
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

28 tháng 4 2017

Amidst the immense mountains and forests of Lam Dong province, Dalat, a beautiful town, captivates all those who have been there once. I am one of those.

Dalat is often called the City of Eternal Spring. Flowers of all colors, with many species, the most numerous of which are orchids. More than anywhere else in Vietnam, Dalat sees flowers vie with one another in blossoming in spring. I used to get up early in the morning on fine days to welcome dawn on the highlands. Opening the windows, I had a breath-taking view of nature, and enjoyed the fragrance of wild flowers carried by the clouds, I felt relieved in my heart.

In the late afternoons, I often reserved for visits to the Valley of Love and Sigh Lake covered with quiet pine forests. Twilight on Dalat also brought many pictures and sensations. As a certain poet said, “Dalat is the city of honeymoon, the city of love”.

After two week is rest in Dalat, my health improved a lot. I think in the very near future Dalat will be Switzerland in the South-East Asia. The wind rustling through the pine forests, the roar of waterfalls, the chirping of birds and the clatter of horse ‘s hooves…all of these unforgettable memories always remain with me.

6 tháng 12 2019

My first visit to Nha Trang, the coastal city, was three years ago. It was a pleasant and memorable trip.

Nha trang, the capital of Khanh Hoa province, has one of the most popular municipal beaches in all of Viet nam. In Nha Trang, nature beauties are so tempting. Waves crashing onto the cliffs, the soft sigh of the sea breeze, clean white sands and turquoise waters, it all makes for a stunning landscape. On my visit to Nha Trang, I used to get up early each morning to stroll along the beach - a chance to breath in the fresh sea air and enjoy the sunrise across the water. One attraction that captivated me three years ago and still it does is the collection of small offshore islands, that is Hon Tre where is the largest of the islands.

Nha Trang is the city in hamoney, its fine wather, favorite position and friendly people bring it a certain balance. Nha Trang is a great holiday destination. I hope to have chance to come back

10 tháng 5 2020

Every year during the summer holidays, my family often goes on holidays. One of my favorite places to visit is Dalat. The short paragraph tells about a beautiful scene that I know The scenery is very beautiful, the air is cool, fresh and there are drizzle drizzling. The evening weather will be chilly. Dalat has many beautiful flowers and very poe lakes. Surrounded by lawns, rows of green pine. How amazing the winding winding roads in rolling hills looks! Da Lat is the land of thousands of flowers, the two sides of the flower road race to show off their brilliant, fragrant aroma. Occasionally there are horses standing on the banks of the lake to graze for people to take souvenir photos when they come here. I really the view of Dalat, it's peaceful and calm a picture. Every time I come to this place, I feel really comfortable and totally comfortable.

10 tháng 5 2020

was a Friday morning and all members of the family got up quite early to get ready for the trip. We hired a car and drove for about two hours to arrive in Hai Phong province then got on a ferry to reach the destination. In spite of feeling a little bit tired, we got really excited when the beautiful coastline and sparkling blue ocean appeared in front of our eyes. We booked a family room in a 3-star hotel, which was pretty large and luxurious. The first activity we were so eager to experience was swimming. Unfortunately, the waves were too big for us to swim but it was fun to jump over them anyway. At night time, it was great to take off our shoes and wander along the coastline. The wind carried the distinctive smell of the sea, giving us a sense of peace and relaxation. Early on the next day, I woke up at 5 o’clock to follow my mom to the local market. We also hired bicycles to get around and explore the neighborhood, as well as find a souvenir shop to buy some gifts for our friends. On the last day in Cat Ba, my family took part in a small trip around Lan Ha bay by boat to immerse ourselves in the spectacular natural beauty here. The most interesting experience we had on the holiday was enjoying dinner on a boat. Eating fresh food on the sea when the sun came down really went beyond my expectations. After three days, we returned home but could not forget the great time we spent there. It was definitely one of the best memories of mine and my family members’.

15 tháng 7 2018

Mặt Hồ Gươm vẫn lung linh mây trời,
Càng tỏa ngát hương thơm hoa thủ đô...

Đó là những câu hát ngân nga tràn niềm tự hào về một thắng cảnh nằm ở trung tâm thủ đô Hà Nội - Hồ Gươm.

