
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

29 tháng 12 2019

1. You had better......., home and have a rest

A. Going. B.goes. C. To go. D. Go

2. I hope........ to university nest year

A. To go. B. Go. C. Going. D. Went

Chia dạng đúng của dộng từ

1. It’s no use....asking.... his opinion ( ask)

2. Anyone can.....get.. used to....living.... a life of luxury (get/live)

4. My doctor doesn’t permit me.....going.....red meat (go)

5.If you decide......to sell......your car, let me.......know......(sell/know)

6. I would like your water rhe plants for me at the weekend


29 tháng 12 2019

1. You had better......., home and have a rest

A. Going. B.goes. C. To go. D. Go

2. I hope........ to university nest year

A. To go. B. Go. C. Going. D. Went

Chia dạng đúng của dộng từ

1. It’s no use....ASKING .... his opinion ( ask)

2. Anyone can....GET... used to...LIVING..... a life of luxury (get/live)

4. My doctor doesn’t permit me.....GOING.....red meat (go)

5.If you decide...TO SELL.........your car, let me......KNOW.......(sell/know)

6. I would like you....WATER... the plants for me at the weekend


Dịch hộ mình rồi mình tick cho, giúp mình nhanh nhanh lên nhé! 165. I didn’t feel like (work) working so I suggested (spend) spending the day in the garden. 166. I used (ride) to ride a lot but I haven’t had a chance (do) to do any since (come) came here. 167. Did you remember (lock) locking the door ? - No, I didn’t. I’d better (go) go back and (do) do it now. 168. It’s no use (try) trying (interrupt) (ngắt lời) to interrupt him. You’ll have (wait) to wait . till he stops...
Đọc tiếp

Dịch hộ mình rồi mình tick cho, giúp mình nhanh nhanh lên nhé!

165. I didn’t feel like (work) working so I suggested (spend) spending the day in the garden.

166. I used (ride) to ride a lot but I haven’t had a chance (do) to do any since (come) came here.

167. Did you remember (lock) locking the door ?

- No, I didn’t. I’d better (go) go back and (do) do it now.

168. It’s no use (try) trying (interrupt) (ngắt lời) to interrupt him. You’ll have (wait) to wait .

till he stops (talk) talking

169. He didn’t like (leave) leaving children alone in the house but he had no alternative (không có cách) as he had (go) to go out to work.

170. Why didn’t you drink it ? - I didn’t like (drink) drinking it as I didn’t know what it was.

171. Do you feel like (go) going to a film or would you rather (stay) stay at home ?,

172. She told me (look) to look through her correspondence (thư từ) and (take) take out any letters that you had written her. I didn’t like (look) looking through someone else’s letter but I had (do) to do as she said.

173. I liked (listen) litening to folk music than (listen) listening to pop

174. The car began (make) making an extraordinary noise so I stopped (see) to see what it was.

175. He decided (put) to put broken glass on top of his wall (prevent) to prevent boys (climb) climbing over it. (miếng bánh)

176. He annoyed me very much by (take) taking the piece of cake that I was keeping (eat) eating after my supper. (bữa cơm tối)

177. He kept (ring) ringing up and (ask) asking for an explanation and she didn’t know what (do) to do about him.

178. We got tired of (wait) waiting the weather (clear) clearer and finally decided (set) to set out (khởi hành) in the rain.

179. He made me (repeat) repeat his instructions (make) making sure that I understood what I was (do) doing after he had gone.

180. She apologized (xin lỗi) for (borrow) brrowing my sewing machine without (ask) asking permission and promised never (do) to do it again

181. You don’t need (ask) to ask his permission every time you want (leave) to leave the room.

182. I left my door open. Why didn’t you walk in ?

- I didn’t like (go) going in when you weren’t here.

183. Try (avoid) to avoid (be) being late. He hates (be) being kept (waiting) waiting

184. I didn’t know how (get) to get to your house so I stopped (ask) to ask the way.

185. Did you advise him (go) to go to the police ?

- No, I didn’t like (give) giving any advice on such a difficult matter.

186. I caught him (climb) climbing over my wall. I asked him (explain) to explain but he refused (say) to say any thing, so in the end I had (let) to let him (go) go

187. Jame nees (see) to see a docotr soon.

188. I can’s afford (go) to go out tonight. I haven’t got enough money.

189. Can you remind me (buy) to buy some coffee when we go out ?

190. One of the boys admitted (break) breaking the window.

191. How did the thief get into the house ?

- I forgot (shut) shutting the window.

192. It’s a nice day, so we decided (go) to go for a walk.

193. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy (go) to go for a walk.

194. I still looking for a job but I hope (find) to find something soon.

195. I was lonely at first, but after a time I got used to (live) living alone.

196. Did you remember (lock) locking the car ?

- No, I didn’t. I’d better (go) go back and (do) do it now.

197. Would you like me (turn) to turn down the radio a bit ?

- No, it’s all right. I’m used to (work) working with the radio on.

198. Would your children mind (keep) keeping quiet for a moment ? I’m trying (fill) to fill a form.

199. If you want the milkman (leave) to leave you milk in the morning, don’t forget (put)to put a milk bottle outside.

200. Nothing will make me (change) change my mind.


165. Tôi không cảm thấy như (làm việc) làm việc vì vậy tôi đề nghị (dành) chi tiêu trong ngày trong vườn.

166. Tôi dùng (đi xe) để đi xe nhiều nhưng tôi đã không có cơ hội (làm gì) để làm bất cứ từ (đến) đã đến đây.

167. Bạn có nhớ (khóa) khóa cửa không?

- Không, tôi không. Tôi sẽ trở lại và (do) làm ngay bây giờ.

