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26 tháng 10 2019

"Tonight I sleep the round
She is the wind of human life. "

In this life, someone did not grow up in mother's arms, was heard Matthew bid ru sweet deal, a pharmacist who would not dream of sinking into the wind, her hand fan every sultry summer afternoon. And in this life, one love by his mother, one for life because I her, someone ready to share with her as her sweet fleshy.

For me too, she is most interested in me and who I loved and the most indebted in the world. I used to think my mother was not beautiful. Not because there is a beautiful white skin, round face recovery or sparkling eyes ... but her face just skinny, tanned, high forehead, the wrinkles of the age of 40, of how anxiety in life in the upper corner of her eye. But my father told her more beautiful than other women in the intellectual beauty. Yes, my mother was smart, agile, very resourceful. On the position of a leader, who thinks his mother is cold, harsh. there are times when I thought so. but when his mother sat, her hands caressing my hair, everyone thought it all disappear. I have the sensation lightheadedness, anxiety hard to describe, feeling I have never received so much love. It looks a strong dotted line passed through her hands deep my heart, eye, lips tenderly, the sweet smile, ... through all of the parents. just love it when people close to her long before you feel all right. From small to large, I received the infinite love of the mother as a gift, a natural thing.

In the eyes of a child, she was born to care for children. I never ask the question: Why do parents accept unconditional sacrifice for me? . Good mother, very good to me but sometimes I think parents are so worthy, so ... evil. How many times, she yelled at me, I cried. Cry for depression depression, where rather than weep bitterly regret. Then for a time ... I came home from school, my mother read her diary stolen. I was immediately very, immediately pulling the diary from her hand and shouted: "Why the mother too much! This is the secret of the child, the mother can not work on. Mother very ill, I do not need her anymore! "Just thought I would eat a slap hurt. But not just silence the mother, pale cheeks, healthier eyes brimming. There is something that I did not dare look into her eyes.

I rushed into the room, locked the door despite the announcement on outside sales calls. I cried, cried so much, a small pillow was wet. As the late night, I awake, awake. There is a feeling of absence, which I do not how shortfalls avoided. I was wondering how I console myself by living in a world with no mother, not educated, will be very happy. But that's where the pharmacist to fill gaps in my head. Should I feel remorse? Was I hungry for love? ...

Free man do I think gradually fell asleep. In the dream film, I felt a warm hand, lightly touching my hair, pulled my blanket. Yeah I'm looking forward to the feeling, the feeling of sweet loving. I sunk in moments of tenderness, she closed his eyes for fear if you open your eyes, feeling it would fly away, away forever into nothingness and the immediate space is just a reality. The next morning I woke up, I felt the house so that sadness that. There is something missing. That morning, I had to eat bread, no white rice every day. I rated violence, had asked her father to see where it goes. My father said, his mother is ill, hospitalized a week. Feeling sad I have to cover my little brain. Mother in hospital and who would cook, who wash, who confided to me? I'm sorry too, because of anger over that has shattered the happiness of this little house. In my sick mother. All week, I was very sad. Housing shortage so that her smile so lonely. Every meal I have to eat outside, no parents, then get one I cooking. Oh I remember that the boiled vegetables, casseroles's mother always.

After a week, she returned home, I was the first to welcome her. I've seen, she ran to hug me. Mother cried, saying: "I am sorry, she should not be secret child. Con ... I forgive her, listen to me. "Emotion I choked, tears poured wet. I just wanted to say: "Mommy errors in children, at the damage, all in children only. ". But why these words hard to say so. I hugged her, cried a lot. Alas! After a week I saw her was important to give any. Every day, parents busy with work that has stars magic. Early in the morning, when he was dark, she was worried meals for your father. Then at the mother how to cook delicious dishes Oh. The food topping that does not nothing. The popular meal is only a belief but a matter of infinite love mother. My father as the young birds pick each drop of sweet loving mother. The meal does not have mom, dad my whole dating process server to work together. Mother is washing, stripping the house ... the scan always hard at all. Mother took me all but I do not repay anything for her. Even words of love I'm not saying never. How many times have I toss and turn, the courage to tell her but then only, just wanted to say: Mom, now I grow it, I see love her, need her to know how. I have to love, listen to her. When children make mistakes, strict mother reminded, I do not even angry anymore, I just get error bowed and promised never again commit. When happy or sad, I will tell her to clap her hands to share with tenderness, gentle eyes. Mother's mother is not just that you, as you ... all of you. To grow and then find myself very happy to have her in the shape reminds. There mother was washing clothes, cleaning the house, cooking for the family.

