
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

7 tháng 9 2023

1 - D      

2 - A     

3 - B     

4 - C     

Nam: Let’s decide on the three main benefits of vocational training. First, I think it will help students develop practical skills.

(Hãy quyết định ba lợi ích chính của đào tạo nghề. Thứ nhất, tôi nghĩ nó sẽ giúp sinh viên phát triển các kỹ năng thực tế.)

Lan: I agree. Vocational courses are more practical than university courses.

(Tôi đồng ý. Các khóa học nghề thực tế hơn các khóa học đại học.)

Nam: What do you think is the second benefit?

(Bạn nghĩ lợi ích thứ hai là gì?)

Lan: I think it’s the short duration of study. Degree programmes at university usually go on for at least three years while vocational courses can last less than two years.

(Tôi nghĩ đó là thời gian học ngắn. Các chương trình cấp bằng tại trường đại học thường kéo dài ít nhất ba năm trong khi các khóa học nghề có thể kéo dài dưới hai năm.)

Nam: (1) D. Now, let's think about one more benefit.

(Bây giờ, hãy nghĩ về một lợi ích nữa.)

Lan: (2) A. It’s the cost. Vocational training is much cheaper than university education.

(Đó là chi phí. Đào tạo nghề rẻ hơn nhiều so với giáo dục đại học.)

Nam: (3) B. I couldn‘t agree more. So, we’ve decided on the three main benefits: more practical, shorter, and cheaper.

(Tôi không thể đồng ý hơn. Vì vậy, chúng tôi đã quyết định về ba lợi ích chính: thiết thực hơn, ngắn hơn và rẻ hơn.)

Lan: (4) C. Great! We're now ready to report to the class.

(Tuyệt vời! Bây giờ chúng ta đã sẵn sàng để báo cáo trước lớp.)

Read the task and the essay. Do you agree with the writer's general opinion? Why? /Why not?Students should be encouraged to choose vocational courses at university instead of more traditional courses. Discuss.Some people maintain that the benefits of vocational courses are greater than those of more traditional ones. That is the question we need to consider. It is certainly true that the workplace is becoming more competitive. A vocational course may be a more direct route into employment...
Đọc tiếp

Read the task and the essay. Do you agree with the writer's general opinion? Why? /Why not?

Students should be encouraged to choose vocational courses at university instead of more traditional courses. Discuss.

Some people maintain that the benefits of vocational courses are greater than those of more traditional ones. That is the question we need to consider. It is certainly true that the workplace is becoming more competitive. A vocational course may be a more direct route into employment compared to traditional courses. It is also undeniable that certain jobs (for example nurse, hairdresser) are only available to people with a vocational qualification. On the other hand, choosing a vocational course means deciding what job you want to do when you are still at school. Many people believe this is too early. How can a teenager know what job is right for him or her? Another problem is that vocational courses only focus on what you need to learn for a particular job. Is it not better for students to explore other interests while at university? On balance, I do not believe that students should choose vocational courses unless they are sure what career they want to follow. It is wiser to opt for a course that really interests you.

18 tháng 11 2023

I agree with the writer's general opinion because of four reasons:

- Vocational courses are more focused on specific job skills, which may limit a student's opportunities if they change their career goals later on.

- Traditional courses often offer a broader education and more opportunities to explore different subjects, which can be valuable for personal growth and future career prospects.

- It can be difficult for students to know exactly what they want to do when they are still in school, so choosing a vocational course may be too restrictive.

- Pursuing a course that really interests you can be more fulfilling and motivating than focusing solely on job prospects.

18 tháng 11 2023

Three jobs would need to do a vocational degree for are: Nurse, Electrician, Graphic designer

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

1 - B

2 - D

3 - A

4 - C

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

Mark: Mai, which human activity is the main cause of global warming?

(Mai, hoạt động nào của con người là nguyên nhân chính của sự nóng lên toàn cầu?)

Mai: (1) B. I think it’s cutting down or burning forests.

(Tôi nghĩ đó là chặt phá hoặc đốt rừng.)

Mark: Why do you think so?

