
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

18 tháng 11 2023

1 Rachel Cason realised the real danger of pesticides when she was still a young girl.

(Rachel Cason nhận ra mối nguy hiểm thực sự của thuốc trừ sâu khi cô còn là một cô gái trẻ.)

Thông tin: “she was an avid reader and soon showed a keen interest in the natural world and writing.”

(cô ấy là một người ham đọc sách và sớm thể hiện sự quan tâm sâu sắc đến thế giới tự nhiên và viết lách.)

Chọn False

2 She majored in the scientific study of animals and their behaviour when she took her MA in 1932.

(Bà học chuyên ngành nghiên cứu khoa học về động vật và hành vi của chúng khi lấy bằng Thạc sĩ năm 1932.)

Thông tin: “Rachel Carson received her MA in zoology from Johns Hopkins University in 1932.”

(Rachel Carson nhận bằng Thạc sĩ về động vật học tại Đại học Johns Hopkins năm 1932.)

Chọn True

3 Most of Rachel Carson's works were about environmental issues.

(Hầu hết các tác phẩm của Rachel Carson là về các vấn đề môi trường.)

Thông tin: “Rachel Carson became famous for her writings on environmental pollution and the natural history of the sea, including climate change, rising sea-levels, melting Arctic glaciers, and decreasing animal populations.”

(Rachel Carson trở nên nổi tiếng với những bài viết về ô nhiễm môi trường và lịch sử tự nhiên của biển, bao gồm biến đổi khí hậu, mực nước biển dâng cao, băng tan ở Bắc Cực và suy giảm quần thể động vật.)

Chọn True

4 Her opposition to using pesticides on agricultural farming was supported by the chemical industry.

(Sự phản đối của bà đối với việc sử dụng thuốc trừ sâu trong canh tác nông nghiệp đã được hỗ trợ bởi ngành công nghiệp hóa chất.)

Thông tin: “Rachel Carson was criticized by the chemical industry and some government officials for her opposition to the widespread use of pesticides such as DDT.”

(Rachel Carson đã bị ngành hóa chất và một số quan chức chính phủ chỉ trích vì phản đối việc sử dụng rộng rãi thuốc trừ sâu như DDT.)

Chọn False

5 Silent Spring brought about positive changes in the government's policies.

(Silent Spring đã mang lại những thay đổi tích cực trong chính sách của chính phủ.)

Thông tin: “Silent Spring prompted a change in national policy, leading to the enactment of a national ban of pesticides on agricultural farming.”

(Silent Spring đã thúc đẩy một sự thay đổi trong chính sách quốc gia, dẫn đến việc ban hành lệnh cấm toàn quốc về thuốc trừ sâu trong canh tác nông nghiệp.)

Chọn True

6 A lot of people keep on protecting the planet after her death.

(Rất nhiều người tiếp tục bảo vệ hành tinh sau cái chết của cô ấy.)

Thông tin: “Rachel Carson's work continues to inspire new generations to protect all the living world.”

(Công việc của Rachel Carson tiếp tục truyền cảm hứng cho các thế hệ mới để bảo vệ tất cả thế giới sống.)

Chọn True

Read the article and answer the questions.1 What was her great interest as a young girl?2 What is Silent Spring about?Rachel Carson, an ecologist, a biologist, and a writer, was born in 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania. As a small girl, she was an avid reader and soon showed a keen interest in the natural world and writing. 1_________ She graduated from Pennsylvania College for Women (now Chatham University) in 1929, studied at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, and received her MA in...
Đọc tiếp

Read the article and answer the questions.

1 What was her great interest as a young girl?

2 What is Silent Spring about?

Rachel Carson, an ecologist, a biologist, and a writer, was born in 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania. As a small girl, she was an avid reader and soon showed a keen interest in the natural world and writing. 1_________ She graduated from Pennsylvania College for Women (now Chatham University) in 1929, studied at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, and received her MA in zoology from Johns Hopkins University in 1932.

Initially, Rachel Carson worked for the US Bureau of Fisheries as a part-time science writer. 2_________ She then spent the next few years serving as a marine scientist and editor for the US Fish and Wildlife Service. There, she became famous for her writings on environmental pollution and the natural history of the sea, 3_________ Climate change, rising sea-levels, melting Arctic glaciers, decreasing animal populations are part of her work. In her most influential book, Silent Spring (1962), Rachel Carson strongly disapproved of the widespread use of pesticides such as DDT. 4_________

and called for new policies to protect humans and the environment. She then was criticised by the chemical industry and some government officials, but never gave up. 5_________ Additionally, it helped spark the environmental movement, resulting in the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. That's why she was called the mother of modern ecology.

Rachel Carson died of breast cancer in 1964. However, her work continues to inspire new generations to protect all the living world.

