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31 tháng 12 2020

After school, I went home to cook and play with my young brother. At 5 o'clock, I went to play badminton with my friends. After playing badminton, I always sit and drink water and talk to my teammates.Next, I rode my bike around the neighborhood to breathe the air. Then, I was about to wash and play chess with my dad. Finally, I wiped the tables and chairs to prepare for dinner. Today is a busy day!

31 tháng 12 2020

Tham khảo

After school is a very good time for all the students to rest! Uhm... When I get away from the school, I will meet my friends to play football. I always do that except for Sunday. I like to run with the ball, I like to kick and I like to talk and laugh with my friends. Then, I will go home to help my mom with the housework. I'm a bit bored and tired of it, but I still have to do. Haizzz... Next, I will eat a very very very delicious dinner. Of course, it's made from my mom. After having a very very very delicious dinner, I will do my homework. I often spend two hours doing it. And at the end of the day, I will go to bed, to rest, to sleep, to dream.

1 tháng 12 2016

At twenty-five past nine, the bell rings and all the students do into the yard. It is time for recess. They are all happy and excited. They meet their friends and have some fun. Many are talking about the last class, or last night's movie. Som are eating and drinking as well as chatting. Some students are playing gameslike blindman's bluff or catch. Some boys are playing marbles and some girls are skipping rope. But the most popular activity is talking. The yard is very noisy until the bell rings. Then everyone goes indoors and classes begin again.

Tham khao tam ban nhe !

24 tháng 3 2017

đay là hoạt động trong giờ ra chơi mà


Tet, also known as Lunar new year festival, is the biggest traditional festival in Viet Nam. Tet is usually from the end of January to early February. Before Tet, Vietnamese prepare many things for the three main days. They clean their house and decorate with flowers such as kumquat tree or peach blossom. A huge amount of food will be bought before Tet for making traditional dishes. Banh Chung, Banh Tet, Gio cha, Xoi and Mut, and candies are the foods that must have on Tet holidays. During Tet, people visit their relatives’ homes and give wishes. However, the Vietnamese believe that the first visitor a family receives in the year determines their fortune for the entire year, people never enter any house on the first day without being invited first. Another custom is giving lucky money, which is put into a red envelope as a symbol of luck and wish for a new age. Traditionally, elders will give lucky money to children and the oldest people in the family. However, nowadays, people can give it to anyone including friends, parents, neighbors. Besides, Vietnamese usually go to pagodas or temples to pray for health, wealth, success. To Vietnamese, Tet is the happiest time of all year around, members in a family can gather together, which is a meaningful messages of Lunar New year festival. All in all, Tet is all about back to origins, be good to others, enjoy the precious moment, and wish for the best to come.

22 tháng 1 2022


Traditional Tet is one of the most important festivals of Vietnam. Just like in Western countries that follow Christianity, Christmas is a sacred and important holiday, so is the traditional New Year's Day. Traditional New Year's Day is called Lunar New Year or Lunar New Year, and is considered the most important moment of a year. The time starts on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month of the new year. The Lunar New Year usually falls between the end of January and the middle of February of a calendar year. Normally in Vietnam, every occasion to prepare for the Lunar New Year, everyone, whether working or going to school, has a holiday schedule. Normally, the time off is from one working week or more (for employees) and two to three days before December 30. To prepare for the important Tet holiday of this year, every family often buys a lot of new things, cleans the house, prepares a tray of rice to worship ancestors. And yet, on the traditional New Year's Day, there is also a custom to visit the elderly, family members, friends and neighbors every time Tet comes. At that time, homeowners or adults will give lucky money to children and elders with wishes at the beginning of the new year of peace, prosperity, and everything as desired. This is not only a custom but also a cultural beauty of the Vietnamese people, to show concern and hope for a full and peaceful life for everyone.

22 tháng 8 2021

Đoạn văn bằng Tiếng Việt :

Mỗi người đều dành một ngày của mình cho các hoạt động khác nhau, người đó học tập, người làm việc. Và dưới đây là một hoạt động ngày của em.

Đó là hoạt động của ngày hôm qua, thứ Hai đầu tuần Sau hai ngày nghỉ là Thứ Bảy và Chủ nhật để bước vào một tuần học mới. Em học buổi sáng và buổi học bắt đầu từ lúc bảy giờ vì đồng hồ báo thức của em luôn được đặt lúc sáu giờ sáng. Đúng giờ, vang vọng đồng hồ báo thức, biểu thức và vai trò của bài học có thể dục buổi sáng quen thuộc chỉ trong năm phút. Sau đó em đi đánh răng, rửa sạch sẽ và ăn sáng. Tô mì nấu với trứng đã được mẹ chuẩn bị sẵn ngay ngắn trên bàn đang chờ em.