Mother, mother sacrificed so much for children that have never demanded the return of his mother. her mother is the best, highest, greatest. Take life by the mother who has what. Is anyone willing to shield me from time to time. Oh I love the children! Had the courage to speak three languages: "I love you! "Be alone. The pain brave, I just fine-but what was first commissioned as her mother was strict. Con wrote these words, the mother would understand this more than my heart. Mother do not think when I opposed because I do not her mother. Con forever love you, happy mother, sad to see her bad luck. Mother is the life of me so I just wanted her life to love you forever, child care, comfort you, protect the children and for children to be interested in her, loved her life. Motherhood is the most sacred feelings in the world. Love how he has nurtured the adults, to teach how people get older. Government mother who brings her emotional middle child. So, I always loved her, would grow to be taking care of her. And I wanted to tell her that: "The mother is still big. Take life in the womb is human. "

dịch :

“Đêm nay con ngủ giấc tròn
Mẹ là ngọn gió của con suốt đời.”

Trong cuộc đời này, có ai lại không được lớn lên trong vòng tay của mẹ, được nghe tiếng ru hời ầu ơ ngọt ngào, có ai lại không dược chìm vào giấc mơ trong gió mát tay mẹ quạt mỗi trưa hè oi ả. Và trong cuộc đời này, có ai yêu con bằng mẹ, có ai suốt đời vì con giống mẹ, có ai săn sàng sẻ chia ngọt bùi cùng con như mẹ.

Với tôi cũng vậy, mẹ là người quan tâm đến tôi nhất và cũng là người mà tôi yêu thương và mang ơn nhất trên đời này. Tôi vẫn thường nghĩ rằng mẹ tôi không đẹp. Không đẹp vì không có cái nước da trắng, khuôn mặt tròn phúc hậu hay đôi mắt long lanh… mà mẹ chỉ có khuôn mặt gầy gò, rám nắng, vấng trán cao, những nếp nhăn của cái tuổi 40, của bao âu lo trong đời in hằn trên khóe mắt. Nhưng bố tôi bảo mẹ đẹp hơn những phụ nữ khác ở cái vẻ đẹp trí tuệ. Đúng vậy, mẹ tôi thông minh, nhanh nhẹn, tháo vát lắm. Trên cương vị của một người lãnh đạo, ai cũng nghĩ mẹ là người lạnh lùng, nghiêm khắc. có những lúc tôi cũng nghĩ vậy. nhưng khi ngồi bên mẹ, bàn tay mẹ âu yếm vuốt tóc tôi, mọi ý nghĩ đó tan biến hết. Tôi có cả giác lâng lâng, xao xuyến khó tả, cảm giác như chưa bao giờ tôi được nhận nhiều yêu thương đến thế. Dường như một dòng yêu thương mãnh liệt qua bàn tay mẹ truyền vào sâu trái tim tôi, qua ánh mắt, đôi môi trìu mến, qua nụ cười ngọt ngào, … qua tất cả những gì của mẹ. tình yêu ấy chỉ khi người ta gần bên mẹ lâu rồi mói cảm thấy đuợc thôi. Từ nhỏ đến lớn, tôi đón nhận tình yêu vô hạn của mẹ như một ân huệ, một điều đương nhiên.