168. Không dùng (try) cố gắng (gián đoạn) (ngắt lời) để làm gián đoạn anh ta. Bạn sẽ có (chờ đợi) để chờ đợi.

cho đến khi anh dừng lại (nói chuyện) nói chuyện

169. Anh ta không thích (để lại) để trẻ em một mình trong nhà nhưng anh không còn cách nào khác ngoài việc đi ra ngoài để làm việc.

170. Tại sao bạn không uống nó? - Tôi không thích (uống) uống nó như tôi không biết nó là gì.

171. Bạn có cảm thấy như đi xem phim hoặc thích ở lại nhà không?

172. Cô ấy nói với tôi (nhìn) để xem qua thư từ của cô ấy (thư từ) và (take) lấy bất kỳ thư nào bạn đã viết cho cô ấy. Tôi không thích (nhìn) nhìn qua bức thư của người khác nhưng tôi đã làm (làm) như cô ấy nói.

173. Tôi thích (lắng nghe) khi hát nhạc folk hơn (nghe) nghe nhạc pop

174. Chiếc xe bắt đầu phát ra tiếng ồn bất thường nên tôi dừng lại để xem nó là gì.

175. Anh ta quyết định đặt mảnh kính vỡ trên tường (ngăn chặn) để ngăn chặn các chàng trai leo qua nó. (miếng bánh)

176. Anh ta làm phiền tôi rất nhiều bởi (lấy) lấy miếng bánh mà tôi đang giữ (ăn) ăn sau bữa ăn tối của tôi. (dinner)

177. Anh giữ (nhẫn) reo lên và hỏi (yêu cầu) một lời giải thích và cô không biết phải làm gì với anh ta.

178. Chúng tôi đã mệt mỏi (chờ đợi) chờ đợi thời tiết (rõ ràng) rõ ràng hơn và cuối cùng quyết định (thiết lập) để đặt ra (khởi động) trong mưa.

179. Anh ta làm tôi (lặp lại) lặp lại các hướng dẫn của anh ta (đảm bảo rằng tôi hiểu tôi đang làm gì sau khi anh ta đi.

180. Cô ấy đã xin lỗi (xin lỗi) vì đã mượn máy may của tôi mà không có yêu cầu xin phép và hứa sẽ không bao giờ làm lại

181. Bạn không cần (yêu cầu) để xin phép của mình mỗi khi bạn muốn (rời khỏi) để rời khỏi phòng.

182. Tôi mở cửa. Tại sao bạn không bước vào?

- Tôi không thích (đi) đi vào khi bạn không ở đây.

183. Hãy thử (tránh) tránh trễ. Anh ta ghét (đang được giữ) chờ đợi

184. Tôi không biết làm thế nào để lấy được nhà của bạn vì vậy tôi dừng lại (yêu cầu) để hỏi đường.

185. Bạn có khuyên ông ta đi đến cảnh sát không?

- Không, tôi không thích (cho) đưa ra lời khuyên về một vấn đề khó khăn như vậy.

186. Tôi bắt gặp anh ta (leo trèo) leo qua bức tường của tôi. Tôi hỏi anh ấy (giải thích) để giải thích nhưng anh ta từ chối (nói) để nói bất cứ điều gì, do đó, cuối cùng tôi đã có để cho anh ta (đi) đi

187. Jame nees (xem) để xem docotr một sớm.

188. Tôi có thể đủ khả năng để ra ngoài tối nay. Tôi không có đủ tiền.

189. Bạn có thể nhắc nhở tôi (mua) để mua cà phê khi đi ra ngoài?

190. Một trong những chàng trai thừa nhận (phá vỡ) phá cửa sổ.

191. Làm thế nào để kẻ trộm vào nhà?

- Tôi quên (đóng cửa) đóng cửa sổ.

192. Đó là một ngày tốt đẹp, vì vậy chúng tôi quyết định (đi) đi bộ.

193. Đó là một ngày tốt đẹp. Có ai ưa thích (đi) để đi bộ.

194. Tôi vẫn đang tìm kiếm một công việc nhưng tôi hy vọng (tìm) để tìm một cái gì đó sớm.

195. Lúc đầu tôi lúc đầu cô đơn, nhưng sau một thời gian tôi đã quen (sống) một mình.

196. Bạn có nhớ (khóa) khóa xe không?

- Không, tôi không. Tôi sẽ trở lại và (do) làm ngay bây giờ.

197. Bạn có thích tôi (quay) để tắt radio không?

- Không, không sao. Tôi đã quen với việc làm việc với radio.

198. Con của bạn có giữ tâm trí (giữ) giữ im lặng trong giây lát không? Tôi đang cố gắng (điền vào) để điền vào biểu mẫu.

