
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

   Chào các thành viên của OLM.Cô là một trong những quản lý của trang web. Cô đã nhận được thông tin phản hồi về vấn đề gian lận tick điểm hỏi đáp của một số thành viên, đặc biệt là một số bạn trong team M** . Nhằm đảm bảo tính công bằng cũng như tránh làm loãng page bởi những nội dung không hợp lý, BQT của OLM đang thống nhất những cách thức xử lý mạnh mẽ những tài khoản gian...
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Chào các thành viên của OLM.

Cô là một trong những quản lý của trang web. Cô đã nhận được thông tin phản hồi về vấn đề gian lận tick điểm hỏi đáp của một số thành viên, đặc biệt là một số bạn trong team M** . Nhằm đảm bảo tính công bằng cũng như tránh làm loãng page bởi những nội dung không hợp lý, BQT của OLM đang thống nhất những cách thức xử lý mạnh mẽ những tài khoản gian lận. OLM luôn nghiêm túc thực hiện nội quy và sẽ thẳng tay xử lý những tài khoản thực hiện gian lận dưới bất cứ hình thức nào.

Trang Hỏi đáp của OLM được lập ra với mục đích giúp đỡ các bạn học sinh trên mọi miền đất nước; là nơi giao lưu, trao đổi những bài tập hay và khó. Chính vì thế các bạn học sinh cần tôn trọng nội quy và nghiêm túc thực hiện để bảo vệ tài khoản của mình, đồng thời tránh loãng page, để OLM thực sự là một môi trường học tập lành mạnh và bổ ích.

Các thành viên của OLM thân mến, hãy chung tay tạo ra một cộng đồng học tập vui vẻ, bổ ích và hiệu quả. Nếu phát hiện gian lận, các bạn hãy gửi thông tin và dẫn chứng qua tin nhắn cho các admin, hoặc gửi mail về địa chỉ a@olm.vn.

Hình thức xử phạt thời điểm hiện tại như sau: 

+) TK bị >=10 tài khoản khác tố cáo gian lận -> Bị quản lý điều tra:  Nếu đúng là điểm SP cao đột biến và các câu hỏi quá dễ + Copy nhiều => Lần 1:  Cảnh báo bằng tin nhắn ;  Lần 2: Reset điểm hỏi đáp về 0Lần 3: Khóa nick

 +) Team: Bị >15 tài khoản khác tố cáo có sự auto tick điểm => Bị quản lý điều tra:  Nếu đúng là có sự buff điểm => Lần 1:  Cảnh báo bằng tin ghim trên đầu trang Hỏi đáp ;  Lần 2: Các thành viên trong team không thể tick đúng các câu trả lời.


Câp nhật mới: Mỗi ngày, quản lý sẽ thống kê những tài khoản trên BXH. Một ngày, nếu bạn tăng 50SP thì tương ứng bạn phải trả lời được ít nhất 10 câu trả lời chất lượng (Tức là nếu bạn tăng 100SP/ngày thì bạn phải trả lời được ít nhất 20 câu chất lượng, ...). Các quản lý của OLM sẽ kiểm soát và đánh giá chất lượng câu trả lời của các bạn. Nếu đc quản lý tick, điểm GP của tài khoản sẽ tăng lên trên BXH.

Nếu các tài khoản không đủ điều kiện trên sẽ bị reset điểm hỏi đáp hôm đó về 0.

+ Đặc biệt với môn Văn, mỗi tài khoản chỉ được đăng tối đa 1 bài văn cho câu hỏi đó. Các câu trả lời không hợp lệ phía sau của tài khoản đó sẽ bị xóa và trừ điểm. Vì thế OLM rất khuyến khích các bạn tự lập dàn ý hoặc viết văn theo suy nghĩ của mình để có một câu trả lời hay và có ích. Những bài văn copy sẽ không được coi là câu trả lời chất lượng.


Mặt khác, BQT cũng tích cực thống kê các tài khoản hỏi và trả lời có trách nhiệm và thực sự chất lượng để tặng điểm GP cũng như tặng nhiều phần quà thú vị từ OLM.VN. Nếu tích cực đóng góp cho trang, chắc chắn tài khoản của các bạn sẽ được xếp hạng cao và nhận được thưởng từ BQT. Trang web luôn chào đón và vinh danh các bạn học sinh có tinh thần đóng góp và xây dựng cộng đồng học tập lớn mạnh và hiệu quả. Tất nhiên, các team học tập và hoạt động hiệu quả cũng sẽ được vinh danh trên trang web.