Trong con mắt một đứa trẻ, mẹ sinh ra là để chăm sóc con. Chưa bao giờ tôi tư đặt câu hỏi: Tại sao mẹ chấp nhận hy sinh vô điều kiện vì con? . Mẹ tốt, rất tốt với tôi nhưng có lúc tôi nghĩ mẹ thật quá đáng, thật… ác. Đã bao lần, mẹ mắng tôi, tôi đã khóc. Khóc vì uất ức, cay đắng chứ đâu khóc vì hối hận. Rồi cho đến một lần… Tôi đi học về, thấy mẹ đang đọc trộm nhật ký của mình. Tôi tức lắm, giằng ngay cuốn nhật ký từ tay mẹ và hét to:“ Sao mẹ quá đáng thế! Đây là bí mật của con, mẹ không có quyền động vào. Mẹ ác lắm, con không cần mẹ nữa! ” Cứ tưởng, tôi sẽ ăn một cái tát đau điếng. Nhưng không mẹ chỉ lặng người, hai gò má tái nhợt, Khóe mắt rưng rưng. Có gì đó khiến tôi không dám nhìn thẳng vào mắt mẹ.

Tôi chạy vội vào phòng, khóa cửa mặc cho bố cứ gọi mãi ở ngoài. Tôi đã khóc, khóc nhiều lắm, ướt đẫm chiếc gối nhỏ. Đêm càng về khuya, tôi thao thức, trằn trọc. Có cái cảm giác thiếu vắng, hụt hẫng mà tôi không sao tránh được. Tôi đã tự an ủi mình bằng cách tôi đang sống trong một thế giới không có mẹ, không phải học hành, sẽ rất hạnh phúc. Nhưng đó đâu lấp đầy dược cái khoảng trống trong đầu tôi. Phải chăng tôi thấy hối hận? Phải chăng tôi đang thèm khát yêu thương? …

Suy nghĩ miên man làm tôi thiếp đi dần dần. Trong cơn mơ màng, tôi cảm thấy như có một bàn tay ấm áp, khẽ chạm vào tóc tôi, kéo chăn cho tôi. Đúng rồi tôi đang mong chờ cái cảm giác ấy, cảm giác ngọt ngào đầy yêu thương. Tôi chìm đắm trong giây phút dịu dàng ấy, cố nhắm nghiền mắt vì sợ nếu mở mắt, cảm giác đó sẽ bay mất, xa mãi vào hư vô và trước mắt ta chỉ là một khoảng không thực tại. Sáng hôm sau tỉnh dậy, tôi cảm thấy căn nhà sao mà u buồn thế. Có cái gì đó thiếu đi. Sáng đó, tôi phải ăn bánh mỳ, không có cơm trắng như mọi ngày. Tôi đánh bạo, hỏi bố xem mẹ đã đi đâu. Bố tôi bảo mẹ bị bệnh, phải nằm viện một tuần liền. Cảm giác buồn tủi đã bao trùm lên cái khối óc bé nhỏ của tôi. Mẹ nằm viện rồi ai sẽ nấu cơm, ai giặt giũ, ai tâm sự với tôi? Tôi hối hận quá, chỉ vì nóng giận quá mà đã làm tan vỡ hạnh phúc của ngôi nhà nhỏ này. Tại tôi mà mẹ ốm. Cả tuần ấy, tôi rất buồn. Nhà cửa thiếu nụ cười của mẹ sao mà cô độc thế. Bữa nào tôi cũng phải ăn cơm ngoài, không có mẹ thì lấy ai nấu những món tôi thích. Ôi sao tôi nhớ đén thế những món rau luộc, thịt hầm của mẹ quá luôn.

