
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

7 tháng 9 2023

Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 

a. Have you ever done your laundry? If yes, how did you do it? 

Yes, I have. I always wash my clothes by hands following these steps: put the clothes into the mixture of washing liquid and water and clean the dirty pieces, then remove the washing bubble with water, finally dry the clothes in a sunny place.

b. Below are some steps to do laundry. Put them in the correct order.

1 - B. Sort the clothes by colour

2 - D. Add the washing powder or liquid

3 - E. Load the washing machine and turn it on

4 - C. Remove the wet clothes from the washing machine and dry them

5 - A. Hang or fold, and store your own clothes

a: Yes, I have. I always wash my clothes by hands following these steps: put the clothes into the mixture of washing liquid and water and clean the dirty pieces, then remove the washing bubble with water, finally dry the clothes in a sunny place.

b: D-B-E-C-A

7 tháng 9 2023

Read the following instructions on how to do laundry. Circle the correct answers.

There are several simple steps in doing laundry. First of all, (1) sort / don’t sort your clothes by colour. You should separate them into whites and colours and wash them separately. (2) Secondly / Finally, add the washing powder or liquid. Read the instructions on the packet to make sure you use the right amount. Then, (3) load / you load the washing machine and turn it on. Make sure you place the items one at atime. Don’t put too many items as they need room to move about in the water. When the washing machine stops, (4) remove / you will remove the wet clothes. You can hang the items to dry, or put them in the dryer. Remember that air-drying clothes saves energy and money. (5) Finally / Afterwards, don’t forget to hang or fold each item. You could also iron your clothes before storing them in the wardrobe or drawer.

1: sort

2: secondly

3: load

4: remove

5: finally

Part 3: You are going to read a newspaper article by a British student who worked at a summer camp in the US. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap (124-130). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. (7 points)SUMMER CAMP: A SOAP OPERAEvery June, thousands of British students fly to the United States to spend their holidays working at summer camps. In return, they get a free return flight, full board,...
Đọc tiếp

Part 3: You are going to read a newspaper article by a British student who worked at a summer camp in the US. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap (124-130). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. (7 points)


Every June, thousands of British students fly to the United States to spend their holidays working at summer camps. In return, they get a free return flight, full board, pocket money and the chance to travel. Lucy Graham joined a camp and spent eight weeks working with six to sixteen-year-olds.

I applied at the last minute and was so thrilled at the prospect of spending the holidays doing something more exciting than working in the local supermarket that I hastily accepted the only job left - in the camp laundry.

(124) ___ On arrival I was told by the camp director that I would be doing the washing for 200 children - on my own. Any romantic dreams I'd had quickly turned into nightmare reality. For the first week, the party sent out by the jobs agency - nine students, including me - became a full-time cleaning squad, getting the place ready for its grand opening.

(125) ___ The children's arrival also brought 50 American counsellors to look after them, and the opening of the laundry. At first, I had to work from 8.45 in the morning till 10.30 at night to get all my work done. Considering there was no hot water in the laundry and the machines were old, the washing came out remarkably well.

(126) ___ The kitchen workers, maintenance man and myself found that we were on the lowest level of the camp's class system. Our four British counsellor friends had a much better time. They got friendly with their American colleagues and were respected by the children. They were also given tips by parents after the holiday.

(127) ___ As for the camp itself, it had a large lake and excellent sporting facilities. But because organised activities for the children carried on into the evening, we usually didn't get the chance to use them. However, much more annoying were my room-mates, three 18­-year-old girls who worked in the dining room.

(128) ___ On top of that, the camp food was poor, with child-size portions; fresh fruit and vegetables were rare. One catering worker even stood over the pineapple rings, checking that you took only one each.

(129) ___ However, I couldn't set off as soon as the children left because we had to stay on for a few days, cleaning and closing down the camp. My last duty was to load up the rubbish bags and take out any clothes the children had thrown away, in case their parents asked about them.

