
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Mời bạn tham khảo qua

Chắc hẳn ai cũng có những buổi học vui nhộn với thầy cô và bạn bè. Đó cũng là quãng thời gian đáng nhớ nhất của một thời cắp sách tới trường. Riêng tôi, tôi nhớ nhất giờ dạy Văn của cô Hằng – cô giáo chủ nhiệm của tôi.

Hôm đó là một buổi sáng mùa đông lạnh lẽo. Vừa hết giờ truy bài, cô Hằng bước vào lớp trong bộ đồng phục của nhà trường. Cô mặc một bộ vest tím trông rất lịch sử và trang nhã. Lúc nào cũng vậy, trong mắt tôi, cô Hằng luôn thật xinh đẹp trong bộ quần áo ấy. Hôm nay, chẳng hiểu sao, lớp tôi tự dưng im phăng phắc. Mọi ngày, mỗi khi cô bước vào lớp lại có tiếng nói, cười của bọn con gái hay tiếng lộc cộc nghịch ngợm của cánh con trai. Nhưng sao hôm nay lớp im lặng kì lạ. Tôi thấy dường như mất đi cái gì đó vui nhộn, sôi động của toàn thể “thần dân” 6E chúng tôi.

Nhận ra điều đó, cô Hằng liềm ngâm ngay một bài thơ trước lớp. Cả lớp tôi hưởng ứng nhiệt liệt. Cô từ từ ngâm thơ cho chúng tôi nghe:

Sáng mùa đông lạnh lẽo
Cô giáo đứng bên ngoài
Không còn nghe tiếng nói
Như mọi khi nữa rồi.

Rồi cô dừng lại, lấy một hơi và tiếp tục:

Cô bước chân vào lớp
Chỉ nghe tiếng cầm cập
Tiếng nói, tiếng cười đâu?
Chạy đi chơi cả rồi.

Cả lớp tôi cười phá lên. Không khí lớp sôi nổi trở lại. Cô bắt đầu tiết học bằng kiểm tra bài cũ. Thấy các bạn đạt nhiều điểm 9, 10, cô rất vui. Cô cười thật tươi nhìn chúng tôi. Nụ cười rạng ngời tỏa sáng gương mặt cô.

Hôm nay, lớp tôi học truyền thuyết Thánh Gióng. Cô hương dẫn chúng tôi đọc bài. Cô đọc trước một lượt cho chúng tôi nghe. Chao ôi, giọng đọc của cô mới truyền cảm làm sao. Tôi nghe mà cảm tưởng như mình được sống lại cái khoảnh khắc giống anh dũng một mình chiến đấu với giặc.

Cô chuyển sang phần tiếp theo – tìm hiểu bài. Cô lần lượt hỏi những câu hỏi trong sách giáo khoa. Câu hỏi nào khó, cô gợi ý cho chúng tôi trả lời. Rồi bỗng nhiên, cô gọi Cường – thường được chúng tôi gọi là “bé” Cường vì thân hình nhỏ bé. Cô dịu dàng hỏi Cường:

- Em hãy cho cô biết, em có nhận xét gì về chi tiết Gióng vươn vai biến thành tráng sĩ mình cao hơn trượng?

Cường hồn nhiên trả lời:

- Dạ, em thưa cô, em thấy Thánh Gióng là một người có ý thức cứu nước ạ. Đặc biệt là ở chỗ, sau khi ăn xong, vươn vai Gióng bỗng biến thành tráng sĩ là ý nói Gióng phải là tráng sĩ mới tiêu diệt được kẻ thù. Và còn một ý nữa là … là …

Thấy Cường ngập ngừng, cô hỏi:

- Là gì? Em cứ nói tiếp đi!

- Thưa cô, em còn muốn được to lớn như Gióng để ra tay bảo vệ các bạn nữ khi bị bắt nạt ạ!

Cả lớp tôi cười phá lên. Thì ra bé Cường nhà mình cũng ga lăng đấy chứ nhỉ. Tôi cười đau cả bụng. Còn Cường thì đỏ mặt, không biết nói gì, im lặng ngồi xuống chỗ.

