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Nguyễn Minh Huyền,Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Thơ, Nguyễn Nhật Minh,Vy Lan Lê giúp vs

1 tháng 1 2019


Nowadays, English has become very popular language around the world. There are more than 700 million English users in the world which is a terrible number to prove the importance of English. In this essay, I will discuss about the necessity of learning English.

According to the recent research conducted in America last January of this year: 103% of the travelers is good at speaking English. This means that people use English to communicate everyone is very popular, so this language widespread everywhere, especially in rural areas. Students in the countryside have learned English since they were in primary school. Besides, many language centers are opened to serve our learning.

English is a useful language for us. Firstly, Learning English helps people communicate and travel easily. Especially, it helps people from different countries work together. Secondly, it is a good opportunity for our career. We can communicate with international customers and partners without language barriers to get more opportunities. Thirdly, English is the main language of newspapers and books. In our work, it helps us understand documents relating to our job. Furthermore, we have a good job and high salary in the future which have a change of studying aboard.

Today, Learning English become easy with everything around our life. We can study with Internet which we chat with foreign friends and find information. We can also walk the park and exchange with foreign travelers.

To sum up, Learning English is very important with us which helps us to attend good results in the working. We must try to learn good English because it is one the most difficult languages.

21 tháng 2 2018

Bài 1 :

Learning English requires 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. In my opinion, speaking skill is the most difficult. It requires so many other skills. When someone learns speaking, they must need enough grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary to build sentences and be able to speak. To learn the three skills including reading, writing, listening is quite hard. So studying speaking is more difficult. Moreover, English words and sentences also have stress, so speak English need people to pay attention to stress. In addition to stress, learners also must study tones. It is not similar to Vietnamese. Tones and stress in English are rather complicated. Although there are some marking stress methods but there are still many excepting situations. Of course, people who want to speak well must learn those exceptions. Tones in speaking english are in many types that are correspond to each kinds of sentences. And stydying all of them is not simply. Further more, people speak well must are fluent in speaking. Speakers need to be confident when they are speaking. Make confidence in speaking a language that is not mother language is not easy. To get confidence and saying fluently, speakers should practise speaking everywhere, every time as long as they can. Speaking skill is the most difficult in the four skills in learning English. If someone has right studying method, they can get success in this skill.

Bài 2

English is an international language. It is grand for us to study it. English is also taught at all schools in our country and is a core subject in important exams. There are a lot of skills in studying English such as: reading, listening, speaking, writing, grammar and so on. Writing, in my opinion, is the most difficult one.
The first, to write well, you must have wide vocabulary knowledge and be a dab hand at using grammar and sentence structure. Because English vocabulary is immense, it is not easy for not only non-native speakers but also native ones. Therefore, you need to read a lot to increase your vocabulary. To remember new words for a long time, you must have a good memory and contact them more frequently. For grammar and sentence structure, you can spend a lot of time studying it and of course you need to be instructed how to master some difficult grammar points or complicated structures.
The second, topics for writing are plentiful. You must understand them, have certain knowledge of them if you want to write essays about them. For example, You should make head or tail of some animals to write about their lives, or you need to have understanding about traffic rules to have a suitable essay about it, etc. Little do you know some field, that means you will not be able to write well or complete your writing. It is vital that you should own a great deal of wide social knowledge to use for your writing.
Bài 3
All in all, writing skill is time-consuming. It also requires your focus on vocabulary, grammar, structure, social understanding and it is more important that you be the person knowing how to change your ideas into beautiful sentences appropriatel

In my opinion, the most difficult skill of learning English is listening. The procees of learning a language is: listening-speaking-reading-writing. So listening is the most important skill that is the key to the other skills. If speaking mainly requires your confidence, reading effectively requires your knowledge of vocabularies, writing fluently requires your ablilty of using grammar, then listening requires not only all of the things above but also your power of logical prediction. That’s so complex. It’s very difficult to combine all. Ironically, I think there is no choice for us except for practising listening everyday. Let me show you. Imagine that you are listening a conference with many new words. If you feel embarrass at that moment, you will continue missing the chances to listen the following words. So you need to be confident, now is the time you used your brain. Basing on some words that you know, the expression of people in the conference, the grammar that you have, predict the relationship between them. In this case, maybe you must be like a detective more than a listener. Besides, you have to practise listening day by day to familiar with accent of english speaker. As a whole, listening is very hard. You must pass some fences in your mind to welcome a new language. Now, listening still is a big problem to me. ☺
29 tháng 7 2019

sao ko sao chep duoc z tui muon dich bai bucminhgianroi

10 tháng 11 2023

In my opinion, the concern that teenagers spend too much time on social media is valid. While social media can be a useful tool for communication and staying connected with friends, it can also be addictive and take up too much time that could be spent on other activities.