(130) ___ What's more, without the free ticket I got to the US - and the rail ticket from my parents ­- I would never have seen Niagara Falls, gone up the Empire State Building or had my picture taken with Mickey Mouse at Disney World.

A They had never been away from home before, and spent most of the night screaming with excitement. Sometimes, the only way to get any rest was to pretend to be ill and sleep in the medical centre.

B We weren't so lucky. We were never invited to join in the evening activities. When we did manage to get out of the camp, our evenings tended to consist of eating ice-cream at the local gas station.

C As a result, the standard of the camp you end up in is usually a question of luck. However, the agencies do hold meetings where you can ask representatives from camps about the facilities and the nature of the work you will be expected to do.

D We swept out the bedrooms and scrubbed the lavatories, gymnasium and kitchen. We polished the cooking equipment, put up the sports nets and carried any luggage sent on ahead to the bedrooms.

E On the whole it had been well worth it. Despite the washing, the camp's plus points had been a beautiful setting, meeting a great bunch of travelling companions and doing far more reading for my university course than I would have done at home.

F All these disadvantages meant that Saturdays, our days off, were highly valued. The places we visited then, such as New York City, gave me an appetite for travelling later on. If I hadn't done that, I would have regretted it - there is so much to see and do and I was keen to get on with it.

G But with so many clothes to wash and dry, some did get mixed up. I had six­-year-olds marching up and telling me that their parents would be very angry if I didn't find their favourite sweater.

H I started to have my doubts while squashed between the swimming instructor and the sports teacher during the three-hour minibus ride to the camp, which was in a tiny town about 90 miles from New York City.

Your answer:

124. ……….……………       125. ……………………        126. ……………………

127. …………………….       128. ……………………        129. ……………………

130. …………………….      


Part 4: Read the passage and fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. (10 points)

We have seen photographs of the whole earth taken from great dis­tances in outer space. This is the first time, the (131) ………….. first time, in man's long history that such pictures have been possible. (132) ………….. many years most people have believed that the earth was ball-shaped. A few thought it was round and (133) ………….., like a coin. Now we know, beyond doubt, that those few were (134) …………. The photographs show a ball-shaped (135) …………., bright and beautiful. In colour photographs of the earth, the sky is as (136) …………. as coal. The (137)            ………….. looks much bluer than it usually does to us. All our grey (138) ………….. are a perfect white in colour; because, of course, the (139) ………… is for ever shining on them. We are (140) ………….. to live on the beautiful earth.

Giúp mk làm bài này thôi!

10 tháng 8 2016

Part 4: 

We have seen photographs of the whole earth taken from great dis­tances in outer space. This is the first time, the (131) very first time, in man's long history that such pictures have been possible. (132) For many years most people have believed that the earth was ball-shaped. A few thought it was round and (133) flat, like a coin. Now we know, beyond doubt, that those few were (134) wrong/mistaken. The photographs show a ball-shaped (135) earth/planet, bright and beautiful. In colour photographs of the earth, the sky is as (136) black as coal. The (137) sea looks much bluer than it usually does to us. All our grey (138) clouds are a perfect white in colour; because, of course, the (139) sun is for ever shining on them. We are (140) lucky to live on the beautiful earth


11 tháng 8 2016

thank you

6 tháng 9 2023

Tham khảo:

1. Do you want to go to university? 

2. Have you talked with your parents about your plans? 

3. How much does it cost to study at university? 

4. What's your favourite subject at school? 

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

A: Have you ever been to U Minh Thuong National Park? Where is it?

(Bạn đã bao giờ đến Vườn quốc gia U Minh Thượng chưa? Nó ở đâu?)

B: No, I haven't. Where is it located?

(Không, tôi không có. Nó nằm ở đâu?)

A: It's located in the southern part of Vietnam, in the Mekong Delta region.

(Nó nằm ở phía nam của Việt Nam, trong khu vực đồng bằng sông Cửu Long.)

B: Ah, I see. What can/did you see in the park?