Sau một tuần, mẹ về nhà, tôi là người ra đón mẹ đầu tiên. Vừa thấy tôi, mẹ đã chạy đến ôm chặt tôi. Mẹ khóc, nói: “ Mẹ xin lỗi con, mẹ không nên xem bí mật của con. Con … con tha thứ cho mẹ, nghe con.” Tôi xúc động nghẹn ngào, nước mắt tuôn ướt đẫm. Tôi chỉ muốn nói: “ Mẹ ơi lỗi tại con, tại con hư, tất cả tại con mà thôi. ” . Nhưng sao những lời ấy khó nói đến thế. Tôi đã ôm mẹ, khóc thật nhiều. Chao ôi! Sau cái tuần ấy tôi mới thấy mẹ quan trọng đến nhường nào. Hằng ngày, mẹ bù đầu với công việc mà sao mẹ như có phép thần. Sáng sớm, khi còn tối trời, mẹ đã lo cơm nước cho bố con. Rồi tối về, mẹ lại nấu bao nhiêu món ngon ơi là ngon. Những món ăn ấy nào phải cao sang gì đâu. Chỉ là bữa cơm bình dân thôi nhưng chứa chan cái niềm yêu tương vô hạn của mẹ. Bố con tôi như những chú chim non đón nhận từng giọt yêu thương ngọt ngào từ mẹ. Những bữa nào không có mẹ, bố con tôi hò nhau làm việc toáng cả lên. Mẹ còn giặt giũ, quét tước nhà cửa… việc nào cũng chăm chỉ hết. Mẹ đã cho tôi tất cả nhưng tôi chưa báo đáp được gì cho mẹ. Kể cả những lời yêu thương tôi cũng chưa nói bao giờ. Đã bao lần tôi trằn trọc, lấy hết can đảm để nói với mẹ nhưng rồi lại thôi, chỉ muốn nói rằng: Mẹ ơi, bây giờ con lớn rồi, con mới thấy yêu mẹ, cần mẹ biết bao. Con đã biết yêu thương, nghe lời mẹ. Khi con mắc lỗi, mẹ nghiêm khắc nhắc nhở, con không còn giận dỗi nữa, con chỉ cúi đầu nhận lỗi và hứa sẽ không bao giờ phạm phải nữa. Khi con vui hay buồn, con đều nói với mẹ để được mẹ vỗ về chia sẻ bằng bàn tay âu yếm, đôi mắt dịu dàng. Mẹ không chỉ là mẹ của con mà là bạn, là chị… là tất cả của con. Con lớn lên rồi mới thấy mình thật hạnh phúc khi có mẹ ở bên để uốn nắn, nhắc nhở. Có mẹ giặt giũ quần áo, lau dọn nhà cửa, nấu ăn cho gia đình.

Mẹ ơi, mẹ hy sinh cho con nhiều đến thế mà chưa bao giờ mẹ đòi con trả công. mẹ là người mẹ tuyệt vời nhất, cao cả nhất, vĩ đại nhất. Đi suốt đời này có ai bằng mẹ đâu. Có ai sẵn sàng che chở cho con bất cứ lúc nào. Ôi mẹ yêu của con! Giá như con đủ can đảm để nói lên ba tiếng: “ Con yêu mẹ! ” thôi cũng được. Nhưng con đâu dũng cảm, con chỉ điệu đà ủy mỵ chứ đâu được nghiêm khắc như mẹ. Con viết những lời này, dòng này mong mẹ hiểu lòng con hơn. Mẹ đừng nghĩ có khi con chống đối lại mẹ là vì con không thích mẹ. Con mãi yêu mẹ, vui khi có mẹ, buồn khi mẹ gặp điều không may. mẹ là cả cuộc đời của con nên con chỉ mong mẹ mãi mãi sống để yêu con, chăm sóc con, an ủi con, bảo ban con và để con được quan tâm đến mẹ, yêu thương mẹ trọn đời. Tình mẫu tử là tình cảm thiêng liêng nhất trên đời này. Tình cảm ấy đã nuôi dưỡng bao con người trưởng thành, dạy dỗ bao con người khôn lớn. Chính mẹ là nguời đã mang đến cho con thứ tình cảm ấy. Vì vậy, con luôn yêu thương mẹ, mong được lớn nhanh để phụng dưỡng mẹ. Và con muốn nói với mẹ rằng: “ Con dù lớn vẫn là con mẹ. Đi suốt đời lòng mẹ vẫn theo con. ”

bn tham khảo ^^

My mother is a teacher, and her name is Thanh. She is 40 years old. She is tall and slim, and she has bright skin with long black hair. She is a very nice and friendly person. Her students always give her compliments, and they love to study with her. Every day, she wakes up at 6 o’clock to cook breakfast for me, and then she goes to school. She teaches Math at a secondary school, and she is a very good teacher. She comes back home at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and I help her to make dinner. Her hobbies are reading books, listening to music, and doing shopping. At the weekend, she usually goes to the mall to buy something she s, and I really enjoy going with her. She is a good mother who always takes care of the family, and I love her so much.