One solution to this problem is for parents to set limits on their children's screen time and encourage them to engage in other activities such as sports, hobbies, and spending time with family and friends. Additionally, schools could educate students about responsible social media use and the negative effects of spending too much time on it.

Another solution is for social media companies to implement features that encourage users to take breaks and limit their time on the platform. For example, Instagram recently introduced a feature that shows users how much time they spend on the app each day and allows them to set a time limit.

Overall, while social media can be a valuable tool for communication and connection, it is important for teenagers to balance their time spent on it with other activities and for parents and schools to play an active role in encouraging responsible use.

Tạm dịch:

Theo tôi, lo ngại rằng thanh thiếu niên dành quá nhiều thời gian cho mạng xã hội là có cơ sở. Mặc dù mạng xã hội có thể là một công cụ hữu ích để giao tiếp và duy trì kết nối với bạn bè, nhưng nó cũng có thể gây nghiện và chiếm quá nhiều thời gian có thể dành cho các hoạt động khác.

Một giải pháp cho vấn đề này là cha mẹ đặt ra giới hạn về thời gian sử dụng thiết bị của con cái họ và khuyến khích chúng tham gia vào các hoạt động khác như thể thao, sở thích và dành thời gian cho gia đình và bạn bè. Ngoài ra, các trường học có thể giáo dục học sinh về việc sử dụng phương tiện truyền thông xã hội có trách nhiệm và những tác động tiêu cực của việc dành quá nhiều thời gian cho nó.

Một giải pháp khác dành cho các công ty truyền thông xã hội là triển khai các tính năng khuyến khích người dùng nghỉ giải lao và giới hạn thời gian của họ trên nền tảng. Ví dụ: Instagram gần đây đã giới thiệu một tính năng cho người dùng biết họ dành bao nhiêu thời gian cho ứng dụng mỗi ngày và cho phép họ đặt giới hạn thời gian.

Nhìn chung, mặc dù mạng xã hội có thể là một công cụ có giá trị để giao tiếp và kết nối, nhưng điều quan trọng đối với thanh thiếu niên là cân bằng thời gian dành cho mạng xã hội với các hoạt động khác, đồng thời để phụ huynh và nhà trường đóng vai trò tích cực trong việc khuyến khích sử dụng có trách nhiệm.

22 tháng 1 2018

Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.

Which words to learn

Every day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. Here are some suggestions:

  • learn the words that are important to the subjects you are studying
  • learn the words that you read or hear again and again
  • learn the words that you know you will often want to use yourself
  • do not learn words that are rare or not useful (your teacher can help you with this)

How to learn words

Once you have chosen which words to learn, you next have to decide how you are going to learn them. Here are a few ideas:

  • write the words in a notebook (with their translations or definitions)
  • write the words and definitions on small cards
    (advice on how to do this)
  • say the words many times (if you have an electronic dictionary you can hear how the word is pronounced)
  • put the words into different groups (you could use a graphic organiser)
  • write them in a file for use with a computer program (such as Quizlet or the one on this site)
  • make associations (in pictures or with other words)
  • ask someone to test you
  • use the words in your own speaking or writing

Some students put a tick or cross in their dictionary next to every word they look up. The next time they turn to a page with a marked word, they quickly check to see if they remember the meaning of that word.

In all of the above ways, you are doing something with the words. It’s usually not enough to just read through a list of words with their definitions or translations and try to remember them. Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words. Learning that to apologizemeans to say sorry is a good start, but it's much better to learn a whole expression containing the word, e.g. He apologized for being late. Not only is this often easier to remember, but you are also learning some very important information on how the word is used.

Learning for vocabulary tests

The previous section on this page gives general advice on how to learn the words that you have chosen as important for you. Often, however, you will be given a set of words by your teacher and told to learn them for a vocabulary test. In this case you need to be sure exactly how you will be tested, because this will influence how you learn the words. There are several ways that the teacher might test your vocabulary learning, but the ways are broadly divided into two categories:

  • You will be given the word and have to:
    • write a definition
    • use it in an example sentence
    • translate it into your language
  • You will be given:
    • a definition
    • a gapped example sentence
    • the translation in your language
    and you have to write the English word.