199. Nếu bạn muốn người bán sữa (để lại) để cho bạn sữa vào buổi sáng, đừng quên (đặt) để đặt một chai sữa bên ngoài.

200. Không có gì làm tôi thay đổi ý định.

27 tháng 9 2017

ko xai google dich nha bn

Exercise 7 : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: 1.If I (know)............................... that you were ill, I (go)........................... to see you. 2.If she'd had enough money, She (buy) ................................. a car. 3.I (buy) ............................................... a car If you lend me some money. 4.I (see) ................................. him if I (go) ............................... to the party last night. 5.We could have gone out if the...
Đọc tiếp
Exercise 7 : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: 1.If I (know)............................... that you were ill, I (go)........................... to see you. 2.If she'd had enough money, She (buy) ................................. a car. 3.I (buy) ............................................... a car If you lend me some money. 4.I (see) ................................. him if I (go) ............................... to the party last night. 5.We could have gone out if the weather (not be)............................................. so bad. 6.If the book (not be )................................. expensive, I'll buy it. 7.You would be very surprised if he (return).................................... 8.I'll go out if it (not rain)..................................... 9.They wouldn't come to the party if you (not invite) .........................................them 10.What .................................... you (do) ......................... if you (be) ....................... him? 11.If that hat costs much, I (buy) .................................. a small one. 12.If you (drive) ...........................more carefully, you (have) .............................. so many accidents. 13.If I (make) ................................... that mistake again, my teacher (get) ........................... angry with me. 14.If I spoke English, my job (be) ................................... a lot easier. 15.If he (go) ...................................... to London yesterday, he ( meet) ..................................... his old friend. 16.I will lend them some money if they (ask) ................................... me. 17.If we had known who he was, we (invite) ................................ him to speak at our meeting. 18.My dog (bark) ................................. if it (hear) ................................ any strange sound. 19.If I (have) ................................ enough money, I would buy a house. 20.They (not/let) ................................. you in if you (come) late. 21.If you (not go) ...................................... away, I (send) .................................... for a policeman. 22.If I (be) ....................................... in your place, I (accept) ........................ Mr. Anderson’s invitation. 23.If I (win) .................................. a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job. 24.If I (be) ...................................... you, I (tell) ................................. the truth. 25.I was busy. If I (have) ................................free time. I (go) .................................. to the cinema with you. 26.Why didn’t you attend the meeting? Oh, I did not know. If I (know)........................... I (come) ..........................there. 27.What ...................we(do)........................... if they do not come tomorrow? 28. If I had enough time now, I (write) ..................................... to my parents. 29. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (be) ................................ here, she (know) .......................what to do. 30. If I (eat) ................................. breakfast tomorrow morning, I (get) ............................... hungry during class. 31. If she (come) ...................................... late again, she (lose) .................................her job. 32. I (let) .................................. you know if I (find) ........................................... out what’s happening. 33. If we (live) ..................................... in a town, life would be better. 34. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive) .................................. early. 35. We (phone) ........................................... you if we have time. 36. If I won the lottery, I (give) ..................................... you half the money. 37. It (be) ............................................ a pity if she married Fred 38. If I’m free on Saturday, I (go) ................................ to the mountains. 39. She (have) ................................... a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this. 40. I know I (feel) better if I (stop) ........................ smoking. 41. If I (be) ........................ you, I (help) .............................. him. 42. I (understand)............................................ him if he (speak) ................................... more slowly. 43. He didn’t listen to the teacher. If he (listen) .................... carefully, he (perform) ..................... well in the examination 44. He’s waiting for his mother to come back from Chicago. If his mother (come) ......... home, he (have) ........... a lot of presents. 45. He wanted to buy some Christmas presents but he couldn’t. If he (afford) ................................... to buy, his children (be) .................................. very happy to greet a new year. 46. The kitchen will look better if we (have) ......................................... red curtains. 47. If I knew his address, I (go) ............................. round and see him. 48. If you (not be) ......................... so busy, I (show) .............................. you how to play. 49. It (be) ....................................... quicker if you (use) a computer. 50. If we (have) ......................................... some eggs, I (make) ....................................... you a cake.
2 tháng 1 2019

Hỏi đáp Tiếng anhHỏi đáp Tiếng anh

20 tháng 7 2021

1,Known,going to see

2,will bought 

3.will buy

4.will saw,going 

5,won't be 

Question1: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất trong số A, B, C, D 1.No.She is not ............ to drive a car A.enough old B.enough C.old enough D. old 2.Please help me............ this luggage.It's heavy A.on B. by C. to D. with 3.............. at me like that. A. Don't look B. Not look C.Not looking D. Don't looking 4. I don't want much sugar in my coffee.Just ......... please. A. few B.a few C.little D. a little 5. Tim enjoys ........ to the zoo with his friends at the...
Đọc tiếp

Question1: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất trong số A, B, C, D

1.No.She is not ............ to drive a car

A.enough old B.enough C.old enough D. old

2.Please help me............ this luggage.It's heavy

A.on B. by C. to D. with

3.............. at me like that.

A. Don't look B. Not look C.Not looking D. Don't looking

4. I don't want much sugar in my coffee.Just ......... please.

A. few B.a few C.little D. a little

5. Tim enjoys ........ to the zoo with his friends at the weekend.

A.go B.goes C. to go D.going

6. I'm not going to wash your clothes. You must do it ..........

A. myself B.yourself C. your D.yours

7. My mother told me ................. my homework before going to bed

A. finish B.finishes C.to finish D. fishing

8. My tooth doesn't stop hurting. I'll go and see my .......

A.actor B dentist C. doctor D. baker

9. My bag is more ................ than hers

A. cheaper B.expensive C. cheap D. expensively

10. You ought ............ to the exhibition

A. to go B. going C. go D. went

14 tháng 1 2018

Question1: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất trong số A, B, C, D

1.No.She is not ............ to drive a car

A.enough old B.enough C.old enough D. old

2.Please help me............ this luggage.It's heavy

A.on B. by C. to D. with

3.............. at me like that.

