
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

16 tháng 1 2022


I have many different dreams; but this one was creepy and I’ll try to describe it. I did not know if it was on Earth or not, but it looked like it. I was with about eight others, and we all had gas masks on I believe. The sky was blue, and we were trudging along in a field. There was not a single bird or cloud in the sky, it was silent. No wind, no noise, but for the drift of the wind. We walked for a few minutes but seemed like hours, before reaching a hill, and we became to climb. Oddly enough, the weather slowly began to change. The sky was filled with clouds, and the wind was somewhat lighter. And there was some sort of ash in the air. Like pollution. Then we arrived on the top, and I saw a disaster. It was like a town. However, the houses were a wreck, the same colour as the ash in the air like before. Something had happened here. There were remains of tools, toys, but not a single human being in sight. Then, I saw something. The body of a small animal. It was unrecognized by my eyes, I had no clue what species it was, but the fur was matted and dirty. The creature lay on the ground, eyes appeared to be opened and unblinking, staring off into space. Suddenly, I heard yelling as the wind quickened and I turned to one of the people from before, who was motioning me to run to him. I did but I turned back to see the grey clouds shifted to a dark grey, and something was forming in the clouds, swirling around. I did not see what it was, as my dream ended when I heard a loud noise. I do not know what this meant at all, but sometimes my dreams connect in a way.

16 tháng 1 2022

"Khi bạn quá thương nhớ một người đã ra đi, người đó sẽ trở về trong giấc mơ của bạn". Tôi đã từng đọc câu này ở đâu đó và thấy cũng đúng thật vì tôi đã từng bắt gặp bà ngoại trong giấc mơ của mình.

Ngoại là người chăm tôi từ bé vì bố mẹ tôi phải đi làm xa bởi vậy tình cảm sâu nặng không diễn tả được bằng lời. Ngày ngoại đi xa mãi, tôi cứ bần thần, cảm giác như mình mất đi một nửa linh hồn. Thời gian thấm thoát đã ba năm, tôi cũng quen với cuộc sống thiếu bà. Nhưng mới đây vào ngày giỗ, vì quá mệt nên vừa đặt lưng xuống giường tôi ngủ ngay và bà nhẹ nhàng bước vào mộng mị của tôi.

Tôi thấy mình đang đứng giữa khu vườn mà hồi còn sống ngoại đã dày công chăm sóc. Cây nào cây nấy tươi tốt, xào xạc trong gió và nắng. Rồi từ xa tôi thấy bóng lưng còng còng của ai đó đang nặng nề xách những thùng nước múc dưới ao lên. Tôi thốt lên trong đầu "A, ngoại!" rồi vội vàng chạy lại giúp bà. Bà mỉm cười, vẫn là một nụ cười hiền hậu và ấm áp. Hai bà cháu cùng nhau tưới từng luống rau một. Vừa tưới, bà vừa hỏi tôi:

Cháu bà dạo này có khỏe không? Học hành thế nào?

Dạ, vẫn bình thường bà ạ. Học kì vừa rồi cháu được học sinh giỏi đấy.

Bà ngẩng lên, cười tươi để lộ hàm răng nhuộm đen:

Cháu bà giỏi quá nhỉ!

Thế bà có nhớ cháu không? Ở nơi mới, bà có vui không ạ?

Bà ngừng tay xoa đầu tôi:

Đương nhiên là rất nhớ đứa cháu yêu quý của bà rồi! Bà trên đấy cũng có rất nhiều người bầu bạn, cháu không cần lo đâu.

Rồi sau khi tưới cây xong, hai bà cháu lại cùng nhau nhặt cỏ. Có những cây cỏ dai dẳng không chịu bật gốc, tôi với ngoại phải hợp sức mới lôi được chúng lên. Trong lúc tôi đang ngồi nghỉ dưới gốc cây nhãn, tôi lại thấy bà đang lúi húi hái nào là táo, nhãn, xoài, chẳng mấy chốc đầy ụ cả rổ. Tôi lấy một quả táo, lau qua vào áo rồi cắn một miếng rõ to, cảm nhận được vị ngọt và giòn của nó. Dù trồng nhiều cây ăn quả nhưng ngoại chả mấy khi ăn. Trồng chủ yếu là để có cái hàng ngày chăm sóc cho khuây khỏa và là để làm quà cho con cháu. Những cơn gió mát lành đã làm dịu đi sự nóng bức và mệt mỏi khi làm vườn của hai bà cháu. Nằm dưới gốc nhãn, tôi mơ màng hỏi bà:

Cây nhãn này trồng từ bao giờ bà nhỉ?

Cũng lâu rồi, từ hồi cháu lên mười. Giờ nó đã cao lớn vậy rồi. Y như cháu bà cũng lớn nhanh quá vậy...