Cô lại nhẹ nhàng hỏi tiếp:

- Vậy các em cho cô hỏi, chi tiết Gióng đánh giặc xong, rồi cùng ngựa bay về trời có ý nghĩa như thế nào?

Cô nhìn quanh lớp và gọi Nguyên - một học sinh nổi tiếng quậy bậc nhất lớp tôi. Tôi chắc mẩm anh chàng này chết đến nơi rồi, vì anh ta còn đang mải gấp giấy trêu mấy đứa con gái thì bị cô gọi lên trả lời. Nguyên lúng túng đứng lên, gãi đầu gãi tai, trả lời:

- Thưa cô, chi tiết Gióng cùng ngựa bay về trời nói lên là Gióng chưa chăm lo phụng dưỡng cha mẹ nên đã bị Trời gọi về trách phạt ạ!

Nghe xong, cả lớp tôi lại phá lên cười. Vậy là hôm nay cả lớp đã được hai trận cười từ hai cậu học sinh trong lớp.

Nhìn đồng hồ, chỉ còn năm phút nữa là hết giờ, cô liền nhận xét buổi học của chúng tôi ngày hôm nay:

- Hôm nay đầu giờ lớp ta còn hơi im ắng. Tuy nhiên, lớp đã rất sôi nổi ở gần cuối giờ. Cô đề nghị lớp thưởng một tràng pháo tay thật to.

Cả lớp vỗ tay rào rào. Tiếng trống lại vang lên. Mấy đứa bạn lớp tôi vẫn còn nuối tiếc vì chưa được phát biểu. Sao giờ học trôi qua nhanh quá, như thể mới có 15 phút thôi.

Đó là một buổi học rất thú vị. Chúng tôi thật là may mắn khi có một cô giáo như cô Hằng. Tôi sẽ nhớ mãi những giờ học của cô. Đây là những hành trang quý giá sẽ theo tôi đi suốt cuộc đời.

27 tháng 5 2021

I've had a lot of friends in my life, and I've had a lot of good memories with them too. I still remember when I was in 5th grade, I invited my close friends near my house to go out to the river to play. It was a hot summer afternoon, we jumped into the river to bathe. That day, there were both men and women, we played in the water, and blew up the roof of the house. But then an unfortunate thing happened, one of my friends got cramps while swimming, and so they all went crazy, didn't know what to do (now that I think about it now, I think I was stupid ), luckily there was an older brother nearby to help, it wasn't me. Now 2 years have passed since then, thinking back to a beautiful childhood rushing back. I will cherish this memory forever.

Hãy để anh tĩnh lặng, Đừng gọi anh lúc này. Em cứ bước theo người ta! Nếu em hết yêu anh, Ừ anh không sao mà! Anh sẽ cố gắng sống tốt Em đừng bận tâm. Nếu có ai hỏi em về anh Thì em hãy trả lời rằng anh, Chưa bao giờ tồn tại trong trái tim em Dù chỉ một lần thôi! Vì anh biết vị trí của mình ở đâu? Đk Em đi xa mất anh rồi! Nước mắt anh đã nhạt nhoà Những câu yêu nói trên môi chỉ...
Đọc tiếp

Hãy để anh tĩnh lặng, 
Đừng gọi anh lúc này. 
Em cứ bước theo người ta! 
Nếu em hết yêu anh, 
Ừ anh không sao mà! 
Anh sẽ cố gắng sống tốt 
Em đừng bận tâm. 

Nếu có ai hỏi em về anh 
Thì em hãy trả lời rằng anh, 
Chưa bao giờ tồn tại trong trái tim em 
Dù chỉ một lần thôi! 
Vì anh biết vị trí của mình ở đâu? 

Em đi xa mất anh rồi! 
Nước mắt anh đã nhạt nhoà 
Những câu yêu nói trên môi chỉ toàn là gian dối! 
Em không yêu anh thật lòng, 
Nhưng anh yêu em thật lòng 
Kể chuyện ngày xưa tình yêu của anh em xem là thừa! 

