To get your parents to agree to have a pet in the house, talk about the benefits and joys of owning a pet. For example, when owning a dog, you will be more active, the dog is a great companion for you. Every day when you go for a walk with your dog, you are walking every day to exercise, or when playing with the dog is also a form of exercise to improve health, reduce stress, reduce fatigue and other pressures. force comes from life. This can reduce your risk of depression. Moreover, dogs are extremely loyal and courageous friends. They are always ready to face danger to protect their owners. Therefore, the dog will always bring you a sense of security. However, if your parents don't like an active, naughty dog ​​can be annoying, try convincing them to get a cat. Cats are easy to raise. They are very clean because they can sit for hours to lick and care for their fur, but I think you should not because of that, skip bathing them. By nature, cats can take care of themselves, but sometimes they want to get your attention by cooing or rubbing themselves against you. I'm sure you won't be able to resist their cuteness and will stay to pet them. What you may not know is that petting a cat can not only relieve stress, but also reduce your risk of heart disease (tell this to your parents). When raising cats, you won't have to spend a lot of time with them because the cats will sit all day to observe the rhythm of life outside or bask in the sun outside and fall asleep. Then you will have more time for yourself. But it will be difficult when you want to play with a cat when it is enjoying life. They probably don't like to be disturbed (unless you have their favorite food in your hand). If your parents think cats are lazy, tell them that cats are natural enemies of insects, especially rats. Cats will chase all those hateful guests out of your house. In addition, having a cat is saving yourself and beautifying your life (believe it, a cat can change your life). It is said that owning a dog shows the feeling of being pursued, while owning a cat is the feeling of pursuing someone. So you want a mischievous dog or a lazy cat? I think keeping any animal is a good choice, as long as you are responsible for them. Promise your parents that you will take good care of them and never abandon them. Maybe that way your parents will agree to let you keep a small animal in the house. Hope you will successfully convince your parents!