(Tại sao bạn lại nghĩ như vậy?)

Mai: (2) D. Well, there are two main reasons. (3) A. First, deforestation leads to more CO2 in the air. Trees use CO2 to grow, so when they are cut down or burnt, CO2 in the air increases.

(Vâng, có hai lý do chính. Đầu tiên, nạn phá rừng dẫn đến nhiều CO2 hơn trong không khí. Cây xanh sử dụng CO2 để phát triển, vì vậy khi chúng bị chặt hoặc đốt, CO2 trong không khí sẽ tăng lên.)

Mark: I see.

(Tôi hiểu rồi.)

Mai: (4) C.This also makes the earth even warmer. Forests store carbon in the trees and soil, and help reduce the global temperature. That’s why I think cutting down or burning forests is the most serious problem.

(Điều này cũng làm cho trái đất nóng hơn. Rừng lưu trữ carbon trong cây và đất, đồng thời giúp giảm nhiệt độ toàn cầu. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi nghĩ chặt phá hoặc đốt rừng là vấn đề nghiêm trọng nhất.)

At university, it is a big turning point in the lives of each human. Most parents in Vietnam today think that studying at university is the best future guarantee for their children. Therefore, many parents have put pressure on the grades and hierarchies in the classroom. To revoke that, they race each other for their children to study, learn the fool, causing you to have time to rest, to play healthy. We can't confirm whether parents think or think is wrong at all when good jobs require...
Đọc tiếp

At university, it is a big turning point in the lives of each human. Most parents in Vietnam today think that studying at university is the best future guarantee for their children. Therefore, many parents have put pressure on the grades and hierarchies in the classroom. To revoke that, they race each other for their children to study, learn the fool, causing you to have time to rest, to play healthy. We can't confirm whether parents think or think is wrong at all when good jobs require degrees. Studying at university is important by the way. Firstly, in a higher education environment, students will have access to selected knowledge as quickly as they can through books and practices. Its knowledge will help you to raise your expertise at work later on. Secondly, universities provide you with more opportunities for your careers. For example, companies tend to receive students who have good results or are proved to be excellent from universities instead of looking for candidates themselves.
But is university the only way to success? No is the answer. If you think about it, scientists, the richest people in the world don't everybody go to university but they still succeed. Let's take just one example. Bill Gates, a global owner of Microsoft at the age of 20, has dropped out of university to pursue his interests. And the people who invented the utility plow or the reapers were just farmers. We cannot deny the benefits of college, but why are there thousands of unemployed students every year? And very few students get out to school and do their training? Many students get a good degree, a good degree, but are difficult or unable to get a job. There are only two main reasons, which are that few practices lead to a lack of skills and a failure to implement the skills that they have learned. In short,the university is not the only path to success but it is the most secure and secure path. So when you slip through college, you don't have to go through sadness, and this door closes, another door opens, and importantly we have to have faith and determination, and one day we will achieve success.

Mọi người soát lỗi hộ mình với ạ! Thank you very much!


hay quá bạn :