18 tháng 11 2023

1 What was her great interest as a young girl?

(Mối quan tâm lớn của cô ấy khi còn là một cô gái trẻ là gì?)

the natural world and writing.

Thông tin: “As a small girl, she was an avid reader and soon showed a keen interest in the natural world and writing.”

(Khi còn là một cô gái nhỏ, cô ấy là một người ham đọc sách và sớm thể hiện sự quan tâm sâu sắc đến thế giới tự nhiên và viết lách.)

2 What is Silent Spring about?

(Silent Spring nói về cái gì?)

Disapproved of the widespread use of pesticides and called for new policies to protect humans and the environment.

(không tán thành việc sử dụng rộng rãi thuốc trừ sâu và kêu gọi các chính sách mới để bảo vệ con người và môi trường.)

18 tháng 11 2023

1. D          2. A           3. C             4. B            5. F

Rachel Carson, an ecologist, a biologist, and a writer, was born in 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania. As a small girl, she was an avid reader and soon showed a keen interest in the natural world and writing. 1 She had her first story about animals published in a magazine when she was in the fourth grade. She graduated from Pennsylvania College for Women (now Chatham University) in 1929, studied at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, and received her MA in zoology from Johns Hopkins University in 1932.

Initially, Rachel Carson worked for the US Bureau of Fisheries as a part-time science writer. 2 Part of her job was to interest the public in marine and freshwater biology via radio programmes. She then spent the next few years serving as a marine scientist and editor for the US Fish and Wildlife Service. There, she became famous for her writings on environmental pollution and the natural history of the sea, 3 She warned the public about its negative long-term effects. Climate change, rising sea-levels, melting Arctic glaciers, decreasing animal populations are part of her work. In her most influential book, Silent Spring (1962), Rachel Carson strongly disapproved of the widespread use of pesticides such as DDT. 4 Firstly, Silent Spring suggested a much-needed change in people's way of life and called for new policies to protect humans and the environment. She then was criticised by the chemical industry and some government officials, but never gave up. 5 The book eventually prompted a change in national policy, leading to the enactment of a national ban of pesticides on agricultural farming. Additionally, it helped spark the environmental movement, resulting in the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. That's why she was called the mother of modern ecology.

Rachel Carson died of breast cancer in 1964. However, her work continues to inspire new generations to protect all the living world.

Tạm dịch

Rachel Carson, nhà sinh thái học, nhà sinh vật học và nhà văn, sinh năm 1907 tại Springdale, Pennsylvania. Khi còn là một cô gái nhỏ, cô ấy là một người ham đọc sách và sớm thể hiện sự quan tâm sâu sắc đến thế giới tự nhiên và viết lách. Cô ấy có câu chuyện đầu tiên về động vật được đăng trên một tạp chí khi cô ấy học lớp bốn. Cô tốt nghiệp Đại học Phụ nữ Pennsylvania (nay là Đại học Chatham) vào năm 1929, học tại Phòng thí nghiệm Sinh học Biển Woods Hole và nhận bằng Thạc sĩ về động vật học tại Đại học Johns Hopkins vào năm 1932.

Ban đầu, Rachel Carson làm việc cho Cục Thủy sản Hoa Kỳ với tư cách là một nhà văn khoa học bán thời gian. Một phần công việc của cô là thu hút sự quan tâm của công chúng đến sinh vật biển và nước ngọt thông qua các chương trình phát thanh. Sau đó, cô đã dành vài năm tiếp theo với tư cách là nhà khoa học biển và biên tập viên cho Cơ quan Cá và Động vật hoang dã Hoa Kỳ. Ở đó, cô trở nên nổi tiếng với những bài viết về ô nhiễm môi trường và lịch sử tự nhiên của biển, Cô cảnh báo công chúng về những tác động tiêu cực lâu dài của nó. Biến đổi khí hậu, mực nước biển dâng cao, băng tan ở Bắc Cực, giảm quần thể động vật là một phần công việc của cô. Trong cuốn sách có ảnh hưởng nhất của mình, Silent Spring (1962), Rachel Carson cực lực phản đối việc sử dụng rộng rãi thuốc trừ sâu như DDT. Đầu tiên, Silent Spring đề xuất một sự thay đổi rất cần thiết trong cách sống của mọi người và kêu gọi các chính sách mới để bảo vệ con người và môi trường. Sau đó, cô bị chỉ trích bởi ngành công nghiệp hóa chất và một số quan chức chính phủ, nhưng không bao giờ bỏ cuộc. Cuốn sách cuối cùng đã thúc đẩy một sự thay đổi trong chính sách quốc gia, dẫn đến việc ban hành lệnh cấm toàn quốc về thuốc trừ sâu trong canh tác nông nghiệp. Ngoài ra, nó đã giúp châm ngòi cho phong trào môi trường, dẫn đến việc thành lập Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường Hoa Kỳ. Đó là lý do tại sao cô được gọi là mẹ của hệ sinh thái hiện đại.

