
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

26 tháng 1 2018

Dong Ho painting, or full name is Dong Ho folk wood carvings, is a line of Vietnamese folk paintings originating from Dong Ho village (Song Ho commune, Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh province). In the past, the paintings were sold mainly for the Lunar New Year, the rural people bought paintings on the wall, removed the last year, using new paintings. Dong Ho Folk Painting is a National Intangible Cultural Heritage. With the approval of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism coordinated with the People's Committee of Bac Ninh Province and professional agencies to conduct research and compile scientific dossiers for the painting industry. Dong Ho folk to submit to UNESCO for recognition of intangible cultural heritage.

30 tháng 11 2017

Kết quả hình ảnh cho tranh đông hồ cá chép

21 tháng 11 2021

bạn có thể tham khảo nha, bài này mình lấy trên mạng:

Dong Ho painting is attractive and unique in color, layout and frame. With completely natural materials, Dong Ho painting has a very special, warm and special color that perhaps only Vietnam has. With only 4 basic colors: black, yellow, red, blue, the artisans still make very vivid, harmonious and extremely unique paintings. The process of painting production also has many complicated stages: drawing samples, carving boards, printing pictures. Although Dong Ho paintings are produced on a large scale, each picture can sometimes print thousands, thousands of copies. However, all stages of painting are completely handmade, so each painting is imbued with the love and care of the artisans.

21 tháng 11 2021

Cảm ơn bạn!

10 tháng 12 2020
Dong Ho painting, or full name is Dong Ho folk wood carvings, is a line of Vietnamese folk paintings originating from Dong Ho village (Song Ho commune, Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh province). In the past, the paintings were sold mainly for the Lunar New Year, the rural people bought paintings on the wall, removed the last year, using new paintings. Dong Ho Folk Painting is a National Intangible Cultural Heritage. With the approval of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism coordinated with the People's Committee of Bac Ninh Province and professional agencies to conduct research and compile scientific dossiers for the painting industry. Dong Ho folk to submit to UNESCO for recognition of intangible cultural heritage.    
30 tháng 9 2018

In the modern life, there is an increase in the people leave the countryside and migrate to the city. The objective reason is that in the city, it brings them comfortable life and favorite job. Subjective causes are due to the following disadvantages rural areas bring about push residents away. To begin with, there is no denial that rural infrastructure is not modern and advanced. Roads are quite narrow and degraded. Schools, hospitals are not cared much and remodeled. Especially the quality teachers and doctors here are just little so the inhabitants have less opportunity to develop in all way than in the urban area. Last but not least, the biggest disadvantage in rural areas is that job opportunities are so race. The main job is craft, farming, which bring a relatively small income. With that salary, we can only live through the day, not afford for services, shopping, entertainment… In conclusion, besides the positive aspects, life in the countryside is very much. disadvantage. We all need to consider carefully before choosing where to live.

Trong cuộc sống hiện đại, ngày càng có nhiều người bỏ nông thôn để lên thành phố sinh sống. Lí do khách quan là ở thành phố đem đến cho họ cuộc sống thoải mái, công việc yêu thích. Nguyên nhân chủ quan là do những lợi ích sau đây mà nông thôn mang đến. Đầu tiên, không thể phủ nhận rằng cơ sở hạ tầng ở nông thôn không hiện đại, tiên tiến. Đường xá khá nhỏ hẹp và xuống cấp. Các trường học, bệnh viện không được quan tâm tu sửa. Điều đặc biệt là đội ngũ giáo viên, bác sỹ chất lượng ở đây thì không nhiều nên con người có ít cơ hội để phát triển một cách toàn diện hơn là ở thành phố. Cuối cùng nhưng không kém phần quan trọng, bất lợi lớn nhất ở nông thôn là cơ hội việc làm rất khan hiếm. Các công việc chủ yếu là thủ công, nghề nông, mang lại nguồn thu nhập khá ít ỏi. Với tiền lương ấy, chúng ta chỉ có thể sống qua ngày chứ không dư giả cho các dịch vụ, mua sắm, giải trí,... Như vậy, bên cạnh những mặt tích cực, cuộc sống ở nông thông còn rất nhiều những bất lợi. Mỗi chúng ta cần cân nhắc kĩ lưỡng trước khi chọn nơi để sinh sống.

