louise (will get/ gets) here.

5. Great news! Jean and Chris (will come/ are coming) to stay with us.

6. According to this timetable, the bus (is going to arrive/ arrives) at 6.00.

7. I have a feeling that something strange (is going to happen/ is happening) in a minute.

8. The doctor says I (will have/ am going to have) a baby!

9. Can you call me at 7.00, because (I’ll leave/ I’m leaving) tomorrow.

10. If you arrive late at the sale, the best things (will go/ will have gone).

II. Give the correct form of the verbs:

1. I can’t see you on Thursday afternoon. I (visit) our Birmingham branch.

2. George (not be) back until six. Can I take a message?

3. What (you/ buy) with the money you won in the lottery?

4. I don’t think you (have) any problems at the airport.

5. (You/ take) your dog with you to Scotland?

6. Can you answer the phone for me? I (lie down) for a while.

7. All the hotels are full. Where (we/ spend) the night?

8. You’d better not come in July. My mother (stay) with me then.

9. What time (your plane/ leave) ?

10. Leave the car here. May be the police (not/ notice) it.

III. Give the correct form of the verbs:

1. By the time we reach the home, the rain (stop).

2. This time next week I (lie) on the beach in Spain.

3. In ten years’ time I (work) for a different company.

4. If we don’t get there by 6, Jack (leave).

5. In July they (be married) for ten years.

6. In the year 2500 a lot of people (live) on the moon.

7. When you get to the station, I (wait) for you outside.

8. Don’t worry! The plane (land) in a moment.

9. By the time you come home, I (finish) the decorating.

10. Come round between eight and nine. We (watch) the match on television then.

V. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. All sentences refer to future time.

1. When I (see) you tomorrow, I (tell) you my news.

2. As soon as we (get) there, we (phone) for a taxi.

3. I (go) to the library before I (do) the shopping.

4. We (wait) here until the rain (stop).

5. I (get) some money from the bank when it (open).

6. After you (take) the medicine, you (feel) better.

7. You have to stay until you (finish) your work.

8. I (let) you work the minute I (hear) the results.

9. Before we (paint) the wall, we (have) a cup of tea.

10. We (climb) over the wall as soon as it (get) dark.

27 tháng 3 2018

I. Choose the most suitable tense.

1. Why (are you going to buy/ will you buy) a new mountain bike?

2. Don’t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I’ll study/ I’ll be studying then.

3. Look out! That tree (will fall/ is going to fall)!

4. Let me know as soon as Louise (will get/ gets) here.

5. Great news! Jean and Chris (will come/ are coming) to stay with us.

6. According to this timetable, the bus (is going to arrive/ arrives) at 6.00.

7. I have a feeling that something strange (is going to happen/ is happening) in a minute.

8. The doctor says I (will have/ am going to have) a baby!

9. Can you call me at 7.00, because (I’ll leave/ I’m leaving) tomorrow.

10. If you arrive late at the sale, the best things (will go/ will have gone).

II. Give the correct form of the verbs:

1. I can’t see you on Thursday afternoon. I (visit)am visiting our Birmingham branch.

2. George (not be)won’t be back until six. Can I take a message?

3. What (you/ buy) are you going to buywith the money you won in the lottery?

4. I don’t think you (have) will have any problems at the airport.

5. (You/ take) are you going to take/Are you taking your dog with you to Scotland?

6. Can you answer the phone for me? I (lie down) am going to lie down for a while.

7. All the hotels are full. Where (we/ spend)are we going to spend the night?

8. You’d better not come in July. My mother (stay) will be staying/is staying with me then.

9. What time does your plane leave (your plane/ leave) ?

10. Leave the car here. May be the police (not/ notice) won’t notice it.

1 Write a phrasal verb from the box in the correct form in each gap.make any changes if necessary back down get across blurt out get around let on dry up shout down pass on come out speak out 1.could you please.......the messenger to Tom when you see him 2.He knew that it is a secret but he just .....it...before he could stop himself 3.I've tried to explain to Hoang how i feel several times but i just can't seem to....my point of view....... 4.I think my speech is okay but i hope that i do...
Đọc tiếp

1 Write a phrasal verb from the box in the correct form in each gap.make any changes if necessary

back down get across blurt out get around let on dry up shout down pass on come out speak out

1.could you please.......the messenger to Tom when you see him

2.He knew that it is a secret but he just .....it...before he could stop himself

3.I've tried to explain to Hoang how i feel several times but i just can't seem to....my point of view.......

4.I think my speech is okay but i hope that i do not......as soon as i get to the podium

5.No one's supposed to know yet,so don't.......,whatever you do!

6.News....very fast in this small town!

7.The minister was......by the angry protestors at the government's proposals.