Rachel Carson qua đời vì bệnh ung thư vú vào năm 1964. Tuy nhiên, công việc của cô vẫn tiếp tục truyền cảm hứng cho các thế hệ mới bảo vệ tất cả thế giới sống.

Read the story of Helen Keller's life as a young girl. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.Helen Keller was born in 1880 in Alabama, with the ability to both see and hear, like any normal child. She began to speak when she was six months old and to walk at the age of one. But six months later, she contracted a serious illness, possibly meningitis. After she had recovered, her mother noticed that Helen didn't react to sounds, or when she waved her hand in front of Helen's face. The...
Đọc tiếp

Read the story of Helen Keller's life as a young girl. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

Helen Keller was born in 1880 in Alabama, with the ability to both see and hear, like any normal child. She began to speak when she was six months old and to walk at the age of one. But six months later, she contracted a serious illness, possibly meningitis. After she had recovered, her mother noticed that Helen didn't react to sounds, or when she waved her hand in front of Helen's face. The illness had left her both deaf and blind. As she grew up, she learned to communicate with the daughter of the family cook using sign language that they invented together. But Helen was an unhappy child and often flew into a rage. Her mother was very patient with her and tried to help her. She had read about the successful education of another deaf-blind child, and when Helen was seven she contacted a special school for blind children in Boston. The director of the school suggested that Helen work with Anne Sullivan, who was herself visually impaired and a recent graduate of the school. It was the beginning of a 49-year relationship between pupil and teacher.

Anne travelled to Helen's home and immediately began teaching her 'finger-spelling': spelling out words on the palm of Helen's hand. The first word she tried to teach her was 'doll' - Anne had brought Helen a doll as a present. But Helen could not make the connection between the letters and the objects and became very frustrated. After about a month, however, there was a breakthrough. Helen realised that the movements of Anne's fingers on her palm, while she poured water over her other hand, signified 'water. By the end of the day Helen had learned thirty new words.

1 As a baby, Helen had normal sight and hearing.

2 A relation of one of the family servants gradually taught Helen sign language.

3 Helen's mother was very unhappy and frequently got cross with her.

4 Anne Sullivan was partially blind.

5 The first word that Helen understood through finger-spelling was 'doll'

18 tháng 11 2023

1 As a baby, Helen had normal sight and hearing.

(Khi còn bé, Helen có thị giác và thính giác bình thường.)

Thông tin: “"Helen Keller was born in 1880 in Alabama, with the ability to both see and hear, like any normal child.”

(Helen Keller sinh năm 1880 tại Alabama, có khả năng nhìn và nghe như bất kỳ đứa trẻ bình thường nào.)

Chọn True

2 A relation of one of the family servants gradually taught Helen sign language.

(Mối quan hệ của một trong những người hầu trong gia đình dần dần dạy Helen ngôn ngữ ký hiệu.)

Thông tin: “She learned to communicate with the daughter of the family cook using sign language that they invented together.”

(Cô học cách giao tiếp với con gái của một đầu bếp gia đình bằng ngôn ngữ ký hiệu mà họ cùng nhau phát minh ra.)

Chọn True

3 Helen's mother was very unhappy and frequently got cross with her.

(Mẹ của Helen rất không vui và thường xuyên cáu kỉnh với cô.)

Thông tin: “Her mother was very patient with her and tried to help her.”

(Mẹ cô đã rất kiên nhẫn với cô và cố gắng giúp đỡ cô.)

Chọn False

4 Anne Sullivan was partially blind.

(Anne Sullivan bị mù một phần.)

Thông tin: “Anne Sullivan, who was herself visually impaired...”

(Anne Sullivan, người bị khiếm thị...")

Chọn True

5 The first word that Helen understood through finger-spelling was 'doll'

(Từ đầu tiên mà Helen hiểu được khi đánh vần bằng ngón tay là 'búp bê')

Thông tin: “The first word she tried to teach her was 'doll' - Anne had brought Helen a doll as a present.”

(Từ đầu tiên cô ấy cố gắng dạy cho cô ấy là 'búp bê' - Anne đã mang cho Helen một con búp bê như một món quà.")

Chọn True

Read the three texts and choose the best answer (A-D).Back in timeAs she stepped into the hall after nearly thirty years of absence, she realised at once that she shouldn't have come back. The smell of wood smoke, damp stone and ancient paper brought the past back so powerfully that it nearly knocked her backwards. In an instant she felt like a young girl again, alone and frightened in the house. She remembered feeling very, very cold-not from the damp and the near-freezing temperature, but...
Đọc tiếp

Read the three texts and choose the best answer (A-D).