Sau khi sáng xong, em liền quần áo chọn cho mình áo trắng và quần áo màu vì hôm nay là thứ hai đầu tuần có buổi chào cờ, khăn giấy đỏ, ca nộp và sổ sách đã chuẩn bị xong. is from the dark today. Em up golge và đạp xe đến trường. Hôm nay có năm tiết, cờ chào tiết kiệm và tiết học trên lớp. Các tiết học cứ thế trôi nổi cho đến cuối tiết, rồi trường tiếng trống báo hiệu kết thúc buổi học. Hôm nào cũng vậy, cứ đến ngày là cái đói bụng lại, nhưng vẫn phải cố gắng đạp xe về nhà. Vì năm tiết kiệm nên chúng tôi về đến nhà cũng khá sớm, về nhà bố mẹ em ăn cơm rồi để riêng hai phần của em và chị cũng học cấp ba nên về sớm hơn. Mẹ nấu cơm nóng, em nóng đi thay quần áo, rửa mặt và ăn cơm trưa.

Sau khi ăn không có em vào trong giấc ngủ một tiếng và thức dậy tiếp tục hoạt động của mình. Em thức dậy lúc hai giờ chiều, vì chiều nay được nghỉ nên em sẽ ở nhà học bài và giúp mẹ một số công việc. Trời khá nắng, nên tranh thủ khi trời không mát, em ngồi vào bàn học xem qua một số bài tập cô giao để giảm nhẹ bài tập vào buổi tối. Mày mò với đống bài tập nhưng mãi mãi không ra em liền gọi Hương - lớp bạn học cùng lớp ở ngay cạnh nhà em chơi và cùng giải bài tập. Khi số bài tập được giải quyết gần hết, Hương về nhà thì em đi cỏ vườn rau và rau giúp mẹ.

Thấy trời cũng bắt đầu tối, em quét sân quét nhà sạch sẽ và lấy rau chuẩn bị bữa tối. Em gái chuẩn bị ôn thi đại học, khá bận với việc học và không có nhiều thời gian giúp đỡ bố mẹ. Còn lại em, chương trình học cũng không phải quá vất vả, nên có nhiều thời gian hơn chị. Tối đa đã được chuẩn bị xong, chờ mẹ đi làm và chị đi học về ăn cơm. Tranh thủ lúc em đi tắm và quần áo, gấp xếp gọn gàng vào tủ. Khi mọi người về đầy đủ, cả nhà ăn cơm rất vui vẻ, mẹ khen em nhỏ đã giúp đỡ được mẹ rất nhiều việc. Chị thấy như vậy là vui vẻ ganh tị với em và bảo: “Không qua chị bận học thôi!”, Em cười sung sướng, ăn cơm xong chị nhận việc rửa bát, còn em thì ngồi vào bàn học giải quyết. số bài tập lại và chuẩn bị sổ sách cho ngày mai.

Xong, em xem ti vi với bố mẹ một lúc rồi đi ngủ sớm để thức dậy đúng giờ. Đi ngủ em nghĩ về một ngày hoạt động của mình với nhiều việc thật ý nghĩa.

Một ngày hoạt động trôi nổi với nhiều công việc, tuy mệt mỏi nhưng em cảm thấy rất vui vì học tập thật hiệu quả và giúp đỡ bố mẹ một số công việc dù rất nhỏ.

Đoạn văn bằng Tiếng Anh :

Each person spends his day on different activities, he studies, he works. And here is one of my daily activities.

That was yesterday's activity, the first Monday After two days off, Saturday and Sunday to enter a new school week. I study in the morning and class starts at seven because my alarm clock is always set at six in the morning. Punctual, echoing alarm clocks, expressions and the role of a familiar morning exercise lesson in just five minutes. Then I go to brush my teeth, wash up and have breakfast. The bowl of noodles cooked with eggs was prepared neatly on the table by my mother, waiting for me.

