
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.


Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in the following question.

1        A. paddy                        B. nomad                        C. major                         D. relax

2        A. hooked                      B. wicked                       C. locked                        D. picked

Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in the following question.

3        A. cotton                        B. symbol                       C. website                      D. design

4        A. tropical                      B. collection                   C. primary                      D. popular

Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in the following question.

5        The (A) Caspian Sea, a salt lake (B), is the largest (C) than any other lakes (D) in the world.

6        I have just sold (A) the book whom (B) I bought in (C) London 3 years ago( D).

7        Mai used to going (A) to school late (B ) when (C) she was (D) in primary school.

Choose the correct answer in the following question.

8        Millions of Christmas cards _____________ last month.

          A. are sent                      B. sent                            C. send                D. were sent

9        Mr.  John, together with several  members  of the committee, _________ proposed some changes of the rules.

           A. have                          B. has                             C. are                             D. is

10      Jane is _____________ because her job is _____________.

          A. bored – bored  B. bored - boring   C. boring - boring  D. boring - bored

11      It's too dangerous for us _____________ in this river.

          A. swimming                  B. to swim                      C. to swimming              D. swim

12      She has worked as a secretary _____________ she graduated from college.

          A. before                        B. since                           C. when                          D. until

13      Everyone has been home safe and sound, _____________?

          A. has he      B. hasn’t he      C. have they             D. haven’t they

14      I wish I _____________ the opportunity to come back to Thailand soon.

          A. have                           B. will have                    C. had had                     D. would have

15      It is true that happiness ___________ with money, but much money __________ life easier.

          A. mustn’t be bought - made                                B. can’t be bought - makes

         C. should buy - makes    D. doesn’t buy - is making

16      Do you know who’s _____________ their jewelry store?

          A. taking over     B. bringing out     C. passing down     D. turning down

17      Many children in our village are still_____. They can't read or write.

          A. illiterate                     B. creative                      C. unhealthy                  D. traditional






18      Making rice paper _________ jobs and income for many locals, and helps many families out of poverty and become well-off.

           A. keeps                        B. gets                            C. applies for                  D. creates

19      The artisan is delighted to _________ to you the craft of creating prints in an old-age style.

           A. demonstrate              B. explain                       C. express                       D. provide

20      This vase is a beautiful piece of_______It’s made from clay dug from our river banks.

           A. conical hat                B. pottery                      C. basket                        D. lacquerware

21      She lives one of the most _________ parts of the city. There are a lot of luxury shops here.

           A. cosmopolitan            B. stressful                     C. forbidden                  D. fashionable

22      A _______ is a building or place that has been made stronger and protected against attack.

            A. fortress                    B. structure                      C. tower                        D. citadel

23      You don't have to go to a supermarket for that. Just wait for a street ___________ to go past, and buy it.

          A. person                        B. vendor                        C. supplier                     D. purchaser

24      It is important to _______the wonders of the world so that future generations can see them with their own eyes.

          A. destroy                      B. ignore                         C. remain                        D. preserve

25      A(n) ___________ is a person whose job involves traveling and working in a spacecraft.

           A. pilot                           B. engineer                    C. astronaut                     D. trainer










26      Christer Fuglesang said he enjoyed floating around in the____environment.

           A. weightless                  B. homesick                     C. heavy                        D. quiet

Choose the most suitable response to complete the following exchange.

27      “I think you’ve taken my bag by mistake.”  - “_____________”

          A. What a shame!    B. Pardon?          C. I’m so sorry.                                D. Have I?

28      “May I have something to drink, please?”  - “_____________”

          A. Yes, of course. Help yourself.                            B. Of course you may.     

        C. Why do you have to ask?                                     D. You must help others too

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following question.

29    The Internet is available only in cities and towns, so we cannot easily get access to it in the countryside.

          A. visiting                       B. existing                      C. safe         D. helpful



30      The naughty boy was scolded for breaking the neighbour’s window yesterday.

          A. told off          B.  complimented      C.  caught         D. taken care of

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following question.

31      The Ministry of Health is carrying out a health project for the poor in mountainous regions and rural areas.

          A. urban                          B. mountainous      C. suburban        D. coastal

32  Our children must attend some acceptable school during the years of compulsory education.

A. advisory    B. inspirational        C. commercial         D. voluntary






Choose the correct word or phrase that best fits the numbered blank.

Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted. Most of this pollution comes (33) __________  the land, which means it comes from people. Firstly, there is raw sew sewage, which is pumped directly into the sea. Many countries, (34) __________ developed and developing, are guilty of doing this. Secondly, ships drop about 6 million tons of garbage into the sea each year. Thirdly, (35) __________ are oil spills from ships. A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel. This not only pollutes the water, but it also  kills  marine  life.  Next, there are  waste  materials  from  factories.  (36) __________  proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, which then leads to the sea. And (37) __________, oil is washed from the land. This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste.

33      A. for                              B. by                               C. from                           D. with

34      A. between                     B. both                           C. consist                       D. with

35      A. there                          B. they                            C. you                           D. we

36      A. With                          B. Therefore                   C. Without                     D. However

37      A. luckily                       B. finally                        C. unfortunately             D. traditional

Read the text and choose the correct answer to the question.