Vào đại học, đó là một bước ngoặt lớn trong cuộc đời của mỗi con người. Hầu hết các bậc cha mẹ ở Việt Nam hiện nay đều cho rằng học đại học là sự đảm bảo tốt nhất cho tương lai của con cái họ. Vì vậy, nhiều phụ huynh đã tạo áp lực về điểm số và thứ bậc trong lớp học. Để thu hồi điều đó, họ đua nhau cho con học, học dốt, khiến các bạn không có thời gian nghỉ ngơi, vui chơi lành mạnh. Chúng tôi không thể khẳng định rằng phụ huynh nghĩ hay nghĩ sai chút nào khi công việc tốt đòi hỏi bằng cấp. Nhân tiện, việc học ở trường đại học là rất quan trọng. Thứ nhất, trong môi trường giáo dục đại học, sinh viên sẽ được tiếp cận với kiến ​​thức được chọn lọc nhanh nhất có thể thông qua sách vở và thực hành. Kiến thức của nó sẽ giúp bạn nâng cao chuyên môn của mình trong công việc sau này. Thứ hai, các trường đại học cung cấp cho bạn nhiều cơ hội hơn cho sự nghiệp của bạn. Ví dụ, các công ty có xu hướng nhận những sinh viên có kết quả tốt hoặc được chứng minh là xuất sắc từ các trường đại học thay vì tự tìm kiếm ứng viên. Không là câu trả lời. Nếu bạn nghĩ về nó, các nhà khoa học, những người giàu nhất trên thế giới không phải ai cũng học đại học nhưng họ vẫn thành công. Hãy lấy một ví dụ. Bill Gates, chủ sở hữu toàn cầu của Microsoft ở tuổi 20, đã bỏ học đại học để theo đuổi sở thích của mình. Và những người phát minh ra máy cày tiện ích hay máy gặt chỉ là nông dân. Chúng ta không thể phủ nhận lợi ích của việc học đại học, nhưng tại sao hàng năm vẫn có hàng nghìn sinh viên thất nghiệp? Và rất ít sinh viên ra trường và thực hiện các khóa đào tạo của họ? Nhiều sinh viên đạt được bằng khá, giỏi nhưng khó hoặc không xin được việc làm. Chỉ có hai lý do chính, đó là ít thực hành dẫn đến thiếu kỹ năng và không thực hiện được các kỹ năng đã học. Tóm lại, đại học không phải là con đường duy nhất dẫn đến thành công nhưng nó là con đường an toàn và chắc chắn nhất. Vì vậy, khi trượt đại học, bạn không cần phải trải qua nỗi buồn, cánh cửa này đóng lại thì cánh cửa khác sẽ mở ra, quan trọng là chúng ta phải có niềm tin và sự quyết tâm, rồi sẽ có ngày đạt được thành công.

27 tháng 9 2021

At university, it is a big turning point in the lives of each human. Most parents in Vietnam today think that studying at university is the best future guarantee for their children. Therefore, many parents have put pressure on the grades and hierarchies in the classroom. To revoke that, they race each other for their children to study, learn the fool, causing you to have time to rest, to play healthy. We can't confirm whether parents think or think is wrong at all when good jobs require degrees. Studying at university is important by the way. Firstly, in a higher education environment, students will have access to selected knowledge as quickly as they can through books and praces. Its knowledge will help you to raise your expertise at work later on. Secondly, universities provide you with more opportunities for your careers. For example, companies tend to receive students who have good results or are proved to be excellent from universities instead of looking for candidates themselves.But is university the only way to success? No is the answer. If you think about it, scientists, the richest people in the world don't everybody go to university but they still succeed. Let's take just one example. Bill Gates, a global owner of Microsoft at the age of 20, has dropped out of university to pursue his interests. And the people who invented the utility plow or the reapers were just farmers. We cannot deny the benefits of college, but why are there thousands of unemployed students every year? And very few students get out to school and do their training? Many students get a good degree, a good degree, but are difficult or unable to get a job. There are only two main reasons, which are that few praces lead to a lack of skills and a failure to implement the skills that they have learned. In short,the university is not the only path to success but it is the most secure and secure path. So when you slip through college, you don't have to go through sadness, and this door closes, another door opens, and importantly we have to have faith and determination, and one day we will achieve success.

Câu này thiếu chủ ngữ nha bạn

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

1. Could you please tell me if there is a test requirement to enroll in the tour guide training courses?

(Xin cho biết để đăng ký tham gia khóa đào tạo hướng dẫn viên du lịch có phải thi sát hạch không?)

2. I would like to know if SGV Vocational School offers any discounts for students who are financially disadvantaged.

(Tôi muốn biết Trường dạy nghề SGV có giảm giá cho học viên có hoàn cảnh khó khăn không?)

3. I would appreciate it if you could tell me the daily wage for the apprenticeships provided by SGV Vocational School.

(Tôi sẽ đánh giá cao nếu bạn có thể cho tôi biết mức lương hàng ngày cho việc học nghề do Trường dạy nghề SGV cung cấp.)