Một lần nữa, các OLMers hãy thực hiện nghiêm túc nội quy, cùng nhau xây dựng diễn đàn Hỏi đáp ngày một lớn mạnh và hiệu quả. Cám ơn tất cả các bạn

Viết câu dưới đay theo cách khác, sử dugj “might’ hoặc “may”Ví dụ : Perhaps Helen is in her office ---> She might be in her office.​Perhaps Helen isn’t in her office --> She might not be in her office.1.Perhaps Helen is busy.__________________________________________________2. Perhaps she is working.__________________________________________________3. I’m not sure that Liz will come to the party.__________________________________________________4. Perhaps she wants...
Đọc tiếp

Viết câu dưới đay theo cách khác, sử dugj “might’ hoặc “may”

Ví dụ : Perhaps Helen is in her office ---> She might be in her office.

​Perhaps Helen isn’t in her office --> She might not be in her office.

1.Perhaps Helen is busy.


2. Perhaps she is working.


3. I’m not sure that Liz will come to the party.


4. Perhaps she wants to be alone.


5. perhaps she was ill yesterday.


6. I’m not sure that Sue wil be able to come out with us this evening.


7. Perhaps she went home early.


8. I’m not sure thats I’ll go out htis evening.


9. perhaps she had to go home early.


10. Perhaps she was working yesterday.


11. perhaps she doesn’t want to see me.


12. Perhaps she isn’t working today.


13. I’m not sure  that we’ll get tickets for the concert.


14. Perhaps she wasn’t feeling well yesterday.



giúp mình vớiI. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition.1. I love to go shopping (in, on, at) Christmas time.2. I live in the US (in, on, at) the 1980s.3. I'll see you (at, in, on) a few weeks.4. We like going to the movies (in, on, at) the evening.5. He lives (in, to, at, x) New York.6. She went (in, to, at, x) home.7. I work (in, to, at, x) Seattle.8. He went (in, at, to, x) his friend's house.9. She arrived (in, at, to, x) London for the celebrations.10. I am going to stay (in,...
Đọc tiếp

giúp mình với

I. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition.

1. I love to go shopping (in, on, at) Christmas time.

2. I live in the US (in, on, at) the 1980s.

3. I'll see you (at, in, on) a few weeks.

4. We like going to the movies (in, on, at) the evening.

5. He lives (in, to, at, x) New York.

6. She went (in, to, at, x) home.

7. I work (in, to, at, x) Seattle.

8. He went (in, at, to, x) his friend's house.

9. She arrived (in, at, to, x) London for the celebrations.

10. I am going to stay (in, at, to, x) home this weekend.

11. He works (in, at, to, x) the hospital.

12. I am going to see John (in, at, to, x) Florida this summer.

13. I arrived (in, at, to, x) work early this morning.

14. She came (in, at, to, x) home early.

15. We stayed (in, at, to, x) the grand Hotel.

16. They visited (in, at, to, x) Italy last summer.

17. She is going to travel (in, at, to, x) Greece this summer.

18. I will be (in, at, to, x) school later today.

19. He has been working (for, while, during) three weeks.

20. I fell asleep (during, for, while) the film.


21. Did you see Tom (for, while, during) your vacation?

22. We talked (for, while, during) an hour.

23. She watched TV (for, while, during) I cooked.

24. (For, While, During) our stay in London, we visited a lot of museums.