Back in time

As she stepped into the hall after nearly thirty years of absence, she realised at once that she shouldn't have come back. The smell of wood smoke, damp stone and ancient paper brought the past back so powerfully that it nearly knocked her backwards. In an instant she felt like a young girl again, alone and frightened in the house. She remembered feeling very, very cold-not from the damp and the near-freezing temperature, but because a terrible new life was beginning. And she could do nothing to stop it.

1 What is true about the woman's feelings when she entered the house?

A She realised that she had missed her old home.

B She was happy to return to the house

C She understood that coming back was a mistake.

D She was sad about the condition of the house.

Future home?

Every few years, trend-watchers tell us that the house of the future has arrived, and gadgets from science fiction films will soon be in every home in the country. So far they've been wrong-and after viewing the 'Home of the Future' exhibition, I suspect that they are still wrong. Why do I need a super-intelligent fridge or an internet- surfing mirror? I would much rather see my face clearly in an ordinary bathroom mirror than try to surf the Internet while I'm combing my hair! If only they could design a device to stop me killing all my houseplants. If they did that, then I might be interested!

2 What was the writer's reaction to the exhibition?

A He found it very interesting.

B It reminded him of a science fiction film.

C He wanted to buy the gadgets online.

D He didn't see the use of many of the inventions.

Ackerman dream homes

Since 1893, Ackerman homes have created some of the most charming neighbourhoods in the south of England. Our homes combine a sense of history with the most modern advances in home design and technology. Now you can have the opportunity to own a beautiful contemporary Ackerman home in our new development in Acreage Woods. Experience the quality, beauty and comfort of Ackerman homes, the most trusted name in home building. With spacious semi-detached and detached homes from £275,000 to £425,000, we are sure that you will find what you're looking for. So why not visit us today?

3 The purpose of the text is to

A describe a particular home.

B attract the interest of people who are looking for a new home.

C outline the history of a home builder.

D explain what makes a quality home.

17 tháng 11 2023

Lời giải:

1. C

2. D

3. B

1. C

Điều gì là đúng về cảm xúc của người phụ nữ khi bước vào nhà?

A. Cô nhận ra rằng cô đã nhớ nhà cũ của mình.

B. Cô ấy rất vui khi trở về nhà.

C. Cô ấy buồn về tình trạng của ngôi nhà. Ngôi nhà tương lai?

D. Cô ấy buồn về tình trạng của ngôi nhà.

Thông tin: As she stepped into the hall after nearly thirty years of absence, she realised at once that she shouldn't have come back.

(Khi bước vào sảnh sau gần ba mươi năm vắng bóng, cô ấy nhận ra ngay rằng mình không nên quay lại.)

2. D

Phản ứng của nhà văn đối với cuộc triển lãm là gì?

A. Anh ấy thấy nó rất thú vị.

B. Nó làm anh ấy nhớ đến một bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng.

C. Anh ấy muốn mua các tiện ích trực tuyến.

D. Anh ấy không thấy việc sử dụng của nhiều phát minh.

Thông tin: I suspect that they are still wrong. Why do I need a super-intelligent fridge or an internet- surfing mirror?

(Tôi nghi ngờ rằng chúng vẫn sai. Tại sao tôi cần một chiếc tủ lạnh siêu thông minh hay một chiếc gương lướt web?)

3. B

Mục đích của văn bản là để

A. mô tả một ngôi nhà cụ thể.

B. thu hút sự quan tâm của những người đang tìm kiếm một ngôi nhà mới.

C. sơ lược về lịch sử của người xây nhà.

D. giải thích điều gì tạo nên một ngôi nhà chất lượng.

Thông tin: With spacious semi-detached and detached homes from £275,000 to £425,000, we are sure that you will find what you're looking for.

(Với những ngôi nhà liền kề và liền kề rộng rãi từ £275.000 đến £425.000, chúng tôi chắc chắn rằng bạn sẽ tìm thấy những gì bạn đang tìm kiếm.)

17 tháng 11 2023

Tạm dịch:

Quay ngược thời gian

Khi bước vào hội trường sau gần ba mươi năm vắng bóng, cô nhận ra ngay rằng mình không nên quay lại. Mùi khói gỗ, đá ẩm và giấy cũ kỹ mang quá khứ trở lại mạnh mẽ đến nỗi nó gần như đánh bật cô ra sau. Ngay lập tức cô cảm thấy mình như một cô gái trẻ, cô đơn và sợ hãi trong nhà. Cô nhớ mình đã cảm thấy rất, rất lạnh - không phải vì ẩm ướt và nhiệt độ gần như đóng băng, mà vì một cuộc sống mới khủng khiếp đang bắt đầu. Và cô không thể làm gì để ngăn chặn nó.

Ngôi nhà tương lai?

