... Tom has seen 2 green aliens. They looked very strange: as low as his shoulders; Their eyes are bulging and large, occupying more than half of their face, their skin is blue, and especially on the top of their heads there is a small antenna. The two aliens have yet to discover Tom. He felt so scared, wanted to run back to the spaceship to tell everyone, but stopped. He thought for a moment and then thought, "They look scary, but this is not a good opportunity for me to make friends with the two of them. But now how should I make friends and better understand outsiders? planet okay?" He gently returned to the spacecraft and did not tell anyone about the appearance of the other 2 aliens, when he returned, the commander called:
    - Hey Tom, it's time to eat, why don't you go get some food!
    - Yeah, I'll go get it right away.
      Tom goes to the pantry and suddenly thinks, ''If I give them these foods, they'll surely be happy to know me. '' Thought it was over, first he got food to feed everyone on the spaceship, then he got some food to go to the remaining 2 aliens. Fortunately, they were still sitting there and seemed to be eating. Tom took the initiative to talk to them:
    - Hello, my name is Tom. I am from Earth, 1876533 light years from your planet Bogo. Nice to meet you. I also have some food from Earth to give you as a gift for an acquaintance!
   The 2 aliens were stunned and surprised when they understood the language of the Earth to answer him:
  - Nice to meet you. My name is Roy, and this is my sister, Jane. This is our first time seeing Earthlings. You guys are so kind and lovely.
 - You too!
Tom wondered how they could understand him and they replied:
- You see, above us there's an antenna that can understand all the languages ​​of the universe.
- Oh so! - Tom is surprised again at the magic of the antenna.
Tom and the two Roy brothers talked and excitedly introduced their planet. Suddenly, Tom saw the antenna on Roy's head sway and pull him and Jane down behind the big rock. Tom sees four aliens who are very similar to Roy and Jane, except that they have red skin and no antennae on their heads. Tom wondered:
- Why do we have to hide from those guys?
- They are from the evil planet - Curu. They are intending to invade our planet Bogo to gather energy from the magic stones found only in the planet Bogo. The inhabitants of the planet are all captured by them. I am the son of the King and have been assigned the responsibility of defeating Hera- the Queen on that planet. I have a request for you, please accept...
- Just say it, I'll be ready to help you!
- Can you help me save the planet Bogo, please?
- Okay. I also have teammates, so I'll go call them for help.
- Well then, thank you very much.
Having said that, Tom took Roy and Jane with him to the spaceship and taught his friends on the spaceship. Everyone is shocked at the presence of aliens, but when they hear their situation, everyone agrees to help, which makes Roy and Jane very touched. Everyone has their gear ready to go. Not long after, they met the people of planet Curu and shot down their spaceship and questioned Hera's location. Once they were in position, they went to the spaceship again and made their way to Hera's residence. When they reached the gate, they managed to get into her residence with great difficulty because the guards all had guns. But unfortunately, along the way, some friends of Tom and Jane were arrested. But they remained undaunted and continued to move forward, unaware that Hera was watching their every move. She had purposely arranged few traps so that they could enter her place and was intending to kill them all so that she could easily carry out her plan. Finally, Tom, Roy and the commander reached her residence. She looked down on them and said:
- What did you come here for?
We're here to challenge you. If I win then you have to let everyone go, otherwise...
- Then I'll take your life, okay?
- All right, come down here!
Hera jumped down, she took out her sword to fight Roy. Roy also took out the sword from his waist and fought fiercely with each other. Hera seems to have the advantage because of her graceful appearance and tremendous strength. Roy was exhausted, but she wasn't weak at all, making Tom and the commander extremely worried. He whispered to Tom:
- I'm sure Roy will die!
- No, he won't die, I'm sure of that. Roy, you have to fight, the whole kingdom is counting on you.
"He'll be exhausted soon," said Hera
Then, Roy fell to Hera's delight. Oh, but he didn't die, but the one who fell was Hera. He used all his strength to stab her with a fatal sword as she crouched down. Everyone was surprised to see that Hera's outer shell was broken and inside she was a robot. The stabbed robot exploded and set fire to her magnificent castle.And then, everyone in the kingdom was released and the people in Curu were enslaved to punish them. The inhabitants of Bogo Kingdom felt very happy and thanked Roy, Tom and everyone on board. They will begin to rebuild their inherent peaceful life. The king invited them to stay for a sumptuous meal that was all they liked, giving them a lot of magic stones, food and a new modern looking airship because their ship broke down in the middle of the night. when fighting. Tom and the others thanked them very much and returned to Earth in the nostalgia of the kingdom's inhabitants, especially Roy and Jane. On the spaceship, they promised each other that they would not tell this to anyone and would forever remember this special memory. Tom and everyone feel this trip is extremely wonderful!

                                                                               Thanks for reading my post!