
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

11 tháng 5 2021

    The world is currently very developed, which means that science and technology are very developing,especially mobile phones..They have a lot of advantages. Because they are so useful. They work remotely, even when you're in another part of the world. You can communicate verbally, video, audio and exchange other media. All websites, applications and software have been created to help users socialize. Social media, texting, texting, laptops, tablets, and cell phones mean no one needs to feel isolated in the digital world. Users can be regularly updated with news about local events and social developments. We can also learn through technology. Anyone with access to the internet today can access a huge amount of the world's knowledge through the web. Alternatively, lessons and courses can now be offered virtually online. Online social media or playing computer and mobile games is becoming more and more popular. Traditional media also developed, as television and broadcasting were digitized along with radio. It has many benefits, but it also has disadvantages. Nowadays, there are a lot of young people who are interacting too much with internet devices, and can easily watch bad programs, programs like those are not good for them. However,mobile phones have a lot of advantages, are important parts of our life

25 tháng 10 2021


21 tháng 6 2023

Eating out in restaurants has become a common practice for many people due to busy lifestyles and convenience. However, there are several negative effects associated with eating out regularly. Firstly, restaurant meals are often high in calories, unhealthy fats, and sodium, which can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and other health problems. Secondly, eating out frequently can be expensive, especially if you choose to dine at high-end restaurants or order alcoholic beverages. This can put a strain on your budget and limit your ability to save money or invest in other areas of your life. Thirdly, dining out can be a social activity that encourages overeating and drinking, which can lead to poor decision-making and impaired judgment. Finally, eating out can also contribute to environmental issues, such as food waste and the overuse of disposable packaging. Overall, while eating out can be a fun and convenient way to enjoy a meal, it is important to be mindful of the negative effects and make healthy choices whenever possible.

30 tháng 3 2017
Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day's work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business. Then towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day. bài này e lấy trên mạng, có gì sai sót mog chị góp ý.
19 tháng 5 2017

Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day’s work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.

Then towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city before finds it hard to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of the city. These parts are usually the business centres. With the coming of night, another kind of actịvity begins. The streets are now full of colorful lights. The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested in politics discuss the latest political developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed. Thieves and robbers who wait for the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move.

Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to further their studies and increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newspaper is sometimes difficult to get.

The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day.

But urban centers are filled with motorized transport and other sources of pollutants like waste from the large populations of people, or emissions from factories. The urban centers have very few or even totally missing green spaces with higher amount of pollutants that are so harmful for citizens. For a long time, lung cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and asthma are just a few diseases common among urban dwellers.

Another disadvantage of living in a city is traffic congestion. Every day, many people have to struggle with the transportation jams, who usually face with being late in their office. They are always stuck for many hours on the way to work. In addition, more transports on the street are the main distributor of air pollution which can lead to many bad effects on man’s health.

It is undeniable that the cost of living in big cities is much higher than in countryside. The impact of this can result in the expensive cost of the public services such as health service, postal service, education… It will be difficult for the poor and workers to live in big cities with a low minimum wage. They seem to struggle with the rapid changes in the price of basic necessities and public services like hospitals, schools,…

This is my idea about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city.But conclusion,we should choose for ourselves a place to live well.

3 tháng 9 2018

Bạn nào trả lời giúp mình với. Mình đang rất cần -.-

25 tháng 9 2018

This is the first of three posts that I am writing in an attempt to inspire more discussion around the following question: How do we prepare students to be successful in their futures?

Determining an answer to this question, is a discussion that I believe needs to include students, instructors, parents, businesses and community members. In other words, this is a discussion that needs to include everyone!

In order to tackle this issue from the stance of an educator, I want to take a look at three different questions:

  1. What are the skills that our students need to be successful?

  2. In order to help students develop these skills, what type of projects and assessments can we engage them in?

  3. What are some tools and practices that we can use to implement these skills into the classroom?

The goal of this post is to address the first of these three questions.

The Issue

In the United States alone, there are approximately 55.6 million students attending elementary and secondary schools and 20.5 million students attending colleges and universities. In the majority of schools and classrooms that I have worked with, students are mainly being assessed on lower-level thinking skills such as memorization and recall. The multiple choice, short-answer and matching questions, along with the academic research paper, are still depended on as the main modes of assessment.

This needs to change.