Cách đây khoảng 6 thế kỷ, hồ Gươm gồm hai phần chạy dài từ phố Hàng Đào, qua Hai Bà Trưng, Lý Thường Kiệt tới phố Hàng Chuối, thông với sông Hồng. Nước hồ quanh năm xanh biếc nên hồ Gươm cũng được gọi là hồ Lục Thuỷ.

Tương truyền vào thế kỷ 15 hồ được đổi tên thành hồ Hoàn Kiếm, gắn liền với truyền thuyết trả gươm thần cho Rùa Vàng, ghi lại thắng lợi của cuộc chiến đấu 10 năm của nhân dân Việt Nam chống lại quân Minh (1417 - 1427) dưới sự lãnh đạo của Lê Lợi. Truyền thuyết kể rằng khi Lê Lợi khởi nghĩa ở Lam Sơn (Thanh Hoá) có mò được một lưỡi gươm, sau đó lại nhặt được một cái chuôi. Gươm báu này đã theo Lê Lợi trong suốt thời gian kháng chiến chống giặc Minh. Khi lên ngôi về đóng đô ở Thăng Long, trong một lần nhà vua đi chơi thuyền trên hồ Lục Thuỷ, bỗng một con rùa xuất hiện. Lê Thái Tổ rút gươm khỏi vỏ, giơ gươm ra thì gươm bay về phía con rùa. Rùa ngậm gươm lặn xuống đáy hồ, và từ đó hồ Lục Thuỷ có tên gọi mới là hồ Hoàn Kiếm (trả gươm) hay hồ Gươm.

Cũng vào thời Lê, hồ còn được dùng làm nơi tập luyện của thuỷ quân nên có lúc được gọi là hồ Thuỷ Quân.

Trên hồ có hai hòn đảo: Đảo Ngọc và Đảo Rùa. Cuối thế kỷ 16, nhà Trịnh dựng phủ Chúa ở phường Báo Thiên (nay là Nhà Thờ Lớn) và ở chỗ phố Thợ Nhuộm gần hồ nên đặt tên cho hai phần hồ là Hữu Vọng và Tả Vọng. Sau đó Trịnh Doanh cho đắp ở bờ hồ, chỗ đối diện với đảo Ngọc, một gò đất có tên là gò Ngọc Bội, còn trên đảo Rùa thì cho dựng dinh Tả Vọng. Khi Trịnh suy, Lê Chiêu Thống cho đốt phá tất cả những gì do họ Trịnh dựng lên. Đến đầu thế kỷ 19, người ta dựng một ngôi chùa trên đảo Ngọc gọi là chùa Ngọc Sơn. Ít lâu sau chùa này không thờ Phật mà thờ thánh Văn Xương và Trần Hưng Đạo, do đó đổi chùa thành đền, tức đền Ngọc Sơn ngày nay. Năm 1864, nhà nho Nguyễn Văn Siêu đã đứng ra sửa sang lại cảnh đền. Trên gò Ngọc Bội ông cho xây một ngọn tháp hình bút. Đó là tháp Bút ngày nay.

Tuy không phải là hồ lớn nhất trong thủ đô, song hồ Hoàn Kiếm đã gắn liền với cuộc sống và tâm tư của nhiều người. Hồ nằm ở trung tâm một quận với những khu phố cổ chật hẹp, đã mở ra một khoảng không đủ rộng cho những sinh hoạt văn hóa bản địa. Hồ có nhiều cảnh đẹp. Và hơn thế, hồ gắn với huyền sử, là biểu tượng khát khao hòa bình (trả gươm cầm bút), đức văn tài võ trị của dân tộc (thanh kiếm thiêng nơi đáy hồ và tháp bút viết lên trời xanh). Do vậy, nhiều văn nghệ sĩ đã lấy hình ảnh Hồ Gươm làm nền tảng cho các tác phẩm của mình.

15 tháng 7 2018

                                                                                                                                                   Việt Nam, 15/7/2018

                                                                                                                                       Xin chào Hannad - em họ xa của tôi.