Mẹ tôi là một giáo viên, và tên của bà ấy là Thanh. Hiện nay mẹ tôi 40 tuổi. Mẹ tôi cao và mảnh dẻ, và bà có nước da sáng màu cùng với mái tóc đen dài. Bà ấy là một người tốt bụng và thân thiện. Học sinh của bà luôn khen bà, và họ rất thích được học với bà. Mỗi ngày, mẹ thức dậy lúc sáu giờ sáng để nấu bữa sáng cho tôi, sau đó mẹ đi đến trường. Mẹ tôi dạy Toán ở một trường cấp hai, và mẹ là một giáo viên rất giỏi. Bà ấy trở về nhà lúc 5 giờ chiều, và tôi giúp mẹ nấu bữa tối. Sở thích của mẹ tôi là đọc sách, nghe nhạc và đi mua sắm. Vào mỗi cuối tuần, bà ấy thường đến trung tâm thương mại để mua sắm những thứ bà ấy thích, và tôi rất thích đi cùng với bà ấy. Mẹ tôi là một người mẹ tốt luôn chăm sóc cho gia đình, và tôi yêu bà ấy rất nhiều.

4 tháng 5 2021

        In my family, my mother is the person I love the most. My mother is over 30 years old this year. My mother is now chubby but still very beautiful. Because mom is tall, she doesn't look too fat. My mother has white skin. Mother protects the skin very carefully. If the skin is exposed to the sun's rays, it will cause skin cancer. Her mother has long, glossy black hair. Her hair is curled a little at the ends. Mother's hair is always voluminous and fragrant. Her mother's teeth were white. I like to see mom smile the most. When she smiles, her eyes are smiling. Any sadness or joy in life and learning I can share with my mother. My mother is a very gentle woman. When I got bad grades, my mother only gently told me to focus on studying. It is her mother's tenderness that makes me feel mentally comfortable, not under pressure, so she always makes more effort to make her happy. I know she will be happy when I get good grades. My mother is very psychological. Every afternoon when picking me up and my younger brother comes home from school, my mother also asks us if there's anything fun today. Mom cooks very well so every dish is delicious. Although she is busy with work at work and at home, she never complains of fatigue. On the contrary, there is always a smile on her lips. Mom said that just seeing your family smiling and happy would make you happy. I love my mother so much, I wish I could become a good mother like my mother in the future

4 tháng 5 2021

hello! my name is ....Today, I'll introduce the one who i love most.

The person I love the most is my mother. Althrough my mother only do gardening and housework, she is very busy. She is the most kind-hearted. She has dark skin,a round face,long black hair, chubby cheeks and tall. She love animals very much and she very humor,too.

i love my mother very much, i'll study hard and get good mark make she fun.

Do em học lớp 6 nên có khi sai ngữ pháp nên chú ý nha


12 tháng 12 2017

I love the mother in my heart, mother always gentle and the best image. "Mom" a simple voice that contains the infinite love as the lyrics: "Mother's immense as the ocean of peaceful motherhood as earnest sweet stream"

This year my mother is 42 years old. My mother is the best. Beautiful mother a fairy in fairy tales. Her long, curly hair fluttered over her back. Mother's hands are not beautiful, it has been bottled as a record of the hard work of mother for so many years she has raised me to grow up. Mother shampoo with bồ kết so your hair is smooth and smooth. My mother has a beautiful face a full moon. Whenever I laugh at my mother's white teeth it looks beautiful!
She was just gentle and responsible. Back to work, mother just in the kitchen cooking for the whole family. My mother taught me to study, clean the house and go to sleep.The night was cold, in the middle of the night my mother woke up the blanket for me ... In my heart, mother is everything, mother is the best fairy in my life. One time I was sick with my mother carrying me to a district hospital. My mother is teaching to take care of her because my father is busy working, washing clothes, bathing her mother to do ca. At home I feel good, so mother to teach one session, noon about her mother care for her, mother's hand slightly gently cautious care. At that time her eyes filled with mercy, but her mouth is still smiling to tell this story to you to let me quickly all disease.When I was sick, my mother stayed with me for the rest of the night, devoted to her worries, arranging everything in the house. Mom also did not forget to cook delicious meals. Mother advised him enough things, the voice is always softly affectionate. Late night mother sitting compose lesson plans, to prepare for tomorrow, watching her mother much love her mother. One day, I saw my mother stretched out on the chair thinking, far away. At that time, I hurried to my mother. Mother hugged me in my arms, arms around me.
Motherhood is immensely vast than the long river. I remembered the verse:
"Who is your mother's job? In fact, your mother is bigger."
See how proud she is and how happy she is because I have a mother. Mom, I'm not good. I promise you to study well for your mother