Cứ sau vài năm, những người theo dõi xu hướng lại nói với chúng tôi rằng ngôi nhà của tương lai đã đến và các thiết bị từ các bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng sẽ sớm có mặt trong mọi gia đình trên cả nước. Cho đến nay họ đã sai - và sau khi xem triển lãm 'Ngôi nhà của tương lai', tôi nghi ngờ rằng họ vẫn còn sai. Tại sao tôi cần một chiếc tủ lạnh siêu thông minh hay một chiếc gương lướt web? Tôi thà nhìn rõ mặt mình trong một chiếc gương phòng tắm thông thường còn hơn là cố gắng lướt Internet trong khi đang chải đầu! Giá như họ có thể thiết kế một thiết bị để ngăn tôi giết tất cả cây trồng trong nhà. Nếu họ đã làm điều đó, thì tôi có thể quan tâm!

Ackerman ngôi nhà mơ ước

Kể từ năm 1893, những ngôi nhà của Ackerman đã tạo ra một số khu dân cư duyên dáng nhất ở miền nam nước Anh. Những ngôi nhà của chúng tôi kết hợp cảm giác lịch sử với những tiến bộ hiện đại nhất trong thiết kế và công nghệ nhà ở. Giờ đây, bạn có thể có cơ hội sở hữu một ngôi nhà Ackerman hiện đại tuyệt đẹp trong khu phát triển mới của chúng tôi ở Acreage Woods. Trải nghiệm chất lượng, vẻ đẹp và sự thoải mái của những ngôi nhà Ackerman, cái tên đáng tin cậy nhất trong lĩnh vực xây dựng nhà ở. Với những ngôi nhà liền kề và liền kề rộng rãi từ £275.000 đến £425.000, chúng tôi chắc chắn rằng bạn sẽ tìm thấy những gì bạn đang tìm kiếm. Vậy tại sao không ghé thăm chúng tôi ngày hôm nay?

Read the article about a type of art. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.When we think of art, we normally picture something which can exist for centuries. But there has always been a type of art which doesn't last. This is often referred to as 'temporary' art. Sculptures which are made of snow or ice, paintings in coloured sand, chalk drawings done on public pavements: it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a...
Đọc tiếp

Read the article about a type of art. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

When we think of art, we normally picture something which can exist for centuries. But there has always been a type of art which doesn't last. This is often referred to as 'temporary' art. Sculptures which are made of snow or ice, paintings in coloured sand, chalk drawings done on public pavements: it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.

Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a modern 'temporary' artist, and one who gets a lot of attention for his work. He uses groups of volunteers to help him, and his pieces take a long time to plan and create. But they are mostly talked about because the final results are so impressive. For the past few years, Rodríguez-Gerada has been creating gigantic faces in empty spaces in cities. To people on the ground, it looks like a garden, and it is hard to see any kind of design in it. In fact, GPS mapping is used to set out the design. Then an army of workers use this master plan to create the image which the artist has planned.

In 2014, the artist created an astonishing face on the National Mall in Washington, DC. It covered an area of 25,000 square metres, and it was created because the mall was getting new gardens, and the land wasn't going to be used for a while. The portrait was of a young man of mixed race, and was called Of the Many, One. The artist says that it showed one of the millions of faces that represent the American people. After a while, the sand and soil of the portrait were mixed together, and new lawns were planted in its place. The portrait has disappeared, but it will not easily be forgotten.

1 Temporary art is a new kind of art.

2 Artists use sand or chalk in their artwork so that it will exist for a long time.

3 Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is an important artist in the field of temporary art.

4 His work is very quick to create.

5 He uses maps to plan his artwork.

6 A lot of people help him to create his art.

7 Jorge's artwork called Of the Many, One was part of a new garden design for the National Mall.

8 The artwork does not exist anymore.

19 tháng 11 2023

1 Temporary art is a new kind of art.

(Nghệ thuật tạm thời là một loại hình nghệ thuật mới.)

Thông tin: “There has always been a type of art which doesn't last.”

(Luôn có một loại hình nghệ thuật không trường tồn.)

=> Chọn False

2 Artists use sand or chalk in their artwork so that it will exist for a long time.

(Các nghệ sĩ sử dụng cát hoặc phấn trong tác phẩm nghệ thuật của họ để tác phẩm tồn tại lâu dài.)

Thông tin: “it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.”

(Không phải những thứ này không có giá trị nghệ thuật, nhưng chúng được thiết kế để biến mất.)

=> Chọn False

3 Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is an important artist in the field of temporary art.

(Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada là một nghệ sĩ quan trọng trong lĩnh vực nghệ thuật tạm thời.)

Thông tin: “Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a modern 'temporary' artist, and one who gets a lot of attention for his work.”

(Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada là một nghệ sĩ 'tạm thời' hiện đại, và là người được chú ý nhiều nhờ tác phẩm của mình.")

=> Chọn True

4 His work is very quick to create.

(Tác phẩm của anh ấy được tạo ra rất nhanh.)

Thông tin: “his pieces take a long time to plan and create.”