A. Don't look B. Not look C.Not looking D. Don't looking

4. I don't want much sugar in my coffee.Just ......... please.

A. few B.a few C.little D. a little

5. Tim enjoys ........ to the zoo with his friends at the weekend.

A.go B.goes C. to go D.going

6. I'm not going to wash your clothes. You must do it ..........

A. myself B.yourself C. your D.yours

7. My mother told me ................. my homework before going to bed

A. finish B.finishes C.to finish D. fishing

8. My tooth doesn't stop hurting. I'll go and see my .......

A.actor B dentist C. doctor D. baker

9. My bag is more ................ than hers

A. cheaper B.expensive C. cheap D. expensively

10. You ought ............ to the exhibition

A. to go B. going C. go D. went

14 tháng 1 2018

Question1: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất trong số A, B, C, D

1.No.She is not ............ to drive a car

A.enough old B.enough C.old enough D. old

2.Please help me............ this luggage.It's heavy

A.on B. by C. to D. with

3.............. at me like that.

A. Don't look B. Not look C.Not looking D. Don't looking

4. I don't want much sugar in my coffee.Just ......... please.

A. few B.a few C.little D. a little

5. Tim enjoys ........ to the zoo with his friends at the weekend.

A.go B.goes C. to go D.going

6. I'm not going to wash your clothes. You must do it ..........

A. myself B.yourself C. your D.yours

7. My mother told me ................. my homework before going to bed

A. finish B.finishes C.to finish D. fishing

8. My tooth doesn't stop hurting. I'll go and see my .......

A.actor B dentist C. doctor D. baker

9. My bag is more ................ than hers

A. cheaper B.expensive C. cheap D. expensively

10. You ought ............ to the exhibition

A. to go B. going C. go D. went

III. Correct the verbs form to complete the sentences. 11. If you (go) _____________ away, please write to me. 12. If he (eat) _____________ another cake, he will be sick. 13. I (not do) _____________ that if I (be) _____________ you. 14. If he (take) _____________ my advice, everything can go well. 15. He never does homework. If he (do) __________ his homework, he (not worry) __________ about his exam. 16. What you (do) _____________ if she refuses your invitation? 17. If today (be)...
Đọc tiếp
III. Correct the verbs form to complete the sentences. 11. If you (go) _____________ away, please write to me. 12. If he (eat) _____________ another cake, he will be sick. 13. I (not do) _____________ that if I (be) _____________ you. 14. If he (take) _____________ my advice, everything can go well. 15. He never does homework. If he (do) __________ his homework, he (not worry) __________ about his exam. 16. What you (do) _____________ if she refuses your invitation? 17. If today (be) _____________ Sunday, we (go) _____________ to the beach. 18. Unless they (pass) _____________ their examinations, they would join the army. 19. You (be) _____________ ill if you drink that water. 20. If Tom (go) _____________ to bed earlier, he would not be so tired. 21. If it’s raining heavily, we (not go) _____________ for a donkey ride. 22. If he (try) _____________ hard, he’ll pass the examination. 23. I could understand the French teacher if she (speak) _____________more slowly. 24. If I (finish) _____________ the work in time, I (go) _____________ to the football game. 25. If you (see) _____________ Mary today, please (ask) _____________her to call me. IIII. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in the bracket. 26. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose) _____________? 27. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) _____________ thick. 28. If the milkman (come) _____________, tell him to leave two pints. 29. I (call) _____________ the office if I were you. 30. Someone (sit) _____________ on your glasses if you leave them there. 31. You would hear my explanation if you (not talk) _____________ so much. 32. What you (do) _____________ if you hear the burglar alarm? 33. If you (read) _____________ the instructions carefully, you wouldn’t have answered the wrong question. 34. If Mel (ask) _____________ her teacher, he’d have answered her questions. 35. I would repair the roof myself if I (have) _____________ a long ladder. 36. Unless they turn that radio off, I (go) _____________ mad. 37. If you were made redundant, what you (do) _____________? 38. We’ll have a long way to walk if we (run) _____________ out of petrol here. 39. If you shake that bottle of port, it (not be) _____________ fit to drink. 40. If you spoke louder, your classmates (understand) _____________you. 41. I’ll probably get lost unless he (come) _____________ with me. 42. You (not have) ​ so many accidents if you drove more slowly. 43. If you (wear) _____________ a false beard, nobody would have recognized you. 44. If she (leave) _____________ the fish here, the cat will eat it 45. You (have) _____________ no trouble at school if you had done your homework. V. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 46. If I ______ the same problem you had as a child, I might not have succeed in life as well as you have.

A. have​B. would have​C. had had​D. should have

47. I ______ you sooner had someone told me you were in the hospital.

A. would have visited​B. visited​C. had visited​D. visit

48. ______ more help, I would call my neighbor.

A. Needed​B. Should I need​C. I have needed​D. I should need

49. ______ then what I know yesterday, I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years.

A. Had I known​B. Did I know​C. If I know​D. If I would know

50. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ______ the same language?

A. spoke​B. speak​C. had spoken​D. will speak

51. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, ______this incident again.

A. I will never mention​B. I never mention​C. will I never mention​D. I don’t mention

52. If I had known you were asleep, I ______ so much noise when I came in.

A. didn’t make​B. wouldn’t have made​C. won’t make​D. don’t make

53. Unless you ______ all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you.

A. answered​B. answer​C. would answer​D. are answering

54. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ____________ it.

A. would have never believed​B. don’t believe​C. hadn’t believed​D. can’t believe

55. If Jake ______ to go on the trip, would you have gone?

A. doesn’t agree​B. didn’t agree​C. hadn’t agreed​D. wouldn’t agree

56. Jane: “John went to the hospital alone”,​Katy: “If ______, I would have gone with him”.

A. had he told me​B. he had told me​C. he has told me​D. he would tell me

57. If you ______, I would have brought my friends over to your house yesterday to watch T.V, but I didn’t want to bother you.

