
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Vietnam, like many other countries, is facing the significant challenge of global warming. As anation with a long coastline and a large agricultural sector, the impacts of climate change pose seriousthreats to its environment, economy, and people.One key aspect of Vietnam’s approach is the promotion of renewable energy sources. The countryhas made notable progress in expanding its capacity for wind and solar power generation. Throughinvestments in clean energy infrastructure, Vietnam aims to...
Đọc tiếp
Vietnam, like many other countries, is facing the significant challenge of global warming. As anation with a long coastline and a large agricultural sector, the impacts of climate change pose seriousthreats to its environment, economy, and people.One key aspect of Vietnam’s approach is the promotion of renewable energy sources. The countryhas made notable progress in expanding its capacity for wind and solar power generation. Throughinvestments in clean energy infrastructure, Vietnam aims to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and decreasegreenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the government has implemented policies to encourage energyefficiency and conservation,promoting sustainable practices across various sectors. Vietnam is also activelyinvolved in international efforts to combat global warming. The country has ratified the Paris Agreement andcommitted to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. Vietnam also participates in global climate conferencesand initiatives, collaborating with other nations to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices asit recognizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing the complex challenges of climatechange.After all, Vietnam is taking proactive steps to deal with global warming. By prioritizing renewableenergy, implementing sustainable practices, and engaging in international collaborations, Vietnamdemonstrates its commitment to mitigating the impacts of climate change
26 tháng 12 2023
Vietnam, like many other countries, is facing the significant challenge of global warming. As anation with a long coastline and a large agricultural sector, the impacts of climate change pose seriousthreats to its environment, economy, and people.One key aspect of Vietnam’s approach is the promotion of renewable energy sources. The countryhas made notable progress in expanding its capacity for wind and solar power generation. Throughinvestments in clean energy infrastructure, Vietnam aims to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and decreasegreenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the government has implemented policies to encourage energyefficiency and conservation,promoting sustainable practices across various sectors. Vietnam is also activelyinvolved in international efforts to combat global warming. The country has ratified the Paris Agreement andcommitted to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. Vietnam also participates in global climate conferencesand initiatives, collaborating with other nations to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices asit recognizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing the complex challenges of climatechange.After all, Vietnam is taking proactive steps to deal with global warming. By prioritizing renewableenergy, implementing sustainable practices, and engaging in international collaborations, Vietnamdemonstrates its commitment to mitigating the impacts of climate change. (Adapted from VNexpress)31. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Vietnam’s Struggle with Climate ChangeB. The Economic Impact of Global Warming in VietnamC. International Efforts to Combat Global WarmingD. The Importance of Renewable Energy in Vietnam32. The word “promoting” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.A. disparagingB. compellingC. affectingD. fostering33. The word “it” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.A. the countryB. the Paris AgreementC. greenhouse gas emissionsD. global warming34. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Vietnam is now still heavily reliant on fossil fuels for energy generation.B. Vietnam has ratified the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.C. The impacts of climate change pose serious threats to Vietnam’s environment, economy, and people.D. Vietnam promotes renewable energy and sustainable practices to mitigate the effects of globalwarming
29 tháng 12 2023

31. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Vietnam’s Struggle with Climate Change

B. The Economic Impact of Global Warming in Vietnam

C. International Efforts to Combat Global Warming

D. The Importance of Renewable Energy in Vietnam

32. The word “promoting” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. disparaging B. compellingC. affectingD. fostering

33. The word “it” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. the countryB. the Paris AgreementC. greenhouse gas emissionsD. global warming

34. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Vietnam is now still heavily reliant on fossil fuels for energy generation.

B. Vietnam has ratified the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

C. The impacts of climate change pose serious threats to Vietnam’s environment, economy, and people.

D. Vietnam promotes renewable energy and sustainable practices to mitigate the effects of globalwarming

2. Read the text and choose the best tittle for it.(Đọc văn bản và chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)a. Environmental problems: What are they?b. Environmental protection: How important is it?c. Environmental solutions: How practical are they?The environment we live in is facing many serious problems. We need to be aware of these problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.A. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. It is one of the biggest...
Đọc tiếp

2. Read the text and choose the best tittle for it.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)

a. Environmental problems: What are they?

b. Environmental protection: How important is it?

c. Environmental solutions: How practical are they?

The environment we live in is facing many serious problems. We need to be aware of these problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.

A. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. It is one of the biggest issues facing humans today. It can have serious consequences such as rising sea levels, polar ice melting, and extreme weather events like floods or heatwaves.

B. Another environmental problem is the cutting and clearing of natural forests. The loss of forests can have a negative impact on the environment. It can damage the natural habitats of many animals and put wildlife in danger. It can also destroy the natural soil and lead to climate change.