Rồi tôi lại hỏi bà nhiều cây khác xem chúng được trồng từ bao giờ. Hóa ra là bà vẫn nhớ hết, còn nhớ những kỉ niệm gắn liền với chúng như lần tôi ngã cây ổi, hay lần tôi nằng nặc đòi giữ lại cây na…

Trong khu vườn gắn với tôi từ ngày thơ bé, tôi thực sự muốn giây phút ngưng đọng mãi. Tôi ngước lên hỏi bà:

Bà ở lại với cháu được không?

Bà ôm tôi vào lòng:

Bà luôn bên cạnh cháu đấy thôi.

Nhưng, bà đã, đã…

Không cháu ạ- bà vội vàng giải thích- bà ở ngay trong trái tim cháu, trong từng mỗi bước đến trường, trong từng cây cỏ của khu vườn này…

Tôi gật gật đầu. Tôi đang định quay lại ôm bà thì bà đã dần dần mờ đi trong một làn sương khói mờ ảo. Tôi vội vã đuổi theo nhưng càng đuổi càng xa.

Rồi tiếng chuông báo thức làm tôi choàng tỉnh. Trời đã sáng và những tia nắng rực rỡ buổi sáng tràn vào căn phòng. Sau giấc mơ đó, tôi bỗng thấy lòng mình nhẹ tênh và còn có một chút niềm vui nhè nhẹ. Vì tôi nhận ra bà vẫn luôn bên cạnh và dõi theo tôi.

16 tháng 1 2022


Tom and Jerry went through many phases and took place from anywhere from inside a house, to anywhere in outer space. The series includes content about endless battle between the two rivals is a house cat called Tom and a mouse called Jerry. Often Tom rarely succeeds in catching Jerry by Jerry mouse too smart, swift and lucky. Yet during the chase, Tom and Jerry has developed a close relationship which is less seen in other animated series. Although the contents of the Tom and Jerry could see the scenes of violence, it has still made up such wonderful childhood for many children all over the world. Tom & Jerry is really impressive. First, it’ll introduce children to classical music. Second, it’ll give them an appreciation for cartoons made at an earlier time. Third, since Tom always provokes the fights, and yet since Jerry usually outsmarts Tom, kids are taught that the one who provokes fights will usually lose. Last, but certainly not least, it’s entertaining. School-age children will enjoy this.

16 tháng 1 2022

viết 1 câu chuyện kì bí mà


7 tháng 12 2019

3) Van Mieu (The Temple of Literature) was constructed in 1070 during Ly Thanh Tong's dynasty. Its original purpose was to honor Confucius. In 1076, the first university of Vietnam called Quoc Tu Giam (The Imperial Academy), was established within this temple by Emperor Ly Nhan Tong. That's the reason why the complex has the name of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam up to now. Initially, Quoc Tu Giam was the school for princes and children of royal families and then expanded in the following year to admit top students from around the country.

Nowadays, Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam is one of the most famous tourist destinations for both Vietnamese people and foreigners. It's also a place to celebrate doctorates and high ranking scholars of Vietnam. One special thing about this place is that there are 82 Doctors' stone tablets. They are tombstones with names and origins of 1304 doctors placed on the backs of stone tortoises. If you come here at the beginning of the year or in May, when many important examinations take place, you will catch sights of numerous families and students who come and pray for luck.

i taking part in the community service and volunteer work.Last year , our class joined the community service and volunteer work . We did many things . Firstly , we donated books , warm clothes to street children . Secondly , we raised money to buy uniforms, books and pens for poor students in ( ghi tên trường bạn vào ) secondary school . Thirdly, we provided the poor with food and drinks.Fourthly,we cooked free meals for homeless people . Finally , we opened  evening classes for street children . In short , i adore these activitives because they help people happier and funnier. They also make a diference in our community service

21 tháng 2 2019

My favorite movie is “Sherlock Holmes”. This is a movie I watched recently in cinema. It was a very thrilling journey through time. The film was based on a novel, with the same name.Except the great story, the actors were great. They really make you think it is happening. The main character wasn’t the one in novel, it was the complete opposite, his assistant Dr. Watson. Who is very fat in the novel, isn’t showed that. He is Sherlock’s conscience, very handsome, younger man, just Holmes. In the film, he is trying to prove that magic don’t exist and that all that happened wasn’t because of a bad magician, and he did it. The whole movie is exciting and I didn’t want it to end. Of course, there is a beautiful lady who brings trouble to the main character and he falls in love, always, right? He does everything to save her from the “dark magic”. And he succeed. I it also, because it ended, but not really… He killed the magician (who was fake at the end), but the leading “bad guy” was still alive. I guess, I have to wait a year more to see the continuation.I really d the movie and I could watched again and again… I think that’s what makes a great movie, when it’s every time thrilling as the firs time you saw it.