The price of holidays can fluctuate a great deal throughout the year, so you can save a lot if you are flexible with your travel dates and avoid peak holiday times. It can be also cheaper if you book well in advance. Before your departure, make sure you get as much information about your destination as you can. Find out if you require any special visas or permits to travel there. Think about spending money as well. Will you be able to access your own money easily enough or will you need to take cash with you? Think about eating larger lunches and smaller evening meals to help your money go further, as lunch is generally cheaper. Make sure that you keep sufficient identification with you at all times. It may also help to email a copy of your passport details to yourself, in case it is lost or stolen. Label your suitcases clearly so that they can be easily identified as yours. It can be useful to store a copy of your itinerary in a prominent place in your suitcase so that the airline will know where to find you if your luggage gets lost. Be sure to pack any medication or other essential items in your hand luggage. If your flight is delayed, or your luggage is lost, these can be difficult to obtain in an airport or foreign country.

38      Which can be the best title for the passage?

          A. Travel procedures                   B. Travel advice                                      

          C. How to adjust travel dates      D. Protect your luggage

39      Which one of these is NOT advisable according to the passage?

          A. Research your destination        B. Always bring identification                                          

         C. Apply for visas if necessary       D. Save money by cutting out dinner

40      According to the passage, your luggage should be_______.

          A. stored in a safe place                                        B. tagged in case of being lost      

          C. packed with your passport                               D. painted a bright colour

41      The highlighted word ‘it’ refers to your_______.

          A. identification        B. luggage                           C. passport           D. flight

42      It can be inferred from the passage that_______.

          A. travelling may cost more in peak season          B. you must always take cash with you    

          C. larger lunches cost more than smaller ones       D. you can't get back your lost luggage oversea

Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words. CHOOSE A, B, C, or D

43      My father said I could use his car.   

 My father allowed ____________________.

          A. My father allowed me to use his car.        B. My father allowed me use his car.

          C. My father allowed me to using his car.    D. My father allowed to me to use his car.

44      Don’t stop him doing what he wants.    

        Let __________________.

          A. Let's him do what he wants.

          B. Let him do what he wants.

          C. Let him do what he want.

          D. Let him does what he wants.

45      “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?”  He suggested ___________________.

          A. He suggested (that) I (should) putted my luggage under the seat

          B. He suggested (that) I (should) puts my luggage under the seat

          C. He suggested (that) I (should) put my luggage under the seat

          D. He suggested (that) I (should) putting my luggage under the seat





46      The law of supply and demand should govern the prices of goods.

The prices ______________.

          A. The prices of good should be governed by the law of supply and demand

          B. The prices of goods should be govern by the law of supply and demand

          C. The prices of goods should be governed with the law of supply and demand

          D. The prices of goods should be governed by the law of supply and demand




Combine the two sentences into a new one using the given words in brackets. Do not change the given words in any ways. CHOOSE A, B, C, or D


47      Fewer students attend ABE in the summer. The program only offers classes in the morning, (so)

A. Fewer students attend ABE in the summer, so the program only offers classes in the Morning.

B. Fewer students attend ABE in the summer, so the program only offer classes in the Morning.

C. Fewer students attend ABE in the summer, so the program only offered classes in the Morning.

D. Fewer students attend ABE in the summer, so the program only offering classes in the Morning.


48      The hostess specified the times for drinks and dinner. Her guests knew when to arrive at the party. (whose)

A. The hostess, whose the guests knew when to arrive at the party, specified the times for drinks and dinner.

B. The hostess, whose guests knew when to arrive at the party, specified the times for drinks and dinner.

C. The hostess, whose guests know when to arrive at the party, specified the times for drinks and dinner.

D. The hostess, whose guests knows when to arrive at the party, specified the times for drinks and dinner.



49      I can’t have my bike repaired because I don’t have enough money. (wish)

           A. I wish I have enough money to repair my bike.

           B. I wish I had had enough money to repair my bike.

           C. I wish I had enough money to repair my bike.

           D. I wish I have had enough money to repair my bike.

50      It’s over six months since Duong last had his hair cut. (for)

          A. Duong hasn’t had his hair cut over six months.

          B. Duong hasn’t had his hair cut since over six months.

          C. Duong hasn’t had his hair cut for over six month.

          D. Duong hasn’t had his hair cut for over six months.


23 tháng 2 2021

Bạn nên tách từng bài 1 thành 1 câu hỏi để mọi người trả lời nhanh nhất cho bạn! 


Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in the following question.

1        A. paddy                        B. nomad                        C. major                         D. relax

2        A. hooked                      B. wicked                       C. locked                        D. picked

Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in the following question.

3        A. cotton                        B. symbol                       C. website                      D. design

4        A. tropical                      B. collection                   C. primary                      D. popular

Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in the following question.

5        The (A) Caspian Sea, a salt lake (B), is the largest=>larger (C) than any other lakes (D) in the world.

6        I have just sold (A) the book whom=>which (B) I bought in (C) London 3 years ago( D).

7        Mai used to going=>go (A) to school late (B ) when (C) she was (D) in primary school.

Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words. CHOOSE A, B, C, or D

43      My father said I could use his car.   

 My father allowed ____________________.

