
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

21 tháng 4 2017

It has been heard for ages that the lifestyle varies between a city and village. Definitely there is a great difference in the lifestyle among people living in villages and cities. Neither of them is above one another, but definitely has their own advantages and disadvantages.

It is considered that life in a city is almost equal to heaven and is wonderful and enjoyable. The reason behind such kind of thinking or feeling is only because, cities get expanded and more opportunities are made available for the people flooding in. New ventures, experiments and socializing happen in cities. The doors for each opportunity are more open in cities when compared to villages and therefore the facilities and comfort would be different from what you may find in villages.

Cities provide great facilities for education, medical treatments, job opportunities etc. which makes life more settled and takes it to the next level. The life led in a city is more enjoyable with the kind of amenities made available there.

However things are different in villages. Though the lifestyle is not as advanced as what you see in the cities, the culture and attitude of people are more warm and welcoming. They are more considerate and know each other in the village.

For any need or help you could definitely rely on your neighbors at any hour of the day. They are more friendly and more onto the traditional kind of practices and believes and are not gadget or tech savvy people. For them, the daily need to be met is itself taken as an enjoyment and all their works are dived and shared and helped by each other.

When coming to the kind of food habits that people of both these places follow; people living in cities are more vulnerable to many diseases because of their sedentary lifestyle and fast food intake. With inappropriate exercising and large intake of fast food, the fast moving crowd compromises on their health which would have to be heavily paid off later in life. However, in villages, people stick to the old homemade food habits and since transportation is still to be up to the mark, a lot of exercising happens and this helps them to remain fit and healthy in the long run.

Coming to the health of people in regard with pollution. Since cities are heavily populated and each member having vehicles, the amount of pollution is extremely high in cities and this has led to great amount of pollution and allergic diseases, even in small kids.

However, in villages the question of pollution does not come up to that level of what it is there in cities and hence fresher and less polluted air is available, which is good for both health and mind. People are more systematic and scheduled and get their work done by themselves rather than calling up or outsourcing the day to day household chores.

For more expansion and growth, one has definitely be at the cities as they have more opportunities that would help one grow professionally. However, to understand the moral values and culture of a state or a place, you definitely need to spent some part of your life in a village and also to enjoy and understand the beauty of nature in all its true colors and aspects. City life is mostly preferred by the youth and youngsters who love to be trendy, energetic and open to changes, while village life is opted by the elderly group who wish to have a peaceful life.

21 tháng 4 2017

If there are a few houses in a place it is called a village. A village is far from crowded towns and cities. Village life is peaceful and out of pollution. There is not more density. In a village, the environment is fresh and suitable to live. In a village, people are kind, benevolent, generous, obedient and simple. Rural people spend their life by working hard. They believe in hard working. They don't spend time without any work. They don't know how to make exploitation and corruption to others. Village are out of pollution, drugging corrupted persons and vandalism. Rural people eat fresh food need artificial medicine. They have folk culture. They are preserving folk songs, dances and culture. Villagers are preserving traditions, customs, hopes and aspirations.

On the other hand, village is always backward for development. There are no roads, sufficient educational institutes and medical centers. This means there are no campuses and higher educational sectors. If somebody is ill, he can die because of the lack of medicine. Villagers are barbarous, uneducated and wild. They don't have awareness. Villagers don't provide education to their daughters. The life of village women is hard and difficult. Most of the villagers are in the shadow of modern world. They are spending their life in darkness. They have to go to the cities to get job, education and other things. Most of the villagers are poor and they have to struggle for feeding the family members.

On the other hand, urban people have more facilities. If there are more houses, streets and crowds, it is called a city or town. A great and improved town is called a city. People's life is comfortable in the cities. There are roads, transport, communication etc. in the city. People don't have to walk on foot and they don't have to carry heavy loads on the back. Urban people are educated, forward, sensitive and civilized, they are not wild as the villagers. Urban children have learned how to speak, how to eat and how to behave with elders well, they are not uncivilized. They take their education in boarding schools and English medium schools so they are very forward. If somebody is sick, he gets medical treatment as medicine and doctors. Urban people seem always neat and clean. They seem smart and happy.

There are some defects in the city. City life is always crowed. Because of the modernism and population growth, urban life is destroyed by pollution. People throw rubbish any where so that we have sound pollution, air pollution, water pollution etc. In a city, there are more vehicles so the air is polluted by the fumes. Urban people have forgotten Nepalese civilization, culture and tradition. They are improving western fashion, behavior and culture. We are destroying our style, language, and traditions. City people are humbugs, tyrant, dishonest, corrupted and unkind. They think only how to earn money. Urban boys wear earrings, keeps forelocks and show their bad behaviors. Some of them suffer their parents, neighbor and relatives. Urban people are sick because of pollution. City life is noisy and limit so that people are also limit mind. They are greedy and selfish. In this way both city life and village life can have merits and demerits.

8 tháng 11 2023

Looking at the pictures I can see they are running in the desert and the second picture shows the man who is staying in a tent on a cold mountain covered with a lot of snow. The people in the first picture, I guess they are taking part in a running activity because they have numbers on their T-shirts. They look really tired because of the hot weather and I guess they are becoming dehydrated. By contrast, in the second picture, the weather is frostbite because the main color of the picture is the color of snow. The man is sitting on the top of the mountain with a high altitude. He is also wearing a face mask to supply oxygen. I guess he is a climber, and he wants to conquer this mountain.