12 tháng 12 2017

"Tonight I sleep the round 
She is the wind of human life. " 
In this life, someone did not grow up in mother's arms, was heard Matthew bid ru sweet deal, a pharmacist who would not dream of sinking into the wind, her hand fan every sultry summer afternoon. And in this life, one love by his mother, one for life because I her, someone ready to share with her as her sweet fleshy. 
For me too, she is most interested in me and who I loved and the most indebted in the world. I used to think my mother was not beautiful. Not because there is a beautiful white skin, round face recovery or sparkling eyes ... but her face just skinny, tanned, high forehead, the wrinkles of the age of 40, of how anxiety in life in the upper corner of her eye. But my father told her more beautiful than other women in the intellectual beauty. Yes, my mother was smart, agile, very resourceful. On the position of a leader, who thinks his mother is cold, harsh. there are times when I thought so. but when his mother sat, her hands caressing my hair, everyone thought it all disappear. I have the sensation lightheadedness, anxiety hard to describe, feeling I have never received so much love. It looks a strong dotted line passed through her hands deep my heart, eye, lips tenderly, the sweet smile, ... through all of the parents. just love it when people close to her long before you feel all right. From small to large, I received the infinite love of the mother as a gift, a natural thing. 
In the eyes of a child, she was born to care for children. I never ask the question: Why do parents accept unconditional sacrifice for me? . Good mother, very good to me but sometimes I think parents are so worthy, so ... evil. How many times, she yelled at me, I cried. Cry for depression depression, where rather than weep bitterly regret. Then for a time ... I came home from school, my mother read her diary stolen. I was immediately very, immediately pulling the diary from her hand and shouted: "Why the mother too much! This is the secret of the child, the mother can not work on. Mother very ill, I do not need her anymore! "Just thought I would eat a slap hurt. But not just silence the mother, pale cheeks, healthier eyes brimming. There is something that I did not dare look into her eyes.

5 tháng 5 2022

tham khảo-In my family's small garden, I grow a lot of fruit trees. Among those trees, my favorite is the pomelo tree. My pomelo tree is more than 5 years old this year, it has become a big tree, spreading shade, occupying a whole corner of the yard. Dien pomelo is a famous delicious pomelo, so it is loved by many people. Everyone in my family loves pomelo tree, my father likes to hang a hammock under its green, luxuriant foliage. My mother likes to look and smell the gentle scent of pure white grapefruit flowers. I like the big round, yellow pomelos like the color of the melon flower. My pomelo tree every year is full of branches, big pomelos, smooth shiny skin, very fragrant and sweet taste with lots of water. I really love my family's pomelo tree and will try to take good care of it so that I can eat pomelo every year.

5 tháng 5 2022

My grandmother's house is at the beginning of Ha village, next to the lotus pond is more than three acres. In March, the lake surface is covered with a blue color of lotus leaves. There are leaves floating on the water, there are leaves that rise like a green parasol. Lotus stalks are long, straight and spiny. Every April, lotus starts to bloom. Pink lotus flowers, white lotus blooms like a bowl, yellow stamens and fragrant scent. Petals are fragile and tender as the beautiful fairy's shirt. Walking slowly through the lotus pond, I felt a pure scent, close to my homeland. The small school bag on the shoulder also carried a lot of lotus flavor to class.ok

7 tháng 5 2022

tham khảo-The road from my house to school is more than one kilometer. Along the two sides of the road are rows of straight eucalyptus trees, green leaves like silk flying in the wind. From spring to summer, eucalyptus flowers bloom in small clusters of lemon yellow, giving off a gentle fragrance. Crowds of hummingbirds and wolf bees come to suck nectar from flowers, fluttering vaguely.

tham khảo
 l live in the countryside, and I usually walk to school. The scenery on the way to my school is very beautiful, and I love to enjoy the nature. The path is a little bit narrow, so I have to step aside whenever there is anybody that goes on the opposite direction. Right next to the path is a large rice field, and I can see a lot of people working on them. On the right of the path is a range of trees. There are bamboos, coconut, and other fruits trees. People put some fences to protect the trees at some parts, but mostly there is space for walkers to stand. This path also leads to the market, so it is quite busy and crowded in the morning. I have to cross two bridges, and traffic jams always happen at those two bridges. It is quite a long walk to get to school, but I love walking among nature and other lovely people in my village.

