Câu 1: 

1. Camping stove

2. Matches

3. Sleeping bag

4. Rope

5. Medical items


Câu 2:


Firstly, I want to look for others. Because other survivors may have skills or knowledge that can be of great benefit while surviving on the island. I will have others with me who can help make the situation more bearable, psychologically. I think that it can be a good idea to collect any supplies or materials near me. There may be useful items floating on the water's surface that will help me survive and await rescue. For example, grabbing up any bottled water or other containers can help keep me hydrated on the island. Water is critical when maintaining health and surviving. Dehydration can kill a person very quickly, sometimes in as little as three days. For this reason, it's important that I must quickly locate water that is safe to drink. Keep some of these ideas in mind while locating drinking water on the island. Salt water will only cause further dehydration and health issues. So I must find something that contains water such as fruit ( coconut ) or some thicker vines. If it looks milky or discolored, I won’t drink it. Secondly, I must have a place to rest and recover while I consider my next move so I will create a shelter by a long and solid stick or branch. Last but not least, I create a rescue signal. The signal I create will help search parties find my location and get me home more quickly. I will spell messages by drawing in the sand or using large sticks to spell S.O.S or HELP out.  Although I may not have managed to bring any survival gear with me, the island itself might provide enough for me to survive on. Learning the key techniques for surviving on a deserted island can help me stay safe and healthy while I await rescue.