
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

10 tháng 11 2023

In my opinion, the concern that teenagers spend too much time on social media is valid. While social media can be a useful tool for communication and staying connected with friends, it can also be addictive and take up too much time that could be spent on other activities.

One solution to this problem is for parents to set limits on their children's screen time and encourage them to engage in other activities such as sports, hobbies, and spending time with family and friends. Additionally, schools could educate students about responsible social media use and the negative effects of spending too much time on it.

Another solution is for social media companies to implement features that encourage users to take breaks and limit their time on the platform. For example, Instagram recently introduced a feature that shows users how much time they spend on the app each day and allows them to set a time limit.

Overall, while social media can be a valuable tool for communication and connection, it is important for teenagers to balance their time spent on it with other activities and for parents and schools to play an active role in encouraging responsible use.

Tạm dịch:

Theo tôi, lo ngại rằng thanh thiếu niên dành quá nhiều thời gian cho mạng xã hội là có cơ sở. Mặc dù mạng xã hội có thể là một công cụ hữu ích để giao tiếp và duy trì kết nối với bạn bè, nhưng nó cũng có thể gây nghiện và chiếm quá nhiều thời gian có thể dành cho các hoạt động khác.

Một giải pháp cho vấn đề này là cha mẹ đặt ra giới hạn về thời gian sử dụng thiết bị của con cái họ và khuyến khích chúng tham gia vào các hoạt động khác như thể thao, sở thích và dành thời gian cho gia đình và bạn bè. Ngoài ra, các trường học có thể giáo dục học sinh về việc sử dụng phương tiện truyền thông xã hội có trách nhiệm và những tác động tiêu cực của việc dành quá nhiều thời gian cho nó.

Một giải pháp khác dành cho các công ty truyền thông xã hội là triển khai các tính năng khuyến khích người dùng nghỉ giải lao và giới hạn thời gian của họ trên nền tảng. Ví dụ: Instagram gần đây đã giới thiệu một tính năng cho người dùng biết họ dành bao nhiêu thời gian cho ứng dụng mỗi ngày và cho phép họ đặt giới hạn thời gian.

Nhìn chung, mặc dù mạng xã hội có thể là một công cụ có giá trị để giao tiếp và kết nối, nhưng điều quan trọng đối với thanh thiếu niên là cân bằng thời gian dành cho mạng xã hội với các hoạt động khác, đồng thời để phụ huynh và nhà trường đóng vai trò tích cực trong việc khuyến khích sử dụng có trách nhiệm.

11 tháng 8 2021

Dear Peter

I received your email last week, in which you asked me about my city Ha Noi in 2050. There are different ideas about this question. I thought about it in a few days, and now I can give you two predictions.

Let's take a look at optimis aspects. In 2050 Ha Noi will become a more liveable city for lots of reasons. The city authorities have built a very careful plan to promote advanced technology to make greener motorbikes to deal with air pollution. In addition, the city dwellers are encouraged to make use of public transport system to reduce traffic jam. The government will also grow more trees and encourage people to use solar panels.

On the contrary, pessimis people think that the city life will be a dangerous place to live in because the government cannot control the use of private cars and motorbikes. Besides, they don’t believe that citizens will use public transports because this system in our city are aging and not upgraded regularly. It also take time to find a bus and go to the destination in spite of very short distance. People's life will also continue to be threatened because of pollution such as air pollution by burning fossil fuels, emission from cars and motorbikes, noise pollution from constructing buildings and sounding of transportations. The effects of global warming have great impacts on the city dwellers, higher temperature in the summer and colder climate in te winter.

That's all about my answer to your question. I hope you will be satisfied with it, Peter.

Best wishes,


 k mình nha bn CHÚC BN HỌC TỐT

12 tháng 8 2021

Dear Anne(Hà Lam).

I received your email last week, in which you asked me about my city New York in 2050. There are different ideas about this question. I thought it in a few days, and now I can give you two predictions.

