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21 tháng 4 2022

cái này ik cái đó sinh viên r

Hey guys, what’s up!!! My name’s Lien. I’m from Ha Noi city. I’m 12 years old. Today, I wanna tell you about my daily activities. In the morning, I often get up at 6.30 a.m. I brush my teeth, wash the face and then I have breakfast. At 7.30 a.m I go to school. I finish my study at 11h30. I have lunch at 12h30. I have 1 hour to take a nap. At 1.30 pm, I go to school again. I finish all stuffs at 16h30. I come back home at 17 o'clock. I do some sports from 17h30 to 19h. After that, I cook dinner with my mother and take a bath. I take 2 hours for relaxing from 20h to 21h30. I go to bed at 21h45. That’s all. Thank you for you’re listening!

21 tháng 4 2022


I am a high school student, so most of my day is spent for studying. I usually wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning to prepare my uniform and have breakfast. My mother is the one who cooks delicious and nutritious foods for the whole family, and I also help her setting up the table. After having breakfast, I change my clothes and brush my teeth, then my father takes my to school on his way to work at 6.45 AM. My school starts at 7 o'clock, and I have a small break at 9.15 AM. I have 5 classes in the morning, and sometimes those classes can be very stressful for students to keep up. When I finish my morning classes at 11 o'clock, I take the bus to go back home to have an afternoon break before starting my other classes. I have lunch with my mother and grandparents, but sometimes I stay at school and bring a lunch box if my classes start earlier than usual. I sleep for about half an hour before going back to school at 1 and a half. I have 4 more classes in the afternoon, and my father picks me up at 5.15 when he finishes his work. I have dinner with my family, and then I quickly finish all of my homework. At about 7 PM, I finally have free time for myself. This is my favorite time of the day because I can do whatever I like. My favorite activities are playing computer games and watching movies. I spend about 3 hours to entertain before going to sleep at 10 PM. My life of a student seems to be busy, but luckily I love spend my time for both school and family.

29 tháng 12 2021


My name is Nguyen Thu Hoai. I’m 22 years old and I’m single. I live in Ho Chi Minh city and have just graduated from X university in August with the major in Accounting. I’ve got 3 months experience as an intern at A company. I like reading books and cooking. I’m a careful and hard-working person. I’m eager to learn new things and willing to work in team. I easily adapt to new working environment and take initiative in work.

Nhanh nhể:)

Bạn tham khảo nha

My family has five members,my parents, my elder brother, my younger sister and me . Beside my father, the man that I really love and appreciate is my brother, Duc Anh. He is 17 years old now and he is studying in grade 11 at Nguyen Chi Thanh high school. He has a strong, muscular body due to playing basketball regularly.In fact, he can play many sports such as football, table tennis,swimming , taekwondo,.... so that his body looks just that of an athle. Although he is a male but he has a fairly white skin and big, bright eyes which attracts many girls. He is funny , out-going, enthusias , especially ,he has a great sense of humor .Making people smile is his forte, besides, in addition to playing sports, he also cooks ,sings and draws very well. To me, he is a multi-talented person. He usually hangs out with friends or playing games , reading comic books in English in his freetime.My brother not only has a good relationship with my family but also with many people around him,he always tries how to make everyone satisfied , and I admire that of him. As an eldest, he always treats us - me and my sister- well, always gives us the best things, makes me feel lucky to have a brother him . He is a person I really respect in my life and I want in the future , I can get married to somebody him.

16 tháng 1 2021

Ha Long Bay of the descending dragon - is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists. One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay's calm water with limestone mountains. The Bay's water is clear during the spring and early summer. Upon arriving in Ha Long city, visitors can go along Chay beach. From the beach, they can hire a boat and go out to the Bay. It is heard that the visitors can find some of Southest Asia's most beautiful sites. Dau Go cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long.

16 tháng 1 2021

Referring to the beautiful landscapes, places with charming water in Vietnam, it is hard not to mention Ha Long Bay. That name is well known by Vietnamese people. It is not only beautiful in the present or the future, but it is also beautiful from ancient times in the verse of Nguyen Khoa Diem: "The chicken, the toads also turn Ha Long into a landscape". Recently, Ha Long Bay has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the seven most beautiful wonders in the world. So do not know that Ha Long has what is so honored?