mk nha

30 tháng 9 2018

I live in the countryside and I living here.Environmentally speaking, it is a peaceful place. The air is fresh. The space is quiet. We can enjoy healthy natural conditions without worrying much about environmental pollution.As for social security, the countryside is a safer place than a city. While urban security situation is always complicated with all kinds of crimes, rural areas are much more secure because most of countrymen are friendly and ready to help one another.Moreover, rural life is also easier that in cities. People in cities are easy to get stressed because of pollution, job pressures, competitions, etc ... On the contrary, those bad things are very rare in the countryside. To sum up, except income matters, the countryside is a better residence than cities. I love this countryside so much.

Lời dịch:

 Tôi sống ở vùng nông thôn và tôi thích cuốc sống ở đây.Nói về môi trường, đó là một nơi yên bình. Không khí trong lành. Không gian yên tĩnh. Chúng tôi có thể thưởng thức các điều kiện tự nhiên lành mạnh mà không cần lo lắng nhiều về ô nhiễm môi trường. Đối với an ninh xã hội, nông thôn là một nơi an toàn hơn so với một thành phố. Trong khi tình hình an ninh đô thị luôn luôn phức tạp với tất cả các loại tội phạm, các khu vực nông thôn là an toàn hơn nhiều vì hầu hết những người đồng hương thân thiện và sẵn sàng giúp đỡ lẫn nhau.Hơn nữa, cuộc sống nông thôn cũng là dễ dàng hơn mà ở các thành phố. Người dân ở các thành phố rất dễ bị căng thẳng vì ô nhiễm, áp lực công việc, cuộc thi, vv ... Ngược lại, những điều xấu là rất hiếm gặp ở các vùng nông thôn. Tóm lại, trừ những vấn đề thu nhập, nông thôn là một nơi cư trú tốt hơn so với các thành phố.Tôi yêu vùng nông thôn này rất nhiều.