Let's take a look at an optimis viewpoint. In 2050 New York will become a more liveable city than ever before for lots of reasons. The city authorities have built a very careful plan to promote self-driving electric taxis to deal with crowded public transport. In addition, the city dwellers are encouraged to use city's building roofs for gardens fertilised with compose in order to recycle rubbish and reduce pollution. The government will also build offshore windfarms to replace ageing electricity network.

On the other hand, pessimis people think that the city life won't be a safe place to live in because the government cannot control the use of guns, and therefore the crime rate will be higher. People's life will also continue to be threatened because of natural disasters such as floods, storms, earthquakes. The effects of global warming have great impacts on the city dwellers.

That's all about my answer to your question. I hope you will be satisfied with it, Nam.

Best wishes,


tham khảo ạ

17 tháng 8 2021

Dear Bich

Your last email asked me about my city Ha Noi in 2050. Well, but I'm busy and have no time to reply you soon. Today I am writing to you about that question. There are different ideas about this question. I thought about it in a few days, and now I can give you some predictions.

Let's take a look at optimis aspects. In 2050 Ha Noi will become a more modern city for lots of reasons. High technology has been applied in our lives. The robots will replace us for many jobs such as manufacturing, farming, etc. Smart cars which will be commonly used in the road. They will help human beings to decrease the accidents as well as traffic jams.

On the contrary, pessimis people think that the city life will be a dangerous place to live in because the environment is completely polluted. The effects of global warming have great impacts on the city dwellers, higher temperature in the summer and colder climate in the winter. There are a lot of means of transport so that emission from them cause air pollution. Our health will be threatened because of low air quality index.

That's all about my thoughts about your question. I hope you will be satisfied with it, Bich.

Best wishes,


26 tháng 11 2023

Living in a smart city brings many benefits and disadvantages. In this article, I will present some pros and cons of living in a smart city.

The first advantage of living in a smart city is convenience. Information and communications technology is integrated into urban systems, helping to provide public services more effectively. For example, through mobile applications, people can easily search for information about transportation, destinations, and entertainment activities. Furthermore, the smart traffic system helps reduce congestion and save travel time.

Another advantage of smart cities is energy saving and environmental protection. Advanced technologies are applied to manage and use resources effectively. For example, automatic lighting and temperature regulation in buildings help save energy. In addition, the use of smart public transport and self-driving cars helps reduce polluting emissions.

However, living in a smart city also has disadvantages. One of them is the issue of information security. With the widespread use of information technology, the risk of personal information insecurity and privacy violations increases. This requires strong security measures to ensure the safety of people's personal data.

Another drawback of smart cities is their dependence on technology. If technology systems fail or are attacked, public services could be disrupted. This poses challenges for maintaining stability and ensuring security of smart cities.

In short, living in a smart city brings many benefits such as convenience and energy savings. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to information security issues and dependence on technology. To make the most of the advantages and minimize the disadvantages, smart investment and management from city managers is needed.




10 tháng 11 2023

A: Which sports do you do at school? How often?

(Bạn chơi môn thể thao nào ở trường? Có thường xuyên không?)

B: I play basketball at school, and I have practice twice a week after school.

(Tôi chơi bóng rổ ở trường, và tôi tập hai lần một tuần sau giờ học.)

A: Are there other subjects that are more important than sport? Which ones? Why?

(Có môn nào khác quan trọng hơn thể thao không? Môn nào? Tại sao?)

B: Some people might say that subjects like math and science are more important than sports because they directly impact academic success, while sports are just a leisure activity. However, I believe that both academics and physical activity are important for overall health and success.

(Một số người có thể nói rằng các môn học như toán và khoa học quan trọng hơn thể thao vì chúng ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến thành công trong học tập, trong khi thể thao chỉ là một hoạt động giải trí. Tuy nhiên, tôi tin rằng cả học tập và hoạt động thể chất đều quan trọng đối với sức khỏe và thành công tổng thể.)

A: How could more sport be added to the school timetable without affecting other subjects?