Hôm nay chị sẽ nói cho em về biểu tượng của Thành phố Hồ Chí MInh, đó là tòa nhà Bitexco nằm giữa trung tâm thành phố. Lần đầu tiên về Việt Nam chắc em chỉ mới thấy lướt qua nên chị sẽ giới thiệu nhé! Tòa tháp này được thiết kế không phải để cạnh tranh về độ cao. "Cạnh tranh về độ cao không có ý nghĩa gì cả bởi bất cứ độ cao nào cũng có thể bị vượt qua một cách dễ dàng", ông Carlos Zapata, kiến trúc sư người Mỹ nhận định. Năm 2005, ông Zapata, kiến trúc sư chính của dự án đã tận dụng thử thách này để thiết kế một tòa nhà "khác thường" cho Tập đoàn Bitexco của Việt Nam. Vì vậy, điểm nhấn của thiết kế sẽ phải thể hiện được sự hiện diện vĩnh cửu của tòa tháp sao cho tòa tháp luôn được nhận biết thông qua hình dáng của nó dưới bất kì hình thức nào.

Một trong những chủ định chính của kiến trúc sư Carlos Zapata trong thiết kế là thể hiện được văn hóa truyền thống của người Việt Nam. Ông giải thích, "Tòa nhà phải có sự liên hệ với văn hóa, và vì vậy chúng tôi đã làm một cuộc khảo sát để tìm ra các mối quan hệ giữa tòa tháp với con người, chủ yếu là mối quan hệ tâm linh bởi vì bạn không thể áp đặt một biểu tượng lên con người." Kết quả là, ông đã lấy ý tưởng thiết kế từ hình dáng búp sen, một biểu tượng của sự thanh khiết, và tính lạc quan, một hình ảnh chuẩn xác để thể hiện mục tiêu hướng về tương lai của tòa tháp.

Hình ảnh búp sen đã được lựa chọn mà không phải là hình ảnh hoa sen bởi hình dáng thon mảnh và thanh lịch, truyền tải được ý nghĩa "vươn cao". Búp sen còn có ý nghĩa như là một phép ẩn dụ cho hình ảnh "Văn hóa Việt Nam đang nở rộ". Tòa tháp với những đường cong mềm mại, hợp lý như những đường nét uyển chuyển của áo dài, chiếc áo truyền thống của người Việt Nam. Tương tự, nhìn sân đậu trực thăng từ tầng trệt, chúng ta sẽ liên tưởng đến chiếc nón lá truyền thống của người phụ nữ Việt Nam. Kiến trúc của tòa tháp được thiết kế lồng ghép một cách tinh tế những nét văn hóa Việt. Em có thích khi biết thêm về quê hương thứ hai của mình không? Chị mong em sẽ thích nó. Come back to Vietnam soon, please.

                                                                                             Chị nhớ em


My first visit to Nha Trang, the coastal city, was three years ago. It was a pleasant and memorable trip.

Nha trang, the capital of Khanh Hoa province, has one of the most popular municipal beaches in all of Viet nam. In Nha Trang, nature beauties are so tempting. Waves crashing onto the cliffs, the soft sigh of the sea breeze, clean white sands and turquoise waters, it all makes for a stunning landscape. On my visit to Nha Trang, I used to get up early each morning to stroll along the beach - a chance to breath in the fresh sea air and enjoy the sunrise across the water. One attraction that captivated me three years ago and still it does is the collection of small offshore islands, that is Hon Tre where is the largest of the islands.

Nha Trang is the city in hamoney, its fine wather, favorite position and friendly people bring it a certain balance. Nha Trang is a great holiday destination. I hope to have chance to come back

12 tháng 11 2016

This travel guide is for people who want to visit Ha Long Bay, one of the seven natural wonders in the world. Ha Long Bay is located in Quang Ninh province which is in the north of Vietnam. It is nearly 200km from Hanoi. So it takes you about 4 hours by car. You can also travel there in a coach or even in a helicopter on Saturday. The best season to visit Ha Long is in summer when the weather is warm and sunny. Ha Long Bay has many beautiful caves and islands; therefore, you must take a boat trip to enjoy the view here. You certainly must take pictures to remember the trip better, too. If you are an active person, you must do the water sports here like swimming, sailing, and windsurfing. One more thing, you must try the seafood here because it is incredibly fresh and delicious. With this travel guide, I hope that you will have a wonderful time here in the number one natural wonder of Vietnam.

