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14 tháng 11 2018

Mình nghĩ bạn nên viết là : If you visit my country, you should try living like the people of the Van Kieu ethnic group


Topic1:Talk about your hobbies -Name of the hobby -When you started the hobby -Who you share it with -To do this hobby you have to -Feelings about the hobby -Future Topic2:SOMETHING YOU CAN DO TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH -Talk about your health -Talk about 3 or 4 things to improve your health -Your feelings and future Topic3:WHAT DO THE PEOPLE IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY NEED?WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? -Talk something about the people in your local community(life,need,..) -Talk about 3 or 4...
Đọc tiếp

Topic1:Talk about your hobbies

-Name of the hobby

-When you started the hobby

-Who you share it with

-To do this hobby you have to

-Feelings about the hobby



-Talk about your health

-Talk about 3 or 4 things to improve your health

-Your feelings and future


-Talk something about the people in your local community(life,need,..)

-Talk about 3 or 4 volunteer activities you or your friends can do to help them

-Talk about your feelings and future


-Talk about the importance of music and art in your life

-Talk about 3 or 4 things music and art helping you

-Your feelings and future


-Name your favorite food and drink

-Talk about the appearance,taste and ingredients

-Your feelings and future


-Talk about the name,address and surroundings

-Talk about its history

-Talk about facilities or scenery in it

-Your feelings and future


19 tháng 12 2019

Topic 1 :

My favorite hobby is listening to music . I first started my hobby since the first time I have listened to US-UK music . I really love music because music helps me relax when I'm tired . I usually share my hobby to my best friend and my family . To do this hobby I have to finish my homework and make sure that there is enough time for me to listen to music . I hoped that may be one day I would be a famous singer .

19 tháng 12 2019

Topic 2 :

I am a student and I always care about my health and my learning journey. To make sure that I'm fine, anyway I have to protect my health by eating vegetables and fish because these food always have nutritive which is for us . I'll share things that help us protect our health : food , water , inviroment ,I think so . Protecting my health gives me a good life and also may be I live till 100 years in the future .

28 tháng 7 2017

Ex 3 : Complete the sentences with the words in the box :

boarding, ceremonies, communal, costume, culture, customs, display, diverse, ethnic, worship

1. The .communal.. house is the biggest house in the village.

2. The Hoa’s ..costume. is more colourful than the Nung’s.

3. Which .ethnic.. group has a larger population, the Bru-Van Kieu or the Khmer?

4. Does the Yao have a rich culture.. of folk literature and art?

5. The Hmong people hold festivals and ..ceremonies. every year.

6. Like some other peoples, the Thai worship... their ancestors.

7. Many ethnic minority students are studying at .boarding .. schools.

8. The peoples of Viet Nam are .diverse .. but very peaceful.

9. The ethnic minority peoples have their own ..customs . and traditions.

10. The items on .display .. in the Museum of Ethnology are very interesting.

28 tháng 7 2017

Ex 3 : Complete the sentences with the words in the box :

boarding, ceremonies, communal, costume, culture, customs, display, diverse, ethnic, worship

1. The ..communal.. house is the biggest house in the village.

2. The Hoa’s ..costume.. is more colourful than the Nung’s.

3. Which ..ethnic.. group has a larger population, the Bru-Van Kieu or the Khmer?

4. Does the Yao have a rich ..culture.. of folk literature and art?

5. The Hmong people hold festivals and ..ceremonies.. every year.

6. Like some other peoples, the Thai ..worship.. their ancestors.

7. Many ethnic minority students are studying at ..boarding.. schools.

8. The peoples of Viet Nam are ..diverse.. but very peaceful.

9. The ethnic minority peoples have their own ..customs.. and traditions.

10. The items on ..display.. in the Museum of Ethnology are very interesting.

My aunt is one of those people who can talk to anyone aout anything. If she goes to a party where she doesn't know any of the people, she just walks up to the first person that she sees and introduces herself. And yet she doesn't seem to talk about deeply important things like politics or religion. She always starts off with something very obvious like the other person's job. Very soon she's talking as if she's known the other person for years. I asked her once what her secret was. She said...
Đọc tiếp