          A. My father allowed me to use his car.        B. My father allowed me use his car.

          C. My father allowed me to using his car.    D. My father allowed to me to use his car.

44      Don’t stop him doing what he wants.    

        Let __________________.

          A. Let's him do what he wants.

          B. Let him do what he wants.

          C. Let him do what he want.

          D. Let him does what he wants.

45      “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?”  He suggested ___________________.

          A. He suggested (that) I (should) putted my luggage under the seat

          B. He suggested (that) I (should) puts my luggage under the seat

          C. He suggested (that) I (should) put my luggage under the seat

          D. He suggested (that) I (should) putting my luggage under the seat

46      The law of supply and demand should govern the prices of goods.

The prices ______________.

          A. The prices of good should be governed by the law of supply and demand

          B. The prices of goods should be govern by the law of supply and demand

          C. The prices of goods should be governed with the law of supply and demand

          D. The prices of goods should be governed by the law of supply and demand

Combine the two sentences into a new one using the given words in brackets. Do not change the given words in any ways. CHOOSE A, B, C, or D

47      Fewer students attend ABE in the summer. The program only offers classes in the morning, (so)

A. Fewer students attend ABE in the summer, so the program only offers classes in the Morning.

B. Fewer students attend ABE in the summer, so the program only offer classes in the Morning.

C. Fewer students attend ABE in the summer, so the program only offered classes in the Morning.

D. Fewer students attend ABE in the summer, so the program only offering classes in the Morning.

48      The hostess specified the times for drinks and dinner. Her guests knew when to arrive at the party. (whose)

A. The hostess, whose the guests knew when to arrive at the party, specified the times for drinks and dinner.

B. The hostess, whose guests knew when to arrive at the party, specified the times for drinks and dinner.

C. The hostess, whose guests know when to arrive at the party, specified the times for drinks and dinner.

D. The hostess, whose guests knows when to arrive at the party, specified the times for drinks and dinner.

49      I can’t have my bike repaired because I don’t have enough money. (wish)

           A. I wish I have enough money to repair my bike.

           B. I wish I had had enough money to repair my bike.

           C. I wish I had enough money to repair my bike.

           D. I wish I have had enough money to repair my bike.

50      It’s over six months since Duong last had his hair cut. (for)

          A. Duong hasn’t had his hair cut over six months.

          B. Duong hasn’t had his hair cut since over six months.

          C. Duong hasn’t had his hair cut for over six month.

          D. Duong hasn’t had his hair cut for over six months.

Giáo viên
23 tháng 2 2021

Chào em, em tham khảo nhé!

Choose the correct answer in the following question.

8        Millions of Christmas cards _____________ last month.

          A. are sent                      B. sent                    C. send                D. were sent

9 Mr John, together with several members of the committee, _________ proposed some changes to the rules.

           A. have                          B. has                             C. are                             D. is

10      Jane is _____________ because her job is _____________.

          A. bored – bored  B. bored - boring   C. boring - boring  D. boring - bored

11      It's too dangerous for us _____________ in this river.

          A. swimming                  B. to swim                      C. to swimming              D. swim

12      She has worked as a secretary _____________ she graduated from college.

          A. before                        B. since                           C. when                      D. until

13      Everyone has been home safe and sound, _____________?

          A. has he      B. hasn’t he      C. have they             D. haven’t they

14      I wish I _____________ the opportunity to come back to Thailand soon.

          A. have                 B. will have                 C. had had                 D. would have

15      It is true that happiness ___________ with money, but much money __________ life easier.

          A. mustn’t be bought - made                                B. can’t be bought - makes

         C. should buy - makes    D. doesn’t buy - is making

16      Do you know who’s _____________ their jewelry store?

          A. taking over     B. bringing out     C. passing down     D. turning down

17      Many children in our village are still_____. They can't read or write.

          A. illiterate                  B. creative              C. unhealthy             D. traditional

18      Making rice paper _________ jobs and income for many locals, and helps many families out of poverty and become well-off.

           A. keeps                        B. gets                    C. applies for           D. creates

19      The artisan is delighted to _________ to you the craft of creating prints in an old-age style.

           A. demonstrate              B. explain                C. express            D. provide

20      This vase is a beautiful piece of_______It’s made from clay dug from our river banks.

           A. conical hat                B. pottery               C. basket             D. lacquerware

21      She lives in one of the most _________ parts of the city. There are a lot of luxury shops here.

           A. cosmopolitan            B. stressful             C. forbidden       D. fashionable

22      A _______ is a building or place that has been made stronger and protected against attack.

            A. fortress                    B. structure                C. tower          D. citadel

23      You don't have to go to a supermarket for that. Just wait for a street ___________ to go past, and buy it.

          A. person                        B. vendor                    C. supplier      D. purchaser

24      It is important to _______the wonders of the world so that future generations can see them with their own eyes.

          A. destroy                      B. ignore                       C. remain        D. preserve

25      A(n) ___________ is a person whose job involves traveling and working in a spacecraft.

           A. pilot                           B. engineer                  C. astronaut    D. trainer

26      Christer Fuglesang said he enjoyed floating around in the____environment.

           A. weightless                B. homesick                  C. heavy           D. quiet

Choose the most suitable response to complete the following exchange.