If you do a vocabulary test from the second group above, then in most cases you will need to learn the exact spelling of the word and will lose marks if you misspell it. As with all tests, be sure to ask the teacher exactly how you will be tested and exactly how you will be graded. You will then avoid wasting time studying something that you will be not be tested on.

Learning vocabulary by reading

The way you learned very many of the words in your own language was by meeting them in the books and magazines you read. The context of a new word in a sentence or story was often enough for you to guess the meaning. Meeting the word again and again in your reading helped you learn it for use in your own speaking and writing. Doing lots of extra reading for pleasure - both fiction and non-fiction - is an excellent way to learn new English words, too. But choose books that you find quite easy to read. Difficult stories or texts that you struggle to understand will not help you to develop your vocabulary the natural way. But remember: to learn new words from reading you have to read A LOT!

More on the importance of reading.

More information about learning words

The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use (or cannot remember) in your own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary.

The more you work on learning a word, as suggested above, the more likely it is that it will become part of your active vocabulary.

Things to know about the words you learn

Usually the first things you learn about a new English word are what it means and its translation in your own language. But there are other things you need to find out before you can say that you know a word like a native speaker does. For example, you have to learn:

  • how it is spelled
  • how it is pronounced
  • how it is inflected (i.e. how it changes if it is a verb, noun or adjective)
  • other grammar information about it
  • how it collocates (i.e. what other words are often used with it)
    More on collocation
  • if it has a particular style or register
  • the context in which it is most likely to be used [ Types of Vocabulary ]

Native speakers learn these things about words by hearing them and reading them again and again. This is the best way for you to learn them, too.

Go to this site's vocabulary files

Read a Japanese translation of this page.

20 tháng 3 2019

very day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. Here are some suggestions:

  • learn the words that are important to the subjects you are studying
  • learn the words that you read or hear again and again
  • learn the words that you know you will often want to use yourself
  • do not learn words that are rare or not useful (your teacher can help you with this)

How to learn words

Once you have chosen which words to learn, you next have to decide how you are going to learn them. Here are a few ideas:

  • write the words in a notebook (with their translations or definitions)
  • write the words and definitions on small cards 
    (advice on how to do this)
  • say the words many times (if you have an electronic dictionary you can hear how the word is pronounced)
  • put the words into different groups (you could use a graphic organiser)
  • write them in a file for use with a computer program (such as Quizlet or the one on this site)
  • make associations (in pictures or with other words)
  • ask someone to test you
  • use the words in your own speaking or writing

Some students put a k or cross in their dictionary next to every word they look up. The next time they turn to a page with a marked word, they quickly check to see if they remember the meaning of that word.

In all of the above ways, you are doing something with the words. It’s usually not enough to just read through a list of words with their definitions or translations and try to remember them. Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words. Learning that to apologize means to say sorry is a good start, but it's much better to learn a whole expression containing the word, e.g. He apologized for being late. Not only is this often easier to remember, but you are also learning some very important information on how the word is used.

Learning for vocabulary tests

The previous section on this page gives general advice on how to learn the words that you have chosen as important for you. Often, however, you will be given a set of words by your teacher and told to learn them for a vocabulary test. In this case you need to be sure exactly how you will be tested, because this will influence how you learn the words. There are several ways that the teacher might test your vocabulary learning, but the ways are broadly divided into two categories:

  • You will be given the word and have to:
    • write a definition
    • use it in an example sentence
    • translate it into your language
  • You will be given:
    • a definition
    • a gapped example sentence
    • the translation in your language
    and you have to write the English word.

If you do a vocabulary test from the second group above, then in most cases you will need to learn the exact spelling of the word and will lose marks if you misspell it. As with all tests, be sure to ask the teacher exactly how you will be tested and exactly how you will be graded. You will then avoid wasting time studying something that you will be not be tested on.

Learning vocabulary by reading

The way you learned very many of the words in your own language was by meeting them in the books and magazines you read. The context of a new word in a sentence or story was often enough for you to guess the meaning. Meeting the word again and again in your reading helped you learn it for use in your own speaking and writing. Doing lots of extra reading for pleasure - both fiction and non-fiction - is an excellent way to learn new English words, too. But choose books that you find quite easy to read. Difficult stories or texts that you struggle to understand will not help you to develop your vocabulary the natural way. But remember: to learn new words from reading you have to read A LOT!