My aunt is one of those people who can talk to anyone aout anything. If she goes to a party where she doesn't know any of the people, she just walks up to the first person that she sees and introduces herself. And yet she doesn't seem to talk about deeply important things like politics or religion. She always starts off with something very obvious like the other person's job. Very soon she's talking as if she's known the other person for years. I asked her once what her secret was. She said that the most important thing in a conversation was listening. People love to talk about themselves, so if you allow them to do, it's very easy to keep a conversation going. You have to listen very carefully and ask question. And you have to look interested, too. So don't keep looking at other things in the room while you're talking to someone.

Another thing that I've noticed is that she only pays a people compliments. She say: "I like your hair. Which hairdresser do you go to?" or "You look very well. Have you been on holiday?" Friendly messages like this seem to provide an easy way into a conversation.

1/ According to my aunt, the most important thing in a conversation was _____

A. Speaking B. Discussing C. Looking D. Listening

2/ At parties where she does not know anybody, my aunt normally

A. feels embarrased and stays away from people

B. asks people to introduce themselves to her

C. comes over to the first person and introduce herself

D. sits alone and avoids talking to other people

3/ My aunt thinks that it's very easy to keep a conversation going if you _____

A. Let people talk about themselves

B. Let people hear about yourself

C. Talk about politics or religion

D. Ask people about their secrets

4/ What should you not do when you have a conversation with someone?

A. Looking very interested in his or her story

B. Looking at other things in the room

C. Listenig very carefully and asking questions

D. Paying him or her compliments

5/ According to the passage my aunt often starts a conversation by talking about _____

A. The other person's wealth

B. The other person's health

C. The other person's daily activities

D. The other person's jobs

22 tháng 9 2017

My aunt is one of those people who can talk to anyone aout anything. If she goes to a party where she doesn't know any of the people, she just walks up to the first person that she sees and introduces herself. And yet she doesn't seem to talk about deeply important things like politics or religion. She always starts off with something very obvious like the other person's job. Very soon she's talking as if she's known the other person for years. I asked her once what her secret was. She said that the most important thing in a conversation was listening. People love to talk about themselves, so if you allow them to do, it's very easy to keep a conversation going. You have to listen very carefully and ask question. And you have to look interested, too. So don't keep looking at other things in the room while you're talking to someone.

Another thing that I've noticed is that she only pays a people compliments. She say: "I like your hair. Which hairdresser do you go to?" or "You look very well. Have you been on holiday?" Friendly messages like this seem to provide an easy way into a conversation.

1/ According to my aunt, the most important thing in a conversation was _____

A. Speaking B. Discussing C. Looking D. Listening

2/ At parties where she does not know anybody, my aunt normally

A. feels embarrased and stays away from people

B. asks people to introduce themselves to her

C. comes over to the first person and introduce herself

D. sits alone and avoids talking to other people

3/ My aunt thinks that it's very easy to keep a conversation going if you _____

A. Let people talk about themselves

B. Let people hear about yourself

C. Talk about politics or religion

D. Ask people about their secrets

4/ What should you not do when you have a conversation with someone?

A. Looking very interested in his or her story

B. Looking at other things in the room

C. Listenig very carefully and asking questions

D. Paying him or her compliments

5/ According to the passage my aunt often starts a conversation by talking about _____

A. The other person's wealth

B. The other person's health

C. The other person's daily activities

D. The other person's jobs

22 tháng 9 2017

Linh Diệu; @Tú Quyên; @Tử Đằng

1 tháng 1 2020

Talk about city life

Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day's work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.

Then towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city before finds it hard to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of the city. These parts are usually the business centres.

With the coming of night, another kind of actịvity begins. The streets are now full of colorful lights. The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested in politics discuss the latest political developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed. Thieves and robbers who wait for the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move.

Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to further their studies and increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newspaper is sometimes difficult to get.

The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day.

