
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
10 tháng 10 2023

0. A: Matt has a nice newjacket.

(Matt có áo khoác mới đẹp.)

1. C: Matt bought the sunglasses for18 dollars.

(Matt đã mua kính mát khoảng 18 đô la.)

2. A: Amy wants to eat chicken pasta.

(Amy muốn ăn mì ống thịt gà.)

3. C: Matt wants to eat a hamburger.

(Matt muốn ăn bánh hamburger.)

4. B: Matt wants to drinkcola.

(Matt muốn uống cola.)

5. A: Amy wants to drinkorange juice.

(Amy muốn uống nước cam.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
10 tháng 10 2023

Bài nghe:

Amy: Hey, Matt, that's a nice jacket. Is it new?

Matt: Yes, I just bought it from the store next door.

Amy: I really like it. Do they have it in red?

Matt: Yes, they do. I bought these sunglasses, too.

Amy: Oh, how much were they?

Matt: They were eighteen dollars.

Waiter: Hello. What would you like to order?

Amy: I'd like some chicken pasta, please.

Matt: And I'd like a hamburger, please.

Waiter: OK. What would you like to drink?

Matt: I'd like some cola, please.

Amy: And some orange juice for me, please.

Tạm dịch:

Amy: Này, Matt, áo khoác đẹp đấy. Áo mới à?

Matt: Vâng, mình vừa mua nó từ cửa hàng bên cạnh.

Amy: Mình thực sự thích nó. Họ có nó màu đỏ không?

Matt: Có. Mình cũng đã mua chiếc kính râm này.

Amy: Ồ, chúng giá bao nhiêu?

Matt: Nó mười tám đô la.

Người phục vụ: Xin chào. Quý khách muốn gọi món gì?

Amy: Tôi muốn một ít mì ống gà, làm ơn.

Matt: Và tôi muốn một bánh hamburger, làm ơn.

Người phục vụ: Vâng. Quý khách muốn uống gì?

Matt: Tôi muốn một ít cola, làm ơn.

Amy: Và một ít nước cam cho tôi, làm ơn.

You will hear Jenny talking to her friend, Tom, about a TV show she watched. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the conversation twice.(Bạn sẽ nghe Jenny nói chuyện với bạn của cô ấy, Tom, về chương trình cô ấy xem. Với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lới đúng. Bạn sẽ được nghe 2 lần.) You will hear Jenny talking to her friend, Tom, about a TV show she watched. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or...
Đọc tiếp

You will hear Jenny talking to her friend, Tom, about a TV show she watched. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the conversation twice.

(Bạn sẽ nghe Jenny nói chuyện với bạn của cô ấy, Tom, về chương trình cô ấy xem. Với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lới đúng. Bạn sẽ được nghe 2 lần.)


You will hear Jenny talking to her friend, Tom, about a TV show she watched. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the conversation twice.

(Bạn sẽ nghe Jenny nói chuyện với bạn của cô ấy, Tom, về chương trình cô ấy xem. Với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lới đúng. Bạn sẽ được nghe 2 lần.)


Example: (Ví dụ)

0. What was the TV show about? (Chương trình TV nói về cái gì?)

A. life in the future (cuộc sống trong tương lai)

B. technology in the future (công nghệ trong tương lai)

C. media in the future (phương tiện truyền thông trong tương lai)

1. What will be the biggest change? (Sự thay đổi lớn nhất sẽ là gì?)

A. Many people will move to the country. (Nhiều người sẽ chuyển đến cùng quê.)

B. All cities will become megacities. (Tất cả thành phố sẽ trở thành siêu đô thị.)

C. Lots of people will live in very large cities. (Nhiều người sẽ sống ở những thành phố rất lớn.)

2. Where will some cities be? (Một số thành phố sẽ ở đâu?)

A. on lakes (trên ao/ hồ)

B. on the sea (trên biển)

C. in the sky (trên bầu trời)

3. Earthscrapers will be... (Nhà dưới lòng đất sẽ...)

A. cheap. (rẻ tiền.)

B. eco-friendly. (thân thiện với môi trường.)

C. expensive. (đắt đỏ.)

4. People will also live in... (Con người cũng sẽ sống ở...)

A. ice houses. (nhà băng.)

B. tiny homes. (nhà nhỏ.)

C. smart homes. (nhà thông minh.)

5. People will also have... (Con người cũng sẽ có...)

A. drones. (máy bay không người lái)

B. 3D printers. (máy in 3D.)

C. robot helpers. (người máy giúp việc.)


Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
10 tháng 10 2023

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. B

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
10 tháng 10 2023

Bài nghe:

Jenny: Hey, Tom, did you watch Future Lives on TV last night?

(Này, Tom, bạn có xem Sự sống trong tương lai trên TV tối qua không?)

