
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Part 4: For questionr 81-85, choose the most appropriate heading from the lisl (A- G) for each part of the paragraphs (81-85) of the article, There are two ertra headings which you do not need lo use. Write the correct letter (A-G) in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. Theftrst one (0) has been done as an example. LIST OF HEADINGS A. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES B. A CALMING INFLUENCE C. DIFFERENT FROM THE REST D. FIELPING THE SLOWER STUDENTS E. CREATING THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENT F. A...
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Part 4: For questionr 81-85, choose the most appropriate heading
the lisl (A- G)
each part of the paragraphs (81-85) of the article, There are two ertra headings which
you do not need lo use. Write the correct letter (A-G) in the corresponding numbered
boxes provided. Theftrst one (0) has been done as an example.
From the outside the Maharishi School in Lancashire looks extremely normal. Walk inside
and you find rows of desks and children in uniform,
just as you would do in many other
schools. After a short while, however, you become aware of the wonderfully calm
atmosphere and the extraordinary lack of noise in the building. Talk to the teachers and you
learn that the school has no major discipline problems, there is no bullying and children are
rarely absent. So what is the secret?
Transcendental meditation and breathing exercises are an important part of the timetable at
the Matrarishi School. Pupils are taught how to relax mentally by closing their eyes and
silently repeating over and over again a'mantra', or Word of Wisdom, at certain times of the
day. Meditation is seen by some as an effective way of relieving stress, which teenagers
experience in the form of exam nerves, bullying and family break-ups. Its supporters also
say that it helps to overcome hyperactivity, anxiety and aggression.
Your answerc:
71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
Page 7 of 10
The school was started in 1986 by a group of parents who were dissatisfied with the state
education system. The number of pupils at the school has increased since then from 14 to
100, with ages ranging from four to 16. Academic achievements are impressive and for the
past five years pupils at the school have obtained the highest average GCSE exam marks for
the whole of Lancashire. It's not surprising then, that more and more parents are sending
their children to be taught there.
Many people in the local community, however, are sti[[ unaware of the school's existence.
Others view the school with suspicion and associate it with mystic cults or the hrppy
movement of the sixties. 'Local
people don't really understand what goes on here,' explains
one teacher. 'They
see us as a little strange and prefer to keep their distance.'
If there is a child who is creating a problem, the school has a very thorough method of
dealing with it. A four-page form has to be filled out by the teacher, but the first three pages
of the form contain nothing but the child's good points. In this way the problem does not
become the main focus of attention; parents and teachers are encouraged to consider the
child's successes and achievements before they look at the last page.
But what do the children who study there think of the school's approach?'Meditation really
helps me with my work, says 15-year-old Ruth. 'It makes me relared and I don't get nervous
during exams. It's a shame it's such a small school, though. I can't sfudy music because there
aren't enough pupils, and when we read plays by Shakespeare we all have to read three or
four parts each. But I love it here, and I know I'll miss the peace and quiet when I have to

THE GENERATION GAP people talk about the generation as a kind of division between young people and their parents. It is something which is (GENERAL) ....................a problem when children enter their teenage years, and results in (COMPLAIN)....................on both sides. Parents, for example, can often be heard to say that young people are disrespectful and disobedient, and in (ADD) .............., young people tend to be (RESPONSIBLE)................when spending because they don't...
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people talk about the generation as a kind of division between young people and their parents. It is something which is (GENERAL) ....................a problem when children enter their teenage years, and results in (COMPLAIN)....................on both sides. Parents, for example, can often be heard to say that young people are disrespectful and disobedient, and in (ADD) .............., young people tend to be (RESPONSIBLE)................when spending because they don't appreciate the value of money. Adolsescents, on the other hand, complain that their parents don't understand them.

What has gone wrong? One (EXPLAIN)............lies in how society has changed in the past , children would (TYPICAL)...............continue the way of life of their parents. In today's world, parents are very (AMBITION) ....................for their children because they want them to achieve more than they did. The problem is that children often (AGREE)..............with their parent's plans. (TEENAGE)............also reach maturity at an (EARLY)..............age than they used to and want their independence sooner. The resulting conflict is painful to both sides.