13 tháng 11 2016

Located downtown Dalat approximately 7km northeast, Valley of Love is a lyricallandscapes and most romantic in Dalat. Previously, Guests usually falls in UniversityPhu Dong Thien Vuong way to come here, but on the road year round Lam Vien is completed, visitors can go to a circuit from Xuan Huong Lake Valley to love by a more convenient route. Initially the French call it Valley d'Amour; Bao Dai as far Führer was changed to the Valley of Peace. In 1953, when the town council chairman at the time was Nguyen Vyproposed switch lists names from French to English Vietnamese to demonstrate the independence of peoples, the so-called Valley of Love has increasingly becomingfamiliar and bold in mind many people.

20 tháng 12 2016

Ha Long bay
Ha Long bay is a famous wonder at north east coast of Viet Nam,located in Quang Ninh,151 km from Ha Noi at eastern side
It is one of a attactions of Viet Nam which was recognized by UNESCO is a world natural heritage
Ha Long attracts tourists specially with beauty both of grandious and poetic charm.
Tourists come in any season in year can also find such private beauties that greatly charming

24 tháng 12 2016

Halong Bay is one of the famous scenic country of Vietnam, has been recognized by UNESCO as world landscapes! This is the one pride of the people living on the S-shaped piece of land. To maintain and protect it 1 how long, people living nearby and tourists to know clean water. For example, when the boat cruises, visitors note not litter into the water, the people near where the fishing should not caught by mines, not catching or indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources here !

2 tháng 6 2020

Last summer, I went to Cua lo with my family. We went there by  car, it is very far from my house, it is about 400 km, so we were very tired, but at one we felt better when we saw the sea.

Cua lo beach is really interesting, the beach is very large, flat, and it has a lot of sand. Waves are very strong, you will be very excited when you play with it. There are  a lot of beauty spots,  and good seafood there

We stayed in Binh Minh hotel. It was a very nice and comfortable hotel, it’s also rather near the sea.

The weather was hot and sunny all day. The sea was cool and clear, because it was very windy in the afternoon. We went swimming twice a day. My children was excited about it. The food was extremely delicious but not very expensive.

We took a lot of Photograps of the sea, bought a lot of seafood especially octopus and some sea present for our relatives.

After a week in Cua lo beach we felt happy and stronger.

We hope to go there again.

( Chúc bạn học tốt )

3 tháng 6 2020

Referring to the beautiful landscapes, places with charming water in Vietnam, it is hard not to mention Ha Long Bay. That name is well known by Vietnamese people. It is not only beautiful in the present or the future, but it is also beautiful from ancient times in the verse of Nguyen Khoa Diem: "The chicken, the toads also turn Ha Long into a landscape". Recently, Ha Long Bay has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the seven most beautiful wonders in the world. So do not know that Ha Long has what is so honored?

Ha Long Bay also has a legend that the Jade Emperor sent Mother Dragon to bring a herd of Dragons to the world to help Vietnamese fight the enemy. Enemy boats from the sea rushed ashore just as the Dragons came to earth. The Dragon immediately spewed fire to scorch the enemy, partly releasing Chau Ngoc into a towering stone wall that made the enemy boat crashed and shattered, stopping foreign progress.

[ Linggg_Cao ]

16 tháng 1 2021

Ha Long Bay of the descending dragon - is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists. One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay's calm water with limestone mountains. The Bay's water is clear during the spring and early summer. Upon arriving in Ha Long city, visitors can go along Chay beach. From the beach, they can hire a boat and go out to the Bay. It is heard that the visitors can find some of Southest Asia's most beautiful sites. Dau Go cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long.

16 tháng 1 2021

Referring to the beautiful landscapes, places with charming water in Vietnam, it is hard not to mention Ha Long Bay. That name is well known by Vietnamese people. It is not only beautiful in the present or the future, but it is also beautiful from ancient times in the verse of Nguyen Khoa Diem: "The chicken, the toads also turn Ha Long into a landscape". Recently, Ha Long Bay has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the seven most beautiful wonders in the world. So do not know that Ha Long has what is so honored?