8.Linh ....when she realized that she was wrong

9.The magazines...every friday

10.all of us who oppose the construction plan need to ....against it as loudly as we can

bài 2.thêm từ và viết đúng ngữ pháp

1.I/have friend/name/huy

2.we/study together/primary to high school/12 years

3 when Huy/want/enter good university/he study more

4.First time/he/take exam/he do not well/he/fell discouraged

5.But he/know/he want/study/university/he study more

6.next year/he try/take/exam again

7.second time/he pass/exam high scores

8 I believe/Huy/good role model

9.He/teach/never give up/best way/succeed

giúp mình nha

20 tháng 2 2020

EXERCISE 7: Complete the sentences with must, should, need, needn’t, can, could, may, might

1. In Britain many children _______must_____ wear uniform when they go to school.

2. That restaurant _____must_________ be very good. It’s always full of people.

3. I think the government _____should_________ do more to help homeless people.

4. We have plenty of time for doing the work. We ______needn't________ be hurried.

5. You _________needn't_____ ring the bell; I have a key.

6. I __________must____ get up early tomorrow. There are a lot of things I want to do.

7. You ________needn't______ explain that again because I understand everything now.

8. I _______must_________ do that again. It’s my promise.

9. You ______should_______ take your umbrella along with you today. It ______may______ rain later on this afternoon.

10. You shouldn't have been absent from that important session.

I. fill each gap in the following sentences with one of the particles in the box on after away back down off over to up upon in with 1 it's time Edward got married and settled_____. He must be well over thirty 2 could you put me____ for a few days until I find a place of my own? 3 he's very easy going. he takes______his father in that respect 4 you haven't thrown____yesterday's paper, have you?I haven't read it yet 5 I didn't take_____skiing...
Đọc tiếp

I. fill each gap in the following sentences with one of the particles in the box

on after away back down off over to up upon in with

1 it's time Edward got married and settled_____. He must be well over thirty
2 could you put me____ for a few days until I find a place of my own?
3 he's very easy going. he takes______his father in that respect
4 you haven't thrown____yesterday's paper, have you?I haven't read it yet
5 I didn't take_____skiing immediately but I began to enjoy it once I'd had a few lessons
6 "Now , let's go___the main facts of the case again in case we've missed something". the inspector said
7Sorry, I'm late. When the alarm clock rang I must have turned over and gone____to sleep
8 Don't let me____,will you? I'm relying on your support
9 I suppose, I'd better start that composition. I can't put_____doing it any longer
III. finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it
1 the doctor asked:"Why didn't you make an appointment?"
-> the doctor asked her
2 did he say why he hadn't reached the island?
->did he give
3 Is smoking permitted in British cinemas?
-> are we
4 please don't play your music so loudly
-> would
4 with the introduction of the computers into the classrooms, students' performance has been greatly enhanced
->the introduction
5 julia didn't listen to what her doctor told her(notice)
6 please do not stop your work(carry)
7 jenny didn't feel like going to the party(mood)
8 he wants her students to call him 'professor'(address)
9 you should make an effort to get out and about more
->It's high time
10. It seems as if there is a slight deterioration in his physical condition
->his physical condition
11 I have forgotten that commentator's name but he's very well-known
->that commentator,
12 we can say that the leisure industry will be the money spinner of the future
->the laisure industry
13 it was overheating that caused his heart attact
14 the house has got everything except a large garden (lacks)
15 i'm afraid to say that we haven't got any oil left (up)
16 the film is similar to Shakespeare's Hamlet in a number of ways (bears)
17 In all probability we will finsh the project on Thursday (chances)
18 The Embassy said it would not be neccessary for me to get a visa (need)
19 I drive to work every day, but today i go by bus
-> Instead
20 Mary does not work at this company any more
21 we happened to meet John at the airport
->We met
22 more people live in New York than in Washington
->not so
23 we never intended to travel abroad
->we never had
24 immediately after his arrival, things went wrong

1. People want (to conserve) the environment, (but) they (can't help) (pollute) it. 2. A: Let's go out for a drink - B: I suggest staying at home and watch television. 3. The government has had the ethnic minority settling down and provided them with land. 4. There (are) (many) people (visit) the Pyramids (in) Egypt everyday. 5. We (go) to school (enriching) our mind (with) (knowledge). 6. It (is) very difficult (for) human (beings) (fighting) pollution. 7. If we (don't care)...
Đọc tiếp

1. People want (to conserve) the environment, (but) they (can't help) (pollute) it.

2. A: Let's go out for a drink - B: I suggest staying at home and watch television.

3. The government has had the ethnic minority settling down and provided them with land.

4. There (are) (many) people (visit) the Pyramids (in) Egypt everyday.

5. We (go) to school (enriching) our mind (with) (knowledge).

6. It (is) very difficult (for) human (beings) (fighting) pollution.

7. If we (don't care) (conservation) the environment, we (will get) (unavoidable) disasters.

8. You (have to) (finished) (writing) the report (yourself).

9. Minh is (a bit) tired. He does not (feel like) (eaten) (anything).

10. I (noticed) the boy (to creep) intro the house (through) a hole (at) the foot of the wall.

11. (There) (comes) my bus! I (must) go now. Don't forget (giving) me a call.