A. had studied​B. studied​C. hadn’t studied​D. didn’t study

58. Peter: “Did you need help with your Math last night?”​Mary: “If I had needed, I ______ you".

A. would call​B. called​C. would have called​D. will call

59. If someone ______ into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”

A. comes​B. came​C. come​D. should come

60. “Here’s my phone number”.​“Thanks. I’ll give you a call if I ______ some help tomorrow”

A. will need​B. need​C. would need​D. needed

61. If I didn’t work for an accounting firm, I ______ in a bank now.

A. work​B. will work​C. have worked​D. would work

62. The death rate would decrease if hygienic conditions ______ improved.

A. was​B. is​C. were​D. had been

63. The education in Japan ______ if the basic principles of education had not been taken into consideration.

A. would go down​B. would have gone down​C. went down​D. had gone down

64. If there ______, the rice fields could have been more productive.

A. had been enough water​B. were enough water​C. would be enough water​​D. are enough water

65. The patient will not recover unless he ______ an operation.

A. had undergone​B. would undergo​C. undergoes​D. was undergoing

66. If she ______ him, she would be very happy.

A. would meet​B. will meet​C. met​D. should meet

67. If he ______ a thorough knowledge of English, he could have applied for this post.

A. had had​B. had​C. has​D. has had

68. If I had enough money, I ______ abroad to improve my English.

A. will go​B. would go​C. went​D. should have go to

69. The bench would collapse if they ______ on it.

A. stood​B. stand​C. standing​D. stands

70. If it ______ convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight.

A. be​B. is​C. was​D. were

VI. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets. 71. People believe that the ____________ water has brought cancer to the local residents. (pollute) 72. Light pollution make us ____________ to see the stars in the sky. (able) 73. Noise is considered as ____________ pollution. (environment)​ 74. ____________ habitats have been destroyed in recent years. (nature) 75. A number of cleaning products contain ____________ chemicals. (harm) 76. Water samples collected at these villages were seriously ____________with bacteria. (contaminate) 77. An ____________ of agrochemicals is pesticides. (illustrate) 78. Contaminants are usually ____________ to aquatic plants. (poison) VII. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition. 79. Land pollution is responsible for damage done ____________ natural habitat of animals. 80. Americans throw ____________ twenty-eight and a half million tons of plastic in landfills every year. 81. Scientists have come up ____________ new ways of saving energy. 82. Thousands of people were exposed ____________ radiation when the nuclear plant exploded. 83. Waste water from many factories which is dumped ____________ water bodies directly causes water pollution.
1,go home ,said the teacher us a,the teacher told us to go home b,the teacher said us to go home c,the teacher told us go home d,the teacher told to us to go home 2,please bring me some fish soup,he said to the waitress a,he asked the waitress bring him some fish soup b,he asked the waitress to bring her some fish soup c,he asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup d,he asked the waitress bring her some fish soup 3,i said to nick:where are you going? a,i asked nick where was he...
Đọc tiếp

1,go home ,said the teacher us

a,the teacher told us to go home

b,the teacher said us to go home

c,the teacher told us go home

d,the teacher told to us to go home

2,please bring me some fish soup,he said to the waitress

a,he asked the waitress bring him some fish soup

b,he asked the waitress to bring her some fish soup

c,he asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup

d,he asked the waitress bring her some fish soup

3,i said to nick:where are you going?

a,i asked nick where was he going

b,i asked nick where he was going

c,i asked nick where is he going

d,i asked nick where he is going

4,you'd better apologize for being latesaid my mother

a,my mother advised me to apologize for being late

b,my mother suggested me to apologize for being late

c,my mothe suggested apologizing for being late

d,my mother warned me to apologize for being late

5,he said,my wife has just bought a diamond ring

a,he said that his wife had just bought a diamond ring

b,he said that my wife had just bought a diamond ring

c,he said that his wife has just bought a diamond ring

d,he said that his wife just bought a diamond ring

6,i will come with you as soon as i am ready,she said to philip

a,she said to phlip he will come to see you as soon as he i am ready

b,she told philip she will come to see her as soon as she was ready

c,she told philip she would come to see you as soon as she was ready

d,she told phlip she would come to see him as soon as she was ready

7,he is talking to your sister,she said to me

a,she told me he was talking to your sister

b,she told me she was talking to my sister

c,she told me he was taling to my sister

d,she told me he was talking to her sister

8,miss white sad to him,why are you so late?did your car have a flat fire?

a, miss white told him why was he so late and did your car have a flat fire

b, miss white asked him why was he so late and did your car have a flat fire

c,miss white asked him why was he so late and if your car have a flat fire

d,miss white asked him why he was so late and whether his car had a flat fire

21 tháng 11 2019


1,go home ,said the teacher us

a,the teacher told us to go home

b,the teacher said us to go home

c,the teacher told us go home

d,the teacher told to us to go home

2,please bring me some fish soup,he said to the waitress

a,he asked the waitress bring him some fish soup

b,he asked the waitress to bring her some fish soup

c,he asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup

d,he asked the waitress bring her some fish soup

3,i said to nick:where are you going?

a,i asked nick where was he going

b,i asked nick where he was going

c,i asked nick where is he going

d,i asked nick where he is going

4,you'd better apologize for being latesaid my mother

a,my mother advised me to apologize for being late

b,my mother suggested me to apologize for being late

c,my mothe suggested apologizing for being late

d,my mother warned me to apologize for being late

5,he said,my wife has just bought a diamond ring

a,he said that his wife had just bought a diamond ring

b,he said that my wife had just bought a diamond ring

c,he said that his wife has just bought a diamond ring

d,he said that his wife just bought a diamond ring

6,i will come with you as soon as i am ready,she said to philip

a,she said to phlip he will come to see you as soon as he i am ready

b,she told philip she will come to see her as soon as she was ready

c,she told philip she would come to see you as soon as she was ready

d,she told phlip she would come to see him as soon as she was ready

7,he is talking to your sister,she said to me

a,she told me he was talking to your sister

b,she told me she was talking to my sister

c,she told me he was taling to my sister

d,she told me he was talking to her sister

8,miss white sad to him,why are you so late?did your car have a flat fire?

