Nicolan Cloughs

Giới thiệu về bản thân

We are stars collector My name Nicorachel
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
(Thường được cập nhật sau 1 giờ!)

Một đêm trăng sáng tại vùng quê có thể là một trải nghiệm tuyệt vời, là cơ hội để ta cảm nhận được vẻ đẹp tĩnh lặng và thanh bình của thiên nhiên. Đêm ấy, ánh trăng lấp lánh như một viên ngọc quý, chiếu sáng khắp nơi, biến cả không gian thành một bức tranh tuyệt đẹp.

Khi màn đêm buông xuống, ánh trăng trở thành nguồn sáng chính, không còn bị che khuất bởi ánh đèn điện hay sự ồn ào của thành phố. Cánh đồng xanh mướt dường như trở nên lung linh hơn dưới lớp ánh bạc của trăng. Những ngọn cỏ và cây cối, dù nhỏ bé và đơn giản, đều trở nên nổi bật trong ánh sáng huyền bí của đêm. Những đường viền của từng lá cây, từng cành cây, đều được làm nổi bật, tạo nên một hình ảnh đẹp như tranh vẽ.

Trên bầu trời, các ngôi sao nhỏ lấp lánh như những viên kim cương trên nền vải đen huyền bí. Những vì sao ấy tạo nên một dải ngân hà rực rỡ, như một món quà từ vũ trụ dành tặng cho con người. Sự yên tĩnh của đêm đậm đà hơn khi chỉ có tiếng gió thổi nhẹ và tiếng côn trùng rỉ rả, không bị phá vỡ bởi âm thanh của cuộc sống đô thị.

Mặt hồ gần đó phản chiếu ánh trăng, tạo nên một tấm gương khổng lồ phản chiếu vẻ đẹp của bầu trời và cánh đồng. Những con sóng lăn tăn lăn tăn trên mặt hồ như những tia sáng nhấp nháy, làm cho toàn bộ cảnh vật trở nên lung linh và huyền bí hơn bao giờ hết. Đôi khi, những đám mây mỏng manh trôi lững lờ trên bầu trời, tạo ra những hình ảnh kỳ lạ và thú vị khi ánh trăng xuyên qua chúng.

Những ngôi nhà nhỏ nằm rải rác quanh khu vực, với mái ngói đỏ và tường trắng, trở nên ấm áp và thân thuộc dưới ánh trăng. Ánh sáng từ những cửa sổ nhỏ hắt ra ngoài, tạo ra một cảm giác ấm cúng và an lành. Từng ngôi nhà đều như đang say giấc ngủ trong sự bảo bọc của thiên nhiên, không khí trong lành và thanh tĩnh khiến cho đêm trở nên dễ chịu và thư thái.

Dưới ánh trăng, mọi thứ đều trở nên đẹp đẽ và yên bình hơn. Đêm trăng sáng không chỉ là thời điểm để tận hưởng vẻ đẹp của thiên nhiên mà còn là cơ hội để tìm về những khoảnh khắc an lạc và tĩnh lặng trong tâm hồn. Ánh sáng của trăng như một cái ôm ấm áp từ thiên nhiên, vỗ về và làm dịu đi mọi lo toan, mang lại cho con người cảm giác bình yên và thư giãn.

Tại những vùng quê xa xôi, đêm trăng sáng còn có thể mang đến những ký ức và cảm xúc đặc biệt. Đó là thời điểm để ngồi bên bếp lửa, trò chuyện và chia sẻ những câu chuyện dưới ánh sáng mềm mại của trăng. Đó cũng là lúc để nhìn lên bầu trời, cảm nhận sự rộng lớn và vô tận của vũ trụ, và suy ngẫm về những điều quan trọng trong cuộc sống.

Tóm lại, đêm trăng sáng ở vùng quê là một món quà của thiên nhiên, mang đến sự hòa quyện hoàn hảo giữa ánh sáng và bóng tối, giữa sự tĩnh lặng và sự sống. Đây là một khoảng thời gian quý giá để cảm nhận và trân trọng vẻ đẹp của thế giới xung quanh, và để tìm về những giá trị đơn giản nhưng sâu sắc trong cuộc sống.

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Đêm trăng sáng như một bức tranh tuyệt đẹp trải dài trên cánh đồng. Ánh trăng nhẹ nhàng tỏa sáng, bao phủ mọi vật bằng lớp ánh bạc mờ ảo. Những ngôi sao nhỏ lấp lánh trên bầu trời tối, tạo nên một màn đêm huyền bí.