12. Faraday's father (was) not rich (enough) (to sending) him (to) school.

13. She (left) the house (in a hurry) without (to say goodbye) to (us).

14. I (remember) that I have (something) (new) to (telling) you.

15. Language (coming) from Latin, (such as) French, Italian and Spanish (are easy) (learning).

25 tháng 6 2020

1. People want (to conserve) the environment, (but) they (can't help) (pollute) -> polluting it.

2. A: Let's go out for a drink - B: I suggest staying at home and watch -|> watching television.

3. The government has had the ethnic minority settling -> settle down and provided them with land.

4. There (are) (many) people (visit) -> visiting the Pyramids (in) Egypt everyday.

5. We (go) to school (enriching) => to enrich our mind (with) (knowledge).

6. It (is) very difficult (for) human (beings) (fighting) -> to fight pollution.

7. If we (don't care) (conservation) -> to conserve the environment, we (will get) (unavoidable) disasters.

8. You (have to) (finished) -> finish (writing) the report (yourself).

9. Minh is (a bit) tired. He does not (feel like) (eaten) -> eating (anything).

10. I (noticed) the boy (to creep) -> creeping intro the house (through) a hole (at) the foot of the wall.

11. (There) (comes) my bus! I (must) go now. Don't forget (giving) -> to give me a call.

12. Faraday's father (was) not rich (enough) (to sending) -> to send him (to) school.

13. She (left) the house (in a hurry) without (to say goodbye) -> saying goodbye to (us).

14. I (remember) that I have (something) (new) to (telling) -> tell you.

15. Language (coming) from Latin, (such as) French, Italian and Spanish (are easy) -> is easy ( learning) -> to learn .

25 tháng 6 2020

câu 3 sao lại là settle vậy ạ?

câu 15 sao lỗi sai lại nằm ở 2 câu ạ? e nghĩ là chỉ learning mới sai chứ ạ?

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs made of the words in the two boxes.Some of them are not suitable. get,make,put,run,stand,talk (verb) up,over,by,along,with,into (prep) 1.He did agree with me, but he was afraid of what the boss would say. I can't believe that he didn't .... me! (stand by) 2.What do you think of Amelia ? I .... her very well. Maybe I would ask her to go to the cinema with me sometimes. 3. Sam isn't serious about anything. How can you .......
Đọc tiếp

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs made of the words in the two boxes.Some of them are not suitable.

get,make,put,run,stand,talk (verb)

up,over,by,along,with,into (prep)

1.He did agree with me, but he was afraid of what the boss would say.

I can't believe that he didn't .... me! (stand by)

2.What do you think of Amelia ?

I .... her very well. Maybe I would ask her to go to the cinema with me sometimes.

3. Sam isn't serious about anything. How can you .... him ?

4. I .... Cynthia when I was downtown today. (ran into)

5. Is it true that you and Roger got into a big argument?

Yes, but he called to apologize,and we .... (made up)

II. Supply one correct preposition for each blank.

1. Children,go .... the garden and work ... some of your energythere, not here in the house.

2. We're making the village of Hayslope. Are we on the right road?

P/s : Mọi người check những câu đã làm và các câu còn lại giúp em với. Em cảm ơn!

28 tháng 1 2020

2. get along with

3, put up with

Complete the following sentences with the correct form os verbs given in the box (throw, give, persuade, pick up, send, invite, practice, interview, make, buy) 1. I don't mind .................... to do many exercises. 2. You know what Alan's like. He'll never agree. So it's no use .................... him. 3. Her children used to .................... after school every day. They didn't have to walk home. 4. The best way to learn gerunds and infinitives is to keep on .......................
Đọc tiếp

Complete the following sentences with the correct form os verbs given in the box

(throw, give, persuade, pick up, send, invite, practice, interview, make, buy)

1. I don't mind .................... to do many exercises.

2. You know what Alan's like. He'll never agree. So it's no use .................... him.

3. Her children used to .................... after school every day. They didn't have to walk home.

4. The best way to learn gerunds and infinitives is to keep on .................... them.

5. Thank you for reminding me .................... my mother a birthday card.

6. He agreed .................... by the reporter before the meeting.

7. Tom admitted .................... the rock through the window.

8. Are you looking forward to .................... to Mary's birthday party next Sunday?

9. She wants .................... the information of the examination as soon as possible.

10. $600 for a pair of shoes! Who on earth can afford .................... them?

27 tháng 8 2020

Complete the following sentences with the correct form os verbs given in the box

(throw, give, persuade, pick up, send, invite, practice, interview, make, buy)

1. I don't mind being made to do many exercises.

2. You know what Alan's like. He'll never agree. So it's no use persuading him.

3. Her children used to be picked up after school every day. They didn't have to walk home.

4. The best way to learn gerunds and infinitives is to keep on practicing them.

5. Thank you for reminding me to send my mother a birthday card.

6. He agreed to be interviewed by the reporter before the meeting.

7. Tom admitted throwing the rock through the window.

8. Are you looking forward to being invited to Mary's birthday party next Sunday?

9. She wants to be given the information of the examination as soon as possible.

10. $600 for a pair of shoes! Who on earth can afford to buy them?