a, miss white told him why was he so late and did your car have a flat fire

b, miss white asked him why was he so late and did your car have a flat fire

c,miss white asked him why was he so late and if your car have a flat fire

d,miss white asked him why he was so late and whether his car had a flat fire


Chúc bạn học tốt!ok

A 1, i have always dreamt___ china a, to vistit ; b of visiting ; c l visit ; d vistit 2. the travel i agency is arranging for us __ at a really nice hotel a, stay ; b of staying ; c to stay ; d staying 3. my dad says he always ragrets __more a. to not travel; b not travelling ; c he not travel ; d of not travelling 4. john seems keen ___ hơ to drive as soon as he can a, of learning ; b, he learn ; c for learn ; d to learn 5. now class i'd like you all to write ___ a descriport of...
Đọc tiếp


1, i have always dreamt___ china

a, to vistit ; b of visiting ; c l visit ; d vistit

2. the travel i agency is arranging for us __ at a really nice hotel

a, stay ; b of staying ; c to stay ; d staying

3. my dad says he always ragrets __more

a. to not travel; b not travelling ; c he not travel ; d of not travelling

4. john seems keen ___ hơ to drive as soon as he can

a, of learning ; b, he learn ; c for learn ; d to learn

5. now class i'd like you all to write ___ a descriport of your last holiday

a me; b to me ; c it me ; d about me

6. when you arrive ____ have your passport ready

a to the airport ; b in the airport ; c on the airport ; d at the airport

7 the Joneses have invited us ___ to Autralia with them this summer

a going ; b for going ; c about going ; d to go

8. the in-flight entertainment may differ __ that advertised

a to ; b from ; c in ; d at


9 our next door neighbour ___ his car every sunday

a is washing ; b washes ; c has washed ; d is wash

10. last summer i ___ to the beach almost every day

a went ; b was going ; c have been ; d have been going

11. " whose is this plane ticket on the floor?""oh it __ to me, thank you"

a, is belonging ; b belongs ; c has belonged ; d belonged

12. " i'm really tired of travelling so much "" i thought you __ a bit quite"

a were seeming ; b have seemed ; c have been seeming ; d seemed

13. " you look thoughtfuk""i ___ about our holiday last year"

a just think ; b had just thought ; c am just think ; d was just thinking

14. " you went to chile didn't you?"" no but i __ to peru which is right next door"

a had gone ; b was gone ; c did go ; d was go


15. 3people were captured at the ___ today trying to get in to the country

a line; b equator ; c border ; d edge

16 there;s a fantastic ___ from the top of the Empire State Building

a view ; b sight ; c appearance ; d look

17. once we get to the hotel let's just __ quickly and then do a bit of sightseeing

a set down ; b make up ; c check in ; d turn up

18. i'm going to ask for directions bacause i think we've __ our way

a missed ; b misplaced ; c mistake ; d lost

20. we usually do go by train even though the car __ is a lot quicker

a travel ; b journey ; c trip ; d voyage

21. passengers requiring a special meal during the flight should in form the airline in ___

a ahead ; b front ; c advance ; d forward

31 tháng 5 2019


1, i have always dreamt___ china

a, to vistit ; b of visiting ; c l visit ; d vistit

2. the travel i agency is arranging for us __ at a really nice hotel

a, stay ; b of staying ; c to stay ; d staying

3. my dad says he always ragrets __more

a. to not travel; b not travelling ; c he not travel ; d of not travelling

4. john seems keen ___ hơ to drive as soon as he can

a, of learning ; b, he learn ; c for learn ; d to learn

5. now class i'd like you all to write ___ a descriport of your last holiday

a me; b to me ; c it me ; d about me

6. when you arrive ____ have your passport ready

a to the airport ; b in the airport ; c on the airport ; d at the airport

7 the Joneses have invited us ___ to Autralia with them this summer

a going ; b for going ; c about going ; d to go

8. the in-flight entertainment may differ __ that advertised

a to ; b from ; c in ; d at


9 our next door neighbour ___ his car every sunday

a is washing ; b washes ; c has washed ; d is wash

10. last summer i ___ to the beach almost every day

a went ; b was going ; c have been ; d have been going

11. " whose is this plane ticket on the floor?""oh it __ to me, thank you"

a, is belonging ; b belongs ; c has belonged ; d belonged

12. " i'm really tired of travelling so much "" i thought you __ a bit quite"

a were seeming ; b have seemed ; c have been seeming ; d seemed

13. " you look thoughtfuk""i ___ about our holiday last year"

a just think ; b had just thought ; c am just think ; d was just thinking

14. " you went to chile didn't you?"" no but i __ to peru which is right next door"

a had gone ; b was gone ; c did go ; d was going


15. 3people were captured at the ___ today trying to get in to the country

a line; b equator ; c border ; d edge

16 there;s a fantastic ___ from the top of the Empire State Building

a view ; b sight ; c appearance ; d look

17. once we get to the hotel let's just __ quickly and then do a bit of sightseeing

