Chapter 1:

A space mission from Earth landed on a faraway planet named Bogo. As the astronaut began exploring the rocky planet, he heard what sounded like two people talking. Confused, he walked closer to the source of the noise. It seemed like the conversation was coming from behind a giant rock. He picked up the large rock and was amazed at what he saw: two little green aliens! They speak in a strange language. Taking from his pocket a headset that can translate all languages ​​into English, he listened attentively and he was very surprised. Two aliens are looking to approach and become friends with humans! So, he took from his pocket a computer-like device to send information back to Earth. The two aliens have left. The astronaut followed.

Chapter 2:

After walking for a while, a path appeared in front of the astronaut and the two aliens. They walked, the more they walked, the more beautiful and strange the scenery the astronaut saw. On both sides of the road are beautiful flowers that can sing. The melodious lyrics melt the astronaut's soul. The trees swayed to the music, and the wind carried the sound everywhere. Going a little further, in front of the astronaut are mushroom houses and there is a castle made of tree stumps! The animals here can speak and understand alien languages. They chat, play and dance their way! "What a wonderful world!" - thought the astronaut. Two aliens have entered the castle. Two other aliens wore armor, held a sharp sword in their hands, and the sword was one and a half times the height of a soldier. The four aliens exchanged something, and then the door opened for the two aliens to enter. The astronaut was confused as to how to answer the questions that were racing through his mind. Suddenly, a bunch of aliens approached, surrounded him and they spoke very confusing words. The astronaut's language-translating headset translates: "That human! Human! Someone take it away!" Then someone, perhaps their leader, spoke English, surprising the astronaut: "Welcome to the land called Bogo. We have been waiting for you for a long time. Now, let's go. Follow me to meet the king and queen!" Despite their doubts, the astronaut also followed them. Upon reaching the castle by the tree stump, the door was opened without hesitation, allowing the astronaut to enter.

Chapter 3:

The inside of the castle is really spacious. everything is diamond, from the wall to every decoration. At the end of the room were two aliens, dressed in elaborate suits. They are sitting on golden thrones. That's the king and queen! The Bogo knelt at their feet. The king waved his hand, and they stood up. The queen asked me:
- In re ja hu ve! Haxi vo?
The astronaut did not understand what she was saying, suddenly remembered the language translation headset he had just taken off, and he was about to put it back on. But an alien, who was speaking English to him just now, translated the queen's words:
- Man, what's your name?
The astronaut replied:
- My name is Ken, Ken Mario Chris.
Saying that, Ken bent down. The queen seemed pleased and understood Ken.
- Hen an ki wo, u na mi. Ka i ne su, ka i lo de!
The alien just now translated for Ken:
- OH! Great name! I am the queen here, and beside me is the king! Oren, let's take Ken on a tour of our country!
Oren is an English speaking alien. So, the two of them walked out of the castle together.
First, Oren leads Ken to a mushroom house. It was probably the biggest house Ken had ever seen. Oren says:
- This is the home of a giant alien. He was found a few days ago, in a warehouse. At that time, he was still like a normal person. Yet after being brought to Mopi and taking medicine, he suddenly grew up to be a giant!
Ken asked:
- Mopi?
- Yeah, Mopi is a healing land, you know, in Bogo, each land has its own use. We couldn't find a house that could accommodate this giant. Luckily, this house is...
Before they finished their sentence, a loud explosion came from the house right in front of them. A giant alien appeared, twice the height of the house.
- What is this? Ken's voice panicked.
- His medicine must have made him twice as big as before! Run!
But Ken didn't leave.

Chapter 4:

Ken rummaged through his pocket for a vial, filled with a yellow liquid, which restored everything affected by the morphing potion back to its proper form. He threw that water at the giant aliens. Strangely, the medicine didn't work.
"Dead!" Ken thought.
- We are immune to all man-made drugs, Ken! None of our drugs can help this alien. There's nothing we can do about it, let's run to tell the news!
- I will try. By the time everyone arrives, this place must have been trampled by it!
Continuing to search, Ken pulled a short string from his pocket. Yet after he threw it at the out-of-control giant, it seemed to grow a thousand times longer! And it tied up the giant. But this alien is very strong, it rips off the rope that binds him.
- Run! Run, Ken! - Oren's call echoed somewhere. But Ken doesn't care. He kept trying to find it. In the end, Ken found a box of magic chalk. This is the last way you can do it. Taking one, Ken draws a large circle around the giant mushroom house and the alien. When finished drawing, an invisible film appeared in front of Ken and the giant alien. This alien has been locked in an invisibility shield!

Chapter 5:

 Next, Ken took a whiteboard and typed something. Information about this alien appeared. Turns out, this is not the people of Bogo, but a person from another planet, who previously wanted to invade Bogo, so he thought of all sorts of ways to threaten and dominate Bogo. But because he failed every time, he disguised himself as a resident of Bogo. One day, he was found in a warehouse and brought to Mopi for help because he was exhausted from fatigue. A few days later, the nurse gave him a bottle of Bogo's medicine, which helped him recover. But of course, he's not Bogo, so when he drank it, he became bloated like this.
Just then, the queen, the king, the soldiers and the people arrived. Seeing that scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Ken tells everyone everything, from the background of this alien, how he treats it. After that, Ken was applauded by everyone because they almost got scammed and lost their country. The most delighted were the king and queen. They thank Ken very much.
- This is what I need to do to thank those who have loved me very much, treating me as a valued guest, King and Queen.
- OH! So I have a suggestion, Ken... I wonder if you'd agree or not? - said the king
- Please tell ! - Ken is a bit curious.

- Me and the people of Bogo want to be friends with humans, do you agree?
Ken was a little surprised, not too much, since he already knew this since the two little aliens talked about this before. But what surprised Ken the most was that the king had just speak a wish to an ordinary person of a lower status than him and he wishes to get Ken's consent!
- King and queen, and all the people here! Definitely agree! I hope the two planets Earth and Bogo will be good friends!

When Ken finished, the king and queen thanked Ken again in unison. While having fun, Oren suddenly said:
- Your Majesty, Ken's tour of Bogo is not over yet. So now, let me introduce Bogo to Ken again!
Everyone agreed, joyful laughter spreading through the space.
End of story!
Thank you everyone for reading!

Thùy Lâm!