25. What did you do (for, while, during) you were in London.

26. I think I need to study French (for, while, during) a few months before I go there.

27. I came up with a great idea (for, while, during) I was thinking about my class.

28. They drove through the countryside (for, while, during) they were staying in France.

29. He was out of work (for, while, during) 6 months before he found a new job.

30. I broke my arm (for, while, during) I was playing squash.

31. Please, don't interrupt the teacher (for, while, during) she is speaking.

32. He broke into tears (for, while, during) the film.

33. Could you hold on (for, while, during) a few months?

34. I am just hopeless (about, at, by, for, from) playing the guitar.

35. She is furious (about, at, by, for, from) her son's grades in school.

36. I am upset (about, at, by, for, from) my health.

37. She was annoyed with tom (about, at, by, for, from) ignoring their agreement.

38. He gave her a cheek (for, in, of, to, with) a lot of money. for

39. The reason (for, in, of, to, with) this meeting is to discuss the merger. for

40. The decrease (for, in, of, to, with) profits is due to the bad market. In

41. There is a real demand (for, in, of, to, with) new products. for

42. We have seen a fall (for, in, of, to, with) prices recently. in

43. The cause (for, in, of, to, with) his problems is his family. of

44. Did you do any damage (for, in, of, to, with) the house? to

45. The difference (for, in, of, to, with, between) the two is very slight.

46. Are you doing anything special (in, on, at) New Year.

47. The plane is due to arrive (in, on, at) 19. 25.

48. Work is always more stress full (in, on, at) the end of the month.

49. We saw a ballet (in, on, at) Julia's birthday.

50. I was very tired (after, on, in, at) my trip to England.

EX2: Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) ở thì quá khứ đơn.1.     (+) They decided to leave soon.(-) ________________________________________________________________.(?) ________________________________________________________________?2.      (+) ________________________________________________________________.(-) There were not many homeless people here ten years ago.(?)...
Đọc tiếp

EX2: Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) ở thì quá khứ đơn.
1.     (+) They decided to leave soon.
(-) ________________________________________________________________.
(?) ________________________________________________________________?
2.      (+) ________________________________________________________________.
(-) There were not many homeless people here ten years ago.
(?) ________________________________________________________________?
3.      (+) ________________________________________________________________.
(-) _________________________________________________________________.
(?) Did Tom’s grandfather use to be a soldier?
4.      (+) My teacher started teaching here 6 years ago.
(?) _________________________________________________________________?
5.      (+) Jane often went to school on foot 3 years ago.
(-) _________________________________________________________________.
(?) _________________________________________________________________?
6.      (+) _________________________________________________________________.
(-) The cat didn’t want to eat yesterday.
(?) _________________________________________________________________?
7.      (+) _________________________________________________________________.
(-) __________________________________________________________________.
(?) Did the train arrive late yesterday?
8.      (+) _________________________________________________________________.
(-) There wasn’t anything left in the fridge.
(?) _________________________________________________________________?
EX3. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn.
1. Last week, my mother (take) _____________ me to the zoo.
2. When we (arrive) _____________ at the party, there (not be) _____________ many people there.
3. My mother (say) _____________ that she (buy) _____________ me a new dress.
4. Last summer, my father (teach) _____________ me to drive.
5. I (start) _____________ doing charity when I (be) _____________ a first year student.
6. Many rich people (donate) _____________ money for this volunteer program.
7. My friend (ring) _____________ me yesterday and (invite) _____________ me to his party.
8. What (you/ watch) _____________ on TV last night?
9. When my father (be) _____________ young, he (use to) _____________ be the most handsome boy in the village.
10.  _____________ (you/ go) to see the concert yesterday?
11. My performance (not be) _____________ really good. I (not feel) _____________ happy about it.
12. Jim (spend) _____________ the whole day taking after his brother.
13. I (write) _____________ a letter to my foreign friend but he (not write) _____________ back.
14.  _____________ (they/ be) students of our school?
15. Yesterday, I (see) _____________ Jim at a bookstore.
EX4. Gạch lỗi sai trong các câu sau rồi sửa lại cho đúng.
1. My friend and I was at the hairdresser’s yesterday.
2. My sister in law used to had long hair but now she has short hair.
3. Did your father worked in a tobacco factory before he retired?
4. Why you didn’t come to the meeting last week?
5. My best friend and I use to hated each other when we first met.
6. Was Anna be successful with her project last week?
7. Yesterday morning I readed several chapters of the book “The little prince”.
8. Last summer we involved in community service in our neighborhood, so we did go on holiday.
EX5. Hoàn thành câu với những động từ cho sẵn ở thì quá khứ đơn (thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định).
disturb                              put                          like                          be                        hold
have                                 decide                    sleep                        stay                      cost     
1. It was freezing outside, so I ___________ on my coat.
2. My mother was very busy yesterday, so I ___________ her.
3. Yesterday was Mary’s birthday but she ___________ a party.
4. We were exhausted, so we ___________ to leave the party early.
5. The bed was very uncomfortable. Tim ___________ well.
6. The musical wasn’t very good. I ___________ it much.
7. The restaurant wasn’t very expensive. It ___________ much to have dinner there.
8. I had to look after my little sister yesterday, so I  ___________ time to call you.
9. It ___________ hard to lift the boxes. They weren’t very heavy.
10. It was raining heavily, so I ___________ in.
EX6. Sắp xếp các từ cho sẵn thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. many/ went/ to/ volunteer/ ,/ Last year/ the/ and/ flooded area/ free food/ people/ gave to/./
2. rebuild/ helped/ houses/ They/ trees/ also/ plant/ and/ people/./
3. people/ donated/ generous/ for/ people/ Many/ poor/ money/./
4. I/ joined/ a student/ ,/ was/ When/ charitable work/ I/ often/ in/./
5. my friends/ used to/ remoted areas/ travel/ help/ to/ to/ people there/ I/ with/./
6. mountainous/ for/ areas/ weeks/ We/ in/ stayed/ the/./
7. the chidren/ read/ there/ We/ taught/ and/ write/ to/./
8. a volunteer/ was/ a/ experience/ wonderful/ Being/./
9. I/ busy/ graduated/ was/ After/ ,/ I/ very/./
10. I/ Now/ do/ still/ charity/ my/ in/ hometown/./


