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19 tháng 12 2021


With the growth of social networking, Facebook is becoming more and more popular around the world. The number of people using Facebook is increasing because of the following three features. First of all, Facebook is a nice place where we can share emotions, photos, videos and even important events of our lives with friends., Unlimited Sharing helps them. we connect connection with each other, any distance .. Second, broad social network. It allows us to text, call our relatives and friends, write posts and comment on them with ease. Last but not least, this average is also a large advertising market. Producers kick off the wealth of advertising campaigns, like posting ads, creating business pages, and organizing events on Facebook. They target mass users to find competency of their customers. In short, thanks to these amazing benefits, Facebook makes our lives more convenient and connected.


23 tháng 12 2019

Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices opens, studend flock to their school and the day’s work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.

The towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city before finds it hars to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of the city. These parts are usually the business centres.

With the coming of night, another kind of activity begins. The streets are now full of colourful lights. The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested in politics discuss the latest political developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed. Thieves and robbers who wait dor the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move.

Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to futher their studies and increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newpaper is sometimes difficult to get.

The city could, therefore, be described as a plave of ceaseless activiy. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day.

21 tháng 12 2019

I love living in the countryside. There are a lot of advantages when you live in the countryside. Living in the countryside means that you have more privacy because your neighbors live quite far from you. You have to walk for five minutes to get to your neighbor's house. Another advantage of living so far away from the city is less pollution. There are many fewer cars and factories in the countryside when compared to the city. This means everyone can go for a walk or work outdoor and not afraid of getting sick from the polluted air. Last but not least, you would gain so much more personal space when you live in the countryside. Each house is in the middle of a big land. You can use the land to farm for crops or have animal farms. With a lot of space on your land, you can literally do anything you want and no one will complain about it. When you walk down the street in downtown, you can comfortably walk down the street without bumping into some strangers. Living in the countryside is very different from living in the city. However, there are many benefits to it. 

4 tháng 2 2018

For secondary students who have basic speaking skill in English, the first they need an environment to practice English. First, the most obvious of these is that the club is a healthy playground where students can increase social interaction with friends who have common hobbies and English competence. The club helps students form relationship with peers who share their interests. The club serves as a positive and really fresh place for students to socialize on weekends. So English Speaking Club provides them an apportunity to apply what they have studied in class. Because of study time at school is very limited so they should take part in club activities to improve their English and bring news and useful information to students. Students also benefit from joining English Speaking club by gaining problem-solving abilities, idea-expressing, presentation skills. That’s the reason why the club holders try to create lots of different and stimulating activities included games, karaoke contest, songs, and funny clips and so on to attract the enthusiastic participation of all club members. In conclusion, participation of English Speaking Club is a way to connect with others, to raise English ability and to improve working skills

16 tháng 4 2019

-Exercise increases energy levels. Exercise improves both the strength and the efficiency of your cardiovascular system to get the oxygen and nutrients to your muscles....

-Exercise improves muscle strength

-Exercise can help you to maintain a healthy weight

-Exercise improves brain function

18 tháng 4 2019

Hỏi đáp Tiếng anh

5 tháng 12 2021

 I think bicycles are the best transport in Vietnam. It is convenient and good for health. Riding a bicycle, I can develop a strong heart and muscular limbs. Using a bike for transportation also can help you lose weight and improve your overall health. In city or countryside, when you ride bicycle, you don't need to worry about parking problems and can save money on fuel. Moreover, bicycles are only means of transport with don't pollute the environment. Those are some reasons why bicycles are the best means of transport in Vietnam.

26 tháng 2 2017

Bạn tham khảo và tự chọn ý để viết nhé :)

What can people do to stay healthy?

1) Eat properly

Obesity is a huge issue in this country, pun intended. Over two thirds of Americans are overweight and 36% are obese! Further 32% of children and adolescents are overweight. This is unbelievable. As recently as a generation ago you would rarely see obese people. For sure, some of this is hereditary. But most of the issues are due to poor diet and sedentary lifestyles.

Volumes of books have been written about diets. Over the past decades we’ve seen low fat diets, no fat diets, low carbohydrate diets, low simple carbohydrate diets, high complex carbohydrate diets, high protein diets, low protein diets, water diets, cookie diets, milkshake diets, etc. Seemingly, just after everyone rushes to try these diets someone issues a study saying the diet doesn’t work or isn’t very healthy. It’s frustrating.