(các tác phẩm của anh ấy mất nhiều thời gian để lên kế hoạch và sáng tạo.)

=> Chọn False

5 He uses maps to plan his artwork.

(Anh ấy sử dụng bản đồ để lên kế hoạch cho tác phẩm nghệ thuật của mình.)

Thông tin: “"In fact, GPS mapping is used to set out the design.”

(Trên thực tế, bản đồ GPS được sử dụng để thiết kế.)

=> Chọn True

6 A lot of people help him to create his art.

(Rất nhiều người giúp anh ấy tạo ra tác phẩm nghệ thuật.)

Thông tin: “He uses groups of volunteers to help him, and his pieces take a long time to plan and create.”

(Anh ấy sử dụng các nhóm tình nguyện viên để giúp đỡ anh ấy, và các tác phẩm của anh ấy mất nhiều thời gian để lên kế hoạch và sáng tạo.)

=> Chọn True

7 Jorge's artwork called Of the Many, One was part of a new garden design for the National Mall.

(Tác phẩm nghệ thuật của Jorge có tên Of the Many, One là một phần của thiết kế sân vườn mới cho National Mall.)

Thông tin: “It covered an area of 25,000 square metres, and it was created because the mall was getting new gardens, and the land wasn't going to be used for a while.”

(Nó có diện tích 25.000 mét vuông, và nó được tạo ra bởi vì trung tâm thương mại đang có những khu vườn mới và khu đất sẽ không được sử dụng trong một thời gian.)

=> Chọn True

8 The artwork does not exist anymore.

(Tác phẩm nghệ thuật không còn tồn tại nữa.)

Thông tin: “The portrait has disappeared, but it will not easily be forgotten.”

(Bức chân dung đã biến mất, nhưng nó sẽ không dễ bị lãng quên.)

=> Chọn True

Combine the following pairs-or groups of sentences by meas of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary 1. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it 2 She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp 3. Iam looking after some chidren. They are terribly spoilt 4. The bed has no mattress. I sleep on this bed 5. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other 6. There wasn`t any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box 7. This is Mrs Jones....
Đọc tiếp

Combine the following pairs-or groups of sentences by meas of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary

1. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it

2 She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp

3. Iam looking after some chidren. They are terribly spoilt

4. The bed has no mattress. I sleep on this bed

5. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other

6. There wasn`t any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box

7. This is Mrs Jones. Her son wn the championship last year

8. I was siiting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed

9. Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I had some specially to see him

10. The man was siiting at the desk. I had some to see his man

11. I missed the train. I usually catch this train. And I had to travel on the next. This was a slow train ( Make into one sentences)

12. His girl friend turned out to be an enemy spy. He trusted her absoluetly

13. The car had bad brakes. We were in this car. And the man didn`t know the way. This man was driving( Make into one sentences)

14. This is the story of a amn. His wìe suddenly loses her memory

15. We`ll have to get across the frontier. This will be difficult

16. a man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut by flying glass

17. The car crashed into a queue of people. Four of them were killed

18. The roads were crowed with refugess. many of them were wounded

19. I was waiting for a man. He didn't turn up ( The man......)

20. Tom came to the party in patched jeans. This surprised the other guests. Most of the other guests were wearing evening dress

22 tháng 2 2018

1. Thank you very much for a present which you sent me.

2. She was dancing with a student who had a slight limp

3. I am looking after some children who are terribly spoilt

4. The bed which I sleep on has no mattress.

5. Romeo and Juliet, whose parents hated each other, were lovers.

6. There wasn`t any directory in the telephone box which I was phoning from.

7. This is Mrs.Jones, whose son won the championship last year

8. I was sitting in a chair which suddenly collapsed

9. Mr.Smith, whom I had some specially to see, said he was too busy to speak to me.

10. The man whom I had some to see was sitting at the desk.

12. His girlfriend, who he trusted absolutely, turned out to be an enemy spy.

14. This is the story of a man whose wife suddenly loses her memory

15. We`ll have to get across the frontier, which will be difficult

16. a man brought in a small girl whose hand had been cut by flying glass

17. The car crashed into a queue of people, four of whom were killed

18. The roads were crowded with refugees, many of whom were wounded

19. The man who I was waiting for didn't turn up

20. Tom came to the party in patched jeans, which surprised the other guests, most of the other guests were wearing evening dress

Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the collumn on the right. (0) has been done as an example. The origins of Halloween Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the (0)________ (WEST) world, and is a time when people dress up as witches or ghosts, and go "trick-or treating". It is (1) _________ (DOUBT) one of the most popular traditions in the United States and Britain. The celebration (2) _________(ORIGIN) about two thousand years ago with the...
Đọc tiếp

Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the collumn on the right. (0) has been done as an example.