Bài dịch

Cuộc sống ở thành thị cuộc sống ở thành thị rất nhộn nhịp. Từ tờ mờ sáng hàng trăm người ùa ra khỏi nhà như đàn kiến vỡ tổ. Chẳng bao lâu sau đường phố đông nghẹt xe cộ. Các cửa hàng và văn phòng mở cửa. Học sinh hối hả cắp sách đến trường và một ngày làm việc bắt đầu. Giờ đây thành phố hoạt đông nhộn nhịp và đầy ắp tiếng huyên náo. Hàng trăm người ngoạn cảnh, du khách và nhiều người khác viếng thăm những thắng cảnh của thành phố trong khi các doanh nhân từ nhiều nơi trên thế giới đến trao đổi công việc làm ăn.

Trời về chiều, những văn phòng và trường học bắt đầu đóng cửa. Nhiều của hàng cũng đông cửa. Lúc này diễn ra một cuộc đổ xô đón xe buýt và các phương tiện vận chuyên khác. Dường như mọi người đều vội vã về nhà. Kết quá của sự.vội vã này là nhiều tai nạn xảy ra. Những ai chưa từng đến thành phố cảm thấy khó mà đi lại vào giờ này. Tuy vậỵ không bao lâu sau một số khu vực của thành phố như ngừng hoạt động. Những nơi này thường là các trung tâm kinh doanh.

Đêm xuống, một hình thức hoạt động khác lại bắt đầu. Đường phố tràn ngập ánh đèn màu. Bầu không khí dịu xuống và cuộc sống trở nên thư thả hơn. Giờ đây người tìm đến những thú vui giải trí. Nhiều người đến rạp chiếu bóng, công viên và câu lạc bộ, trong khi những người khác ở nhà xem ti vi và nghe đài phát thanh. Có người đi thăm bạn bè và bà con. Có người dành thì giờ đọc sách và tạp chí. Những người quan tâm đến chính trị bàn luận về những sự kiện chính trị nóng hổi. Cũng trong thời gian này, hàng trăm vụ trộm cướp diễn ra. Trộm cướp chờ đêm xuống để hoạt động, và vận rủi ập xuống nhiều ngưòi. Chỉ vì lòng tham của một sô ít người mà nhiều người sẽ bị giết, và nhiều người khác phải sống trong cảnh sợ hãi triền miên . Để đưa tội phạm ra trước công lý, các viên chức luật pháp luôn luôn sẵn sàng hành động.

Người lao động và những ngưòi muốn tiến triển trên con đường công danh sự nghiệp của mình thì tham gia các lóp học ban đêm. Mỗi năm có hàng trăm người trong số họ tham dự vào nhiều kỳ thi khác nhau. Các phương tiện và cơ hội dành cho người dân thành thị để mở rộng học hỏi và gia tăng kiến thức nhân sinh thực sự rất phong phú. Do đó người dân ở thành phố luôn nắm bắt thông tin nhanh hợn người dân vùng nông thôn, nơi mà có khi ngay đến một tờ báo cũng khó kiếm.

Tóm lại thành thị có thể nói là nơi của những hoạt động không ngừng nghỉ. Chính tại đây vở kịch cuộc đời tái diễn mỗi ngày.
1 tháng 1 2020

Talk about visit to a traditional craft village

Bat Trang village (Gia Lam district, Hanoi), about 14km from the center, famous for pottery, brand name 500 years. To this piece of pottery, Dolly found it extremely interesting to see ordinary flowers, ceramic pots on display in every corner of the village, or exposing sun-dried leaves. Visiting the village pottery factory, Dolly also introduced a piece of produce vases, warm cups or color hunting scene. Pottery Market is the most impressive feature of Dolly, this is the focus of hundreds of halls, simulated countless other pottery, spoiled, viewed household items like bowls, ordinary, vases for the wall-hangings, wind chimes and necklaces ... or farmer-themed products, buffaloes, Thi-Pho-Chi Pho from small statues to live.