Ha Long Bay also has a legend that the Jade Emperor sent Mother Dragon to bring a herd of Dragons to the world to help Vietnamese fight the enemy. Enemy boats from the sea rushed ashore just as the Dragons came to earth. The Dragon immediately spewed fire to scorch the enemy, partly releasing Chau Ngoc into a towering stone wall that made the enemy boat crashed and shattered, stopping foreign progress.

22 tháng 8 2019

Hello everyone, my name is Vuong Huy Duong. This year I am 11 years old, I live in Thuan Thanh, Bac Ninh. There are four members in my family, including my parents, elder brother and me. Now, I am studying in class 6B at Chu Van An school. At school I have a lot of friends, they are all docile and lovely. Everyone says that I am a very active and energe child so they love me so much. My favorite subject is Physics and English. My hobbies are cooking and reading books. Some of the favorite books are science fiction, detective, history and art. In my spare time, I also take an online piano course. In the future, I will try to get more experience to pursue the dream of becoming a famous pianist performing in the world.

17 tháng 11 2019

After each school year, to motivate their learning spirit, parents often organize for the whole family to vacation. This year, after finishing high school, he won the title of excellent student, he is very happy, rewarded him with a tour in Ha Long Bay - a beautiful sea of ​​our country is currently voted as world cultural heritage.
I come to Ha Long with how much is eager! I heard the legend of the bay, about the dragons that make up the many islands of many shapes in the bay. Along the way, pictures of villages, houses, streets stretched out before ... Non Vietnam country so cute!
That Ha Long Bay! I was happy when the car parked. It is a deep blue color. Before my eyes, spread out thousands of cool sea water and small islands interwoven in the bay. Taking the boat to the bay to see the magnificent beauty of the scene here.
Standing on the deck of the boat, I heard the cool breeze blowing in my hair. Sunshine spread out to sparkling sea water. As deep in the bay as the feeling of water in the bay is a jade block but soft flexible. Looking at the vast surface is a gentle wave. In the distance, the famous Bai Chay suspension bridge looks a lovely hand waving at visitors. Going further, we are surrounded by small islands intertwined as an attractive labyrinth.
Each island has its own shape, very strange. Legend has it that there are 99 dragons dropped into the bay so that the sea water here is a blue color wonders. Each dragon has turned into an island, so this place is called Ha Long Bay. The name of each island is set in the shape that people imagine the island, which is the island, which is Con Ga island, which is Dau Go cave, ... also Ti Tomb cave, Sung Sot cave Again! Perhaps the people are so surprised about what miraculously create for Ha Long Bay. As we approach, we find 'the islands here are made up of huge limestone blocks. Through the rain and sun, they have been worn out so strange shape as today. Each island is covered by brave resilient trees: the limestone itself has very little nutrients, the tree must sk to the rock,
But to the caves to see all the strange beauty of Ha Long. Entering Sung Sot cave (perhaps because of the beauty of the cave is?), We see in the cave there are small aquifers, drops of water from the ceiling of the small cave carrying some three tiny grains of sand. These sand grains are not falling down by the water, but by embracing each other for millions of years, they form glittering stalactites. The caves here are made up of such stalactites, which are the result of an amazingly enduring natural movement. Hang very deep and wide, can hold up to thousand people. The cave floor is usually stone, while the ceiling is filled with stalactites. Stalactites also have many shapes that make visitors astound. Their common shape is cylindrical, tapering towards the end of the cave. In parular, there are places, stalactites forming meaningful images on the cave walls, ceilings. It is the couple on the wedding day, is the chicken, the monkey, ... Under the lights, the pictures that glitter wonders incredibly beautiful.
Stepping out of the cave is to set foot on the top of the island. Standing on high overlooking the vast bowl of Ha Long Bay, once again I saw around the immense blue sky in the cool pool. The small islands undulating as hugging the bay. The small boats of fishermen, the delegation of tourists gathered at the foot of the island as children are making parents ...
Leaving Ha Long Bay, I still feel surprised to enjoy the beauty of the bay - a rare wonder of the country. I feel more proud of my river bed and more absorbent than the responsibility to contribute to preserve and build the country. Your summer vacation has gone through so many interesting and rewarding things.