Giúp mình với mình cần gấp

Reorder the words to make the sentences.1. is/ but/ not/ Canberra/ the/, / is/ Australia/ capital/ of/ Sydney.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2. Maori/ native/ of/ New Zealand/ people/ the/ are/ the/ Island/ in/ North.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3. Washington D.C/ opens/ Museum/ a.m./ at Children’s/...
Đọc tiếp

Reorder the words to make the sentences.

1. is/ but/ not/ Canberra/ the/, / is/ Australia/ capital/ of/ Sydney.


2. Maori/ native/ of/ New Zealand/ people/ the/ are/ the/ Island/ in/ North.


3. Washington D.C/ opens/ Museum/ a.m./ at Children’s/ in/10.00/National/ The.


4. monument/ San Francisco/ Bridge/ of/ The/ an/ iconic/ Gate/ is/ Golden.


5. its/ years/ language/ for/ considered/ Malaysia/ as/ has/ official/ English.


V. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to each of the questions. Every state has its own laws for driving and getting a driver's license. To learn these laws, people have to read the Rules of the Road book for their state. They can get the book free at a driver's license facility in their state.In Illinois, people between the ages of 15 and 18 have to take a driver's education course in school before they can get a permit to practice driving. People over 18 don't have to take...
Đọc tiếp

V. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to each of the questions.

Every state has its own laws for driving and getting a driver's license. To learn these laws, people have to read the Rules of the Road book for their state. They can get the book free at a driver's license facility in their state.

In Illinois, people between the ages of 15 and 18 have to take a driver's education course in school before they can get a permit to practice driving. People over 18 don't have to take this course in order to get a permit. When people get a learner's permit, they have to take a test. They have to know the traffic signs and laws in order to pass this test. Then they have to get their vision tested. When they get theirlearner's permits, they can practice driving, but a licensed driver has to be in the car with

them at all times. A learner's permit is good for one year.

When the learner is ready to get a license, he or she has to take a driving test. During the test, new drivers have to back out of an alley, park uphill anddownhill, make right- and left-turns, obey all traffic laws, and do whatever else the examiner may ask them to do to show that they know how to drive.

1/ What is the writer trying to do in the text?

a.         Complain about traffic accidents.

b.         Describe what to do to get a driver's license.

c.         Persuade drivers to drive carefully.

d.         Advise drivers how to drive.

2/ Why would somebody read the text?

a.         To find out about traffic laws.

b.         To learn how to drive a car.

c.         To find out about getting a driver's license.

d.         To learn some details about the rules of the roads .