a set down ; b make up ; c check in ; d turn up

18. i'm going to ask for directions bacause i think we've __ our way

a missed ; b misplaced ; c mistake ; d lost

20. we usually do go by train even though the car __ is a lot quicker

a travel ; b journey ; c trip ; d voyage

21. passengers requiring a special meal during the flight should in form the airline in ___

a ahead ; b front ; c advance ; d forward

31 tháng 5 2019


1, i have always dreamt___ china

a, to vistit ; b, of visiting ; c l visit ; d vistit

2. the travel i agency is arranging for us __ at a really nice hotel

a, stay ; b of staying ; c, to stay ; d staying

3. my dad says he always regrets _more

a. to not travel; b, not travelling ; c he not travel ; d of not travelling

4. john seems keen ___ how to drive as soon as he can

a, of learning ; b, he learn ; c for learn ; d to learn

5. now class i'd like you all to write ___ a descriport of your last holiday

a me; b, to me ; c it me ; d about me

6. when you arrive ____ have your passport ready

a to the airport ; b in the airport ; c on the airport ; d, at the airport

7 the Joneses have invited us ___ to Autralia with them this summer

a going ; b for going ; c about going ; d, to go

8. the in-flight entertainment may differ __ that advertised

a to ; b, from ; c in ; d at


9 our next door neighbour ___ his car every sunday

a is washing ; b, washes ; c has washed ; d is wash

10. last summer i ___ to the beach almost every day

a, went ; b was going ; c have been ; d have been going

11. " whose is this plane ticket on the floor?""oh it __ to me, thank you"

a, is belonging ; b belongs ; c, has belonged ; d belonged

12. " i'm really tired of travelling so much "" i thought you __ a bit quite"

a were seeming ; b have seemed ; c have been seeming ; d, seemed

13. " you look thoughtful""i ___ about our holiday last year"

a just think ; b, had just thought ; c am just think ; d was just thinking

14. " you went to chile didn't you?"" no but i __ to peru which is right next door"

a, had gone ; b was gone ; c did go ; d was go


15. 3people were captured at the ___ today trying to get in to the country

a line; b, equator ; c border ; d edge

16 there's a fantastic ___ from the top of the Empire State Building

a, view ; b sight ; c appearance ; d look

17. once we get to the hotel let's just __ quickly and then do a bit of sightseeing

a set down ; b make up ; c, check in ; d turn up

18. i'm going to ask for directions because i think we've __ our way

a missed ; b, misplaced ; c mistake ; d lost

20. we usually go by train even though the car __ is a lot quicker

a travel ; b journey ; c, trip ; d voyage

21. passengers requiring a special meal during the flight should in form the airline in ___

a ahead ; b front ; c, advance ; d forward

10 tháng 7 2019

1. Did it rain yesterday morning?- No, it didn't.

2. Where is your brother?- He is reading in his room.

3. Don and Tony are at a restaurant at present. They are having dinner.

4. She helped me to this exercise last night.

5. She does her homework six days a week.

6. We would like to go to the movie this evening.

7. Let's go to the Cafeteria and get a cold drink.

8. If she needs a computer, she can borrow me.

9. I wish I were in New York now.

10. I am fond of listening to the radio.

11. I was recognized on the street last Sunday by John.

12. We are learning English at the moment.

13. My father explains coffee every morning.

14. The teacher will explain to you if you ask her.

10 tháng 7 2019

1,DID It(rain) RAIN yesterday morning?-No,It didn't.
2,Where is your brother?-He(read) IS READING in his room.
3,Don and Tony are at a restaurant at present. They(have) ARE HAVINGdinner.
4,She(help) HELPED me to this exercise last night.
5,She(do) DOES her homework six days a week.
6,We would like(go) TO GO to the movies this evening.
7,let's(go) GO to the Cafeteria and get a cold drink.
8,If she(need) NEEDS a computer, she can borrow me.
9,Iwish I(be) WERE in New YORK NOW.
10,I am fond of(listen) LISTENING to the radio.
11,I(recognize) WAS RECOGNIZED on the street last Sunday by John.

12,We(learn) ARE LEARNING English at the moment.

13,My father(explain) EXPLAINS coffee every morning.

14,The teacher(explain) WILL EXPLAIN to you if you ask her.

III.Put the verb in brackets into correct form: 1. Last year, we (live) in Nha Trang but now we (live) in Ha Noi with my uncle. 2. Last week I (send) my friend -Daisy a letter but she (not reply). I(be) very sad now. 3. My father (not like) drinking beer but yesterday he (have )two big glasses of beer. He (be) happy to receive my mother’s news. 4. What you (do) yesteday? –I (phone) you but you (not be) in. 5. Last month my brother (send) me his photographs. He (send) his photographs every...
Đọc tiếp

