Em Yeu Toan VN

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Chào mừng các bạn đã ghé thăm nhà của mình !
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
(Thường được cập nhật sau 1 giờ!)

a) xAB,BAx,MAB,BAM,CAB,CAX,........

b) Điểm M và C

c) Không, vì chúng nó đã là 1 đoạn thẳng!:)

a)Giá sách khi đã giảm giá là:

7000.10%=700 đồng

b)số tiền khi An mua đã giản giá là:

15.700=10500 đồng

Như vậy An đã đủ tiền để mua 15 quyển vở vì 100000>10500:)

a) 5/6

b) 16/15



a) Số học sinh giỏi là: 40 . 7/20 = 14 học sinh

Số học sinh khá : 14 + 5 = 19 học sinh

Số học sinh trung bình là: 40 . 1/8 = 5 học sinh

Số học sinh yếu là: 40 - (14+19+5) = 2 học sinh


Last month, my summer vacation was still boring . I had nothing to do. I could only watch TV, sleep, eat meals all day. These things may be interesting for you, but it's boring with me. I wanted to go on a trip but I didn't had any one.
However, my summer vacation is ok now. I don't have time to watch TV any more because I have many things to do. I go to school to join some extra classes and start to practise being a theacher (because I want to be a teacher in the future). Exspecially, I have joined this forum for 2 weeks, which makes me happy.
Therefore, I think my summer vacation is more and more interesting.

My favorite idol of all time is Michael Jackson, and I believe that he is also an idol of many people all over the world. He appeared to be a star at a very young age, and his talent continued to shine brightly through time. In his early 20s, he officially started his individual singing career and became one of the legends of the music industry. Throughout his life, Michael had sold out more than 400 million music records and won many honorable awards. His name, music, dancing skills, personal life and information was the hottest subject for the mass media at that time. People could not stop talking about him, and it could be said that there was nobody that had not heard of Michael Jackson. He was not only a singer and professional dancer, but he was also a producer, musician, and actor. His light as a King of Pop was supposed to shine for many more decades, but there were many scandals that came to him a fierce flood had drown him to the bottom of the lake. He spent many of his last years to face charges as well as financial problems. In 2009, audiences had expected him to return in an international tour named This Is It, but an accident in wrong usage of

Often times, athletes and coaches are among the most interesting people that a journalist will get to profile.

They're quirky, unique, smart and sometimes oddly-mannered.

To truly write a good sports profile, you need to get inside the head of your subject. Here are some good ways to make your story come to life.

Find out about your subject off the field / court: In order to understand anyone as an athlete, you have to understand them as a person first.

Know about your subjects past, the most influential non-sports events and people in his/her life, where they come from, what they , what they don't and what they care about.

After you determine that, you'll understand their game.

Your lead: Start the arle with an anecdote. Something that is telling about your subject. A good, quirky story that really shows who the person is, and hammers home your point.

Talk to people that know him off the field/court: Your sources need to be people other than coaches and teammates. You'll need to interview those people as well, but to truly give the reader a perception of someone, you'll need to quote the person's parents, family, friends or someone who has dealt with them in other settings besides sports.

Tie on-the-field and off-the-field together: Draw parallels between the athlete's life away from sports and his/her athle career. Remember the person that your subject is determines what type of competitor they are. So determine those things.

Stats are not as important in profiles: Obviously, every sports fan is going to want to hear statiss, but a feature goes beyond numbers and averages. Be descriptive about the person's game. Instead of "Harding was one of the best rebounders in the league last season, averaging 11.8 rebounds a game." try "Harding established himself as a force to be reckoned with under the glass in his sophomore season, leading his team in rebounds with 11.8 per game, and physically outlasting bigger forwards and centers in the fourth quarter."

It's better to support your statements with quotes from others or stats in a profile, so it reads less a news piece.