Nếu mai sau có gặp lại, anh sẽ không như bây giờ 
Đứng một mình dõi theo em kề vai bên người ấy! 
Bởi đắng cay quá nhiều rồi, 
Đến lúc anh phải quên thôi! 
Kể từ hôm nay hai ta hai lối đi riêng 
Chẳng còn gặp nhau...

Dịch sang tiếng anh ko đk dùng google dịch 

17 tháng 9 2016

Let him quiet,
Do not call him now.
I just follow it!
If you stop loving him,
Yeah, but he's okay!
He will try to live well
I do not bother.

If someone asked me about you
Then I just answered that he,
Never existed in my heart
Whether just once!
Because he knows where his position?

I take him away then!
Tears he faded
The only question asked above is all deceitful lips!
I do not love you sincerely,
But I love you truly
Storytelling old brother's love is waste!

If the future can meet again, he will not like now
Watching you stand alone to shoulder with the person!
Because too much bitterness,
By now, you have to forget it!
Since today the two of us two separate entry
No longer see each other ...

Em dùng google đó

18 tháng 9 2016

anh viết bài đó tặng ai vậybucminh

17 tháng 5 2017

3. Natural Disaster

Nowadays, there are many natural disaster in the world such as: tornado, typhoon,... But in my opinion, flood is one of the most dangerous pollution. It's the heavy rain for a long time. It happens in the last of September and Octocber. Flood also accour in many contries in Asia. It can have many different effects. Many people died and trapped, they also were left homeless. Many houses and buildings were destroyed or flooded. To protect people and everything living on the Earth keep away flood, we have some sollution likes: donating food and water, taking the victims to the safe places... For these reasons, I hope that people have more awarness about flood. Your small action will make a green - clean - beautiful Earth

28 tháng 2 2021

I am a very close friend and indispensable to the students, thanks to me that students can study and do better. But I am just a thing, over time, I get old and worn out, no longer new, perhaps because of that you forgot me. I am a book.

I'm a Vietnamese textbook. in the learning process. And then I found my master, a very pretty little girl. I was very happy and excited because it was time for me to do my noble duties. I told myself to promote my abilities well, bring knowledge and useful things to my little mistress. When I was first bought, I was very fond of and carefully taken care of by my owner. Every day I go to school with my boss, my pages are a rich source of knowledge for her to study and learn. As time went by, during using, I gradually curved the edge, folded the edge and got old, sometimes even dirty because she dropped it. Then one day, a neighbor friend asked me to borrow me to do my homework, but the owner, because she was also doing her homework, did not want to lend me, the other friend deliberately grabbed me from the mistress's hand, so I torn in half.

 Since that day, I was glued but crumpled and no longer new so the girl's mother bought her a new book. I was placed in the corner of the cupboard, I felt very sad and knew that I was really forgotten.

28 tháng 2 2021

Hello everyone, I am the storybook "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Today I will tell you about this story of mine

Once upon a time in a great castle, a Prince's daughter grew up happy and contented, in spite of a jealous stepmother. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and fair, and so she was called Snow White. Everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful. Though her stepmother was a wicked woman, she too was very beautiful, and the magic mirror told her this every day, whenever she asked it.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the loveliest lady in the land?" The reply was always; "You are, your Majesty," until the dreadful day when she heard it say, "Snow White is the loveliest in the land."