24 tháng 3 2022

viết về phim Doraemon mà

17 tháng 12 2019

câu 2.

long ago ,in the year 1070,there were no universities in VN .So in 1076 Emperor Ly Nhan Tong decided to build one .........(trong sách có mà

17 tháng 12 2019

bài 1 nha

Mình chọn 3)

I to eat many different kinds of food, but my favorite one of all time is Pho. Pho is already a so famous food of Vietnam, and most people will immediately think of it when we mention about Vietnamese cuisine. It is understandable that many people fall in love with Pho, because it has featuring smell and taste that we cannot find anywhere else. To have a good pot of soup, we need to have many different kinds of spices such as anise, cinnamon, etc; and the most important thing are the bones. Those bones needed to be cooked for long hours to get the sweet and tasty stock, and then we combine other ingredients. The noodle is also special since it is not other kinds of noodle. It is made from rice flour, and it is thicker than the others. After pouring the stock into a bowl of noodle, the next step is to put on the beef slices and other toppings. I to eat rare beef slices and meat ball, and they are also the basic toppings that Vietnamese people to choose. We finish the bowl with some basil, coriander, bean sprout and black pepper. Besides, we can also other side dishes to eat with Pho egg and blood in boiling stock. All of them create a harmonious flavor that can attract even the strictest eaters. Although Pho has many versions from different parts of the country, it is always the national dish that almost all Vietnamese love to eat. I have been eating Pho for about 20 years, and I will continue to choose it as my favorite food forever.

6 tháng 12 2019

mình cần bài ngắn thôi bài dài ko hok thuộc đc

5 tháng 12 2019

1)Viết đoạn văn về sở thích của em 

I have many hobbies, but I reading most. Books are always a good friend to me. It is a good way to improve my vocabulary by exposing many new words. By reading, I get better at concentration because it requires me to focus on what I am reading for long periods of time. It also opens up the knowledge door for me. Reading books tells me about the world’s history, let me see the structure of the human body, or bring me a story of Sherlock Holmes. I think reading is one of the most interesting indoors activities.


Tôi có khá nhiều sở thích nhưng đọc sách là một trong những việc mà tôi yêu thích nhất. Sách luôn là người bạn thân thiết đồng hành cùng tôi. Đọc sách giúp tôi nâng cao vốn từ vựng bởi nó chứa đựng rất nhiều từ mới. Khi đọc tôi nhận được sự tập trung cao độ bởi nó đòi hỏi tôi phải tập trung và những gì tôi đọc trong thơi gian dài. Đọc sách cũng mở ra rất nhiều tri thức mới như tìm hiểu về lịch sử thế giới, tìm hiểu cấu trúc của cơ thể người hay biết được câu chuyện về Sherlock Holmes. Tôi nghĩ rằng đọc sách là một hoạt động trong nhà thú vị nhất.

2)Viết đoạn văn về Cách để giữ dáng

All of us want to have good health because we cannot buy health even we are rich. In my opinion, health is the better than wealth because if we were in good health, but not rich, we could do what we want, we could do hard work and serve ourselves in daily activies. Moreover, we could help others, bring happiness to them. With good health, we could interesting. Otherwise, if we were rich but not healthy, we would depend on others because we could not serveourselves in daily life, become other’sload, we are easy to be angry or bored with everything. In summary, healthis better than wealth.

4 tháng 12 2019

kt 1 tiết hay hk1

4 tháng 12 2019

viết topic

hc kt nói

19 tháng 3 2019

Thiếu 1 từ cũng ko dc à

miễn sao từ 80-100 là đc, mà bn có viết ko?

15 tháng 1 2022

There is a very interesting and distinctive singer that I really love, and she is Lady Gaga. This is only her performing name, and her real name is Stefani. She started her singing career at some local events as well as musical plays at her school before dropping out to become a professional musician. She is a talented girl who is all a singer, songwriter, producer and actress at once. Despite having a tragic accident at the age of 19, for which she underwent mental and physical therapy; Lady Gaga overcame her trauma to become one of the most famous artists of all time. She has won countless of awards, gotten her name in the Guinness World Record for being the most followed female pop singer. Beside her sweet voice and singing ability, her fashion style is the biggest thing that draws people’s attention. People say that her clothes are outrageous and beyond any fashion limit of Hollywood, and it is rare for her to appear in public with an ordinary look. One of the remarkable and iconic images of Lady Gaga is the dress that made from raw beef stripes at the 2010 MTV Video Music Award, and it has become a tradition for the mass media as well as fans to wait for her special outfits at any event. Despite being criticized mercilessly by the media and other people for her weird personality and style, Lady Gaga has never stopped to contribute her talent to the music industry. She is a perfect example of a strong, talented and independent woman, and I totally have reasons to admire her.


15 tháng 1 2022

 Bill Gates is an America technologist, business leader. He was born in Seattle, Washington. When he was young, he was very good at computer and he had passion with computers and technology. He stopped studying at school to start his own business with his friend, Paul Allen. First, It was hard to manage his company and he often got bad problem with company,too. After a long time, his company was getting stronger and he became successful.