27      “I think you’ve taken my bag by mistake.”  - “_____________”

          A. What a shame!    B. Pardon?          C. I’m so sorry.           D. Have I?

28      “May I have something to drink, please?”  - “_____________”

          A. Yes, of course. Help yourself.                            B. Of course you may.     

        C. Why do you have to ask?                                     D. You must help others too

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following question.

29    The Internet is available only in cities and towns, so we cannot easily get access to it in the countryside.

          A. visiting                       B. existing                      C. safe         D. helpful

30      The naughty boy was scolded for breaking the neighbour’s window yesterday.

          A. told off          B.  complimented      C.  caught         D. taken care of

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following question.

31      The Ministry of Health is carrying out a health project for the poor in mountainous regions and rural areas.

          A. urban                B. mountainous      C. suburban        D. coastal

32  Our children must attend some acceptable school during the years of compulsory education.

A. advisory         B. inspirational        C. commercial         D. voluntary

Choose the correct word or phrase that best fits the numbered blank.

Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted. Most of this pollution comes (33) __________  the land, which means it comes from people. Firstly, there is raw sew sewage, which is pumped directly into the sea. Many countries, (34) __________ developed and developing, are guilty of doing this. Secondly, ships drop about 6 million tons of garbage into the sea each year. Thirdly, (35) __________ are oil spills from ships. A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel. This not only pollutes the water but also kills marine life.  Next, there are waste materials from factories.  (36) __________  proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, which then leads to the sea. And (37) __________, oil is washed from the land. This can be the result of carelessness or deliberate dumping of waste.

33      A. for                              B. by                               C. from                           D. with

34      A. between                   B. both                           C. consist                       D. with

35      A. there                          B. they                            C. you                           D. we

36      A. With                          B. Therefore                C. Without             D. However

37      A. luckily                       B. finally                   C. unfortunately       D. traditional

Read the text and choose the correct answer to the question.

The price of holidays can fluctuate a great deal throughout the year, so you can save a lot if you are flexible with your travel dates and avoid peak holiday times. It can be also cheaper if you book well in advance. Before your departure, make sure you get as much information about your destination as you can. Find out if you require any special visas or permits to travel there. Think about spending money as well. Will you be able to access your own money easily enough or will you need to take cash with you? Think about eating larger lunches and smaller evening meals to help your money go further, as lunch is generally cheaper. Make sure that you keep sufficient identification with you at all times. It may also help to email a copy of your passport details to yourself, in case it is lost or stolen. Label your suitcases clearly so that they can be easily identified as yours. It can be useful to store a copy of your itinerary in a prominent place in your suitcase so that the airline will know where to find you if your luggage gets lost. Be sure to pack any medication or other essential items in your hand luggage. If your flight is delayed, or your luggage is lost, these can be difficult to obtain in an airport or foreign country.

38      Which can be the best title for the passage?

          A. Travel procedures                   B. Travel advice                                      

          C. How to adjust travel dates      D. Protect your luggage

39      Which one of these is NOT advisable according to the passage?

          A. Research your destination        B. Always bring identification                       

         C. Apply for visas if necessary       D. Save money by cutting out dinner

40      According to the passage, your luggage should be_______.

          A. stored in a safe place                              B. tagged in case of being lost      

          C. packed with your passport                     D. painted a bright colour

41      The highlighted word ‘it’ refers to your_______.

          A. identification        B. luggage                  C. passport           D. flight

42      It can be inferred from the passage that_______.

          A. travelling may cost more in peak season         

          B. you must always take cash with you    

          C. larger lunches cost more than smaller ones      

          D. you can't get back your lost luggage oversea

Chúc em học tốt và có những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời tại hoc24.vn!

I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1:  A. frustrated      B. adulthood         C. drumhead            D. contributeQuestion 2: A. negative         B. artisan             C. fabulous              D. rankQuestion 3: A. embarrassed   B. delighted           C. knocked             D. watchedQuestion 4: A. attracts          B. ranks               C....
Đọc tiếp

I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1A. frustrated      B. adulthood         C. drumhead            D. contribute

Question 2: A. negative         B. artisan             C. fabulous              D. rank

Question 3: A. embarrassed   B. delighted           C. knocked             D. watched

Question 4: A. attracts          B. ranks               C. laughs                 D. involves

Question 5: A. responsible    B. emergency       C. employment        D. depression


II. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. empathise      B. encourage        C. frustrated             D. emotion

Question 2: A. boundary       B. concentrate      C. lacquerware         D. affordable

Question 3A. reliable         B. determine         C. cultural               D. forbidden

Question 4 A. conduct       B. wander            C. preserve              D. produce

Question 5: A. environment  B. independent     C. metropolitan        D. adolescence


III. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1: We’ll have to phone you first ……….we organize the trip.

         A. before                B. though             C. because            D. while

Question 2: This sports centre is so small that it can not ……….the demands of local residents.

         A. run out of          B. deal about                  C. set up               D. keep up with

Question 3: Today’s cities are ……... than cities in previous times.

         A. the largest          B. lots larger                   C. as large             D. much larger

Question 4: Ho Chí Minh city is a lot ……….  .

         A. bigger than Ha Noi capital                        B. more big than Ha Noi capital

        C. as bigger as Ha Noi capital               D. more smaller than Ha Noi capital

Question 5: Hoa said: “ I understand how you feel, Nam.”