(À, tôi hiểu rồi. Bạn có thể/đã nhìn thấy gì trong công viên?)

A: Well, I've seen some rare animals like otters and pangolins, and also many types of birds. The park is famous for its diverse ecosystems, including mangrove forests and wetlands.

(Chà, tôi đã thấy một số loài động vật quý hiếm như rái cá và tê tê, và cũng có nhiều loại chim. Công viên nổi tiếng với hệ sinh thái đa dạng, bao gồm rừng ngập mặn và vùng đất ngập nước.)

B: That sounds really interesting. I would love to visit the park someday and see those animals and ecosystems.

(Điều đó nghe thật thú vị. Tôi rất thích đến thăm công viên vào một ngày nào đó và xem những loài động vật và hệ sinh thái đó.)

17 tháng 11 2023

1. I haven’ visited any castles or palaces in VietNam before. However, I know some of the most famous ones such as Hue Imperial Citadel, the Thang Long Imperial Citadel, and the Ho Dynasty Citadel. These historical sites are significant because they showcase the country's rich history and cultural heritage.

(Tôi chưa từng đến thăm bất kỳ lâu đài hay cung điện nào ở Việt Nam trước đây. Tuy nhiên, tôi biết một số địa điểm nổi tiếng nhất như Cố đô Huế, Hoàng thành Thăng Long và Thành nhà Hồ. Những di tích lịch sử này rất có ý nghĩa vì chúng thể hiện di sản văn hóa và lịch sử phong phú của đất nước.)

2. I haven’t seen this palace before, but I guess it is the Hue Imperial Citadel.

(Tôi chưa nhìn thấy cung điện này bao giờ, nhưng tôi đoán đó là Hoàng thành Huế.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

1. The campaign against cyberbullying should take place at the school during the academic year, ideally at the beginning of the school year to set the tone for a safe and inclusive environment. The duration of the campaign can vary, but it should be long enough to cover all the planned activities and ensure that students have ample opportunity to engage with the campaign.

(Chiến dịch chống bắt nạt trên mạng nên diễn ra tại trường học trong năm học, lý tưởng nhất là vào đầu năm học để tạo tiếng vang cho một môi trường an toàn và hòa nhập. Thời lượng của chiến dịch có thể khác nhau, nhưng phải đủ dài để bao gồm tất cả các hoạt động đã lên kế hoạch và đảm bảo rằng học sinh có nhiều cơ hội tham gia vào chiến dịch.)

2. The following groups should participate in the campaign:

(Các nhóm sau nên tham gia chiến dịch)

A. Everyone who is interested.

(Tất cả những ai quan tâm.)

B. Victims of cyberbullying.

(Nạn nhân của bắt nạt trên mạng.)

C. Parents.

(Cha mẹ.)

D. Teachers.

(Thầy cô.)

E. Local community organizations or experts on cyberbullying.

(Các tổ chức cộng đồng địa phương hoặc các chuyên gia về bắt nạt trên mạng.)

3. The following activities could be included in the campaign:

(Các hoạt động sau có thể được đưa vào chiến dịch)

A. Giving talks about cyberbullying, its effects, and how to prevent it.

(Nói về bắt nạt trên mạng, ảnh hưởng của nó và cách ngăn chặn.)

B. Providing students with resources where they can find information on cyberbullying and how to deal with it.

(Cung cấp cho học sinh các nguồn tài nguyên nơi họ có thể tìm thấy thông tin về bắt nạt trên mạng và cách đối phó với nó.)

C. Inviting students to share experiences of cyberbullying in a safe and supportive environment.

(Mời học sinh chia sẻ kinh nghiệm về bắt nạt trên mạng trong một môi trường an toàn và hỗ trợ.)

D. Informing students of the school's anti-bullying policies and the consequences of cyberbullying.

(Thông báo cho học sinh về các chính sách chống bắt nạt của trường và hậu quả của việc bắt nạt trên mạng.)