3/ In order to get a driver's license, most important of all, the learner has to .................................

a.         read the Rules of the Road book for his/her state

b.         get his/her vision tested

c.         know all the traffic laws

d.         pass a driving test

4/ The word "free" most nearly means ..............................

            a. without limit            b. without having to pay

            c. without shopping     d. at any time

5/ The word "alley" most nearly means ......................

            a. narrow passage        b. garage          c. garden          d. sidewalk

VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to each of the questions.

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard allover the world on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected.

Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time. A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!

1/ Big Ben was built .......................

a. for the B.B.C. b. after a fire c. in honour of Sir Benjamin Hall d. long before 1834

2/ Accuracyis maintained        ..................._

a.         by microphones in the clock tower b.  by workmen

c.because the clock is at Greenwich Observatory d.by officials who check the clock frequently

3/ Big Ben is one of the first sights you will see when you     London.

            a. will visit       b. visit c. have visited d. will be visiting

4/ Big Ben is the ..................... clock in London.

            a. famousest     b. most famous            c. more famous d. famouser

5/ It is .......................very big and very accurate.        a. and   b. also c. both d. together

6/ How often .....................checked?

            a. have they it              b. they have it c. do they have it                     d. they do have it

7/ A painter  .........      working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands.

a. who b. had been      c. had   d. ...................


VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to each of the questions.


Quite a number of things have been done tohelp solve traffic problems in Singapore. For example, motorists must buy a special pass if they want to drive into the downtown business district. They can go into the business district only if they have the pass displayed on their windshield.

Another thing Singapore has done is to make it more difficult to buy cars. People have to apply for a certificate if they want to buy a car. And the number of certificates is limited. Not everyone can get one. There is also a high tax on cars, so it costs three or four times as much to buy a car in Singapore as it does in, say, the United States or Canada. The other thing Singapore has done is to build an excellent public transportation system. Their subway system is one of the best in the world. And there is also a very good taxi and bus system.

1/ In Singapore, drivers must have ....................         to drive into the downtown  business district.

a. a special I D card        b. a special pass          c. a driving certificate     d. a driving lesson

2/ Singapore has done many things to make it difficult to buy cars because it ............................

a. wants to solve the car problems       b. wants to help motorists to be safe

c. helps poor people    d. wants to solve traffic problems

3/ The public transportation system in Singapore is ...................................

a. not very good b. very good             c. very bad       d. awful

 Read the passage and choose the best answer. When Nick and Jane got their phone bill, they knew something was wrong. They couldn't understand why the new bill was over fifty dollars more than the old one. Then Nick saw the long-distance charges. There were ten calls listed to the town of Rosemont, several hundred miles away."But we don't know anybody in Rosemont," Jane protested. "Where is Rosemont, anyway? Besides, no one would have such a ridiculous phone number as 123-456-7890." Suddenly,...
Đọc tiếp

 Read the passage and choose the best answer.

When Nick and Jane got their phone bill, they knew something was wrong. They couldn't understand why the new bill was over fifty dollars more than the old one. Then Nick saw the long-distance charges. There were ten calls listed to the town of Rosemont, several hundred miles away.

"But we don't know anybody in Rosemont," Jane protested. "Where is Rosemont, anyway? Besides, no one would have such a ridiculous phone number as 123-456-7890." Suddenly, they thought of their twin sons, who were just learning how to count. They must have been playing with pushbuttons on the dial. This turned out to be the right solution to the mystery of their phone bill.

66. Nick and Jane are

A.        friends. B.        twin sons. C. telephonists. D. a married couple.

67. What was wrong with their new phone bill?

A.        It couldn't be understood. B.   It contained ten calls for an unknown town.

C. It was fifty dollars. D. It was several hundred miles away.

68. The word ridiculous in the passage could be best replaced by

A.        funny. B.         unreasonable.C.           foolish. D.       crazy.

69. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A.        They Couldn't understood why their phone bill cost much.

B.        There were many long-distance calls in their phone bill.

C.        They had to pay fifty dollars for the bill.

D.        Their twin sons learned how to Count on the dial when they Were out.

70. This in the passage refers to

A.        the phone number 123-456-7890.

B.        Nick and Jane's thought.

C.        the long-distance charge.

D.        their sons' playing with Pushbuttons on the dia1.