         A. Hoa empathised with nam                        B. Hoa gave advice to Nam

         C. Hoa encouraged Nam                                D. Hoa assured Nam

Question 6: Van Phuc village in Ha Noi has lots of silk ……….such as cloth, scarves, ties and dresses.

         A. produces           B. products           C. production                 D. productional

Question 7: In recent years, there has been thousands of victims of sexual and physical ……… 

           A. conduct            B. abuse                  C. crime                                D. sentence

Question 8: The birthplace of the famous bai tho ............. is Tay Ho village in Hue.

         A. drums                         B. lanterns            C. conical hats            D. paintings

Question 9: lots of people choose to buy house in the suburbs ............ they can avoid the noise and pollution.

         A. although            B. so that              C. when                D. after

Question 10: Minh is ............ the most successful student in my class.

         A. by far                          B. so long             C. so that              D. by the way

Question 11: Is it true that you  ............ this woolen hat yourself?

         A. wove                           B. knitted             C. did                    D. carved

Question 12: My parents never put themselves ............my shoes.

         A. on                     B. in                     C. at                     D. about

Question 13: I feel so ............ because I can’t run as fast as my friend.

         A. embarrass          B. embarrassed     C. embarrassing    D. embarrassment

Question 14: ……….she’s young, she’s the most famous doctor in this hospital

         A. Although           B. Since                C. In order that     D. so that

Question 15: The craft of sleeping mat weaving is often ……….from generation to generation..

         A. passed down               B. come back                  C. turned down     D. lived on


VI. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 1: During the morning and evening rush hours, cities often become packed with people and vehicle

         A. forbidden                         B. crowded                       C. tended                    D. depended

Question 2: Koalas are well-known as the symbol of Australia

A. visual                      B. radioactive               C. famous                 D. Official

Question 3: More and more city dwellers suffer form coughing or breathing problems

         A. residents            B. employers                  C. laborers            D. writers

Question 4: The aim of this organization is to help children and their mother

        A. activity                      B. disadvantage            C. profit                      D. beauty

Question 5: Her parents set up this pottery workshop over thirty years ago..

         A. finished             B. came                C. started              D. took


V.  Circle  the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 1: Hi Duong! How’s it going? Getting over the jet lag?.

       A. Being worried about      B. Turning up                

       C. Going over                     D. Being tired from

Question 2: Majority of students feel stressed when they take the exam.

       A. worried               B. relaxed             C. confident          D. depressed

Question 3: Living in a city has a number of benefits.

       A. advantages          B. problems          C. drawbacks                 D. conflicts

Question 4: Teenagers often show negative action whenever they have problems

       A. tense                   B. cognitive          C. risk                  D. positive

Question 5: Hoa got 10 marks for her English test, so she ‘s absolutely delighted about that result.

       A. upset                   B. funny               C. happy               D. embarrassed


VI. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 1: The villagers have to dry the buffalo skin under the sun after they make the drumheads                                                                            

      A. have                     B. under               C. after                 D. drumheads

Question 2: She turned on the new job in New York because she didn’t want to move.                                                                             

      A. on                         B. in                     C. because            D. didn’t

Question 3: When we are on holiday, we used to go to the beach every day.                                                                           

      A. are                       B. on holiday                  C. go                    D. every day

Question 4: None of them had any idea about how make a raft with only a few bamboo canes.                                                                            

      A. of                         B. any                            C. make                D. a few

Question 5: The students asked their teacher what lesson they would study tomorrow.

     A. asked                   B. their                         C. they                        D. tomorrow

Question 6: He said that they will have to set off soon after midnight.                                                                          

      A. that                      B. will                               C. set off             D. after

Question 7: I think Everybody should take their shoes or sandals over in the pagoda

     A. think                      B. take                             C. or                   D. over

Question 8: Many children like to go to Bat Trang ceramic village though they can make their own pottery there                                                                

      A. Many                             B. to go                 C. though             D. their          

Question 9: Among the countries in Asia, Japan is the most second developed country in the world.

    A. Among                             B. Asia                 C. most second            D. in

Question 10: Mai was chosen because she is a good administrator who gets along for everyone.

     A. was chosen             B. because              C. who                         D. for


VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbers blanks.

             Before the exam, gives yourself plenty of time to do everything. Arrive on time but not too early or you will find yourself getting more and more nervous while you wait to start. Try not to talk about the exam before you go in. In the exam, calm yourself ..(1)... by breathing deeply and thinking positively. If possible, start with the questions you can do easily to give you ..…(2)….. Finally, .…(3)….. the exam, don’t join in a discussion about what everyone else did, unless you want to frighten yourself. Above all, remember that exams are not designed to catch you out but to find ..…(4)…..what you know, what you understand and what you can do.