Tom: No, I didn't. What was it about, Jenny?

(Không, tôi không. Nó nói về cái gì vậy Jenny?)

Jenny: It was about where people will live in the future. Things will change a lot.

(Nó nói về nơi mọi người sẽ sống trong tương lai. Mọi thứ sẽ thay đổi rất nhiều.)

Tom: Why? What's going to happen?

(Tại sao? Điều gì sẽ xảy ra?)

Jenny: I think the biggest change will be that many people might live in megacities.

(Tôi nghĩ thay đổi lớn nhất sẽ là nhiều người có thể sống trong các siêu đô thị.)

Tom: I don't like big cities.

(Tôi không thích các thành phố lớn.)

Jenny: Not just megacities. People might live in cities on the sea, too.

(Không chỉ siêu đô thị. Mọi người cũng có thể sống ở các thành phố trên biển.)

Tom: Wow! Where else will people live?

(Chà! Mọi người sẽ sống ở đâu khác nữa?)

Jenny: Big apartment buildings underground called earthscrapers.

(Những tòa nhà chung cư lớn dưới lòng đất được gọi là những tòa nhà dưới lòng đất.)

Tom: Urgh!


Jenny: They'll be eco-friendly.

(Chúng sẽ thân thiện với môi trường.)

Tom: Hmm, that's good. Anything else?

(Hmm, tốt quá. Còn gì nữa không?)

Jenny: Yeah, we'll have smart homes in the future.

(Đúng vậy, chúng ta sẽ có những ngôi nhà thông minh trong tương lai.)

Tom: Great.

(Tuyệt vời.)

Jenny: They'll have things like 3D printers to make all kinds of objects like new clothes or furniture.

(Họ sẽ có những thứ như máy in 3D để tạo ra tất cả các loại đồ vật như quần áo hoặc đồ nội thất mới.)

Tom: They sound awesome!

(Chúng nghe có vẻ thật tuyệt!)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
9 tháng 10 2023

Tạm dịch:

Matt: Bạn định làm gì vào thứ Bảy?

Lisa: Mình định tổ chức tiệc thịt nướng. Bạn đến nhé?

Matt: Xin lỗi, mình không thể. Mình định đi xem phim với Jack.

Lisa: Còn thứ Ba thì sao?

Matt: Mình rảnh. Sao thế?

Lisa: Mình định tổ chức một bữa tiệc. Bạn đến nhé?

Matt: Nhất trí!

Lisa: Tuyệt vời, trò chuyện sau nha.

- making a cake: làm bánh

- going shopping: đi mua sắm

- playing badminton: chơi cầu lông

- watching a movie: xem phim

-  playing in the park: chơi trong công viên

- having a picnic: tổ chức dã ngoại






Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
9 tháng 10 2023

Bài nghe:

Jenny: Do you have any brothers or sisters, Tom?

Tom: Yes, I have one brother.

Jenny: Wow, what does your brother look like?

Tom: Oh, he's tall and has dark hair. Look, here's his photo

Jenny: Is he the boy wearing the blue T-shirt?

Tom: No, he's the one wearing glasses.

Jenny: Oh, OK. What's he like?

Tom: Well, he's very funny and he's really friendly. What about you? Do you have any brothers?

Jenny: No, but I have one sister. She's eighteen years old.

Tom: Oh, what does your sister look like?

Jenny: She's slim

Tom: Does she have short hair like you?

Jenny: No, she has really long hair.

Tom: What's she like?

Jenny: She's kind and helpful.

Tạm dịch:

Jenny: Bạn có anh chị em nào không, Tom?

Tom: Vâng, mình có một anh trai.

Jenny: Chà, anh trai của bạn trông như thế nào?

Tom: Ồ, anh ấy cao và có mái tóc đen. Nhìn kìa, đây là ảnh của anh ấy

Jenny: Anh ấy có phải là người mặc áo phông xanh không?

Tom: Không, anh ấy là người đeo kính.

Jenny: Ồ, được rồi. Anh ấy tính tình thế nào?

Tom: Chà, anh ấy rất vui tính và anh ấy thực sự thân thiện. Còn bạn thì sao? Bạn có anh em nào không?

Jenny: Không, nhưng mình có một chị gái. Chị ấy mười tám tuổi.

Tom: Ồ, chị gái của bạn trông như thế nào?

Jenny: Chị ấy mảnh mai.

Tom: Chị ấy có mái tóc ngắn giống bạn không?

Jenny: Không, chị ấy có mái tóc rất dài.

Tom: Cô ấy tính tình thế nào?

Jenny: Cô ấy tốt bụng và thích giúp đỡ người khác.






Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
10 tháng 10 2023

0. Which city is more crowded? => A. Jakarta

(Thành phố nào đông đúc hơn? => A. Jakarta)

1. What will Suzy do if it rains? => B. go to a teahouse, have some tea, and read a book

(Suzy sẽ làm gì nếu trời mưa? => B. đi đến quán trà, uống trà và đọc sách)

2. Which city is cheaper? => B. Shanghai

(Thành phố nào rẻ hơn? => B. Thượng Hải)

3. Where will Gill visit? => A. the cathedral

(Gill sẽ đến thăm ở đâu? => A. nhà thờ lớn)

4. What will Emma do if she can’t get a ticket? => C. go to the zoo

(Emma sẽ làm gì nếu không nhận được vé? => C. đi đến sở thú)

5. Which city has more big buildings? => C. Beijing

(Thành phố nào có nhiều tòa nhà lớn hơn? => C. Bắc Kinh)






Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
9 tháng 10 2023

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. A

READING Read the passage and answers to the questions WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and answers to the questions
One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very difficult.
All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. After you hear the question, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have to choose the correct answer. If you don't know the answer to a question, there are three ways you can get help: you can ask the quizmaster to take away two wrong answers: you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or you can telephone a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people win the million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme started.
Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? can be seen in more than 100 countries and is now the world's most popular quiz programme.

Answer the questions.
1.Who is the quizmaster in Britain?
2. How many ways can you get help?
3. How many questions do you have to answer?
4. In how many countries can you watch the quiz show?

25 tháng 2 2020

Read the passage and answers to the questions
One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very difficult.
All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. After you hear the question, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have to choose the correct answer. If you don't know the answer to a question, there are three ways you can get help: you can ask the quizmaster to take away two wrong answers: you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or you can telephone a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people win the million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme started.
Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? can be seen in more than 100 countries and is now the world's most popular quiz programme.

Answer the questions.
1.Who is the quizmaster in Britain?
_____________________The quizmaster in Britian is Chris Tarrant_________________________________________________________
2. How many ways can you get help?
___________________Three ways___________________________________________________________
3. How many questions do you have to answer?
______________________Fifteen questions________________________________________________________
4. In how many countries can you watch the quiz show?
_____________________More than 100 countries_______________________________________________________

Read the passage and do the tasks below: WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be AMillionaire?In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. Thefirst questions are easy but laterthey are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can wina million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and do the tasks below:

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be AMillionaire?In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. Thefirst questions are easy but laterthey are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can wina million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very difficult.All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. After you hear thequestion, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have to choose the correct answer. Ifyou don’t know the answer to a question, there are three ways you can get help: you can ask thequizmaster to take away two wrong answers: you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or you can telephone a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people winthe million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme started.Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?can be seen in more than 100 countries and is now the world’smost popular quiz programme.

a. Find the words in the text with these meanings.

1. A TV programme where people answer questions. .................

2. The person who ask the questions. .................

3. The people who try to answer the questions. .................

4. The people who watch the programme in the studio. .................

b. Answer the questions.

1. Who is the quizmaster in Britain?

2. How many questions do you have to answer?

3. How much do you win for the fourteenth question?

4.How many ways can you get help?

5. In how many countries can you watch the quizshow?

19 tháng 2 2017


1. A TV programme where people answer questions: quiz show.

2. The person who ask the qustions : MC.

3. The person who answers the questions : player.

4. The people who watch the programme in the studio : audience.


1. The qizmaster in Britain is Chris Tarant.

2. You have to answer 15 questions.

3. If you cam answer the forteenth question, you win 500000 pounds.

4. There are three ways you can get help. They're you can ask the quizmaster to take way two ưởng answers, you can ask the audience which answer is right, or you can telephone your friends and ask for help.

5. You can watch the quizshow in over 100 questions.

READING Read the passage and answers to the questions WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and answers to the questions
One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very difficult.
All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. After you hear the question, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have to choose the correct answer. If you don't know the answer to a question, there are three ways you can get help: you can ask the quizmaster to take away two wrong answers: you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or you can telephone a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people win the million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme started.
Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? can be seen in more than 100 countries and is now the world's most popular quiz programme.

Answer the questions.
1.Who is the quizmaster in Britain?
2. How many ways can you get help?
3. How many questions do you have to answer?
4. In how many countries can you watch the quiz show?

25 tháng 2 2020

1.Who is the quizmaster in Britain?

⇒ The quizmaster in Britain is Chris Tarrant.

2.How many ways can you get help?

⇒ There are 3 ways you can get help.

3.How many questions do you have to answer?

⇒ I have to answer 15 questions.

4.In how many countries can you watch the quiz show?

⇒ I can watch the quiz show show in more than 100 countries.

15 tháng 11 2021

1, it

2, they

3, him

4, he's

5, they're

6, she's

7, her


15 tháng 11 2021





5. it