Tạm dịch:

Nhìn vào hai bức ảnh, tôi nghĩ cả hai đều đang mô tả những môn thể thao mạo hiểm thực sự khó thực hiện. Trong bức ảnh đầu tiên, tôi có thể thấy họ đang chạy trên sa mạc và bức ảnh thứ hai cho thấy người đàn ông đang ở trong lều trên một ngọn núi lạnh giá có nhiều tuyết bao phủ. Những người trong bức ảnh đầu tiên, tôi đoán họ đang tham gia một hoạt động đang chạy vì họ có số trên áo phông của họ. Họ trông thực sự mệt mỏi vì thời tiết nóng và tôi đoán họ đang bị mất nước. Ngược lại, ở bức tranh thứ hai, thời tiết lạnh cóng vì màu chủ đạo của bức tranh là màu của tuyết. Người đàn ông đang ngồi trên đỉnh núi rất cao. Anh ấy cũng đang đeo mặt nạ để cung cấp oxy. Tôi đoán anh ấy là một nhà leo núi và anh ấy muốn chinh phục ngọn núi này.

20 tháng 8 2023

- The photo frame is decorated more colorfully than the bowl.

- The photo frame stands taller than the bowl.

- The bowl is designed more beautifully than the photo frame.

20 tháng 2 2021



18 tháng 11 2023

Mô tả tranh

A: In picture A, a teacher is standing in front of the class and appears to be teaching a lesson

B: Picture B, on the other hand, shows a student working on a laptop wearing headphones in the classroom. It looks like the student is working on an individual task.

A: It's interesting to see how technology is being used in the classroom in both pictures. In picture A, the teacher is likely using a whiteboard or projector to help illustrate their lesson, while in picture B, the student is using a laptop to complete their work.

B: Yes, that's a good point. It seems like technology is becoming more integrated into the classroom, allowing for more individualized learning and different modes of teaching.

A: Another difference is the level of interaction between the teacher and students. In picture A, the teacher is leading the lesson, while in picture B, the student is working independently.

B: That's true. However, it's important to note that both forms of learning and teaching have their advantages and disadvantages, and it ultimately depends on the goals and needs of the students.

(A: Trong hình A, một giáo viên đang đứng trước lớp và có vẻ như đang giảng bài

B: Mặt khác, hình B cho thấy một học sinh đang làm việc trên máy tính xách tay đeo tai nghe trong lớp học. Có vẻ như học sinh đang làm một nhiệm vụ cá nhân.

A: Thật thú vị khi xem cách công nghệ được sử dụng trong lớp học trong cả hai bức tranh. Trong hình A, giáo viên có thể đang sử dụng bảng trắng hoặc máy chiếu để giúp minh họa bài học của họ, trong khi ở hình B, học sinh đang sử dụng máy tính xách tay để hoàn thành bài tập của mình.

B: Vâng, đó là một điểm tốt. Có vẻ như công nghệ đang được tích hợp nhiều hơn vào lớp học, cho phép học tập cá nhân hóa hơn và các phương thức giảng dạy khác nhau.

A: Một điểm khác biệt nữa là mức độ tương tác giữa giáo viên và học sinh. Ở hình A, giáo viên đang dẫn dắt bài học, còn ở hình B, học sinh đang làm việc độc lập.

B: Đúng vậy. Tuy nhiên, điều quan trọng cần lưu ý là cả hai hình thức học tập và giảng dạy đều có những ưu điểm và nhược điểm, và cuối cùng nó phụ thuộc vào mục tiêu và nhu cầu của học sinh.)

Bài tham khảo trả lời 2 câu hỏi

A: Do you think technology sometimes makes it harder for people to communicate with each other? Why?

B: Yes, technology can sometimes make it harder for people to communicate because it can create misunderstandings, cultural differences, and language barriers. Additionally, technology can also create some places where people only interact with like-minded individuals and ignore diverse perspectives, leading to polarization and division.

A: Do you agree that in the modern world, science is a more important subject than languages? Give reasons.

B: Both science and languages are important subjects in the modern world, and they play different roles. Science helps us understand the natural world, solve problems, and create new technologies, while languages facilitate communication and understanding among people from different cultures and backgrounds. The importance of each subject depends on one's personal and professional goals, interests, and needs.

Tạm dịch

A: Bạn có nghĩ rằng công nghệ đôi khi khiến mọi người khó giao tiếp với nhau hơn không? Tại sao?

B: Đúng vậy, công nghệ đôi khi có thể khiến mọi người khó giao tiếp hơn vì nó có thể tạo ra sự hiểu lầm, khác biệt về văn hóa và rào cản ngôn ngữ. Ngoài ra, công nghệ cũng có thể tạo ra các nơi nơi mà mọi người chỉ tương tác với những cá nhân có cùng chí hướng và bỏ qua các quan điểm đa dạng, dẫn đến sự phân cực và chia rẽ.

A: Bạn có đồng ý rằng trong thế giới hiện đại, khoa học là một môn học quan trọng hơn ngôn ngữ không? Đưa ra lý do.

B: Cả khoa học và ngôn ngữ đều là những môn học quan trọng trong thế giới hiện đại và chúng đóng những vai trò khác nhau. Khoa học giúp chúng ta hiểu thế giới tự nhiên, giải quyết vấn đề và tạo ra công nghệ mới, trong khi ngôn ngữ tạo điều kiện giao tiếp và hiểu biết giữa những người từ các nền văn hóa và nguồn gốc khác nhau. Tầm quan trọng của mỗi môn học phụ thuộc vào mục tiêu, sở thích và nhu cầu cá nhân và nghề nghiệp của mỗi người.

4 tháng 3 2022

Khi nào bn phải nộp ạ? Nếu mà ngay tối nay thì mik ko chắc mik hoàn thành đc, mik cảm ơn