Question 1:   A. up                  B. on                    C. down                         D. in

Question 2:   A. confidence      B. pressure           C. reasoning skill            D. awareness

Question 3:   A. during            B. before               C. after                           D. about

Question 4:   A. in                    B. out                   C. on                              D. about


B.       When you come to the countryside of Vietnam, especially in Hue, you can see a lot of beautiful girls with a palm leaf (1)……… hat on. The conical leaf hat is said the symbol of the Vietnamese nation.The hat is made (2)……… a special kind of bamboo and young and soft palm leaves. The ribs are shaped into a conical form. The diametre of the hat is usually about between forty and fifty-five centimetres; and it is about twenty-five or thirty centimetres high. The ribs are covered with palm leaves which are tightly stitched onto the bamboo frame. Finally, the hat is usually (3)…….. with a coat of furniture - polish oil. The palm leaf conical hat is mainly used to protect from shine or rain. Beneath the broad rim of the hat do Vietnamese girls look more (4)……. and charming? (palm: cây cọ, rim: vành, rib: sườn)

Question 1.   A. cone                B. conical              C. conically           D. conicity

Question 2.  A. with                 B. to                      C. from                  D. in

Question 3.  A. drawn              B. written              C. painted              D. covered

Question 4.  A. attract              B. attractive           C. attraction           D. attractiveness


VIII.  Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer.

     A      Good manners are a treasure to the people who possess them, as well as to the community they live in. Manners are taught, learnt, and passed from generation to generation. Even 100 years ago, children were taught to behave responsibly. They learnt to respect seniority. Boys learnt to work hard to support their families. Girls learnt to do housework, and to take of others. Loyalty and honesty were highly appreciated. When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it. That would be cowardly and mean. They were taught that families were strong, and everybody should stick together in adversity. Fortunately, many of these values have been well preserved. They have contributed to making the unique Vietnamese culture, and strengthening our society

Question 1: Good manners are………………………..

         A. of great value     B. of the community       C. traditional         D. only for the old

Question 2: The sentence: “When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it” means they would……………………..

        A. deny their mistake        B. keep it a secret  C. admit their mistake     D. be punished

Question 3: “cowardly and mean” is used to describe ……………………behaviour

        A. acceptable          B. strange             C. proper               D. unacceptable   

Question 4: This passage is about…………………………………

    A. people who possess good manners       B. what good manners children in the past had  

    C. the preservation of bad values              D. good manners and their values


B.        The London Eye, also known as the Millennium Wheel, is a giant observation wheel in London. The entire structure is 135 metres (443 ft) tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 metres (394 ft). When erected in 1999 it was the world’s tallest observation wheel. It is now one of the most popular attractions in the world. It is considered to be a symbol of London. People make special journeys to see the  fascinating giant wheel. 15,000 people can ride the wheel every day. They feel excited to climb above the city and look back down on it. Not just rich people, but everybody can do this. It is public and aordable, and it has become a place of interest in London.

Question 1: How is the London Eye?

           A. big                            B .tall                                       C. giant                D. high

Question 2:  How tall is it?

          A. 135 metres             B. 434 feets                           C. 120 metres                 D. 394 feetst

Question 3:  How many people can ride the wheel every week?

         A. 15,000               B.1999                                     C. 105,000            D. 51,000

Question 4: Why has the giant wheel become a place of interest in London?

        A.  public                 B .public and affordable          C. fancinating            D. affordable


IX. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.

Question 1: She said: “I can’t do this exercise.”

®  She said that ........................................................................................................

Question 2: Why did you put on smart clothes last night? ( dress)

®  Why ......................................................................................................................

Question 3: The salary of a soldier is higher than that of a teacher.

® The salary of a teacher is ........................................................................................

Question 4:  “Don’t leave your luggage unattended.”

® He asked me  ............................................................................................................

Question 5: Minh asked his teacher: “When should I start the computer?”

®  Minh asked ...............................................................................................................

Question 6: The prospect of moving to a new flat on the outskirts of Ha Noi made me much happier. (cheer)

®  The prospect of ..........................................................................................................

Question 7: Nguyen Quang Dieu high school has lots of well-qualified teachers. Therefore, it attracts many students

®  Since Nguyen Quang Dieu high school ..............................................................................

Question 8: The Nile is longer than any river in the world. (highest)

®  The Nile is .............................................................................................................

Question 9: He said  “I was on my way now ”

®  She said that ................................................................................................................

Question 10: Mr Lam has a good relationship with his neighbours

®  Mr Lam gets ................................................................................................................


27 tháng 10 2021

đăng từng bài một thôi nha bạn, nhiều quá tr 😥

29 tháng 10 2021

Từ nào gạch dưới v

Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in the following question.1     A. brought              B. thought              C. bought               D. drought2     A. ensure                 B. leisure                 C.  television           D. pleasureChoose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in the following question.3     A. display               B. intention             C. basic                   D....
Đọc tiếp

Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in the following question.

1     A. brought              B. thought              C. bought               D. drought

2     A. ensure                 B. leisure                 C.  television           D. pleasure

Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in the following question.

3     A. display               B. intention             C. basic                   D. unless

4     A. although             B. mature                C. enough               D. access

Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in the following question.

5     The official (A) delagation will (B) arrive at (C) Geneve next (D) Monday.

6     What is the most (A) important (B) thing in (C) really (D) life?

7     She continued (A) writing (B) after she had (C) supper (D).

Choose the correct answer in the following question.

8     She came into the room while they __________ television.

       A. have watched     B. watches              C. were watching    D. watched

9     __________ if I take the map.

