
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

33 phút trước

"Hello from Đà Nẵng!

Embrace the tranquil beauty of My Khe Beach, where soft sands meet azure waters. Dive into local culture at the Marble Mountains, marveling at ancient caves and pagodas. Don't miss the vibrant Han Market for souvenirs and flavors of Vietnam. Explore, relax, and savor every moment in this coastal gem.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]"

31 phút trước

Dear tên bạn của bạn,

I am in Da Nang and I want to give advice about your vacation. I think it is an interesting place for you to visit in this holiday.

Da Nang is a city directly under the central government, in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam, is the central and largest city in the Central - Central Highlands region. I had eaten a lot of seafoods here. They're cheap and delicious. You can go there by plane. There are a lot of lovely beaches, natural tourist attractions. You can go sightseeing, go swimming and take photos

2 giờ trước (8:43)

I would like a bar of chocolate.

2 giờ trước (7:54)

1. i am scared when i sit on tu's motorbike because he drives carefully.
2. we greet my new friends in a friendly way.
3. my birthday is on twelfth of january.
4. mary likes attending the english speaking contests.
5. all of us are very good at studying.
6. there are two secretaries in his office.
7. there are so many colourful fish in this pond.

3 giờ trước (7:46)

Dài thế.

2 giờ trước (7:52)

dài thế sao viết

3 giờ trước (7:11)

Đề đã đầy đủ chưa bạn?

3 giờ trước (7:25)

Câu trả lời là C. do.

Câu đầy đủ sẽ là: "My parents do like beer." 

3 giờ trước (7:17)


3 giờ trước (7:25)

Câu trả lời là B. traveling.

Câu đầy đủ sẽ là: "Most of us enjoy traveling to different places in Vietnam and in the world."

11 giờ trước (22:50)

:>>> ko biết

11 giờ trước (22:51)

dịch đại nha

> học sinh làm gì để bảo vệ môi trường ?

12 giờ trước (22:14)

I visit my grandmother.

Tạm dịch : Tôi thăm bà của tôi.


12 giờ trước (22:17)

=> I visit my grandmother.

12 giờ trước (22:16)

8. I want to visit France.

9. I'm no littering, put the rubbish in to the bin  to keep my schoolyard clean.

10. In my future house, it might have robot, super smart Tvs and some smart and modern  appliances.

10 giờ trước (0:30)

Có đoạn văn không bạn hay là trả lời theo ý hiểu