E. Complete each paragraph using the correct form of one of the following verbs. There may be more than one possible answer. not submit - welcome - finalise - distribute - hold 1. "The programme of events for this year's student induction week (1) has been finalised The principal (2) ....................... the new students at 12 o'clock on Monday 5th September in the main hall. Individual departments (3) ..................... meetings that afternoon, so booklists can be handed out....
Đọc tiếp
E. Complete each paragraph using the correct form of one of the following verbs. There may be more than one possible answer. not submit - welcome - finalise - distribute - hold 1. "The programme of events for this year's student induction week (1) has been finalised The principal (2) ....................... the new students at 12 o'clock on Monday 5th September in the main hall. Individual departments (3) ..................... meetings that afternoon, so booklists can be handed out. By the end of the day, tutors (4) ....................... the lists to all new students. Second-year students who (5) ....................... their course request forms must do so by Wednesday 7th September at the latest. wait - recognise - get - take - arrange - drive 2. "I've got to go to the doctor's the afternoon you arrive. I hope you don't mind, but 1 (1)........................ for someone to come and pick you up. When you (2)........................... to the airport, go straight to the information desk, where Tina (3).......................... with a sign with your name on it, so you (4)....................... her right away. She (5)....................... you to my house. 1 (6)........................... a few days off work so we can do some sightseeing together. Can't wait to see you! appeal - measure - not need - realise - consider - buy - grow - keep 3. “So, you (1)........................ getting a pet. Hamsters and canaries are so old-fashioned. The local pet shop has snakes and lizards, and the idea of an iguana in your bedroom really (2)....................... to you. But before you (3)............................ one on impulse, there are a few things you should know. A baby iguana (4)......................... a lot of space at first, but it (5)...................... very quickly. An adult male (6)......................... up to six feet long. Where (7)........................... a creature of that size? And (8)............................. that it will probably live for up to 20 years? '
23 tháng 8 2020

Part 1:
1. welcomes
2. will hold,
3. will distribute
4. haven't submitted
Part 2:
1. arrange
2. get
3. will be waiting
4. will recognize
5. will drive
6. have taken
Part 3:
1. are considering
2. appeals
3. buy
4. doesn't need
5. grows
6. measures
7. to keep
8. realizing

7 tháng 9 2023

Đáp án B

Exercise 2: Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words.(level-needs-cooperation-qualifications-degree-semester-institutions-benefit). The Vietnamese-German University (VGU) is a Vietnamese state university. Founded in 2008, VGU is based on a close (1)…… between Viet Nam and Germany.Being a joint effort of Vietnamese and German (2)…… the university follows the successful German model and standards.VGU's strategy is to import excellent German...
Đọc tiếp

Exercise 2: Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words.(level-needs-cooperation-qualifications-degree-semester-institutions-benefit).
The Vietnamese-German University (VGU) is a Vietnamese state university. Founded in 2008, VGU is based on a close (1)…… between Viet Nam and Germany.Being a joint effort of Vietnamese and German (2)…… the university follows the successful German model and standards.VGU's strategy is to import excellent German study programmes, taken from the strongest engineering areas of Germany and customize them to the (3)…… of Vietnamese higher education. After a successful study, students receive a German university (4)…………… providing them with best opportunities on the job market.Studying at VGU is a gateway to Germany. VGU offers the opportunity to study at" German universities for one (5)……or to continute with postgraduate programmes.
Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences with the present perfect or present perfect continuous.
1. So far the college authorities (try)…..to make application process as simple and fast as possible for intemational students.
2. The university (establish)…..an international faculty that is responsible for the partnership with overseas institutions since 2005.
3. Since 2000, the Ministry of Education and Training (attempt)….to prevent classroom overerowding with a plan to establish a further number of over 40 universities in Viet Nam.
4. Scientists (put)…a lot of effort into the area of since the economic reform in 1985.
5. The international A-levels (be)…..considered by many experts in the field of education to be the "gold standard" of examinations for a very long time until now.