       A. I’ll get lost                                         B. I’ll not get lost  

       C. I would get lost                                 D. I wouldn’t get lost

10   I’m right, __________ ?

       A. am not I                                            B. aren’t I              

       C. am I                                                   D. isn’t it

11   He __________ breakfast at seven o’clock often.

       A. doesn’t has        B. doesn’t have       C. not has               D. not have

12   The news __________ bad last night.

       A. were                   B. was                     C. has                     D. has been

13   Tim __________ go fishing with his father when he was young.

       A. used to               B. is used to            C. has used to         D. was used to

14   I like watching __________ on television.

       A. football              B. football match    C. match football    D. a football

15   “If a thing isn’t __________ ” he said “I can’t give it away”

       A. mine                   B. to me                  C. of mine               D. my

16   Will you __________ me to post this letter tomorrow?

       A. remember           B. remind                C. mind                   D. suggest

17   It's very dark here. Do you mind if I __________ the light?

       A. go on                  B. take off               C. look for              D. turn on

18   Let's paint the house __________. It's much cheaper.

       A. herself                B. ourselves            C. yourself              D. themselves

19   We may have a __________ of oxygen in the future if all the rainforests are cut down.

       A. production         B. less                     C. shortage             D. spare

20   I believe that our new manager will work more __________ in this business environment.

       A. effect                  B. effective              C. effectiveness       D. effectively

21   We should __________ deforestation to save wild animals and plants.

       A. protect               B. increase              C. prevent               D. damage

22   What should we do to reduce the level of environmetal __________?

       A. pollution            B. polluted              C. polluting            D. pollute

23   I had __________ to the countryside with my family last week.

       A. two-days trip                                    B. a two-days trip 

       C. two-day trip                                      D. a two-day trip

24   I have a pen friend in Ho Chi Minh City. We have __________ for years but we haven't met each other.

       A. worked               B. corresponded     C. talked                 D. written

25   Never put __________ till tomorrow what you can do today.

       A. off                      B. away                  C. out                     D. over

26   After Jack's mother died, he was __________ up by his aunt.

       A. grown                 B. taken                  C. set                      D. brought

Choose the most suitable response to complete the following exchange.

27   Hoa: “What are they like?”  - Minh: “ __________ ”

       A.They are very nice.                             B.They are from London.   

       C. They’re American.                             D. They’re in London.

28   Mary: “Something is worrying me.”. - John: “ __________ ”

       A. Well, what are you doing?                 B. Well, tell me who’s that?

       C. Well, tell me what’s worrying you?   D. Well, I know.

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following question.

29   She purchased a number of shares in the company.

       A. sold                    B. bought                C. exchanged          D. invested

30   We had a nice chat over a cup of tea.

       A. formal talk                                        B. long talk            

       C. serious talk                                        D. informal talk

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following question.

31   I drank some cups of tea, had a quick breakfast then led the buffalo to the field.

       A. weak                  B. strick                  C. slow                   D. thin

32   I leave the house at quarter past five and arrive in the field at exactly 5.00 o’clock.

       A. strongly              B. quickly               C. wrongly              D. successfully


Choose the correct word or phrase that best fits the numbered blank.

In the home a dad is very important. He is the (23) __________ who provides with money to feed and clothes ourselves. He can decorate your bedroom, mend your radio, make cages for your pets, repairs a punture in your bicycle tyre and help you with maths homework. A dad can be very useful for (24) __________ you in the car to from parties, music and dancing lessons.
A dad is the person whom you can ask for pocket money. He is the one who (25) __________ about the time you spend talking on the phone as he has to pay for the bills. Dad is someone who support you in a(n) (26) __________ if he believes you to be right. He is someone who reads your school (27) __________ and treats if it is good. A dad likes to come into a nice happy home evening, and settle back in his chair with a newapaper.

33   A. people                B. someone             C. person                D. anyone

34   A. bringing              B. taking                 C. picking               D. carrying

35   A. explains             B. shouts                C. complains          D. tells

36   A. talk                     B. disagreement      C. argument            D. disscusion

37   A. report                 B. result                  C. record                 D. review


Read the text and choose the correct answer to the question.

1. Coca Cola is a popular drink for people all over the world. At first, very few people drank Coca Cola, but now it is sold in more than 160 countries. More than 1.6 billion gallons are sold every year.
2. Coca Cola was invented by Dr. Pemberton in Atlanta on May 8th, 1886. However, the name Coca Cola was given by Frank Robinson, one of Dr. Pemberton’s partner. Later, in 1888, the business was sold to another man, Asa Candler. He opened his first factory to produce this drink in 1895 in Dallas, Texas. Since then a great quantity of Coca Cola has been produced (there). Since 1982, a special kind of Coca Cola has been made for overweight people – diet Coke. They have used many clever advertisements to increase the amount of Coca Cola sold every year.
3. Besides Coca Cola, there are many other drinks of the same kind sold all over the world such as Pepsi Cola, Sp-Cola and Dr. Pepper. However, Coca Cola is the most popular. People drink Coca Cola with their meals, when they are thirsty or when they socialise with their friends. It is certain that more and more people will drink Coca Cola all over the world in this century.