Sau mỗi năm học, để thúc đẩy tinh thần học tập của mình, phụ huynh thường tổ chức cho cả gia đình đi nghỉ. Năm nay, sau khi học xong cấp ba, anh đã giành được danh hiệu học sinh xuất sắc, anh rất vui mừng, đã thưởng cho anh một chuyến du lịch ở Vịnh Hạ Long - một vùng biển xinh đẹp của nước ta hiện đang được bình chọn là di sản văn hóa thế giới.
Tôi đến Hà Long với bao nhiêu là háo hức! Tôi nghe truyền thuyết về vịnh, về những con rồng tạo nên nhiều hòn đảo có nhiều hình dạng trong vịnh. Trên đường đi, hình ảnh làng mạc, nhà cửa, đường phố trải dài trước ... Đất nước ngoài Việt Nam thật dễ thương!
Đó là Vịnh Hạ Long! Tôi rất vui khi xe đỗ. Đó là một màu xanh đậm. Trước mắt tôi, trải ra hàng ngàn nước biển mát lạnh và những hòn đảo nhỏ nằm xen kẽ trong vịnh. Đi thuyền ra vịnh để ngắm vẻ đẹp tráng lệ của cảnh ở đây.
Đứng trên boong thuyền, tôi nghe thấy làn gió mát thổi vào tóc. Nắng trải dài ra nước biển lấp lánh. Sâu trong vịnh như cảm giác nước trong vịnh là một khối ngọc nhưng mềm dẻo. Nhìn bề mặt rộng lớn là một làn sóng nhẹ nhàng. Ở phía xa, cây cầu treo Bai Chay nổi tiếng trông giống như một bàn tay đáng yêu vẫy chào du khách. Đi xa hơn, chúng ta được bao quanh bởi những hòn đảo nhỏ đan xen như một mê cung hấp dẫn.
Mỗi hòn đảo có hình dạng riêng, rất lạ. Truyền thuyết kể rằng có 99 con rồng thả xuống vịnh để nước biển ở đây có màu xanh kỳ diệu. Mỗi con rồng đã biến thành một hòn đảo, vì vậy nơi này được gọi là Vịnh Hạ Long. Tên của mỗi hòn đảo được đặt theo hình dạng mà mọi người tưởng tượng về hòn đảo, đó là hòn đảo, đó là đảo Côn Ga, là hang Đầu Đi, ... cũng là hang Ti, hang Sung Sot nữa! Có lẽ mọi người rất ngạc nhiên về những gì kỳ diệu tạo ra cho Vịnh Hạ Long. Khi chúng tôi đến gần, chúng tôi thấy 'các hòn đảo ở đây được tạo thành từ những khối đá vôi khổng lồ. Qua mưa và nắng, chúng đã bị bào mòn hình dạng kỳ lạ như ngày nay. Mỗi hòn đảo được bao phủ bởi những cây kiên cường dũng cảm: bản thân đá vôi có rất ít chất dinh dưỡng, cây phải bám vào đá,
Nhưng đến hang động mới thấy hết vẻ đẹp kỳ lạ của Hạ Long. Bước vào hang Sung Sot (có lẽ vì vẻ đẹp của hang là gì?), Chúng tôi thấy trong hang có những tầng nước nhỏ, những giọt nước từ trần hang nhỏ mang theo ba hạt cát nhỏ. Những hạt cát này không rơi xuống nước, nhưng bằng cách ôm lấy nhau hàng triệu năm, chúng tạo thành những nhũ đá lấp lánh. Các hang động ở đây được tạo thành từ những nhũ đá như vậy, là kết quả của một chuyển động tự nhiên bền bỉ đáng kinh ngạc. Hang rất sâu và rộng, có thể chứa tới ngàn người. Sàn hang thường bằng đá, trong khi trần nhà chứa đầy nhũ đá. Thạch nhũ cũng có nhiều hình dạng khiến du khách kinh ngạc. Hình dạng phổ biến của chúng là hình trụ, thon dần về phía cuối hang. Đặc biệt, có những nơi, nhũ đá tạo thành những hình ảnh ý nghĩa trên tường hang, trần nhà. Đó là cặp đôi trong ngày cưới, là con gà, con khỉ, ... Dưới ánh đèn, những bức ảnh lấp lánh kỳ diệu vô cùng đẹp.
Bước ra khỏi hang là đặt chân lên đỉnh đảo. Đứng trên cao nhìn xuống cái bát rộng lớn của Vịnh Hạ Long, một lần nữa tôi thấy xung quanh bầu trời xanh mênh mông trong hồ nước mát lạnh. Những hòn đảo nhỏ nhấp nhô như ôm lấy vịnh. Những chiếc thuyền nhỏ của ngư dân, đoàn khách du lịch tập trung dưới chân đảo khi trẻ em đang làm cha mẹ ...
Rời khỏi Vịnh Hạ Long, tôi vẫn cảm thấy ngạc nhiên khi thưởng thức vẻ đẹp của vịnh - một kỳ quan hiếm có của đất nước. Tôi cảm thấy tự hào hơn về lòng sông của mình và thấm hút hơn trách nhiệm đóng góp để bảo tồn và xây dựng đất nước. Kỳ nghỉ hè của bạn đã trải qua rất nhiều điều thú vị và bổ ích.