Tôi sống ở vùng nông thôn, và tôi thường đi bộ đến trường. Phong cảnh trên đường đến trường tôi rất đẹp, và tôi thích tận hưởng thiên nhiên. Con đường có một chút hẹp, vì vậy tôi phải bước sang một bên bất cứ khi nào có ai đi ngược chiều lại. Ngay bên cạnh con đường là một cánh đồng lúa lớn, và tôi có thể thấy rất nhiều người đang làm đồng. Ở bên phải của con đường là một loạt các loại cây. Có tre, dừa, và một số cây ăn quả khác. Mọi người dựng hàng rào ở một số nơi để bảo vệ cây, nhưng phần lớn đều chừa không gian để người đi bộ đứng. Con đường này cũng dẫn đến chợ, do đó nó là khá nhộn nhịp và đông đúc vào buổi sáng. Tôi phải băng qua hai cây cầu, và nơi đó luôn là nơi bị kẹt xe. Tôi phải đi một khoảng đường khá dài để đến trường, nhưng tôi thích đi bộ giữa thiên nhiên và những người dân dễ mến trong làng của tôi.

26 tháng 5 2021

My mother is the one who I love most in my life. For what she’s done, she deserved with the whole world. My mother is a 43-year-old household wife. She’s tall, slim and especially she has a beautiful long black hair. She always smile thus everyone consider her a friendly person. My mom loves every members of the family with all her heart. She agreed to be a household woman instead of working out. My mother takes care of the household chorces. She wakes up earliest in the morning and goes to bed latest in the night. And during the day, she’s very busy. I remember once when my mother got sick so nobody did the house work and everything went to crazy. From then, my father and I join hand to help mother whenever we have free time. She’s really happy about that. When I was a kid, mom taught me to play piano at each weekend. I still remember the songs which includes many childhood’s experiences. Not only taught me to play piano, she also taught me to be a better human. I love the moral stories that she told me before I fell asleep every night. We’re really appreaciate mother’s effort, patient and her hard work to conserve the family’s happiness. My mother is an indispensable part of my life. When I grow up, I want to be a woman like her.


26 tháng 5 2021

In this world, perhaps only mother is the one who loves us unconditionally. Mother is the greatest gift that God has given to each person. In my heart, my mother always holds an irreplaceable place, someone I respect and be grateful for all my life. My mother is young, only thirty-five years old. Mom's eyes are bright and happy. Sometimes, in order for my mother to have time to walk the streets and rest, my father suggested that the whole family eat at the restaurant one day. Mom happily agreed and often chose strange dishes to learn how to cook. My mother loves to cook. I am very proud of my mother's cooking skills. Every day, listening to my mother's advice, when I grow up, I will try to cook as good as my mother. Although later, when I grow up, one day, I will have to leave my mother's protective embrace, but I know that: My mother was always the strongest support when I fell or was weak, giving me all the love and greatest sacrifice: “No matter how old I am, I am still my mother's child. Going through life, my mother's heart still follows me"

11 tháng 12 2016

Rain is my closefriend. He is the same age as me. He lives with his family at 19 Thai Ha, Dong Da, Ha Noi. I often go to his house to work in group. I think his house is very large. There is a big yard in front of, a a big garden behind the house. His room is very beautiful and comfortable. Do you go to the diningroom? I think you will be amazing about it. It's magnificent. The fan is made by gemstone and almost everything in it are made by gold. If you come to his house, you don't go to the livingroom is a mistake. It's is bigger than I think. There are two TV, not one. This livingroom has an air conditioner, news,.... I think his house is a great house I have never seen before.

11 tháng 12 2016

Tên mình tự nghĩ ra nên có gì sửa lại nhé!