(Làm thế nào để thêm môn thể thao vào thời khóa biểu của trường mà không ảnh hưởng đến các môn học khác?)

B: One solution could be to offer sports clubs or teams during lunch breaks or after school hours, so students can participate without missing class time. Another option could be to incorporate physical activity into existing classes, such as doing quick stretches or exercises between lessons.

(Một giải pháp có thể là cung cấp các câu lạc bộ hoặc đội thể thao trong giờ nghỉ trưa hoặc sau giờ học để học sinh có thể tham gia mà không bỏ lỡ giờ học. Một lựa chọn khác có thể là kết hợp hoạt động thể chất vào các lớp học hiện có, chẳng hạn như thực hiện các động tác giãn cơ nhanh hoặc các bài tập giữa các bài học.)

Topic: The benefits of sports in school and ways to incorporate it without affecting academics.

(Chủ đề: Lợi ích của thể thao trong trường học và cách kết hợp nó mà không ảnh hưởng đến học tập.)

- Opinion: Sports are important for overall health and success, and should not be seen as a distraction from academic work.

(Ý kiến: Thể thao rất quan trọng đối với sức khỏe tổng thể và sự thành công, và không nên bị coi là thứ khiến học tập sao nhãng.)

- Proposed solutions: (Đề xuất giải pháp)

+ Offer sports clubs or teams during lunch breaks or after school hours, so students can participate without missing class time.

(Cung cấp các câu lạc bộ hoặc đội thể thao trong giờ nghỉ trưa hoặc sau giờ học để học sinh có thể tham gia mà không bỏ lỡ giờ học.)

+ Incorporate physical activity into existing classes, such as doing quick stretches or exercises between lessons.

(Kết hợp hoạt động thể chất vào các lớp học hiện có, chẳng hạn như thực hiện các động tác giãn cơ nhanh hoặc các bài tập thể dục giữa các bài học.)

- Conclusion.

(Phần kết luận.)

30 tháng 8 2023

Tham khảo:


     Smart cities are built on new technologies to improve people's lives. The idea of living in one of them sounds very exciting. But is a life controlled by smart technologies good or bad for us?

     Let’s start with the advantages. One of the biggest advantages of smart cities is the high level of convenience they offer. With smart technologies in place, people can access information and services quickly and easily. This makes daily life more efficient and saves people a lot of time. Additionally, smart cities are designed to be more sustainable, with green spaces and public transport options to reduce pollution.

     What about the disadvantages? One of the main concerns people have about smart cities is the potential loss of privacy. With sensors and cameras constantly monitoring people's movements, there is a risk that sensitive information could be collected and shared. This can lead to a lack of trust and a feeling of being constantly watched. Furthermore, there are concerns about the potential for technology failures and the risks posed by hackers.

     In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages of living in a smart city. In my opinion, the benefits of smart technologies outweigh the drawbacks. However, it is important that measures are put in place to protect people's privacy and ensure the safety of their personal information. As long as these concerns are addressed, smart cities have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work.

31 tháng 8 2023

Welcome to our school's Green Fair!

We are excited to invite you to this year's Green Fair, where we aim to promote environmental awareness and sustainability. Our goal is to inspire students, teachers, and community members to adopt eco-friendly practices that reduce their carbon footprint and protect our planet.

At the fair, you can expect to find a variety of fun and engaging activities, such as:

Educational workshops and presentations on topics like climate change, recycling, and sustainable living.

A plant sale, where you can purchase a variety of plants and learn about their environmental benefits.

A clothing swap, where you can exchange gently used clothing with others, reducing waste and promoting a circular economy.

A food court featuring local and organic food options, as well as a cooking demonstration on how to prepare healthy and sustainable meals.

A recycling drive, where you can bring in your old electronics, batteries, and other materials to be recycled responsibly.

We hope that this fair will not only be a fun and informative event, but also a catalyst for change. By implementing the eco-friendly practices and habits you learn here, you can make a positive impact on our planet and future generations.

We look forward to seeing you there!