A space mission from Earth landed on a faraway planet named Bogo. As the astronaut began exploring the rocky planet, he heard what sounded like two people talking. Confused, he walked closer to the source of the noise. It seemed like the conversation was coming from behind a giant rock. He picked up the large rock and was amazed at what he saw: two little green aliens!

He slowly walked over to the two aliens standing and talking, he said in a slightly trembling voice: Hello, I'm Jack. But it seems that the aliens did not understand what he said, he hurriedly waved his hand to show that he did not mean anything. The two aliens took out a small strange looking machine, a few minutes later There they said: Oh hello, where are you from, what are you here for? Jack breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out this was a transducer. He immediately led them to where his spaceship was damaged over there, he said: My spaceship was damaged by hitting the big rock over there, can you help me fix it? it's not? The aliens nodded in agreement. They repaired the spaceship for him. They repaired and told him about this beautiful planet Bogo that made him want to stay here for a while, they even invited him to their home to rest and regain strength. Finally, hour by hour, his spaceship was also successfully repaired, he immediately hugged them deeply, frantically thanking the two kind and friendly aliens with indescribable feelings. floating. He also gave them some books about his beautiful Earth, he said : I have some books to give to you, so that you can understand our Earth better. The two aliens smiled and said: Thank you for giving us these books.Finally now The moment of farewell has also come, he said goodbye to them for the last time. He sat on the spaceship, thinking to himself, "If there is a chance, I hope that I can see you again!"