27 tháng 2 2020

Bài tập 2: Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn với từ đúng từ hộp. Có một số từ thêm. (Mức độ nhu cầu-hợp tác-trình độ-bằng cấp-học kỳ-tổ chức-lợi ích). Đại học Việt-Đức (VGU) là một trường đại học nhà nước Việt Nam. Được thành lập vào năm 2008, VGU dựa trên sự kết hợp (1) giữa Việt Nam và Đức. Nỗ lực chung của người Việt và người Đức (2), trường đại học theo mô hình và tiêu chuẩn thành công của Đức. Chiến lược là nhập khẩu xuất sắc Các chương trình học tiếng Đức, được lấy từ các lĩnh vực kỹ thuật mạnh nhất của Đức và tùy chỉnh chúng theo (3) giáo dục đại học Việt Nam. Sau khi học tập thành công, sinh viên nhận được một trường đại học Đức (4) Cung cấp cho họ những cơ hội tốt nhất trên thị trường việc làm. Hoạt động tại VGU là một cửa ngõ vào Đức. VGU mang đến cơ hội học tập tại "các trường đại học Đức cho một (5) người hoặc tiếp tục với các chương trình sau đại học. Bài tập 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành liên tục. 1. Cho đến nay các cơ quan đại học (thử) 2. Làm cho quá trình nộp đơn trở nên đơn giản và nhanh nhất có thể đối với sinh viên quốc tế. 2. Trường đại học (thành lập), giảng viên quốc tế chịu trách nhiệm hợp tác với các tổ chức ở nước ngoài kể từ năm 2005. 3. Từ năm 2000, Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo (cố gắng). Để ngăn chặn lớp học tràn ngập với kế hoạch thành lập hơn 40 trường đại học ở Việt Nam. 4. Các nhà khoa học (đặt) Nhiều nỗ lực vào lĩnh vực kể từ cải cách kinh tế năm 1985. 5. Các cấp độ A (be) quốc tế .. được nhiều chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực giáo dục coi là "tiêu chuẩn vàng" của các kỳ thi trong một thời gian rất dài cho đến bây giờ.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.FIRST TIME IN THE AIRWhen John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives everybody crazy.”

However John couldn’t avoid flying any longer. It was the only way he could visit his grandchildren in Canada.

“I had made up my mind that I was going to do it, I couldn’t let my son, his wife and their three children travel all the way here to visit me. It would be so expensive for them and I know Tom’s business isn‟t doing so well at the moment – it would also be tiring for the children – it’s a nine-hour flight!” he says.

To get ready for the flight John did lots of reading about aeroplanes. When he booked his seat, he was told that he would be flying on a Boeing 747, which is better known as a jumbo jet. “I needed to know as much as possible before getting in that plane. I suppose it was a way of making myself feel better. The Boeing 747 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment. The first one flew on February 9th 1969 in the USA. It can carry up to 524 passengers and 3.400 pieces of luggage. The fuel for aeroplanes is kept in the wings and the 747’s wings are so big that they can carry enough fuel for an average car to be able to travel 16,000 kilometres a year for 70 years. Isn‟t that unbelievable? Even though I had discovered all this very interesting information about the jumbo, when I saw it for the first time, just before I was going to travel to Canada, I still couldn‟t believe that something so enormous was going to get up in the air and fly. I was even more impressed when I saw how big it was inside with hundreds of people!”

The biggest surprise of all for John was the flight itself. “The take-off itself was much smoother than I expected although I was still quite scared until we were in the air. In the end, I managed to relax, enjoy the food and watch one of the movies and the view from the window was spectacular. I even managed to sleep for a while!

Of course,” continues John, “the best reward of all was when I arrived in Canada and saw my son and his family, particularly my beautiful grandchildren. Suddenly, I felt so silly about all the years when I couldn‟t even think of getting on a plane. I had let my fear of living stop me from seeing the people I love most in the world. I can visit my son and family as often as I like now!”

Question: What happened when he saw the jumbo jet for the first time?

A. He felt much safer.

B. He liked the shape of it.

C. He couldn’t believe how big it was.

D. He thought the wings were very small.

9 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án: C

18 tháng 4 2022

Đáp án : C