C. Air pollution is also a serious problem. It is mainly caused by waste gases that come out of vehicles, machines, or factories. When these harmful gases combine with the water in the air, they come down as rain or snow, which can damage all forms of life. In addition, this problem leads to global warming and climate change. It is also a major cause of respiratory diseases or even lung cancer.

D. Around the world, the number of endangered animals is rising. Many of them disappear because of pollution and climate change. In addition, humans illegally hunt and kill animals, and catch too many fish at once. This is upsetting the natural balance of ecosystems, which can be harmful to all living and non-living things.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
10 tháng 9 2023

Đoạn A nói về vấn đề nóng lên toàn cầu, đoạn B nói về nạn chặn cây phá rừng tự nhiên, đoạn C nói về ô nhiễm không khí, đoạn D nói về sự tuyệt chủng loài. Đây đều là các vấn đề về môi trường => chọn a.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
10 tháng 9 2023

Tạm dịch:

a. Các vấn đề về môi trường: Chúng là gì?

b. Bảo vệ môi trường: Nó quan trọng như thế nào?

c. Các giải pháp môi trường: Chúng thực tế như thế nào?

Môi trường chúng ta sống đang phải đối mặt với nhiều vấn đề nghiêm trọng. Chúng ta cần nhận thức rõ những vấn đề này để có thể tìm cách bảo vệ thiên nhiên.

A. Sự nóng lên toàn cầu là sự gia tăng nhiệt độ trung bình của khí quyển trái đất. Đó là một trong những vấn đề lớn nhất mà con người phải đối mặt ngày nay. Nó có thể gây ra những hậu quả nghiêm trọng như mực nước biển dâng cao, băng tan ở hai cực và các hiện tượng thời tiết khắc nghiệt như lũ lụt hoặc sóng nhiệt.

B. Một vấn đề môi trường khác là chặt phá rừng tự nhiên. Việc mất rừng có thể có tác động tiêu cực đến môi trường. Nó có thể làm hư hại môi trường sống tự nhiên của nhiều loài động vật và khiến động vật hoang dã gặp nguy hiểm. Nó cũng có thể phá hủy đất tự nhiên và dẫn đến biến đổi khí hậu.

C. Ô nhiễm không khí cũng là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng. Nguyên nhân chủ yếu là do khí thải từ xe cộ, máy móc hoặc nhà máy. Khi những khí độc hại này kết hợp với nước trong không khí, chúng sẽ tạo thành mưa hoặc tuyết, có thể gây hại cho mọi dạng sống. Ngoài ra, vấn đề này còn dẫn đến hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu và biến đổi khí hậu. Nó cũng là nguyên nhân chính gây ra các bệnh về đường hô hấp hay thậm chí là ung thư phổi.

D. Trên khắp thế giới, số lượng các loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng đang tăng lên. Nhiều con trong số chúng biến mất vì ô nhiễm và biến đổi khí hậu. Ngoài ra, còn vì con người săn bắt và giết động vật một cách bất hợp pháp và đánh bắt quá nhiều cá cùng một lúc. Điều này đang làm đảo lộn sự cân bằng tự nhiên của các hệ sinh thái, có thể gây hại cho tất cả các sinh vật sống và không sống.

Read the text then decide these sentences are true or false CLIMATE CHANGE AND GLOBAL WARMING Climate change Climate change, also called global warming, refers to the rise in average surface temperatures on Earth. An overwhelming scientific consensus maintains that climate change is due primarily to the human use of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air. The gases trap heat within the atmosphere, which can have a range of effects on ecosystems,...
Đọc tiếp

Read the text then decide these sentences are true or false


Climate change

Climate change, also called global warming, refers to the rise in average surface temperatures on Earth. An overwhelming scientific consensus maintains that climate change is due primarily to the human use of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air. The gases trap heat within the atmosphere, which can have a range of effects on ecosystems, including rising sea levels, severe weather events, and droughts that render landscapes more susceptible to wildfires.

The green house effect

While other planets in Earth's solar system are either scorching hot or bitterly old, Earth's surface has relatively mild, stable temperatures. Earth enjoys these temperatures because of its atmosphere, which is the thin layer of gases that cloak and protect the planet. However, 97 percent of climate scientists agree that humans have changed Earth's atmosphere in dramatic ways over the past two centuries, resulting in global warming The exchange of incoming and outgoing radiation that warms the Earth is often referred to as the greenhouse effect because a greenhouse works in much the same way. Incoming UV radiation easily passes through the glass walls of a greenhouse and is absorbed by the plants and hard surfaces inside. Weaker IR radiation, however, has difficulty passing through the glass walls and is trapped inside, thus warming the greenhouse. This effect lets tropical plants thrive inside a greenhouse, even during a cold winter.