2 tháng 3 2018


people talk about the generation as a kind of division between young people and their parents. It is something which is (GENERAL) generally a problem when children enter their teenage years, and results in (COMPLAIN) complaints on both sides. Parents, for example, can often be heard to say that young people are disrespectful and disobedient, and in (ADD) addition, young people tend to be (RESPONSIBLE) irresponsible when spending because they don't appreciate the value of money. Adolsescents, on the other hand, complain that their parents don't understand them.

What has gone wrong? One (EXPLAIN) explanation lies in how society has changed in the past , children would (TYPICAL) typically continue the way of life of their parents. In today's world, parents are very (AMBITION) ambitious for their children because they want them to achieve more than they did. The problem is that children often (AGREE) disagree with their parent's plans. (TEENAGE) Teenagers also reach maturity at an (EARLY) earlier age than they used to and want their independence sooner. The resulting conflict is painful to both sides.

What is good writing for children? The children’s publishers will tell you they look for ‘good writing’. What exactly do they mean? Before you send a story you have written to any publisher at all, your severest critic ought to be you vourself. To have a chance of succeeding in the competitive market of children’s fiction, you should constantly be aware, every single time you sit down at your word-processor, of the need to produce ‘good, original writing’. A difficult task,...
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What is good writing for children?
The children’s publishers will tell you they look for ‘good writing’. What exactly do they mean?

Before you send a story you have written to any publisher at all, your severest critic ought to be you vourself. To have a chance of succeeding in the competitive market of children’s fiction, you should constantly be aware, every single time you sit down at your word-processor, of the need to produce ‘good, original writing’. A difficult task, maybe, but one which hopefully we will help you to achieve.

To begin with, let us try to pin down exactly what publishers mean when they talk about ‘good writing’ for children. A useful starting point would be to take a look at some of the children’s books which won literary prizes last year. Reading these books is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways of: (a) finding out what individual publishers are publishing at the moment, and (b) learning a few tricks of the trade from well-established professionals. It goes without saying, of course, that slavishly copying the style and subject matter of a successful author is usually a recipe for disaster. Nor should you become downhearted after reading a particularly brilliant piece of work, and miserably think you will never be able to match up to those standards. Remember, overnight success is rare - most successful children’s authors will have struggled long and hard to learn their trade. Read these books as a critic; note down the things you enjoyed or admired, as well as areas where you feel there was possibly room for improvement. After all, nobody is perfect, not even a successful, prize-winning author.

Possibly the toughest challenge is right at the youngest end of the age range - the picture book. The would-be author/ illustrator is attempting to create an exciting story out of the narrow, limited, everyday world of a young child’s experience - not easy at all. The whole storyline has to be strong enough to keep the reader turning the pages, yet simple enough to fit into a few pages. Another problem for the new picture-book author is that it can seem that every subject and every approach has been done to death, with nothing new left to say. Add to this the fact that printing costs are high because of full colour illustrations, which means that the publisher will probably want a text that suits the international market to increase sales, and a novel for ten-year olds, with hardly any pictures at all, starts to look much more inviting.

You would be forgiven for wondering if there are any truly original plots left to impress publishers with. But remember that, in many ways, it is the writer’s own personal style, and intelligent handling of a subject that can change a familiar, overworked plot into something original and fresh. To illustrate this, read The Enchanted Horse by Magdalen Nabb. A young girl called Irina finds an old wooden horse in a junk shop, takes it home and treats it as if it was real. Soon it magically starts to come to life ... Sounds familiar? The magic object that comes alive is a storyline that has been used in hundreds of other children’s stories. So why does it succeed here? The answer is that Magdalen Nabb has created a strong, believable character in the lonely, unhappy heroine Irina, and the descriptions of her relationship with the wooden horse are poetic and touching.

So, to return to the question asked at the beginning: What exactly is ‘good writing’ for children? The answer is that it is writing which is fresh, exciting and unpredictable, and which gives a new and original angle on what might be a well- worn subject. But do not be put off if you feel that you simply cannot match up to all these requirements. While there is obviously no substitute for talent, and the ability to come up with suitable ideas, many of the techniques for improving and polishing your manuscript can be learned.