E. Showing cyberbullying videos to promote discussion about the issue.

(Hiển thị các video bắt nạt trên mạng để thúc đẩy thảo luận về vấn đề này.)

F. Hosting workshops on online safety and responsible online behavior.

(Tổ chức các hội thảo về an toàn trực tuyến và hành vi trực tuyến có trách nhiệm.)

4. The main goals of the campaign should be to:

(Mục tiêu chính của chiến dịch là)

A. Increase awareness about cyberbullying and its effects on individuals and the community.

(Nâng cao nhận thức về bắt nạt trên mạng và ảnh hưởng của nó đối với các cá nhân và cộng đồng.)

B. Empower students to take a stand against cyberbullying and promote a culture of respect and kindness.

(Trao quyền cho học sinh để có lập trường chống bắt nạt trên mạng và thúc đẩy văn hóa tôn trọng và tử tế.)

C. Provide resources and support for students who have experienced cyberbullying.

(Cung cấp tài nguyên và hỗ trợ cho những học sinh từng bị bắt nạt trên mạng.)

D. Strengthen the school's anti-bullying policies and procedures to prevent cyberbullying and respond effectively to incidents.

(Tăng cường các chính sách và quy trình chống bắt nạt của trường để ngăn chặn bắt nạt trên mạng và ứng phó hiệu quả với các sự cố.)

E. Foster a safe and inclusive environment for all students, both online and offline.

(Thúc đẩy một môi trường an toàn và toàn diện cho tất cả học sinh, cả trực tuyến và ngoại tuyến.)

18 tháng 11 2023

1 Do you think it is necessary for pesticides to be banned? Why?

(Theo bạn có cần cấm thuốc xịt cỏ không? Tại sao?)

Yes, I do. Pesticides are harmful to not only the insects they're meant to kill but also to other animals, plants, and humans who consume them. They also have long-term effects on the environment, which is why I think a ban on pesticides is necessary.

(Tôi đồng ý. Thuốc trừ sâu không chỉ gây hại cho côn trùng mà chúng định giết mà còn cho các động vật, thực vật khác và con người tiêu thụ chúng. Chúng cũng có những tác động lâu dài đối với môi trường, đó là lý do tại sao tôi nghĩ rằng lệnh cấm thuốc trừ sâu là cần thiết.)

2 Do you agree with the views Rachel Carson expressed in Silent Spring? Why? /Why not?

(Bạn có đồng ý với quan điểm mà Rachel Carson thể hiện trong Silent Spring không? Tại sao có / tại sao không?)

Yes, Silent Spring is still relevant today. It brought about positive changes in the government's policies, leading to the enactment of a national ban on pesticides on agricultural farming. It also sparked the environmental movement, resulting in the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

(Vâng, Silent Spring vẫn còn phù hợp cho đến ngày nay. Nó mang lại những thay đổi tích cực trong chính sách của chính phủ, dẫn đến việc ban hành lệnh cấm toàn quốc về thuốc trừ sâu trong canh tác nông nghiệp. Nó cũng châm ngòi cho phong trào môi trường, dẫn đến việc thành lập Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường Hoa Kỳ.)

3 Would you like to be an ecologist? Why? / Why not? If so, what would you most concern yourself about?

(Bạn có muốn trở thành một nhà sinh thái học? Tại sao có? / Tại sao không? Nếu vậy, bạn sẽ quan tâm đến điều gì nhất?)

I would love to be an ecologist because I'm passionate about protecting the environment and all the living organisms on this planet. I think it's essential to understand how ecosystems work and how humans can impact them positively or negatively. If I were an ecologist, I would focus on finding ways to reduce pollution and combat climate change. I would also study the effects of human activities on different ecosystems, such as deforestation and habitat destruction, and finding ways to mitigate these impacts.