4 tháng 12 2018

In the line of people in Vietnam, Dong Ho paintings of oil paintings, Dong Ho villagers create, produce and develop trade villages. This is a binding force and represents the traditional Vietnamese rural society, the ordinary farmer's labor, the quality, customs, habits and activities of the Vietnamese people. To be a painting, off the main mark, puzzle pattern with many colors, to be used to the many hurrically colors. Special, paper in a traditional paper, with the color and the color of the hologen .
Depending on the topic, Dong Ho can be divided into seven main categories, including pictures, contests, contests, debates, debates, debates and discussions.
The process of producing paintings has many stages, the song can be divided into two main sections as follows: texturing / etching and sewing / painting. Painting and troubleshooting creative, important, determines the existence of a village. It is used for many questions about congenital and work in high tech. Interactivity for many models is trước, phải là một cách chọn đầu tiên, có nghĩa, nội dung cone, harmony color, tạo công nghệ và công nghệ nghệ thuật. Grass paint to draw thin and flat paper for the carver, chisel by the pattern. The paint painting is not working of the same people which usually usually the result of a village, of many systems. You can not compare pictures in Ho Chi Minh, there is a case of a pattern but more different, or a picture with two or three different colors. Consequently, there are many prototypes now that have not been identified as creative owners.
Wood carvings in two types: colored boards and colored boards. The board is usually made of wood or toner. The market is multi-dimensional, soft, can be overcome as well, do when overcome, technicians have overcome, will create the sharp, small, soft and soft backboard. The toolbashes are also called sets, made of hard steel. Each set has about 30-40 units.
Materials and supplies used for printing include paper, color, board, cardboard, paperboard and paper (replaced by paper). The way to argue is as follows: Before the debate, prepare the paper for a file (100 to 200 sheets in front). When in, they are embedded in the color card to get color, and cover the entire cover. The method used to collect ink in the folk painting of Dong Ho, pick up, get back the painted board, to color on the surface of the board, then set the paper in the check for balance, justified , assign the papers to the papers, to have the link, and turn the pages in the paper with the papers in the picture up; Remove the loofah on the back of the paper, so that the item on the paper continues to absorb on the paper. Then, escape the competition, and bring adventure paintings in cool places. Dry and new paintings continue to appear in different colors. Độ dài bị phím.
Previous, only with the kids craft The original drawing of hands. Other sections of the East of the area are used in. Hôm nay, người được xử lý ở bên trong (bên trong), mà là màu, void màu trên trước trong trước. print drawing Trunk rows) and drawing on white blank or drawing color. When drawing on the paper in vanishing, the personal will tell the colors for harmonic, rational, express the content of the painting, which can still achieve aesthe value.
In terms of art value, compared with other line lines, the picturesque Dong Ho folk paintings are decorative but still retain a rus, easy-to-understand character, close to the lives of Northern North Vietnamese people. Singles in your simplified and simplified merry lines, are the natural patterns of the tree, flower, brightness on the background. In terms of content, folk paintings of Dong Ho reflect the spiritual and material life of people and society according to the universities of the people. These are the harsh pictures of the workers in harmony, warmth, happiness, a fair and good society. Folk paintings of Dong Ho contribute not only to preserving a traditional style of the nation, making the spiritual life of Vietnamese more abundant.
Currently, Dong Ho people are facing the risk of one of the activities of the market economy, the demand of consumers change, "output" for many difficulties. The most life will become major code. Outside to follow.


4 tháng 12 2018

Dong Ho painting, or full name is Dong Ho folk wood carvings, is a line of Vietnamese folk paintings originating from Dong Ho village (Song Ho commune, Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh province). In the past, the paintings were sold mainly for the Lunar New Year, the rural people bought paintings on the wall, removed the last year, using new paintings. Dong Ho Folk Painting is a National Intangible Cultural Heritage. With the approval of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism coordinated with the People's Committee of Bac Ninh Province and professional agencies to conduct research and compile scientific dossiers for the painting industry. Dong Ho folk to submit to UNESCO for recognition of intangible cultural heritage.

4 tháng 12 2018

Dong Ho painting, or full name is Dong Ho folk wood carvings, is a line of Vietnamese folk paintings originating from Dong Ho village (Song Ho commune, Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh province). In the past, the paintings were sold mainly for the Lunar New Year, the rural people bought paintings on the wall, removed the last year, using new paintings. Dong Ho Folk Painting is a National Intangible Cultural Heritage. With the approval of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism coordinated with the People's Committee of Bac Ninh Province and professional agencies to conduct research and compile scientific dossiers for the painting industry. Dong Ho folk to submit to UNESCO for recognition of intangible cultural heritage.

4 tháng 12 2018


Ý nghĩa của một số bức tranh đông hồ

Khôn khổn khồn khôn đã có đuôi
Đỗ cao, cưới vợ tiếng rầm trời
Chú mèo vừa mới vênh đầu ngõ
Lễ cả sai quân đệ tới nơi.