The stepmother was furious and, wild with jealousy, began plotting to get rid of her rival. Calling one of her trusty servants, she bribed him with a rich reward to take Snow White into the forest, far away from the Castle. Then, unseen, he was to put her to death. The greedy servant, attracted to the reward, agreed to do this deed, and he led the innocent little girl away. However, when they came to the fatal spot, the man's courage failed him and, leaving Snow White sitting beside a tree, he mumbled an excuse and ran off. Snow White was all alone in the forest.  Night came, but the servant did not return. Snow White, alone in the dark forest, began to cry bitterly. She thought she could feel terrible eyes spying on her, and she heard strange sounds and rustlings that made her heart thump. At last, overcome by tiredness, she fell asleep curled under a tree.  Snow White slept fitfully, wakening from time to time with a start and staring into the darkness round her. Several times, she thought she felt something, or somebody touch her as she slept.  At last, dawn woke the forest to the song of the birds, and Snow White too, awoke. A whole world was stirring to life and the little girl was glad to see how silly her fears had been. However, the thick trees were like a wall round her, and as she tried to find out where she was, she came upon a path. She walked along it, hopefully. On she walked till she came to a clearing. There stood a strange cottage, with a tiny door, tiny windows and a tiny chimney pot. Everything about the cottage was much tinier than it ought to be. Snow White pushed the door open.  "l wonder who lives here?" she said to herself, peeping round the kitchen. "What tiny plates! And spoons! There must be seven of them, the table's laid for seven people." Upstairs was a bedroom with seven neat little beds. Going back to the kitchen, Snow White had an idea.  "I'll make them something to eat. When they come home, they'll be glad to find a meal ready." Towards dusk, seven tiny men marched homewards singing. But when they opened the door, to their surprise they found a bowl of hot steaming soup on the table, and the whole house spick and span. Upstairs was Snow White, fast asleep on one of the beds. The chief dwarf prodded her gently.  "Who are you?" he asked. Snow White told them her sad story, and tears sprang to the dwarfs' eyes. Then one of them said, as he noisily blew his nose:  "Stay here with us!" 

"Hooray! Hooray!" they cheered, dancing joyfully round the little girl. The dwarfs said to Snow White:  "You can live here and tend to the house while we're down the mine. Don't worry about your stepmother leaving you in the forest. We love you and we'll take care of you!" Snow White gratefully accepted their hospitality, and next morning the dwarfs set off for work. But they warned Snow White not to open the door to strangers. 

Meanwhile, the servant had returned to the castle, with the heart of a roe deer. He gave it to the cruel stepmother, telling her it belonged to Snow White, so that he could claim the reward. Highly pleased, the stepmother turned again to the magic mirror. But her hopes were dashed, for the mirror replied: "The loveliest in the land is still Snow White, who lives in the seven dwarfs' cottage, down in the forest." The stepmother was beside herself with rage. 

"She must die! She must die!" she screamed. Disguising herself as an old peasant woman, she put a poisoned apple with the others in her basket. Then, taking the quickest way into the forest, she crossed the swamp at the edge of the trees. She reached the bank unseen, just as Snow White stood waving goodbye to the seven dwarfs on their way to the mine. 

Snow White was in the kitchen when she heard the sound at the door: KNOCK! KNOCK!  "Who's there?" she called suspiciously, remembering the dwarfs advice.  "I'm an old peasant woman selling apples," came the reply.  "I don't need any apples, thank you," she replied.  "But they are beautiful apples and ever so juicy!" said the velvety voice from outside the door.  "I'm not supposed to open the door to anyone," said the little girl, who was reluctant to disobey her friends.  "And quite right too! Good girl! If you promised not to open up to strangers, then of course you can't buy. You are a good girl indeed!" Then the old woman went on.  "And as a reward for being good, I'm going to make you a gift of one of my apples!" Without a further thought, Snow White opened the door just a tiny crack, to take the apple.  "There! Now isn't that a nice apple?" Snow White bit into the fruit, and as she did, fell to the ground in a faint: the effect of the terrible poison left her lifeless instantaneously.  Now chuckling evilly, the wicked stepmother hurried off. But as she ran back across the swamp, she tripped and fell into the quicksand. No one heard her cries for help, and she disappeared without a trace.      Meanwhile, the dwarfs came out of the mine to find the sky had grown dark and stormy. Loud thunder echoed through the valleys and streaks of lightning ripped the sky. Worried about Snow White they ran as quickly as they could down the mountain to the cottage.      There they found Snow White, lying still and lifeless, the poisoned apple by her side. They did their best to bring her around, but it was no use.      They wept and wept for a long time. Then they laid her on a bed of rose petals, carried her into the forest and put her in a crystal coffin.      Each day they laid a flower there.      Then one evening, they discovered a strange young man admiring Snow White's lovely face through the glass. After listening to the story, the Prince (for he was a prince!) made a suggestion.      "If you allow me to take her to the Castle, I'll call in famous doctors to waken her from this peculiar sleep. She's so lovely I'd love to kiss her!" He did, and as though by magic, the Prince's kiss broke the spell. To everyone's astonishment, Snow White opened her eyes. She had amazingly come back to life! Now in love, the Prince asked Snow White to marry him, and the dwarfs reluctantly had to say good bye to Snow White.      From that day on, Snow White lived happily in a great castle. But from time to time, she was drawn back to visit the little cottage down in the forest.