17 tháng 11 2019


21 tháng 10 2018

My best friend in high school is Lan. Lan sits next to me in class, eats with me at break time, and hangs out with me after school. She has long and beautiful hair; my mother always says that I need to pay more attention to my hair so it can be pretty as hers. I am good at English while Lan is excellent in Math, therefore we can help each other every time one of us has trouble in understanding those subjects. Besides our study, Lan is always by my side whenever I feel upset. I tell her everything, and only she can know my true feelings. We have been best friends since our young age, and I will keep this friendship forever. 

21 tháng 10 2018

Tham khảo nhé !

My best friend in high school is Lan. Lan sits next to me in class, eats with me at break time, and hangs out with me after school. She has long and beautiful hair; my mother always says that I need to pay more attention to my hair so it can be pretty as hers. I am good at English while Lan is excellent in Math, therefore we can help each other every time one of us has trouble in understanding those subjects. Besides our study, Lan is always by my side whenever I feel upset. I tell her everything, and only her can know my true feelings. We have been best friends since our young age, and I will keep this friendship forever.

Bạn thân nhất ở trường của tôi là Lan. Lan ngồi cạnh tôi trong lớp, ăn cùng tôi vào giờ giải lao, và cùng đi chơi với tôi sau giờ tan trường. Cô ấy có mái tóc dài và đẹp, mẹ tôi luôn bảo rằng tôi cần chú ý đến mái tóc của tôi nhiều hơn để nó có thể được đẹp như tóc Lan. Tôi giỏi tiếng Anh còn Lan giỏi Toán, vậy nên chúng tôi có thể giúp đỡ lẫn nhau mỗi khi một trong hai chúng tôi gặp rắc rối trong những môn đó. Bên cạnh việc học, Lan luôn bên cạnh tôi mỗi khi tôi buồn. Tôi kể Lan nghe nghe mọi thứ, và chỉ có Lan biết được cảm giác thật sự của tôi. Chúng tôi đã là bạn kể từ khi cả hai còn nhỏ, và tôi sẽ giữ tình bạn này mãi mãi.

5 tháng 11 2021

My name is Hien I'm 11 year old. I am a student at Dong Mai Middle School.I go to school from Monday to Saturday.I like English  the most out of all subjects and I dont like math , because it is very difficult.In my free time, I often listen to music,I love listening to blackpink's songs.That is my favorite.In the weekend,I usually go to the park with my best friend.My favorite food is noodles, I hate meat.

(mình viết sơ sơ thui nhé,có j bạn thêm vào,mà mình viết về mình có j bạn đổi tên thành tên bạn nhé)^^

5 tháng 11 2021

Tham khảo:

Hi everyone. My name is Linh. I was born in Dong Da District, Hanoi. I live here from a child with my parents. At present, I’m 11 years old and I’m studying in 6A at ABC Primary school. My family has 4 people, including my parents, my brother and me. We’re willing to help together and my family is very happy. To my classmate, I’m active and humorous child so they love me so much. I have a lot of friends in my school. Besides that I’m good at Maths and English. I usually obtain many high scores in this subjects. I’m proud of their. I’m a big fan of detective stories. In my free time, I always read them with intensive passion. In the future, I also want to become a detective as Sherlock Holmes.

4 tháng 8 2016

- Hello. My name is Mai. Everyone calls me Mai.

-  I am 12 years old.

- I am a student

- I’m in 7A class

- I am from Viet Nam

- I live in Minh Duc village

- I was born in Hai Duong

- I have a passion for traveling and exploring

- My hobbies are reading and writing.

I like reading books.

I enjoy taking pictures.

I’m very interested in learning history.

- There are four of us in my family

- I’m not seeing/dating anyone

- Well, it was nice meeting you. I really had a great time.

- Let’s talk more another time. Take care

- What is your number? I’d love to see you again…

4 tháng 8 2016

đây là copy gg,bạn tự viết dc ko?