Bốn câu thơ ngắn ngủi nhưng đã tỏ rõ cảnh trong bức tranh chuột vinh quy vẻ vang về làng cưới vợ đẹp. Khôn ngoan, tài giỏi nhưng vẫn không thoát khỏi cảnh cúi đầu đút lót cho chú mèo. Việc làm ấy thực ra chẳng có tác dụng gì, bởi lẽ có khi nào mèo lại làm thân với chuột. Nhận của đút lót nhưng khi gặp chuột, mèo vẫn xơi như thường. Chi tiết đó cho ta thấy được cái tài tình của người xưa. Người dân quê Việt Nam xưa sống trong xã hội phong kiến không dám công khai công kích, phản kháng lại bọn quan tham nhũng, ức hiếp dân lành, nên đã mượn bức tranh chuột cưới vợ để gián tiếp lên án bọn quan tham và bày tỏ thái độ của mình. Bức tranh có cả biển, lọng, cân đai, áo, mão, ngựa hồng, kiệu hoa, kèn trống thật linh đình. Nhưng để có được cảnh vui vẻ đó, họ hàng nhà chuột phải đút lót cho mèo. Bức tranh không chỉ đả kích bọn tham quan mà còn phê phán lối thi cử đời Lê, thời Bảo Thái (1721) người nào có tiền đóng vào gọi là “tiền thông kinh”để xin đi thi thì được, không cần phải khảo hạch. Người đi thi rất đông, kẻ làm ruộng, người bán thịt, người đi buôn… một lũ hỗn độn. Trong phòng thi người lật sách ra chép, người thi hộ như phiên chợ đang họp với kẻ mua người bán mặc cả nhau. Kẻ có tài thực sự thì bị đánh rớt, kẻ dốt nát nhưng có tiền đút lót thì được tuyển chọn làm quan. Đã tốn tiền mua chức quan thì phải tìm cách lấy lại. Cuối cùng, chỉ có dân đen là gánh chịu hậu quả, còn bọn quan thì mặc sức cho đầy túi tham.Ý nghĩa của một số bức tranh đông hồ


The meaning of some pictures of the lake

Misery has a tail
Do high, married wife rung heaven
The cat just swung his alley
The ceremony sent soldiers to the place.

Four short verses, but the scene in the mice glorious glory about the beautiful wedding village. Wise, talented but still not escape the scene of the crook of the cats. It really does not work, because there are times when the cats do relatives with mice. Get out of the bribe but when the mouse, cats are still as usual. That detail shows the ingenuity of the ancients. The old Vietnamese people living in feudal societies did not dare to publicly attack, protest against corrupt officials, bully the good people, borrowed the picture of the mice to marry and indirectly condemned the mourners. show your attitude. The painting has the sea, the hoop, the belt, the shirt, the horse, the pink horse, the flower palette, the drummer is so great. But to get that happy scene, the rat family must bribe the cat. The painting not only hit the visitors but also criized the Le style examination, the Bao Dai period (1721) people who have money to pay into the so-called "business intelligence" to apply for examinations is not necessary to test . Many people go to the test, the farmer, the butcher, the trader ... a mess. In the examination room people turn over the books, the testers the market is meeting with the bargain buyer bargain. Those who are really talented are beaten, ignorant but have bribes, they are selected as mandarins. Having paid for a job, you have to find a way to get it back. Finally, only the black people bear the consequences, and the mandarins are full of bags. The meaning of some paintings

5 tháng 5 2022

Hi everyone, I am ( gì tự viết) and today I will tell you about my hometown. I come from Hungyen which is a province in the North of Vietnam. There are not many buildings and constuctures here so the air is more fresh and clean than in the city. The weather is nice and it will comfort you and make you happy. The specialties of my hometown is Longan fruite. People in my country enjoy eating it so almost every houses grow them for selling. Everyone lives here take care of each others, they live like a big family. In the evening, people in a neighborhood always gather in the large yard and chatting toghether after a long day of work. I love my hometown and the people here so much and I think, it does not matter how far you can go but hometown is always a place where you can come back anytime you want.

