It was dangerous, but I knew that I had to do it. Until now, I can't forget about my horrifying experience mixed with a little bit interest about the trip that day. Two weeks ago, after my school year ended and my summer vacation began, to relax and close our bond, my best friends invited me to explore the Amazon forest with them. The night before the trip, I couldn't sleep because I was too nervous. Therefore, I decided to wake up early and prepared the travel items carefully, include: a torch, some painkillers, a box of plasters, a tent, an umbrella, a sleeping bag, some tinder, matches a bottle of water, canned food and a small knife to defend myself. After that I ate breakfast and went to the rendezvous point. After two days and a night by plane and train, I could see the Amazon forest with my own eyes. The forest was so majestic and secret! The traffic guide introduced us about many strange things in Amazon forest such as exotic perfume from the nest of a kind of ant, the drink from a kind of plant, the Piranha fish that eat human flesh and so on. However, I lost the group while I saw a deer with beautiful black eyes and I tried to chase it. I felt really panic and wished the group will find me. Then, in a short time, the night came fast and I couldn't see anything. Therefore, I tried to ignite with the tinder and matches. After that, I ate some canned food and drank some water. Suddenly, I heard a loud roar: "Grao ... um". Oh my godness! That was a tiger! At that moment, I couldn't seem to breathe. I prayed to God to protect me through this tribulation and tried to keep the fire always burns. Next, I suddenly remembered some way to make animal trap and tried. I knew that it was dangerous because maybe the tiger could overcome the trap and attacked me. However, I also knew that I had to do it to prevent from being eaten by the tiger. After I finished the work, I got some meat from the canned foods to entice the tiger to be trapped. Luckily, I succeed! Afterwards, the group found me and called the local government to move the tiger. Finally, I came back home and remembered forever about the lesson that I learned from the trip that day.