38   The first Coca Cola factory was opened in Dallas by __________.

       A. Dr. Pemberton   B. Frank Robison   C. Asa Candler       D. Dr. Pepper

39   The word “there” refers to __________.

       A. Atlanta, a US city                              B. where Coca Cola was first made        C. the place that Coca Cola is sold                         D. the city with the first Coca Cola factory

40   Diet Coke is used for __________ people.

       A. fat                      B. sick                     C. thin                    D. small

41   Which of the following is CLOSEST in meaning to the word “socialise”?

       A. break up                                            B. hang out            

       C. stay in touch                                     D. show around

42   Coca Cola is believed to be __________.

       A. less popular than other drinks of the same kind              

       B. as popular as the last century           

       C. as popular as other drinks of the same kind                    

       D. more popular than other drinks of the same kind

Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words. CHOOSE A, B, C, or D

43   Murder is the most serious of all crimes.
No crime is __________

       A. No crime is more serious than murder.

       B. No crime more serious than murder.

       C. No crime is seriouser than murder.

       D. No crime is serious more than murder.

44   This is the first time I have lived in a city with a high crime rate.
I am not used __________

       A. I am not used to live in a city with a high crime rate.

       B. I am not used living in a city with a high crime rate.

       C. I am not used to living in a city with a high crime rate.

       D. I am not used to be living in a city with a high crime rate.

45   I’ve never eaten this food before.
This is __________

       A. This is the first time I ate this food.

       B. This is the first time I eat this food.

       C. This is the first time I eaten this food.

       D. This is the first time I have eaten this food.

46   We couldn’t go out because the weather was bad.
It was such __________

       A. It was such bad weather we couldn’t go out.

       B. It was such a bad weather that we couldn’t go out.

       C. It was such bad weather that we could go out.

       D. It was such bad weather that we couldn’t go out.

Combine the two sentences into a new one using the given words in brackets. Do not change the given words in any ways. CHOOSE A, B, C, or D

47   She is fond of her nephew. He behaves terribly. (EVEN THOUGH)

       A. She is fond of her nephew even  though he behaves terrible.

       B. She is fond of her nephew even  though he behaves terribly.

       C. Even  though her nephew behaves terribly, she is fond of him.

       D. Even  though her nephew behaves terribly she is fond of him.

48   He didn’t hurried. He missed the bus. (BECAUSE OF)

       A. Because of not hurrying, he missed the bus.

       B. He missed the bus because of not hurrying.

       C. Because of he is not hurry, he missed the bus.

       D. He missed the bus because of not be hury.

49   The day was very cold. He could not go out. (TOO)

       A. The day was too cold for him to go out.

       B. The day was too cold for him go out.

       C. The day was too cold for him going out.

       D. The day was too cold to go out.

50   The old man is my grandfather. He lives next door. (WHO)

       A. The old man, who lives next door, is my grandfather.

       B. The old man who live next door is my grandfather.

       C. The old man who lives next door is my grandfather.

       D. The old man who he lives next door is my grandfather.

14 tháng 2 2022

dài quá bạn, bạn chia nhỏ ra nhé

14 tháng 2 2022

25 câu đầu ik bn


29 tháng 12 2023

1 D

2 D

26 tháng 3 2022

1. A

2. B

26 tháng 3 2022



Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the  other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions (0,5 point).Question 11: A. muscle                       B. pressure                  C. brush                       D. acupunctureQuestion 12: A. contributes                B. needles                   C. consumes                D. nurtures Choose the letter A, B, C or D sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following ...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the  other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions (0,5 point).

Question 11: A. muscle                       B. pressure                  C. brush                       D. acupuncture

Question 12: A. contributes                B. needles                   C. consumes                D. nurtures


Choose the letter A, B, C or D sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following  questions (1,5 point).

Question 13: There may be _________ differences in attitudes to paid work between men and women of the same age.

            A. gender                    B. female                                 C. male                        D. human

Question 14: These cells form part of the _______ system and help to prevent the body from getting infected with the Corona virus.

            A. muscular                 B. immune                               C. defensive                D. reproductive

Question 15: Walking is a ________ against heart and circulatory disorders and may lower blood pressure.

            A. prevent                   B. preventing                          C. prevention              D. preventive

Question 16: When he began his _______ career, King played only for black audiences.

            A. musical                   B. music                                  C. musician                 D. musically

Question 17: It _______ again soon. I have seen dark snow clouds in the sky.

            A. will snow                B. is going to snow                 C. snows                     D. is snowing

Question 18: She had previous experience of working for an international firm, _______ she seemed the best candidate.

            A. for                          B. or                                        C. but                          D. so

Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction (1,0 point).

Question 29: At the moment, the authority does nothing with the tension escalating in the south of the

                                                                       A                  B                            C                     D

remote town.

Question 30: Do you think the weather is going to be fine tomorrow? 

                                     A              B               C            D

Question 31: When she was attending the meeting, she didn’t speak to anyone there, but nobody paid any

                                              A                                              B                             C      D

attention to her.

Question 32: Some people seem to let their kids to do whatever they like. 

                                             A                B              C                     D


Question 3:    A. 'decorate                B. 'beautiful               C. 'market                   D. ba'nana

Question 4:    A. 'welcome              B. 'cultural                 C. engi'neer                D. 'student

30 tháng 9 2021

1 B

2 D

13 tháng 5 2022


2. D.design