The origins of Halloween

Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the (0)________ (WEST) world, and is a time when people dress up as witches or ghosts, and go "trick-or treating". It is (1) _________ (DOUBT) one of the most popular traditions in the United States and Britain.

The celebration (2) _________(ORIGIN) about two thousand years ago with the Celts. These people were the (3) ________ (INHABIT) of an area that includes Britain, Ireland and Brittany. They relied on the land for their (4) _______ (LIVE), and this meant that they were at the mercy of (5) ________ (PREDICT) weather conditions, especially during the winter.

The Celtic new year began on 1st November, which also marked the beginning of winter, a period (6) _________ (TRADITION) associated with death. On the eve of the new year, it was believed that the barriers between the worlds of the living and the dead were (7) ________ (TEMPORARY) withdrawn, and it was possible to communicate with spirits. The Celts believed that the spirits offered them (8) ________ (GUIDE) and protection, and the Druids (Celtic priests) were (9) _________ (REPUTE) able to predict the future on this point.

When the Roman completed their (10) ________ (CONQUER) of Celtic lands, they added their own flavour to this festival. The advent of Christianity brought about yet other changes.

16 tháng 1 2019

Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the collumn on the right. (0) has been done as an example.

The origins of Halloween

Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the (0)________ (WEST) world, and is a time when people dress up as witches or ghosts, and go "trick-or treating". It is (1) ____UNDOUBTEDLY_ (DOUBT) one of the most popular traditions in the United States and Britain.

The celebration (2) ____ORIGINATED_(ORIGIN) about two thousand years ago with the Celts. These people were the (3) ___INHABITANTS__ (INHABIT) of an area that includes Britain, Ireland and Brittany. They relied on the land for their (4) ___LIVELIHOOD___ (LIVE), and this meant that they were at the mercy of (5) ____UNPREDICTABLE___ (PREDICT) weather conditions, especially during the winter.

The Celtic new year began on 1st November, which also marked the beginning of winter, a period (6) __TRADITIONALLY____ (TRADITION) associated with death. On the eve of the new year, it was believed that the barriers between the worlds of the living and the dead were (7) __TEMPORARILY__ (TEMPORARY) withdrawn, and it was possible to communicate with spirits. The Celts believed that the spirits offered them (8) _GUIDANCE__ (GUIDE) and protection, and the Druids (Celtic priests) were (9) ____REPUTEDLY___ (REPUTE) able to predict the future on this point.

When the Roman completed their (10) ___CONQUEST___ (CONQUER) of Celtic lands, they added their own flavour to this festival. The advent of Christianity brought about yet other changes.

16 tháng 1 2019


Dear Jane, I'm sorry for not(1)__ to you for two months. In my postcard sent to you when I was on vacation in July, I told you about a new friend of(2)__, Lisa Moran, who lives near my uncle's farm in Napan Valley, California. You may be curious to know what she is(3)__. Well, Lisa is of our age-17- and not very tall or slim. In fact, she has(4)__ rounded shoulders and a plump face. The best(5)__ on Lisa's face are her green eyes and the two simples on her checks. She(6)__ lively with her...
Đọc tiếp

Dear Jane,

I'm sorry for not(1)__ to you for two months. In my postcard sent to you when I was on vacation in July, I told you about a new friend of(2)__, Lisa Moran, who lives near my uncle's farm in Napan Valley, California. You may be curious to know what she is(3)__.

Well, Lisa is of our age-17- and not very tall or slim. In fact, she has(4)__ rounded shoulders and a plump face. The best(5)__ on Lisa's face are her green eyes and the two simples on her checks. She(6)__ lively with her hair cut short and dressed in(7)__ clothes- jeans and a T-shirts. When I first met her at my cousin's birthday party, I was attracted by her(8)__ and pleasingly direct manners. Curiuosly enough, Lisa has the same(9)__ in music as you and I.

That's(10)__ about Lisa for the moment. How have you been doing with your school work? Please write soon.

1. A.write. B.to write. C.writing. D.wrote

2. A. I. B.me. C.my. D.mine

3. A.looking. B.like. C.seen


4. A.slightly. B.hardly C.scarcely. D.reasonably

5. A.aspects. B.points

C.features. D.marks

6. A.feels. B.seems

C.appears. D.looks

7. A.casual. B.formal

C.sports. D.trendy

8. A.light-hearted. B.high-handed. C.self-centered


9. A.taste. B.hearin

C.sense. D.way

10. A.all. B.enough

C.end. D.most

23 tháng 9 2020

Dear Jane,

I'm sorry for not(1)__ to you for two months. In my postcard sent to you when I was on vacation in July, I told you about a new friend of(2)__, Lisa Moran, who lives near my uncle's farm in Napan Valley, California. You may be curious to know what she is(3)__.