8. Why does the article advise people to look at prize-winning books?

A. to copy the author’s style

B. to realise what a high standard needs to be reached

C. to get an idea of what might be successful

D. to find out how to trick publishers

9. What do most successful children’s authors have in common?

A. They did not get depressed by early failures.

B. They have learned how to be critical of other authors’ work.

C. They find it easy to think of storylines that will sell.

D. They have worked hard to become well-known.

10. Why is the picture book the most difficult to write?

A. There is a limited range of subjects available.

B. Young children cannot follow storylines easily.

C. The pictures need to be exciting.

D. Children want to be able to read it quickly.

11.What looks ‘more inviting’ in line 54?

A.the international market

B. the increased sales

C. the novel for ten-year-olds

D. the type of pictures

12. The book about Irina is successful

A. because of the unusual way magic is used.

B. because of the way the character is described.

C. because the story has not been told before.

D. because the pictures bring the story to life.

13. What does ‘it’ refer to in line 68?

A. the storyline

B. the magic object

C. the horse

D. the children’s story

14. What conclusion does the writer of the text come to?

A. Anyone can learn to write a good story.

B. The subject matter is the most important consideration.

C. If you have natural ability, you can learn the rest.

D. Some published fiction is badly written.

15. Why was this text written?

A. to explain what kind of books children like to read

B. to give advice to people who want to write children’s fiction

C. to discourage new authors from being too optimistic

D. to persuade new authors to get away from old ideas

13 tháng 10 2020

Nowadays, parents are determined to get their children into the highest performing school in their area. Many of these schools are seeing scores of children competing for each place and setting ever more rigorous tests and .......... to select their preferred students. these students may be as young as 9 or 10 when they start this process. In London, the pressure on children to succeed and win a place at the "right" school has almost become out of control with experts predicting that this situation will only continue to worsen as the ............ for school places grow. Employing a(n) tutor or your child, which only a few years ago would have been seen as an unusual step, is now common for many parents

15 tháng 10 2020

làm hết đi bạn

11 tháng 5 2020

1 người dùng gg dịch

10 tháng 5 2020
Một nghiên cứu vào truyền hình của trẻ em xem tiết lộ thói quen trẻ mà cha mẹ có một mức độ giáo dục cao có xu hướng để xem TV ít hơn so với trẻ em từ ít hơn giáo dục gia đình nguồn gốc. Báo cáo cũng cho thấy rằng một tỷ lệ cao của truyền hình xem trẻ mong trong nghèo hơn các khu vực ngoại thành và các tỉnh, so với những người sống ở trung tâm đô thị lớn, thường do nghèo đói và thiếu các loại hình vui chơi giải trí trong khu vực. Disco, rạp chiếu phim, nhà hát và thể thao hoạt động cung cấp cho trẻ em ở trung tâm đô thị nhiều trò giải trí, dẫn đến nay ít giờ được chi tiêu ở phía trước của hộp. Quảng cáo thương mại, phim hài và phiêu lưu phim là trẻ em yêu thích chương trình, trong khi hai mươi phần trăm của trẻ em nói rằng họ ưa thích phim bạo lực và phim kinh dị. P/S : Good Luck
~Best Best~

The use of computer and the internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work. For example, a journalist who lives in a remote part of the world still gets in his articles on time for the next day’s newspapers. The internet allows businesses to communicate with customers and workers in any parts of the world for the cost of a local telephone call . This means it’s inexpensive to communicate . Email allows users to send documents, pictures and other data from one part of the...
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The use of computer and the internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work. For example, a journalist who lives in a remote part of the world still gets in his articles on time for the next day’s newspapers. The internet allows businesses to communicate with customers and workers in any parts of the world for the cost of a local telephone call . This means it’s inexpensive to communicate . Email allows users to send documents, pictures and other data from one part of the world to another in at least 5 minutes. The internet is providing a lot of new business opportunities. Some businesses are advertising their products on the internet. People can use the internet to do shopping. This saves a lot of time. It is possible to use the internet for education- students may connect with their teachers from home to send or receive e. mail or talk their problems through ‘ on – line’ rather than attend a class. 1 the internet is ................................ to communicate with people around the world a a cheap way b an expensive way c an inconvenient way d a difficult way 2 through the internet , businesses can............................................. a buy goods from each other b advertise and sell their products c send their products to customer d all are correct 3 it takes ............................ to do the shopping to the internet a a lot of time b a little time c less time d more time 4 which of the fowllowing is true ? a thanks to the internet , people do not need to go to work b e-mail can be used to advertise new products c the internet can be used for education d students nowdays spend more time going on line than attending school

