At first, when the two aliens saw the astronaut, they were a bit scared. They slowly backed away but their eyes still stare at the astronaut, it seems like they wanted to say: "Who are you? Why are you here? Get out of our planet!" But, the astronaut spoke some words on earth while he was coming close to them. As soon as the aliens heard that, they felt like they didn't understand anything about the astronaut's speech. They talked to each other in a language no one on earth understood and then left. The astronaut was extremely disappointed, but nothing can prevent him from exploring the people and culture here, on the Bogo planet. He and other astronauts started to find the two aliens. After a few hours of effort search, they finally found an enormous cave, which they think is the home for the aliens. They see some strange footprints pointing at the cave's entrance, they see that those were not human's or any other animals' footprint. Therefore, they guaranteed that the aliens had gone into the cave. At that time, the cave's entrance was closed and locked, so the astronauts knocked the door, but there's no answer! They even knocked the door stronger, but replied to them was a silence. When they were feeling the most depressed, one of the astronauts found a door bell, actually, it was a button. Immidiately, he press it. After a minute, the door was slowly opened, and some creatures came out. The astronaut that saw the aliens quickly recognise they are exactly the two aliens he had seen before. As soon as he recognise that, he knelt down and raise his hand in a gesture of friendship. The aliens were so surprised by the presence of the "strangers" at their doorstep. But, when they see the astronaut raise his hand, they knew that the "strangers" weren't have bad intentions. They also raise their hand with the intention of greeting the astronauts. Although the astronauts and the aliens didn't speak the same language, the astronauts does make a good impression on the aliens. This will be the first step to make a good friendship between the Earth and the Bogo planet.