24 tháng 10 2021


Rồi đề đâu bạn, cho mình xin đề ik


24 tháng 10 2021

là sao bạn phương vy

18 tháng 5 2016

k có


18 tháng 5 2016

v thì đợi tí!

10 tháng 6 2021

I have met many people, have meetings. But most of those meetings were arranged, and nothing unique. But until one day, I met a friend, who had a great influence on my life, Lien Ai. We know each other through hoc24. I was impressed with his name, so I followed him. And then he asked me why, and then after many stories, we gradually became good friends. Our chance meeting greatly influenced my future. Lien Ai was the first person who let me feel real friendship. I love Lien Ai very much. I hope our friendship will last forever, it will be as magical as the way we met.

25 tháng 12 2018

I have read many fairy tales of the world but I am still impressed with Cinderella. Cinderella in the story is beautiful, gentle and very naive. She had a long time of suffering to find a perfect happiness.

Cinderella is so beautiful! The figure of her small, tall girl. The oval, delicate face stood out, the skin was white and pink and smooth. The black eyes, bright and shining beneath the natural curling eyelashes, increased the charm of the eyes. The long, curved willow eyebrows increase the natural look of those charming eyes. The coconut veral nose peaked beauty for her face. Soft, plump, shiny lips a thin lipsk. The white, steady teeth keep poking between the lips, hiding a beautiful beauty. Black hair, silky smooth hair across shoulders. Usually Cinderella only wore a ragged, patched patch to clean the house. The face of the Cinderella is so beautiful that she always gets smudged because she has to sweep the place where the house or at is dirty. Because of her lemongrass form, she was called Cinderella. Cinderella is very hardworking, always cleaning her feet. She is very cool or good. Cinderella has a very good streak: gentle, gentle, hardworking - the best qualities and qualities of women.

Cinderella's life has a long and arduous journey to find true happiness. To lead to that good result is a long story.

As a child, Cinderella lived very happily with her parents in a spacious, comfortable house. Suddenly, her mother became seriously ill and died. Her father took her next wife. The stepmother had two children of the same age as Cinderella. Her two children are thin, they are fat. After that, Cinderella's father suffered an accident so he also died. After his death, the stepmother forced her to serve and submit to her mother and daughter. The splendid sets, the beautiful shoes and the magnificent decorated room were too far away for Cinderella. The mother-in-law for Cinderella wore junk suits, patched boots and rough shoes. She forced her to work on her feet. Two of her own children only know how to play, lethargy, live the happy life that Cinderella should have. The cute Cinderella can only be in the dusty, dirty at, filled with rotten old goods and she has friends who are rats. Then one day, Hoang from the reception party invited the mother and her stepmother and even Cinderella. But she only bought and dressed herself and her two ugly children. She even forced Cinderella to pick up beans to fling her hands without going to a party. May have a fairy to help her, she had a gorgeous outfit, a beautiful car to attend the party. Cinderella danced with the prince after twelve hours - now she told her that if the miracle would not be gone. She hastily dropped the shoe to make the prince look everywhere. Finally, the prince found the owner of the shoe. The Prince found his fiancée - Cinderella and married her to be his wife. The lives of two people are very happy.

Cinderella is a girl who is na, gentle and very beautiful. With her pure soul and good qualities, she found her true happiness. Through the story, I understand that people who are good, gentle, gentle will be rewarded.

k cho mk nha :33 

Cám ơn !!

25 tháng 12 2018

Hello, I am a little girl. My mother died when I was young and my father went to work far away, so I shared with my evil stepmother to treat me a hired worker.

Chỉ giúp dc tưng đây thui