The best diet is one that has a balance of nutrients measured by calorie intake. U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend that you eat more:

• Fruit and vegetables.

• Whole grains.

• Fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products.

• Lean protein.

And consume less:

• Fats and sugars.

• Refined grains.

• Sodium.

• Dietary cholesterol.

• Alcohol.

While these guidelines are useful, it’s hard to follow all of this in day-to-day life. The most important thing is something my grandmother always said: “moderation in all things.” Don’t over-eat, and eat a variety of foods. Balance your intake. The way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories over the course of each day. Another important practice is to eat breakfast. Studies show that skipping breakfast triggers the body to eat more later in the day and store calories. Other hints are to eat smaller quantities in each of the three main meals with healthy, small intakes in between.

2) Exercise

Once you’ve balanced your diet and limited calorie intake, you need to balance your calorie expenditure. “Calories in and calories out” is a good focus. If you burn more calories than you consume, weight will drop. If you eat more calories than you burn, usually you will gain weight as the body stores the excess.

Again, volumes of books have been written about various exercise regimens. The most important thing is to shut off the television, put away the electronic games, and get out and do something. Anaerobic exercise (weight or strength training) helps form bone density and builds muscle that more efficiently burns calories. Aerobic exercise also burns calories, helps with endurance, heart health, lung capacity, and strength. Studies show that metabolism increases during exercise but also continues at an elevated rate for hours afterwards

Be careful: don’t go from a sedentary life to full throttle. Make sure your doctor says you’re healthy enough, and then start slow and work your way up to an exercise regimen. Be sure also to drink enough water as you increase your exercise.

The best exercise in my opinion is walking. Walk outside when you can, or go to a shopping mall and walk inside in inclement weather. But move. Walking at a pace of 20-minute miles burns about 240-300 calories per hour depending on weight. And walking helps strengthen your heart, increase bone density, and builds endurance. Get out after dinner and go for a stroll.

3) Sleep

Finally, after eating right and exercising, you need to sleep. The average adult needs about eight hours of sleep per night. Sleep is the great cure-all. It is a time when your body recovers, and when your immune system is improved. A survey conducted by the American Cancer Society concluded that people who sleep less than 6 or more than 9 hours per night had a death rate 30 percent higher than those who regularly slept 7 to 8 hours. Even those who slept 6 hours or less who otherwise had no health problems had death rates 1.8 times higher than those who slept "normal" hours. So don’t cheat your sleep!

And so…

Eat sensibly with moderate calorie intake, exercise and burn at least as many calories as you consume, sleep 7 to 9 hours per night, and live forever! OK, not forever, but live a healthier, higher quality life.

26 tháng 2 2017
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish or other first grade protein sources like soy and dairy products.
  • Don’t skip breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day which gives you energy for whole of your day.
  • Have smaller meals at regular intervals of 2-3 hours. This will keep your metabolism in control.
  • Have enough water and fluids (not cold drinks) throughout the day.
  • Keep the levels of salt and sugar low in your daily diet.
  • Don’t have fried foods.
  • It’s OK to have rich food once in a while but don’t make it a regular thing.
  • Avoid junk food as much as possible.
  • So, make a habit of exercising regularly, even if it is brisk walking for 30 minutes.
  • Of course, it will be good if you can exercise a little more and that’s a must when you are overweight.
  • Choose your exercise as per your interest to remain motivated.
  • If you don’t like gym, don’t go there. Do aerobics or yoga. If not, go cycling, jogging, swimming or dancing.
  • When confronted with a problem, don’t think negative.
  • Think about the best and the worst situation that the problem can get you in.
  • Now, first focus on the worst situation- is it so bad that you need to lose your health by succumbing to the stress?
  • If not, half of your problem is solved.
  • Now focus on the best situation and the ways that can be employed to reach it.
  • Make a list of solutions- mentally or on paper.
  • Now, keep on reviewing and omitting the items (that now don’t look so good a solution) at every repetition.
  • Ultimately, you will be left with one or two options to try for solving your problem.
  • This will definitely help in relieving your stress.
  • If you are not able to relax and your mind wanders around, you might take help of relaxation techniques like meditation.
  • Learn new skills, develop your one time favorite hobbies that you had not been able to pursue due to busy work schedules.
  • Read, write, sing, dance, socialize, party, travel- anything that will make you happy.