
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

6 giờ trước (22:17)

a, - Hiện tượng: Bột CuO từ đen chuyển đỏ đồng.

PT: \(CuO+CO\underrightarrow{t^o}Cu+CO_2\)

b, - Hiện tượng: Dd Br2 nhạt màu dần rồi mất màu.

PT: \(C_2H_4+Br_2\rightarrow C_2H_4Br_2\)

c, - Hiện tượng: C2H2 cháy với ngọn lửa sáng, tỏa nhiều nhiệt.

PT: \(C_2H_2+\dfrac{5}{2}O_2\underrightarrow{t^o}2CO_2+H_2O\)

6 giờ trước (22:21)

Đặt \(\left(a;2b;3c\right)=\left(x;y;z\right)\Rightarrow\left\{{}\begin{matrix}x;y;z\ge0\\x+y+z=1\end{matrix}\right.\)


Ta có:



\(=\left(y-z\right)^2+x\left(6y+6z+x\right)\ge0\) (do \(x;y;z\ge0\))


\(\Rightarrow M\ge-\dfrac{1}{4}\)

\(M_{min}=-\dfrac{1}{4}\) khi \(\left\{{}\begin{matrix}x+y+z=1\\x=0\\y=z\end{matrix}\right.\) \(\Rightarrow\left(x;y;z\right)=\left(0;\dfrac{1}{2};\dfrac{1}{2}\right)\) hay \(\left(a;b;c\right)=\left(0;\dfrac{1}{4};\dfrac{1}{6}\right)\)

7 giờ trước (21:28)

a, Đốt A thu CO2 và H2O nên A gồm C và H, có thể có O.


\(n_{H_2O}=\dfrac{4,32}{18}=0,24\left(mol\right)\Rightarrow n_H=0,24.2=0,48\left(mol\right)\)

⇒ mC + mH = 0,24.12 + 0,48.1 = 3,36 (g) < mA

→ A gồm C, H và O.

⇒ mO = 7,2 - 3,36 = 3,84 (g)

\(\Rightarrow n_O=\dfrac{3,84}{16}=0,24\left(mol\right)\)

Gọi CTPT của A là CxHyOz.

⇒ x:y:z = 0,24:0,48:0,24 = 1:2:1

→ A có dạng (CH2O)n

Mà: MA = 30.2 = 60 (g/mol)

\(\Rightarrow n=\dfrac{60}{12+2+16}=2\)

→ A là C2H4O2.

b, A là axit hữu cơ.



8 giờ trước (19:42)


We can save energy by doing some following tips. First of all, we should use electricity more efficiently and reduce our electricity bill. We need to turn off the TV when we are not watching, turn off all the lights before going to bed. Besides, we should not leave the fridge door open in a long time due to wasting of electricity. Moreover, we should save water by taking showers instead of baths or turning off the water when you don not use it. The next tip is reducing the use of fossil fuels like gas, coal, and oil. It is not only saving energy but also protect our environment. To do this, we can use public transport and avoid using car or motorbike for short trip. All in all, because our energy is limited we need to reserve it for the future generations.

8 giờ trước (20:03)

eenagers play an extremely important role in current and future society for many reasons such as: First, they are the foundation of our country's future development, if they develop and work hard to cultivate their future. By gaining knowledge, they will contribute to the country becoming rich and strong. Second, they have a lot of creativity to invent modern products to help life. Finally, they have many ways to solve problems. Problems sometimes do not always follow the framework. Therefore, as teenagers, we need to try to cultivate knowledge and creativity. Try to become a little better than yesterday to build a more developed country and society in the future.

8 giờ trước (20:03)

Teenagers play an extremely important role in current and future society for many reasons such as: First, they are the foundation of our country's future development, if they develop and work hard to cultivate their future. By gaining knowledge, they will contribute to the country becoming rich and strong. Second, they have a lot of creativity to invent modern products to help life. Finally, they have many ways to solve problems. Problems sometimes do not always follow the framework. Therefore, as teenagers, we need to try to cultivate knowledge and creativity. Try to become a little better than yesterday to build a more developed country and society in the future.