23 tháng 5 2017

1 the internet is ................................ to communicate with people around the world a

a cheap way b an expensive way c an inconvenient way d a difficult way

2 through the internet , businesses can.............................................

a buy goods from each other

b advertise and sell their products

c send their products to customer

d all are correct

3 it takes ............................ to do the shopping to the internet

a a lot of time b a little time c less time d more time

4 which of the fowllowing is true ?

a thanks to the internet , people do not need to go to work

b e-mail can be used to advertise new products

c the internet can be used for education

d students nowdays spend more time going on line than attending school

Read the following passage. Choose and circle the correct answer A, B, C or D. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) research, the emission from car exhausts causes more deaths than road accidents. The research found that one third of all harmful air pollution was caused by road transport, and that long term exposure to pollution caused estimated 21,000 premature deaths a year across the three countries, France, Austria and Switzerland. This is much higher than the 9,947 who died...
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Read the following passage. Choose and circle the correct answer A, B, C or D. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) research, the emission from car exhausts causes more deaths than road accidents. The research found that one third of all harmful air pollution was caused by road transport, and that long term exposure to pollution caused estimated 21,000 premature deaths a year across the three countries, France, Austria and Switzerland. This is much higher than the 9,947 who died that year as a result of road accidents. In addition, the researchers calculated that the car fumes caused 300,000 extra cases of bronchitis in children, and 15,000 extra hospital admissions for heart disease made worse by the pollution. They calculated that the cost of dealing with all this was 27 billion Euros per year. A lot of money goes into making cars safer, but not as much is spent solving air pollution. 1. What is the main idea of the text? A. Pollution and road accidents B. Bad effects of car exhausts C. the necessity of making cars safer D. The toll of road accident 2.According to the passage,.......................................................... A. air pollution causes more deaths than road accidents. B. road accidents cause more deaths than car fumes. C. long term exposure to pollution is harmless. D. car fumes cause one third of premature deaths. 3. Which of the following is not true? A. Car exhausts cause bronchitis and heart disease. B. Car fumes cause one third of all harmful air pollution. C. Each year road accidents cause 9,947 deaths. D. More people died as a result of air pollution than road accidents. 4.The money spent solving air pollution is ......................................................... A. 27 billion Euros per year B. not able to calculate C. more than making cars safer D. less than to make car safer 5. Which of the following is not mentioned as the bad effect of air pollution? A. Causing illness in children B. Causing premature deaths C. Causing road accidents D. Causing heart diseases
1. Fill each of the blanks in the passage with one suitable word With the coming of the motor car at the end of the last century a new era in personal transport was born. The early motorist certainly (1) his problems- ………perhaps the biggest one being (2) his vehicle would start or not. This ………problem has almost (3) today but others have (4) its place. More ……… ………traffic and faster vehicles mean that, (5) safe and reliable a car may be, its ………driver has to have (6) more driving skill than...
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1. Fill each of the blanks in the passage with one suitable word
With the coming of the motor car at the end of the last century a new era in personal transport was born. The early motorist certainly (1) his problems- ………perhaps the biggest one being (2) his vehicle would start or not. This ………problem has almost (3) today but others have (4) its place. More ……… ………traffic and faster vehicles mean that, (5) safe and reliable a car may be, its ………driver has to have (6) more driving skill than ever before.………Today's drivers cannot neglect their own direct and personal (7) for ………the accidents that happen on the road every year. A good driver has many things (8) his make- up. Some of (9) , such as experience and skill, will come ……… ………only in (10) , but others - just as important - must (11) part of him ……… ………from the start. These qualities are a (12) of responsibility for the safety of ………others, a determination to (13) on the job of driving, patience and courtesy. ………Together, these become what is generally known (14) the drivers' attitude.………(15) everyone is patient (16) nature or gifted with good (17) ……… ………of concentration. But because attitude is (18) important a part of safe ……… ………driving, every driver must (19) a real effort to develop these qualities - and ………this effort must start from the (20) beginning of the first driving lesson.