III.Put the verb in brackets into correct form:
1. Last year, we (live) in Nha Trang but now we (live) in Ha Noi with my uncle.
2. Last week I (send) my friend -Daisy a letter but she (not reply). I(be) very sad now. 3. My father (not like) drinking beer but yesterday he (have )two big glasses of beer. He (be) happy to receive my mother’s news.
4. What you (do) yesteday? –I (phone) you but you (not be) in.
5. Last month my brother (send) me his photographs. He (send) his photographs every year.
6. I (think) you (not like) chocolate but it was wrong.
7. Nam is a careful driver but yesterday he (drive) carelessly.
8. What time you (go )to the market yesterday?
9. I (not know) how to dance when I (be) six years old.
10. Do you like swimming Ba ? - I (do) it when I (be) a child but not now.
IV. Join these ideas using “adj. + too / enough + (for O) + to-inf .”:
1. I’m too tired. I can’t go to the cinema this evening.
2. The table was too heavy. I couldn’t move it.
3. The children aren’t tall enough. They can’t reach that shelf.
4. They arrived too late. They didn’t see the beginning of the film.
5. Our old flat was too small. We couldn’t live in it.
6. He spoke too quietly. The people at the back of the room couldn’t hear.
7. The girl is so beautiful and clever . She can be the Miss World.
8. Nam is not tall. He couldn’t play volleyball for the school team.
9. The gas leak was serious.The police evacuated the building.
10. The problem isn’t important. We won’t focus on it.
V.Use the present simple of verbs in brackets:
1. Jet engines (make) a lot of noise.
2. I (not live) in London. I (live ) in Paris.
3. The sea (cover) two-thirds of the world.
4. Loud music (give) me a headache.
5. We ( not come) from Canada. We come from the USA.
6. She (work) from Mondays to Fridays. She (not work) at weekends.
7. Andrew and Les (not go) to school by bus every day. Most morning, Andrew (go) by bike and Les (walk).
8.You(not write) to your penfriend very often, but he (write) to you every week.

B. Exercises:
I. Make request for each situation below:
1. You want to ask your friends to go to the cinema with you :
 .................................................................................
You see a person on the street with a heavy bag and you want to help her : ................................................................................
2. You want to go to a place at 7 o’clock and you want your friend agree with you.
II. Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence:
a/ Would you like try some coffee?
b/ Is 9 o’clock is ok?
c/ Can I speak Lan, please.
d/ He’s going to leave for for Bangkok e/ What are you going to do yesterday. f/ Can you to do me a favor ?
g/ Wait a minutes. Hold on!
h/ Let’s us meet outside the cinema i/ I know where is it.
j/ What are you going do?
III- Match A with B:
1/ Shall we go out dinnet tonight?
2/ Is 8 o’clock, ok?
3/ Would you like to go to the cinema with me? 4/ Can I speak to Nam, please?
5/ Let me help you do the housework.
a/ Yes, that’s fine
b/ That’s a good idea
c/ Certainly
d/ That’s very kind of you. e/ Yes, I’d love to.

IV- Supply verbs in the sentences:
1. Would you like (join) my class next Sunday? We (visit) the local museum.
2. My father likes (read) novel . He always ( read) books after dinner.
3. A friend of my brother (call) him last night, but he (not be) at home. So I (take) a message for him.
4. ( Be ) you busy this evening ?
Yes ,I (meet) Tuan at the library at seven. We (study) together. 5. Mai (telephone) you when she comes back.
V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of words:
1. Trung and his brother like ............ movies very much. (ACT)
2. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting ............ over along distance. (SPEECH)
3. Bell ......... demonstrated his invention . (SUCCESS)
4. Mr Phong made an ........ to see us at two o’clock. (ARRANGE)
5. Thomas Watson was Bell’s ......... ,wasn’t he? (ASSIST)
VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:
1. Alexander Graham Bell was born ......March 3nd, 1845 ........... Scotland. 2. He worked .............. deaf- mutes .............Boston University.
3. I’ll come ..............to pick her ..................8 o’clock.
4. Mrs Lam called ................her delivery service.
5. He worked very hard and finally come .......... .......... a very important invention.

10. He wants to go to London. He (attend) to study English. IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, U using "will"or "be going to ". d you remember to get the tickets for the match Oh, no, I forgot. I (phone)_ B: for them now. 2. A The fire has gone out! 3. A: Are you going shopping? 4. A What would you like to drink- tea or coffee? B: Yes. I (go) and get some sticks. B: Yes, I (buy) some food for dinner. B: I (have) A: B: I (call)_ tea, please. 5. 1 can't understand this letter....
Đọc tiếp

10. He wants to go to London. He (attend) to study English. IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, U using "will"or "be going to ". d you remember to get the tickets for the match Oh, no, I forgot. I (phone)_ B: for them now. 2. A The fire has gone out! 3. A: Are you going shopping? 4. A What would you like to drink- tea or coffee? B: Yes. I (go) and get some sticks. B: Yes, I (buy) some food for dinner. B: I (have) A: B: I (call)_ tea, please. 5. 1 can't understand this letter. it for you. my son. He (translate) 6. A: What (you/ do) when you grow up? B: I (become) A: B: No. I think it (fall)_ A: B: It's easy. I (show) A: B: Yes. He (have) a doctor. 7. The ceiling doesn't look safe. down. 8. I don't know how to use this digital camera. you. 9. Has Tom decided on where to spend his vacation? a holiday with his family at Ha Long Bay 10. A: He has finished his study B: Yes. He (start) his new job next week.

19 tháng 7 2018

10. He wants to go to London. He (attend)attends to study English.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, U using "will"or "be going to ".

d you remember to get the tickets for the match Oh, no, I forgot. I (phone)am going to phone B: for them now. 2. A The fire has gone out! 3. A: Are you going shopping?

4. A What would you like to drink- tea or coffee? B: Yes. I (go)will go and get some sticks. B: Yes, I (buy)will buy some food for dinner. B: I (have)am going to have A: B: I (call)will call tea, please. 5. 1 can't understand this letter. it for you. my son. He (translate)will translate 6. A: What (you/ do)will you do when you grow up? B: I (become)will become A: B: No. I think it (fall)is going to fall A: B: It's easy. I (show)will show A: B: Yes. He (have)is going to have a doctor. 7. The ceiling doesn't look safe. down. 8. I don't know how to use this digital camera. you. 9. Has Tom decided on where to spend his vacation? a holiday with his family at Ha Long Bay 10. A: He has finished his study B: Yes. He (start)will start his new job next week.