(Tôi rất thích trở thành một nhà sinh thái học vì tôi đam mê bảo vệ môi trường và tất cả các sinh vật sống trên hành tinh này. Tôi nghĩ điều cần thiết là phải hiểu hệ sinh thái hoạt động như thế nào và con người có thể tác động tích cực hay tiêu cực đến chúng như thế nào. Nếu tôi là một nhà sinh thái học, tôi sẽ tập trung vào việc tìm cách giảm ô nhiễm và chống biến đổi khí hậu. Tôi cũng sẽ nghiên cứu tác động của các hoạt động của con người đối với các hệ sinh thái khác nhau, chẳng hạn như phá rừng và hủy hoại môi trường sống, đồng thời tìm cách giảm thiểu những tác động này.)

Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read to work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives. Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine 'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at...
Đọc tiếp

Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read to work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives.

Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine

'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at seven o'clock every morning, but I don't get quarter past seven. I switch on the radio and listen to the news. Then I go to the too and I brush my-teeth. I have a shower and dry my hair. Then I choose my clothes and I get dressed. I don'y eat anything for breakfast. I just have a cup of coffee. Then I go to work. Yes, it's always the same.'

Routines are very useful. but they also make you uncreative. So sometimes it's a good idea to break your routines. Get out of bed on the opposite side. Listen to a different route to work. Eat something different for brealfast. Change your routine. You never know, it could change your life.

1. This passage is mainly concerned with...............................

a.our usual ways of doing things

b. our daily activities

c. Jo's timetable

d. changes in our lives

2. according to the passage, routines are useful because.........................

a. we can do them in the morning

b. they make a habit of never thinking

c. they save time and energy

d. we all have them in our lives

3. the word 'loo' in line 9 can best be replaced with.....................

a. balcony

b. bedroom

c. sink

d. toilet

4.what is the main disadvantage of routines?

a. Routines make us unable to create things or to have new ideas

b. Routines may change our life

c. Routines make a habit of never thinking before doing

d. Routines make us do the same things day after day

5. which of the sentences is true?

a. Routines make our brain creative

b.people who have routines are unable to think

c. we shouldn'r break our routines

d. our lives could be changed if we change our routines

7 tháng 11 2023

A: How often do you watch films?

(Bạn có thường xuyên xem phim không?)

B: If there is an interesting movie playing at the cinema, I’ll go to see it. It’s nice to go out to see a movie with my friends sometimes.

(Nếu có một bộ phim thú vị đang chiếu ở rạp chiếu phim, tôi sẽ đi xem. Thật tuyệt khi thỉnh thoảng ra ngoài xem phim với bạn bè.)

A: How do you watch them: at the cinema, on DVD, on live TV, or online?

(Bạn xem chúng bằng cách nào: tại rạp chiếu phim, trên DVD, trên truyền hình trực tiếp hoặc trực tuyến?)

B: I often watch them online on YouTube because I don't have much time to watch it, so I find it quite convenient to watch it again on YouTube.

(Tôi thường xem chúng trực tuyến trên YouTube vì tôi không có nhiều thời gian để xem chúng, vì vậy tôi thấy việc xem lại trên YouTube khá tiện lợi.)

A: Are some types of film better to watch at the cinema than on TV?

(Có phải một số loại phim xem ở rạp chiếu phim hay hơn xem trên TV không?)

B: In my opinion, horror and action movies will be better to watch at the cinema than on TV because we can see them on a big screen with a better sound system. I think it makes the movie more impressive. For example, if we watch horror film at home with a small TV, it will be hard to enjoy the feeling of being scared that it brings.

(Theo ý kiến của tôi, phim kinh dị và hành động sẽ tốt hơn để xem ở rạp chiếu phim hơn là trên TV bởi vì chúng ta có thể xem chúng trên màn hình lớn với hệ thống âm thanh tốt hơn. Tôi nghĩ nó làm cho bộ phim ấn tượng hơn. Ví dụ, nếu chúng ta xem phim kinh dị ở nhà với một chiếc TV nhỏ, chúng ta sẽ khó tận hưởng cảm giác sợ hãi mà nó mang lại.)