My goal was to discover the most important skills that students need to be successful. After speaking with hundreds of business leaders and reading hundreds of articles, it became clear that it is time for education to change. The same skills continued to be mentioned. There is less demand for obedient workers who can simply show up on time and follow directions. There is an increased demand for self-directed workers who can adapt and learn quickly, think critically, communicate and innovate.

Approximately 65% of our students will be employed in jobs that don’t exist yet. So, how do we prepare them for this? I believe that we do so by helping student develop the skills that they will need to succeed in a future filled with uncertainty.

The Skills

I decided to compile the notes I took while doing my research. My goal was to identify the skills that were brought up the most in an attempt to determine which skills our students will need to be successful in their futures. The following are the 10 skills mentioned the most often:

1. Adaptive Thinking: In the digital age, things are changing at exponential rates. By the time employees learn the newest software or program, a better version is coming about. Future employers will need to continuously adapt to changing conditions as well as be able to learn new things quickly and efficiently. We need our students to learn how to learn.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Learning Agility

2. Communication Skills: There continues to be an emphasis on the ability to communicate. In the digital age, however, we have access to a wide variety of new ways to communicate from video-conferencing to social media. Future employers need to be able to communicate with people within their team, as well as people outside of the team and organization.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Communication Tips Weekly

3. Collaboration Skills: Most classrooms foster a culture of competition and independence rather than one of teamwork and collaboration. Future employers will need to quickly adapt to a culture of collaboration. They will need to collaborate with others within and outside of the organization, often using a number of new technologies.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Teamwork Foundations

4. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills: There is a decreased emphasis on employers following directions and an increased emphasis on employers thinking critically and solving problems. In a rapidly changing world, employers need employees who can solve problems, provide ideas and help improve the organization.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Critical Thinking

5. Personal Management: This includes the ability for employers to independently plan, organize, create and execute, rather than wait for someone to do this for them.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Leading Yourself

6. Inquiry Skills: The large majority of academic assessments ask students for answers. Rarely do we assess students on how well they can ask questions. The ability to ask great questions, however, is a critical skill that is desperately needed in a culture which requires constant innovations.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Asking Great Questions

7. Technology Skills: Almost every business that I talked to said that employers will need to be skilled at using technology. In the digital age, technology is everywhere. Schools, however, have been slow to adapt to this change. Rarely are students required or taught to learn technology efficiently. This needs to be emphasized.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Building Your Technology Skills

8. Creativity and Innovation: This skill is mentioned often. I believe that it correlates with the ability to ask good questions and the ability to problem solve. Employers will be looking to employees more and more for creative and innovative solutions to issues that exist.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Creative Thinking

9. Soft Skills: Schools rarely spend time teaching students soft skills, including skills such as time management skills, organizational skills, the ability to look someone in the eyes when talking to them, or using a firm handshake. I have heard a number of times, by different business leaders, that these skills seem to be disappearing.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Personal Effectiveness Tips

10. Empathy and Perspective: Although this skill has always been important, it seems to be another one that is slowly disappearing. The ability for our students to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, to understand their feelings, and to help solve their problems.

  • Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Communicating With Empathy

The Action

Although it is important for our students to learn a core set of knowledge, we are not helping them develop these 10 skills by simply requiring them to regurgitate facts in an attempt to earn grades for a course. We need to have students apply what they are learning by engaging them in projects. We need to engage them in higher-order thinking skills in order for them to develop the skills that will be critical to their future success. Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a great illustration of the different levels of thinking. As educators, we need to stop depending on the lower level skills, such as memorization and recall, and help students develop higher-order thinking skills such as applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.

Then, and only then, will we be helping students to develop these skills. Most educators that I have spoken with agree with this analysis. There is one question that seems to always arise, however: In order to help students develop these skills, what type of projects and assessments can we engage them in?

That question will be the focus of my next post on this topic.

Tick mk nha

4 tháng 4 2021

dịch hả bn

4 tháng 4 2021

In Vietnam, almost everyone, has been a volunteer work and I have too. At my age, I have not been donate blood so I often donate books, toys and clothes for street children and homeless people. I often do this work with my mother. Latest here on Sunday, I with my mother was used to donate books and clothes for a charity organization. In here, I met the orphans children. I played with them. Then I gave candies to them. They were all very happy.Some people think doing volunteer work is waste of time but in my opinion, doing volunteer work help me relax after school and it help me healthy. When I doing this work, I feel very happy to bring happiness to them.