Consequences of global warming

There are two major effects of global warming: the increase of temperature on the earth by about 30 to 50C (5.40 to 90Fahrenheit) by the year 2100 are Rise of sea levels by at least 25 meters (82 feet) by the year 2100. Other consequences are listed below:

• Sea levels are rising due to thermal expansion of the ocean, in addition to melting of land ice.

• Amounts and patterns of precipitation are changing.

• The total annual power of hurricanes has already increased markedly since 1975 because their average intensity and average duration have increased.

• Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns increase the frequency, duration, and intensity of other extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts heat waves, and tornadoes.

• Higher or lower agricultural yields, further glacial retreat, reduced summer stream flows, species extinctions.

• Diseases like malaria are returning into areas where they have been extinguished earlier

Sources: Wikipedia | Time for change

Circle the correct answers.

l. Climate change is the rise in average surface temperatures on Earth.

a. true b. false

2.Climate change observed in the last decades is natural.

a. true b. false

3. Fossil fuels are burnt which releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air.

a. true b. false

4. Greenhouse effects have no impacts on our health.

a. true. b. false

5. Earth's surface has relatively mild, stable temperatures while the others are not.

a. true b. false.

6. UV radiation and IR radiation easily passes through the glass walls of a greenhouse and is trapped inside causing greenhouse effect.

a. true b. false

7. Sea levels are rising because of ice melt and thermal pollution.

a. true. b. false.

8. Global warming causes the increase of temperature on the earth and the rise of sea levels.

a. true. b. false

9. Humans have changed Earth's atmosphere in dramatic ways over the past twenty centuries.

a. true b. false

10. Global warming can cause some diseases like malaria.

a. true b. false

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.            Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.          These climatic changes, however, were different from the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.


          Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
          These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
          The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
          It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
          Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyotoin Japanin 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
          It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation.
          Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering

What is probably the writer’s attitude toward global warning?

A. Optimistic

B. Pessimistic

C. Neutral

D. Positive

23 tháng 8 2018

Đáp án B

Đâu có thể là thái độ của tác giả đối với sự nóng lên toàn cầu?

A. Lạc quan

B. Tiêu cực

C. Bình thường

D. Tích cực

Giải thích:

- Optimistic (adj): lạc quan

- Neutral (adj): trung lập

- Positive (adj): tích cực

- Pessimistic (adj): bi quan

Dựa vào đoạn cuối cùng " Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering." (Tiếc là mục tiêu không được đáp ứng. Thậm chí tiếc là hơn nữa, cảnh báo toàn cầu về biến đổi khí hậu thường vẫn đang được xem như việc phao tin. ) ta chọn đ

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.            Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.          These climatic changes, however, were different from the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.


          Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
          These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
          The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
          It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
          Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyotoin Japanin 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
          It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation.
          Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering

Greenhouse gases cause the warming up of the Earth because they _______.

A. are emitted by car engines

B. trap heat from the sun

C. do not add to atmosphere pollution

D. are unusual gases

23 tháng 6 2017

Đáp án B

Hiệu ứng nhà kính gây nên sự nóng lên toàn cầu vì chúng ______.
A. bị thải ra từ động cơ xe
B. sức nóng từ mặt trời
C. không thêm gì vào ô nhiễm không khí
D. là khí gas lạ
Giải thích: - Từ khóa: greenhouse gases, the warming up of the Earth - Câu hỏi hỏi lí do khí nhà kính gây ra sự nóng lên của trái đất. Ta cần dựa vào nội dung đoạn 4 để trả lời. Câu cuối cùng có nói:" This leads to the warming up of the planet." (Điều này dẫn đến sự nóng lên của Trái Đất) và "this" ở đây thay thế cho mệnh đề trước đó "the heat of the sun is trapped".

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.            Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.          These climatic changes, however, were different from the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.


          Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
          These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
          The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
          It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
          Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyotoin Japanin 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
          It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation.
          Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering

It can be inferred from the passage that the countries which are mainly responsible for global warming are __________.

A. countries with the warmest climate

B. developing countries

C. developed countries

D. the most industrialized countries

20 tháng 3 2018

Đáp án D

Có thể suy ra từ đoạn văn rằng các đất nước mà chịu trách nghiệm chủ yếu về sự nóng lên toàn cầu là _____.
A. các nước với khí hậu ấm nóng nhất
B. các nước đang phát triển
C. các nước đã phát triển
D. các nước công nghiệp hóa
Giải thích:
- Từ khóa: countries, mainly responsible for global warming
- Dựa vào câu cuối đoạn 5 để trả lời "There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions." (Ở đó theo thoả thuận thì quốc gia công nghiệp hoá nhất sẽ cố giảm thể tích của thải khí thải nhà kính và được trao cho mục tiêu cho giảm này của khí thải.) => vì thải ra nhiều khí thải nên phải chịu trách nhiệm. Đây là một câu hỏi đòi hỏi phải có sự suy luận. Dựa vào câu trên ta có thể suy luận được đáp án đúng là D

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.            Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.          These climatic changes, however, were different from the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.


          Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
          These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
          The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
          It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
          Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyotoin Japanin 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
          It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation.
          Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering

Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that may cause the so-called greenhouse effect.

B. The so-called sinks created by forests can absorb greenhouse gases

C. The problem of rapid climate change has been caused mainly by deforestation

D. Politicians are among those who are concerned about climate change

3 tháng 2 2019

Đáp án C

Dựa theo đoạn văn, điều gì là KHÔNG đúng?
A. Khí CO2 là một trong những loại khí gas mà có thể gây hiệu ứng nhà kính.
B. Cái tạo bởi rừng có thể hấp thụ khí gây ra hiệu ứng nhà kính.
C. Vấn đề về nhanh biến đổi khí hậu đã bị gây ra chủ yếu do nạn phá rừng.
D. Chính trị gia là trong số những người lo lắng về biến đổi khí hậu.
Giải thích:
Nội dung câu A được đề cập đến trong câu 1 đoạn 6. “It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases.” (Nó cũng là gợi ý rằng rừng hơn nên trồng để tạo “cái bồn” để hấp thụ khí gây ra hiệu ứng nhà kính.)
Nội dung câu B được đề cập đến trong câu 1 đoạn 5. “It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example.” (Người ta nghĩ rằng sự nóng lên toàn cầu của Trái đất điều này là do khí gây ra hiệu ứng nhà kính, cái gọi là, như các - bô - ních, được phát ra vào không khí bằng xe hơi động cơ và quy trình công nghiệp hiện đại, chẳng hạn.)
Nội dung câu D được đề cập đến trong câu 2 đoạn 4. “Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.” (Khí như vậy không những thêm vào ô nhiễm không khí, mà còn tạo hiệu ứng nhà kính, theo đó sức nóng của mặt trời bị mắc kẹt. Điều này dẫn đến sưởi ấm lên của hành tinh. )
Nội dung câu C không đúng với bài : At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation. -> hiện tượng phá rừng chỉ là một trong những nguyên nhân chứ không phải nguyên nhân chủ yếu

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.            Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.          These climatic changes, however, were different from the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.


          Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
          These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
          The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
          It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
          Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyotoin Japanin 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
          It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation.
          Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering

The word “alarmingly” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____

A. disapprovingly

B. disappointingly

C. surprisingly

D. worryingly

8 tháng 11 2017

Đáp án B

Từ “alarmingly” ở đoạn 2 gần nghĩa nhất vói từ nào _________.
alarmingly (adv): đáng báo động
- disapprovingly (adv): không tán thàh, phản đối
- worryingly (adv): đáng lo ngại
- surprisingly (adv): một cách ngạc nhiên
- disappointingly (adv): chán thật, thật thất vọng
=> B là đáp án đúng

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.            Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.          These climatic changes, however, were different from the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.


          Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
          These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
          The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
          It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
          Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyotoin Japanin 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
          It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation.
          Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering

The word “drastic” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. hard

B. severe

C. widespread

D. obvious

2 tháng 3 2017

Đáp án B

Từ “drastic” trong đoạn 6 gần nghĩa với _________ .
A. khó,cứng
B. nghiêm trọng
C. lan rộng D. hiển nhiên
Giải thích:
drastic (adj): mạnh mẽ, quyết liệt
- severe (adj): khắc nghiệt, mãnh liệt, dữ dội
- hard (adj): khó, cứng, chăm
- obvious (adj): rõ ràng
- widespread (adj): lan rộng, phổ biến

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.            Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.          These climatic changes, however, were different from the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.


          Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
          These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
          The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
          It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
          Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyotoin Japanin 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
          It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation.
          Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering

According to the passage, agriculture could ____.

A. make the global warming more serious

B. be indirectly affected by the global temperature rises

C. give rise to many ecological disasters

D. be directly damaged by the rises in global temperature

22 tháng 2 2018

Đáp án B

Dựa vào đoạn văn. nông nghiệp có thể ________.
A. làm cho sự nóng lên toàn cầu trở nên nghiêm trọng hơn
B. gián tiếp ảnh hưởng bởi nhiệt bộ tăng
C. thảm họa gia tăng
D. trực tiếp bị phá hủy bởi sự tăng lên của nhiệt độ toàn cầu.
Giải thích:
- Từ khóa: agriculture
- Từ khóa này được tìm thấy đầu tiên ở câu cuối đoạn 3: These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture. (Ngược lại, điều này có thể dẫn đến ảnh hưởng xấu đối với nông nghiệp). Tuy nhiên chúng ta không biết "these" ở đây là gì. Do vậy cần đọc thêm những câu trước đó và chúng ta biết "these" ở đây chính là "global temperature rises" => đáp án đúng là B