Gió thổi nhẹ, mang theo hương thơm của đất troi . Cảnh vật như được nhuộm trong một lớp ánh sáng dịu dàng, với mặt hồ phản chiếu ánh trăng, tạo nên những hình ảnh lung linh và mơ màng. Những ngôi nhà nhỏ dưới ánh trăng tạo nên một khung cảnh bình yên và thân thuộc.

Đêm trang sáng mang đến một cảm giác an lành và thư thái, như một cái ôm ấm áp của thiên nhiên, làm dịu đi mọi lo toan và vướng bận.

It was a beautiful summer afternoon and the sun was shining when we set off. The warmth of the sun kissed our skin as we stepped onto the winding path that led out of the familiar town and into the unknown. The trees whispered softly, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, while the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. With every step, our excitement grew; the adventure we had dreamed of for so long was finally beginning.

As we journeyed through lush fields and over rolling hills, we marveled at the beauty around us. The landscape seemed to stretch endlessly, a canvas of vibrant greens and blues under the clear, azure sky. Birds sang melodious tunes, and butterflies danced gracefully among the wildflowers. We chatted and laughed, our spirits high with anticipation for the discoveries that awaited us.

Our destination was still miles away, but the thrill of exploration kept us moving forward. We knew that each turn in the path held the promise of new sights and experiences. With our hearts full of hope and our minds brimming with curiosity, we embraced the journey, ready to uncover the secrets of the world that lay ahead.

It was a beautiful summer afternoon and the sun was shining when we set off. The warmth of the sun kissed our skin as we stepped onto the winding path that led out of the familiar town and into the unknown. The trees whispered softly, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, while the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. With every step, our excitement grew; the adventure we had dreamed of for so long was finally beginning.

As we journeyed through lush fields and over rolling hills, we marveled at the beauty around us. The landscape seemed to stretch endlessly, a canvas of vibrant greens and blues under the clear, azure sky. Birds sang melodious tunes, and butterflies danced gracefully among the wildflowers. We chatted and laughed, our spirits high with anticipation for the discoveries that awaited us.

Our destination was still miles away, but the thrill of exploration kept us moving forward. We knew that each turn in the path held the promise of new sights and experiences. With our hearts full of hope and our minds brimming with curiosity, we embraced the journey, ready to uncover the secrets of the world that lay ahead.

It was a beautiful summer afternoon and the sun was shining when we set off. The warmth of the sun kissed our skin as we stepped onto the winding path that led out of the familiar town and into the unknown. The trees whispered softly, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, while the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. With every step, our excitement grew; the adventure we had dreamed of for so long was finally beginning.

As we journeyed through lush fields and over rolling hills, we marveled at the beauty around us. The landscape seemed to stretch endlessly, a canvas of vibrant greens and blues under the clear, azure sky. Birds sang melodious tunes, and butterflies danced gracefully among the wildflowers. We chatted and laughed, our spirits high with anticipation for the discoveries that awaited us.

Our destination was still miles away, but the thrill of exploration kept us moving forward. We knew that each turn in the path held the promise of new sights and experiences. With our hearts full of hope and our minds brimming with curiosity, we embraced the journey, ready to uncover the secrets of the world that lay ahead.

Quyền Công Dân:

- Quyền bình đẳng trước pháp luật

- Quyền tự do ngôn luận

- Quyền bầu cử và ứng cử

Nghĩa vụ công dân :

- Tuân thủ luật pháp

- Đóng góp thuế

- Học tập

It was a beautiful summer afternoon and the sun was shining when we set off. The warmth of the sun kissed our skin as we stepped onto the winding path that led out of the familiar town and into the unknown. The trees whispered softly, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, while the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. With every step, our excitement grew; the adventure we had dreamed of for so long was finally beginning.

As we journeyed through lush fields and over rolling hills, we marveled at the beauty around us. The landscape seemed to stretch endlessly, a canvas of vibrant greens and blues under the clear, azure sky. Birds sang melodious tunes, and butterflies danced gracefully among the wildflowers. We chatted and laughed, our spirits high with anticipation for the discoveries that awaited us.

Our destination was still miles away, but the thrill of exploration kept us moving forward. We knew that each turn in the path held the promise of new sights and experiences. With our hearts full of hope and our minds brimming with curiosity, we embraced the journey, ready to uncover the secrets of the world that lay ahead.

Volunteering has always been a significant part of my life, providing me with invaluable experiences and a deeper understanding of the world around me. Here's an overview of my volunteer work:

Community Service

I have actively participated in various community service projects. One of the most memorable experiences was working with a local food bank. My responsibilities included sorting and distributing food to families in need, organizing fundraising events, and raising awareness about food insecurity. This experience taught me the importance of community support and the impact of collective efforts in addressing social issues.

Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation is a cause close to my heart. I volunteered with a local environmental organization, participating in tree-planting drives, beach clean-ups, and educational workshops. One project involved restoring a local park by removing invasive species and planting native plants. This work not only helped improve the local ecosystem but also educated the community about the importance of environmental stewardship.

Education and Mentoring

I believe in the power of education to transform lives. As a volunteer tutor, I have worked with students from underserved communities, helping them with subjects like math, science, and English. Additionally, I have mentored high school students, guiding them through the college application process and providing career advice. These experiences have been incredibly rewarding, as I have seen my mentees grow and achieve their academic and personal goals.

Healthcare Support

Volunteering in the healthcare sector has been another significant aspect of my volunteer work. I volunteered at a local hospital, where I assisted staff with administrative tasks, provided companionship to patients, and helped organize health fairs and blood drives. This experience gave me insight into the healthcare system and the importance of compassionate care.

International Volunteering

I also had the opportunity to participate in an international volunteering program. Traveling to a developing country, I worked on a project focused on building sustainable infrastructure, such as schools and clean water systems. This experience broadened my perspective, highlighting the challenges faced by communities in different parts of the world and the importance of global solidarity.

Skills and Personal Growth

Through my volunteer work, I have developed a range of skills, including leadership, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Volunteering has also enhanced my empathy, resilience, and adaptability. It has allowed me to connect with diverse groups of people, learn from their experiences, and contribute to meaningful causes.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, I plan to continue volunteering and expanding my efforts to address issues such as education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. I am particularly interested in using my skills and knowledge to develop initiatives that create long-term positive impacts in communities.

In conclusion, my volunteer work has been a profound and fulfilling journey. It has shaped my values, enriched my life, and reinforced my commitment to making a difference in the world. By continuing to volunteer, I hope to contribute to positive change and inspire others to get involved in their communities.



Planning to study abroad is a thrilling and transformative experience. Here's how I envision my study abroad plan:

Choosing the Destination

The first step in my study abroad plan is selecting the destination. I aim to choose a country known for its excellent education system, vibrant culture, and opportunities for personal growth. Currently, I am considering countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, or Australia due to their renowned universities and diverse cultural experiences.

Researching Universities and Programs

Once the destination is decided, the next step is to research universities and programs that align with my academic and career goals. I will look for institutions that offer strong programs in my field of interest, ensuring they have a good reputation and provide ample resources for students. Checking university rankings, faculty qualifications, course offerings, and student reviews will be part of this process.

Financial Planning

Studying abroad can be expensive, so creating a comprehensive financial plan is crucial. This includes estimating tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and other miscellaneous expenses. I will explore scholarship opportunities, financial aid, and part-time job options available for international students. Additionally, creating a budget plan to manage finances effectively while studying abroad will be essential.

Preparing for Applications

The application process involves several steps, including gathering academic transcripts, writing personal statements, securing letters of recommendation, and preparing for standardized tests like the TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, or GMAT. I will ensure that I meet all the application deadlines and requirements for each university. Working on these components early and seeking advice from mentors or advisors will help strengthen my application.

Visa and Documentation

Once accepted into a program, the next step is to apply for a student visa. This process varies by country but generally requires proof of acceptance, financial stability, and sometimes a health check. I will gather all necessary documentation and submit my visa application promptly to avoid any delays.

Accommodation and Travel Arrangements

Finding suitable accommodation is another crucial aspect of studying abroad. I will explore on-campus housing options, as well as off-campus apartments or shared housing. Additionally, booking flights and planning my travel itinerary will ensure a smooth transition to the new country.

Cultural Preparation and Networking

To adapt quickly to the new environment, I will learn about the culture, customs, and social norms of the host country. Joining online forums or social media groups for international students can provide valuable insights and help me connect with fellow students before arrival. Attending pre-departure orientations, if offered, will also be beneficial.

Academic and Career Goals

Setting clear academic and career goals is essential for making the most of the study abroad experience. I plan to take advantage of research opportunities, internships, and extracurricular activities that align with my aspirations. Building a network of professors, peers, and professionals in my field will be a priority to enhance my career prospects.

Embracing the Experience

Finally, I will embrace the entire study abroad experience with an open mind and a positive attitude. Exploring the new culture, making friends from around the world, and stepping out of my comfort zone will contribute to personal growth and a memorable journey.

In conclusion, my study abroad plan involves careful research, thorough preparation, and a proactive approach to make the most of this incredible opportunity. By following these steps, I aim to achieve both academic excellence and personal enrichment during my time abroad.