Dear Susan My name is Quynh Anh. How are you these days? I'm okay. Thank you very much for taking care of me and the country of Vietnam. Currently, the Covid-19 translation has appeared in the world in general as well as in Vietnam in particular for a long time. Recently, the Covid-19 translation broke out again in Vietnam. It has spread to many provinces in Vietnam such as Hai Duong, Quang Ninh, Gia Lai ... There are people with Covid-19 who have a very severe prognosis and may die. In the world, many people have appeared with new strains. The prevention of Covid-19 is tightening globally. Non-essential stores must close. Borders of countries must be closed, goods trade is delayed. Everyone must wear a mask and wash their hands regularly. In Vietnam, everyone must fully comply with government directives, and perform well with Message 5K and other anti-epidemic work. The 5K message includes: PAGE EXPORT, DEPRECIATION, SPACE, NO COLLECTION, MEDICAL DECLARATION. Although all epidemic control activities are well maintained, there are still people who oppose and do not cooperate with the community to fight the epidemic. Those who do not cooperate often report medical fraud, avoid isolation, do not wear masks, gather people ... Therefore, the government has to place orders such as: whoever reports in the air will have to pay themselves. isolation fees, administrative sanctions and criminal prosecution. The penalties imposed by the government are a deterrent to those who continue such acts. However, in society there are still kind hearts towards the heart of translation. Everyone together to donate essential furniture, food and utensils to help those who are in the medical isolation, social isolation. Everyone has the same heart towards translation. The whole subsidized vehicles kept going one after another to supply the people. High and beautiful gestures such as: donating blood to save people, helping people in need, welcoming people back from abroad, ... still take place so that no one will be left behind in the pandemic. The letter is long, I would like to see you later. Hope you reply soon. Goodbye, Susan. Waiting for your mail Thuy Duong