Well, Lisa is of our age-17- and not very tall or slim. In fact, she has(4)__ rounded shoulders and a plump face. The best(5)__ on Lisa's face are her green eyes and the two simples on her checks. She(6)__ lively with her hair cut short and dressed in(7)__ clothes- jeans and a T-shirts. When I first met her at my cousin's birthday party, I was attracted by her(8)__ and pleasingly direct manners. Curiuosly enough, Lisa has the same(9)__ in music as you and I.

That's(10)__ about Lisa for the moment. How have you been doing with your school work? Please write soon.

1. A.write. B.to write. C.writing. D.wrote

2. A. I. B.me. C.my. D.mine

3. A.looking. B.like. C.seen D.similar

4. A.slightly. B.hardly C.scarcely. D.reasonably

5. A.aspects. B.points C.features. D.marks

6. A.feels. B.seems C.appears. D.looks

7. A.casual. B.formal C.sports. D.trendy

8. A.light-hearted. B.high-handed. C.self-centered D.easy-going

9. A.taste. B.hearin C.sense. D.way

10. A.all. B.enough C.end. D.most

1, Supply the correct verb form of gerund of present participle 1,(Feel)...hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge 2, My boss spends two hours a day (travel)...to work 3, (Swim)... is my favourite sport 4, One of life's pleasure is (have)...breakfast in bed. 5, (whistle)... to himself, he walked down the road 6, In spite of (miss)... the train, we arrived on time 7, They found the money... (lye) on the ground 8, He was trapped in a (burn)...house 9, I'm tired...
Đọc tiếp

1, Supply the correct verb form of gerund of present participle

1,(Feel)...hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge

2, My boss spends two hours a day (travel)...to work

3, (Swim)... is my favourite sport

4, One of life's pleasure is (have)...breakfast in bed.

5, (whistle)... to himself, he walked down the road

6, In spite of (miss)... the train, we arrived on time

7, They found the money... (lye) on the ground

8, He was trapped in a (burn)...house

9, I'm tired of....(work) eignt hours a day

10, She always puts off (go)...to the dentist

2, Supply the correct verb form of Gerund, Present Participle or perfect participle

1, She admintted(kill)....her husband

2, I regret(write)...her that letter

3, I enjoy (play)...tennis with my friends

4, Martin denied(see)... the accused man on the day of the crime

5, (Tell)... me that we should never speak again, she picked up her stuff and stormed out of the house

6. - Will you enter for the next aloquence contest?

-(Win)... twice, I don't want to try again. Let's give chances to other

7.(Improve)... her English Pie's promotion prospects are much better

26 tháng 8 2018

1, Supply the correct verb form of gerund of present participle

1,(Feel)..Feeling.hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge

2, My boss spends two hours a day (travel)..traveling .to work

3, (Swim)..Swimming. is my favourite sport

4, One of life's pleasure is (have).having ..breakfast in bed.

5, (whistle)...whistling to himself, he walked down the road

6, In spite of (miss)...missing the train, we arrived on time

7, They found the money..lying . (lye) on the ground

8, He was trapped in a (burn).burning ..house

9, I'm tired of.working...(work) eignt hours a day

10, She always puts off (go)going ...to the dentist

2, Supply the correct verb form of Gerund, Present Participle or perfect participle

1, She admintted(kill)..killing ..her husband

2, I regret(write).writing ..her that letter

3, I enjoy (play)..playing .tennis with my friends

4, Martin denied(see)..seeing . the accused man on the day of the crime

5, (Tell)... Telling me that we should never speak again, she picked up her stuff and stormed out of the house

6. - Will you enter for the next aloquence contest?

-(Win)...Winning twice, I don't want to try again. Let's give chances to other

7.(Improve)..Improving . her English Pie's promotion prospects are much better

26 tháng 8 2018

1, Supply the correct verb form of gerund of present participle

1,(Feel)Have Feeling..hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge

2, My boss spends two hours a day (travel).traveling..to work

3, (Swim).swimming .. is my favourite sport

4, One of life's pleasure is (have).having..breakfast in bed.

5, (whistle) Whistling to himself, he walked down the road

6, In spite of (miss).missing.. the train, we arrived on time

7, They found the money lyeing (lye) on the ground

8, He was trapped in a (burn).burning..house

9, I'm tired of..working..(work) eight hours a day

10, She always puts off (go)..going.to the dentist

2, Supply the correct verb form of Gerund, Present Participle or perfect participle

1, She admitted(kill)..killing..her husband

2, I regret(write)..writing.her that letter

3, I enjoy (play).playing..tennis with my friends

4, Martin denied(see).seeing.. the accused man on the day of the crime

5, (Tell) Telling.. me that we should never speak again, she picked up her stuff and stormed out of the house

6. - Will you enter for the next aloquence contest?

-(Win)Have winning.. twice, I don't want to try again. Let's give chances to other

7.(Improve).Improving.. her English Pie's promotion prospects are much better