Chapter 1

Space mission from Earth departs 

 A space mission from Earth landed on a faraway planet named Bogo. As the astronaut began exploring the rocky planet, he heard what sounded like two people talking. Confused, he walked closer to the source of the noise. It seemed like the conversation was coming from behind a giant rock. He picked up the larrge rock and was amazed at what he saw: two little green aliens!

The first alien was very feisty and conservative. He wore a bunch of purple heart flowers as hat, green armor, attached to it was a red velvet shirt, dotted with yellow-brown dots. This alien's name is Firebug, and like their name, the Firebugs are always enthusiastic about working, building constructions, houses and even interior design. The Firebugs are also very aggressive, they will immediately resist when they touch them, not excepting anyone. 

Hiding behind the young grass, a wet and muddy watery grass, growing in patches on the planet was an orange-yellow alien guy with a few green patches around his body. Two pairs of rough, dry hands, wearing an extra glove. He is very agile, is assigned to do it right away, does not chat and mumble like the Green Bugs, Beetles, and Butterflies. He kept hiding in the middle of the grass, eating to eat a few tops and then getting back to work. He also delivered letters very quickly, being carried and lifted by the wind so he could easily pass through to transmit the message faster, with small, thin wings like a baby butterfly's wings, and skinny legs. Bugs deliver letters by lightly touching their tails, wriggling to touch others. 

The astronaut slowly approached, looking confused and scared: "He...hello!" Two aliens suddenly came and quietly picked up the leftover food, seemingly oblivious to his words and gestures.