Bản Dịch :

Làng Bát Tràng (huyện Gia Lâm, Hà Nội), cách trung tâm khoảng 14km, nổi tiếng với nghề gốm, thương hiệu 500 năm. Với tác phẩm gốm này, Dolly thấy vô cùng thú vị khi nhìn thấy những bông hoa bình thường, những bình gốm được trưng bày ở mọi góc làng hay phơi lá phơi nắng. Tham quan nhà máy gốm của làng, Dolly cũng giới thiệu một mảnh bình sản xuất, ly ấm hoặc cảnh săn màu. Pottery Market is the most impressive feature of Dolly, this is the focus of hundreds of halls, simulated countless other pottery, spoiled, viewed household items like bowls, ordinary, vases for the wall-hangings, wind chimes and necklaces ... hoặc các sản phẩm theo chủ đề nông dân, trâu, Thi-Pho-Chi Pho từ những bức tượng nhỏ để sống.

29 tháng 4 2021

      The woman plays a very important role in the family. Firstly, a woman in a family is a wife, they have to take care of her husband, and take care of her husband. Not only that, the woman is also the mother of the whole family, and it can be said that the happiness of the family depends a lot on the woman. behave according to social standards. The mother is the psychological and psychological support of the child to listen, advise and teach children to remove difficult obstacles in life. The precious qualities of a mother: altruism, gentleness, self-sacrifice, patience, gentleness, love for children, generous tolerance have strong feelings for children to learn. , Follow. And moreover, themselves, the women are the place to preserve and promote the family cultural values. and moreover, above all, the woman is also the one who takes care of the spiritual life for the family and creates the family to become a home, a place to reunite and share love, where to express the feelings of each member. Through the above, we see that the woman has a very important role in a family, right? For boys, love your wives in the future, and for girls, become a wonderful wife for the whole family.

29 tháng 4 2021

Vietnamese women have been and will always assert their important role in building a happy family. That is the irreplaceable role given by the noble divinity of the woman given by the Creator. If the family is considered the cell of society, the woman is considered the nucleus of this cell.
The family is the real realization of the equality and empowerment of women. Besides, the woman of modern times is even more inseparable from the reality of family and society, because this is the place where women can perform their functions.
The first factor in creating a happy family is that the woman who forgets herself to become a faithful and faithful wife, a wife who always knows her husband, always shares her feelings, and sorrow in life. with the husband, understand the work of her husband. In all circumstances, the wife stands by her side, supports positive ideas and acts as well as promotes dreams, ambitions, energy and protects prestige, helps her husband to have can strive to succeed. Behind the husband's success are the wife's figure. A wife is a person who always cares about and cares about her husband, every meal, sleep and daily living conditions. With altruistic tolerance and delicate sensitivity, a woman who knows how to ignore her husband's faults is truly her husband's companion on the path to happiness.
A woman has a noble privilege of childbearing to maintain the race and raise children from the time the child is born until the child is grown up. With boundless love, the mother takes care of her children to grow up, is the emotional support for her children, educates them on moral qualities and personality so that they can grow up to be human. Being a whole-hearted mother who makes sacrifices all your life for you is also an example for you to follow, at the same time being a great friend who is always with you to protect and encourage you to overcome hardships in life for your child to grow up. . The mother is the psychological and psychological support of the child to listen, advise and teach children to remove difficult obstacles in life.
Women are the second pillars of the family with their husbands sharing economic responsibility, organizing material life for the family. Women work directly in production to create material wealth, contribute to poverty reduction, improve family income, and enrich the family and society.
With a kind heart, the woman knows how to create a family to become a home, a place to get together and share love, where each member's feelings are expressed. The woman becomes an emotional bond in the family, is a person who constantly encourages and connects generations and family members, has the ability to reconcile the relationships of generations. and members: Grandparents - Parents - Spouses - Children ... to keep the family peace.
In the family, women are both the custodians and promoters of the family's traditional values ​​and the receiver and creation of new cultural values, contributing to building an advanced culture imbued with national identity. ethnic group plays an important role in building cultured families.
Without women, this world would not be as perfect as it was, so the role of women in society is that no one can deny and we can easily see that As time has changed, women are now in the right positions they deserve.