Hello everyone, my name is Nguyen Hoang Bao Tram. This year..... today I would like to introduce to everyone about Quang Tri province. Quang Tri Nam is in the north central region of Vietnam. Quang Tri is where I currently live. This place has many scenic spots for you to visit such as: Vinh Hook Tunnels, Gio An Ancient Well, Quang Tri Ancient Citadel, Hien Luong Bridge, Cong. pear duan,..and many more. For us, Quang Tri people are very friendly and caring for others. Quang Tri's biggest holiday is Tet. Quang Tri specialties are seaweed jelly cakes, banh xeo, banh loc,... at Tet, they wrap banh chung together and wish each other good luck. Children and grandchildren from far away always return before New Year's Eve to reunite their families. Just like that, I can see that Quang Tri is truly a place worth living and studying(tớ cũng quảng trị nà)

5 tháng 5 2022

bạn chụp vậy mình khó nhìn quá

5 tháng 5 2022

                      Tiếng Anh 

Hanoi – the capital of Vietnam, is not only a place with a developed economy but also an ideal tourist destination. For a long time, Hanoi is famous for 36 ancient streets. Each street is famous for a different typical craft village. Coming to Hanoi capital, we cannot ignore attractive tourist destinations such as Hoan Kiem Lake, Quoc Tu Giam Temple, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, or Bat Trang Pottery Village, … I was attracted to the unforgettable specialties of Hanoi such as Trang Tien ice cream, Vong village nuggets, Ho Tay shrimp cakes, … Hanoi people are very friendly and open. They are always happy to show the visitors the way. Not only that, the people of Hanoi are also very industrious and hard-working. To me, Hanoi is a beautiful, poetic, and well worth living city. Come to Hanoi and make good memories with this city.

Tiếng Việt

Hà Nội – thủ đô của Việt Nam, không chỉ là nơi có nền kinh tế phát triển mà còn là một địa điểm du lịch lý tưởng. Đã từ lâu, Hà Nội nổi tiếng với 36 phố phường cổ kính. Mỗi phố phường lại nổi tiếng với một làng nghề đặc trưng khác nhau. Đến với thủ đô Hà Nội, chúng ta không thể bỏ qua những địa điểm du lịch hấp dẫn như hồ Hoàn Kiếm, Văn miếu Quốc Tử Giám, lăng chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh, hay làng gốm Bát Tràng,… Tại đây, tôi bị thu hút bởi những món đặc sản khó quên của Hà Nội như kem Tràng Tiền, cốm làng Vòng, bánh tôm Hồ Tây,… Con người Hà Nội rất thân thiện và cởi mở. Họ luôn luôn sẵn lòng chỉ đường cho các du khách. Không chỉ vậy, con người Hà Nội còn rất cần cù, chịu khó làm việc. Đối với tôi, Hà Nội là một thành xinh đẹp, nên thơ và rất đáng sống. Hãy đến với Hà Nội và cùng tạo những kỉ niệm đẹp cùng thành phố này nhé.

2 tháng 4 2018

Bài tự làm nên hơi dở :

Hello, I am a creative girl so I have a lot of ideas. And of all them that I most is my ideal house. Sometimes I think of it and think it's very interesting. My ideal house is very big and beautiful. It has five floors and each floor has three rooms, it means my house has fifteen rooms! Behind the house there is a very large yard, a big swimming pool and a beautiful flower garden. In front of it there is a big garage to contain cars, motorbikes, bikes and a small scooter. It has a living-room, two bathrooms, a dining room, five bedrooms, a library, a room for games, a gym, a working room, a toys room and an empty room. It is so convenient, too. The living room has many furnitures such as : a color TV, a sofa, three stools, two chairs, a table, four lamps , a clock  two flower vases, etc. It is the room I best because I can watch TV in it and it is very comfortable for family gatherings. Every evening, after having dinner, we all sit on the sofa and watch the news on TV. I think it is very happy and fun. My ideal house is very great, isn't it? I hope it will be come truth one day.

Bạn không cần lo, bài này đã được cô giáo mình kiểm dịch rồi nhea.

2 tháng 4 2018

my dream house will be in a big city. It' ll big and beautiful. It have yellow. It have nine rooms: a living room, a kichen, a dining room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a gym. In front of my house has a nice flower garden. Next to the garden is a smart swimming pool. In my house has many modern facilities in it such as robots, flat screen, TVs,.....In my room has a bed, a desk, a laptop and a wardrobe. I hope my dream become true