After the morning was over, I immediately dressed for myself in a white shirt and colored clothes because today was the first Monday of the week with a flag salute, red paper towels, handouts and books were prepared. is from the dark today. I go to golf and ride my bike to school. Today there are five periods, salute to savings and class time. The classes continued to float until the end of the period, then the school drum sounded to signal the end of the lesson. Every day is the same, every day is hungry again, but still have to try to cycle home. Because of the savings year, we came home quite early, went home to my parents to eat and then left two portions for me and my sister, who was also in high school, so I left earlier. Mom cooks hot rice, I go to change clothes, wash my face and eat lunch.

After eating without her, she fell asleep for an hour and woke up to continue her activities. I wake up at two o'clock in the afternoon, since I have a day off this afternoon, I will stay at home to study and help my mother with some chores. It was quite sunny, so when it was not cold, I sat at the desk to study some of the exercises she assigned to ease my homework in the evening. I was tinkering with a bunch of homework, but I couldn't find it, so I called Huong - a classmate of my class right next to my house to play and solve the exercises together. When the homework was almost done, when Huong came home, she went to the vegetable and vegetable garden to help her mother.

Seeing that it was also starting to get dark, I swept the yard to clean the house and get vegetables to prepare dinner. The younger sister is preparing for the university entrance exam, is quite busy with her studies and does not have much time to help her parents. As for me, the program is not too difficult, so I have more time than you. The maximum has been prepared, waiting for her mother to go to work and her sister to come home to eat. Take advantage when you take a shower and clothes, neatly fold them into the closet. When everyone was full, the whole family ate happily, and the mother praised the little sister for helping her mother a lot. When she saw that, she was happy to be jealous of me and said: "No, I'm busy studying!", I laughed happily, after eating, she accepted the job of washing dishes, and I sat at the table to study. Re-do the homework and prepare the books for tomorrow.

After that, I watched TV with my parents for a while and then went to bed early to wake up on time. Going to bed, I think about my active day with many meaningful things.

An active day with many tasks, although tired, I feel very happy because I study effectively and help my parents with some small jobs.

27 tháng 2 2023

I always feel lucky and proud to be attached to the homeland where I live. My love for it is not only about natural beauty but also about people, cultural features and traditional values. I always wish to contribute to preserving and developing those values, so that my hometown becomes more and more developed and advanced.

My love for my homeland is not only love and gratitude, but also responsibility. I understand that each citizen has his or her responsibilities and obligations towards the homeland. We need to contribute together to build a better place to live, where everyone can be happy and thrive.

In my love for my homeland, I also see the value of solidarity and mutual assistance. Only when we unite and support each other can we overcome all difficulties and challenges to build a growing homeland. I believe that, if we clearly understand the value of love for our motherland, we will always have the responsibility and make efforts to preserve and develop it, until the next generations can also love and be self-sufficient. proud of his homeland.

28 tháng 2 2020

1. Viết 1 đoạn văn kể về kỳ nghỉ của em bằng tiếng anh ( khoảng 7 - 8 câu )

Last Summer Holiday I went to Ha Long Bay with my family . We went there by plane .  First , we took a boat trip around the island. In the morning , I and my brother swam in the sea and built sandcastle on the beach . In the afternoon we went to Tuan Chau Island to see water pupets and then I had seafood in the big restaurant  . In the evening  , we went for a walk along the seaside . It was a wonderful holiday last summer .

2. Viết 1 đoạn văn kể về  1 ngày của em bằng tiếng anh ( khoảng 7 - 8 câu )

every day I usually get up early . I brushed my teeth and wash my face . then I do morning exercise with my parents .after that I have breakfast at home , then I get dressed and go to school  . In the afternoon, I had lunch at the school canteen . after school I play table tennis with my father .I have dinner with my family at home. After dinner, I usually listen to music before going to bed. I love my day very much

Đề 3 bạn tự làm nhé 

Học tốt !

2 tháng 1 2023


Every day is a good day to go to school. In addition to the lessons that bring useful knowledge, the best time is recess. When the drums sounded, we were all happy to have a break. When it was time to play, everyone had a good conversation with each other. Some students will clear the board in preparation for the next class. The girls invited each other to play rope skipping. The school yard is extremely crowded at this time. There are students of all grades here. There are groups of words to play badminton, others play badminton. The voices of a few students crept between the noises. Now for fun like this, it took place very short, everyone wanted to fully enjoy this little time. The drum sounded again. The groups of friends once scattered and returned to the classroom. So recess has ended. Break time is short but extremely ugly. Thanks to that, we have the spirit of learning for the next lessons.