Ha Long Bay also has a legend that the Jade Emperor sent Mother Dragon to bring a herd of Dragons to the world to help Vietnamese fight the enemy. Enemy boats from the sea rushed ashore just as the Dragons came to earth. The Dragon immediately spewed fire to scorch the enemy, partly releasing Chau Ngoc into a towering stone wall that made the enemy boat crashed and shattered, stopping foreign progress.

#Tham khảo:

Phong nha cave is a world heritage site .The full name of that cave is Phong nha ke bang belong to Ke bang mountains in Quang Binh Phong Nha-Ke Bang area is noted for its cave and grotto systems as it is composed of 300 caves and grottos, of which only 20 have been surveyed by Vietnamese and British scientists; 17 of these are in located in the Phong Nha area and three in the Ke Bang area. Phong Nha holds several world cave records, as it has the longest underground river, as well as the largest caverns and passageways. The park derives it name from Phong Nha cave, the most beautiful of all, containing many fascinating rock formations, and Ke Bang forest. The plateau on which the park is situated is probably one of the finest and most distinctive examples of a complex karst landform in Southeast Asia. This national park was listed in UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 2003 for its geographical values as defined in its criteria.

Chúc bạn học tốt!

#Tham khảo:

My first visit to Nha Trang, the coastal city, was three years ago. It was a pleasant and memorable trip. Nha trang, the capital of Khanh Hoa province, has one of the most popular municipal beaches in all of Viet nam. In Nha Trang, nature beauties are so tempting. Waves crashing onto the cliffs, the soft sigh of the sea breeze, clean white sands and turquoise waters, it all makes for a stunning landscape. On my visit to Nha Trang, I used to get up early each morning to stroll along the beach - a chance to breath in the fresh sea air and enjoy the sunrise across the water. One attraction that captivated me three years ago and still it does is the collection of small offshore islands, that is Hon Tre where is the largest of the islands.

Nha Trang is the city in hamoney, its fine wather, favorite position and friendly people bring it a certain balance. Nha Trang is a great holiday destination. I hope to have chance to come back

Chúc bạn học tốt!

29 tháng 11 2018

Nowadays, Viet Nam is known as not only a potential country with flourishing market economy but also a popular travel destination with heart-touching magnificent landscapes. Recognised as one of seven new world heritage sites by UNESCO, charming scenes of Ha Long Bay seems to appeal to a large number of local and foreign tourists.
Ha Long Bay, a stunningly scenic spot is located in Quang Ninh province in the northeast of Vietnam. The bay covers an area of over 1500 sq km, includes over 1600 islands and islets which form a spectacular seascape of limestone. This is an unique heritage as it marks important events in the formation and development of Viet Nam history; simultaneously, it is also blessed by mother nature with breathtaking views. In addition,your trip to Ha Long Bay will not be complete and perfect if you miss Bo Hon island- the home of variety of flora and fauna, Yen Tu mountain, Surprise Cave or Kissing rocks. Futhermore, it enjoys warm and tropical climate which is suitable for tourists to visit at any time. Come to Ha Long, besides immersing yourselves in her natural beauty, tourists can have an opportunity to savour delicious seafood with reasonable price and best service as well as relax with water sports such as swimming, scuba-diving, water- skiing… Moreover, residents here are very amiable, hospitable and ready to help anyone if you are in a fix. 
To put it briefly, a mysal, dreamy and elegant Ha Long Bay has become the pride of Vietnamese people and it is everyone’s awareness and responsibility to conserve and preserve this precious heritage.

học tốt nhé

29 tháng 11 2018

Ha Long Bay, one of the seven natural wonders in the world. Ha Long Bay is located in Quang Ninh province which is in the north of Vietnam. It is nearly 200km from Hanoi. So it takes you about 4 hours by car. You can also travel there in a coach or even in a helicopter on Saturday. The best season to visit Ha Long is in summer when the weather is warm and sunny. Ha Long Bay has many beautiful caves and islands; therefore, you must take a boat trip to enjoy the view here. You certainly must take pictures to remember the trip better, too. If you are an active person, you must do the water sports here swimming, sailing, and windsurfing. One more thing, you must try the seafood here because it is incredibly fresh and delicious.  I hope that you will have a wonderful time here in the number one natural wonder of Vietnam