13 tháng 5 2022

Tham khảo

My future house is in the sky. That’s a pretty pink house which consists of 6 rooms in totally: a living room, a kitchen, a toilet, a bathroom and two bedrooms. There are a white leather sofa, a television and a sideboard in the living room. After dinner, my father will turn on the television, choose a great movie and we watch it happily. Next to the living room is the kitchen where is used for cooking and enjoying the meals.

In the middle of the room is a dinner table which is made from wood. Three cookers, a refrigerator and all the necessary stuff for cooking is arranged carefully in the right corner of the room. In the left of the kitchen is a clean toilet. Beside the toilet is the bathroom which is equipped a shower and a bathtub. There are only two rooms upstairs that is my parents’ room and my private room. I’ve decorated my bedroom with adorable wallpaper and many lovely stuffed animals.

A single bed is placed next to the window so that I can see the sky in the might night before falling asleep. In the opposite of the bed are my desk and my bookshelf that contain many kinds of book. There are also a piano in my bedroom. I especially love the piano because that was the gift from dad in my birthday.

In every Christmas or Tet holiday, all member of my family ornament the house together and then gather in the kitchen to cooking. Although my house is not too big but to me that is the most beautiful house in the world.

13 tháng 5 2022


My dream house is not necessarily a large house, as long as it fits my style and character. It is located on the outskirts of town. It will be a two- storey house facing west-south side. Moreover, my house can not be lack of a large garden surrounded by thousands of different colors of flowers and fruits. I like it the most when having a breakfast or enjoying night views in my own garden. Simplicity is beauty, this explains why I would prefer an airy space rather than a well-equipped house. However, the house should have basic necessities in the kitchen and bathroom to serve all my demands in daily life. In addition, I will use bright color tones for the whole house, especially my bedroom to make it more spacious. My bedroom will be more perfect and ideal if it has a balcony where i could smell the fragrance from the garden as well as enjoy the sound of the birds in the morning. Besides, I also have an intention of having a small garage and storage. In conclusion, I wish I could make my dream become true.

14 tháng 6 2021

tham khảo nhá!!!!

Thật vui biết bao khi mùa hè đến phải không các bạn ? Khi mùa xuân rảo bước ra đi, mùa hè đầy nắng gió lại tớ.Trên bầu trời cao trong xanh không một gợn mây, những tia nắng tinh nghịch nô đùa một cách vui vẻ. Những chú chim từ đâu bay ra thích chí cùng hồn nhiên bay lượn với làn may biếc. Chị gió cùng hòa mình với mặt trời le lói len lỏi vào những khe lá tạo nên mầu ngọc bích tươi trẻ. Những chú ve sầu thi nhau ca lên những khúc nhạc lí thú. Người và xe nườm nượp đổ về nhà trong thời tiết khắc nhiệt. Mùa hè đến cho tụi học sinh chúng tôi một kì nghỉ lí thú nhưng làm sao có thể quên được những hàng phượng vĩ nở hoa đỏ rục như vẫy gọi mặt trời cơ chú. Những màu sắc mùa hè thật là cháy bỏng

14 tháng 6 2021

tham khảo!!!!

In Vietnam, there are four seasons, each has its own distinctive features. The one that children love most is summer when they do not have to go to school and have chances to go on holiday with their families and friends. Summer begins in May and ends in August. It is the hottest season of the year when temperature reaches at its highest point as the earth is tilted towards the sun. In this season, days become longer and night gets shorter. Moreover, summer allows most of the plants to breed and reproduce. The sunlight and heavy rain allow them to receive enough chemical energy and nutrition. It is the season of fruits such as watermelon, oranges and mangoes. During summertime, people tend to wear thin cotton clothes to feel comfortable when the weather are too hot. They also have opportunities to complete what they can not do when they are at work. All schools and some workplaces will close at those days so it is perfect time to relax and join outdoor activities such as camping, swimming or fishing. Families often tend to go to the beach or to the countryside to escape from the hot and dry atmosphere in the city. Summer evenings are born for parties, movies and concerts. In brief, summer is the most loved season of the year because it brings people joyfulness and allows them to spend more time together after working so hard the entire year.

Tiếng anh đây ạ!!!!