More on the importance of reading.

More information about learning words

The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use (or cannot remember) in your own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary.

The more you work on learning a word, as suggested above, the more ly it is that it will become part of your active vocabulary.

Things to know about the words you learn

Usually the first things you learn about a new English word are what it means and its translation in your own language. But there are other things you need to find out before you can say that you know a word a native speaker does. For example, you have to learn:

  • how it is spelled
  • how it is pronounced
  • how it is inflected (i.e. how it changes if it is a verb, noun or adjective)
  • other grammar information about it
  • how it collocates (i.e. what other words are often used with it)
    More on collocation
  • if it has a parular style or register
  • the context in which it is most ly to be used [ Types of Vocabulary ]

Native speakers learn these things about words by hearing them and reading them again and again. This is the best way for you to learn them, too.

Go to this site's vocabulary files

Read a Japanese translation of this page.


"Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words."

22 tháng 6 2020

I would love to learn English thanks to it that I can communicate with foreigners. Want to learn english very simple good way to learn is to listen to the tape of my talk radio and can even listen to English songs and sing along then tell them. New at the school I was pretty much dictionaries investigation to know the vocabulary and use it to communicate. I listen to music and read with them every time from school if there is a new word I would write it from two to three lines and their meaning to write beside. English will help me in the future, it will help me to study and talk with foreigners.

14 tháng 5 2019

Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.Every day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. Here are some suggestions:

-learn the words that are important to the subjects you are studying

-learn the words that you read or hear again and again

-learn the words that you know you will often want to use yourself

-do not learn words that are rare or not useful Once you have chosen which words to learn, you next have to decide how you are going to learn them. Some students put a tick or cross in their dictionary next to every word they look up. The next time they turn to a page with a marked word, they quickly check to see if they remember the meaning of that word.In all of the above ways, you are doing something with the words. It’s usually not enough to just read through a list of words with their definitions or translations and try to remember them. Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words. Learning that to apologize means to say sorry is a good start, but it's much better to learn a whole expression containing the word. Not only is this often easier to remember, but you are also learning some very important information on how the word is used.The previous section on this page gives general advice on how to learn the words that you have chosen as important for you. Often, however, you will be given a set of words by your teacher and told to learn them for a vocabulary test. In this case you need to be sure exactly how you will be tested, because this will influence how you learn the words.If you do a vocabulary test from the second group above, then in most cases you will need to learn the exact spelling of the word and will lose marks if you misspell it. As with all tests, be sure to ask the teacher exactly how you will be tested and exactly how you will be graded. You will then avoid wasting time studying something that you will be not be tested on.The way you learned very many of the words in your own language was by meeting them in the books and magazines you read. The context of a new word in a sentence or story was often enough for you to guess the meaning. Meeting the word again and again in your reading helped you learn it for use in your own speaking and writing. Doing lots of extra reading for pleasure - both fiction and non-fiction - is an excellent way to learn new English words, too. But choose books that you find quite easy to read. Difficult stories or texts that you struggle to understand will not help you to develop your vocabulary the natural way. But remember: to learn new words from reading you have to read a lot !The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use in your own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary.The more you work on learning a word, as suggested above, the more likely it is that it will become part of your active vocabulary.Usually the first things you learn about a new English word are what it means and its translation in your own language. But there are other things you need to find out before you can say that you know a word like a native speaker does. Native speakers learn these things about words by hearing them and reading them again and again. This is the best way for you to learn them, too."Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words."

24 tháng 11 2017

Studying English language in an English - speaking country has many advantages. Howver, I believe that it is not the best way to learn the language.

Firstly, most students who live in non - English - speaking countries learn English at secondary schooland at university.Although their spoken is not fluent, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is useful when they come to an English - speaking country to improve the language.

Secondly, students'living at home do not have to worry about problems such as: finding accommodation, paying for their study, living costs and trying to survive in a foreign country. It would cause them much stress.

Finally, nowadays, the society is grower and grower and information technology is also improved. The internet thus also born. So we can register a few courses on the network. It also helps us to speak and communicate with English speakers.

For the reasons above, I believe that we can learn English whenever and wherever nowadays.