5 tháng 10 2020

With the coming of the motor car at the end of the last century a new era in personal transport was born. The early motorist certainly had his problems- the biggest one being whether his vehicle would start or not. This problem has almost disappeared today but others have taken its place. More traffic and faster vehicles mean that, however safe and reliable a car may be, its driver has to have more greater driving skill than ever before. Today's drivers cannot neglect their own direct and personal responsibility for the accidents that happen on the road every year. A good driver has many things in his make- up. Some of them , such as experience and skill, will come only in time , but others - just as important - must be part of him from the start. These qualities are a sense of responsibility for the safety of others, a determination to focus on the job of driving, patience and courtesy. Together, these become what is generally known as the drivers' attitude. Everyone is patient (16) nature or gifted with good (17) of concentration. But because attitude is important a part of safe driving, Therefore every driver must make a real effort to develop these qualities and this effort must start from the very beginning of the first driving lesson.

1. We must use electricity .................................. ( economy ) 2. ....................... energy is the best alternative source of energy ( sun ) 3. Some volunteer .............................. are cleaning up the beach ( conserve ). 4. .................. is better than cure ( prevent ) 5. A good body and love from our parents are the most ......................... thing I have ( price). 6. These toys made in the USA is ............... to children ( harm ) 7. Food is a...
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1. We must use electricity .................................. ( economy ) 2. ....................... energy is the best alternative source of energy ( sun ) 3. Some volunteer .............................. are cleaning up the beach ( conserve ). 4. .................. is better than cure ( prevent ) 5. A good body and love from our parents are the most ......................... thing I have ( price). 6. These toys made in the USA is ............... to children ( harm ) 7. Food is a ............... of our life ( need ). 8. No doubt there will be a great .......................... of food for the world's population ( short ). 9. I am .................... disappointed to know my children have not cleaned up all the trash ( extreme ). 10. Neighbors ............................. to the police about the noise from that house last night ( complaint ) 11. White ao dai symbolizes the .................... of the girl students ( pure ) 12. Smoking does harm ............................... to people's health ( repair ). 13. Speaking in pubic seems to come quite ............................ to her ( nature ). 14. We are looking forward to the latest .......................... in computer technology ( innovate ). 15. ...................................., you will have to make the decision yourself ( ultimate ). 16. The lava in the volcano ........................... as it cools ( solid ). 17. Paper and most plastics are ............................. materials ( recycle ). 18. What should you do at school to ................................. pollution ! ( minimum )

21 tháng 5 2019

1. We must use electricity .............economically..................... ( economy ) 2. ......Solar............... energy is the best alternative source of energy ( sun ) 3. Some volunteer ....conservationists.......................... are cleaning up the beach ( conserve ). 4. .......Prevention........... is better than cure ( prevent ) 5. A good body and love from our parents are the most .......priceless.................. thing I have ( price). 6. These toys made in the USA is .....harmful.......... to children ( harm ) 7. Food is a .........needy...... of our life ( need ). 8. No doubt there will be a great ............shortage.............. of food for the world's population ( short ). 9. I am .............extremely....... disappointed to know my children have not cleaned up all the trash ( extreme ). 10. Neighbors ...............complained.............. to the police about the noise from that house last night ( complaint ) 11. White ao dai symbolizes the ...............purity..... of the girl students ( pure ) 12. Smoking does harm ...................Đề sai :)............ to people's health ( repair ). 13. Speaking in pubic seems to come quite ..........natural.................. to her ( nature ). 14. We are looking forward to the latest ............innovation.............. in computer technology ( innovate ). 15. ............Ultimately........................, you will have to make the decision yourself ( ultimate ). 16. The lava in the volcano ...........solidifies................ as it cools ( solid ). 17. Paper and most plastics are ..............recycled............... materials ( recycle ). 18. What should you do at school to ..............minimize................... pollution ! ( minimum )

21 tháng 5 2019

1. Economically

2. Solar

3. Conservationists

4. Prevention

5. Priceless

6. Harmful

7. Needy

8. Shortage

9. Extremely

10. Complained

11. Purity

13. Natural

14. Innovation

15. Ultimately

16. Solidifies

17. Recycled

18. Recycled

19. Minimize